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A. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (10 items x2p=20points)

1. “............................ (you/speak) Spanish?” “No, I can only speak English.”

2. The waiter ............................ (not/ come) to take our order yet.
3. I hope I............................ (have) a car of my own in the near future.
4. Be quiet. The children ............................. (sleep).
5. Anna ............................ (believe) in miracles, contrary to her brother, who is more realistic.
6. He ............................ (drink) his coffee when he saw an old friend.
7. They ............................ (work) in the garage, that’s why their clothes are greasy.
8. I ............................ (buy) this shirt from Macy’s yesterday.
9. By the time I arrived at the café, they ............................ (already/leave).
10. Look out! The dog ............................ (bite) you!

B. Write one word in each gap. (10 itemsx1p=10points)

Commander Davenport told the other astronauts 1) ................ get into position, and then asked them
2) ................ they were ready. Diego said 3) ................ he was. So did McLuskey. At the back 4)
................ the spaceship, Lucy put 5) ................ her seatbelt and nodded. 6) ................ the distance,
the Earth looked like a little blue ball. ”Well,” said Davenport, ”we’re short 7) ................ time.
We’ve got five minutes 8) ................ most to do this. 9) I wish we had ...... power, but we don’t.”
He smiled. ”And if we don’t blow 10) ................ , we’ll be back on Earth in about two hours. ” He
looked at each of his friends in turn and said, ”Let’s do it! See you back on Earth!”

C. Cross out the unnecessary word. (10 items x1p=10points)

1. The man who he lives next door is a surgeon.

2. They have worked on this project last month.
3. Sam is going to on holiday next month.
4. I was being late for work yesterday morning.
5. They started to repairing the door an hour ago.
6. Susan couldn’t to swim when she was seven.
7. That book isn’t yours. It’s hers book.
8. He is not never impolite.
9. If you will have a cough, you must take some medicine.
10. Mark hopes to be win the competition.

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
(5 items x 2p= 10 points)

Sports Journalist

A few years ago my newspaper sent me to China to report on the World Student Games in Beijing.
Everywhere I went I was questioned by journalism students: how much money did I earn? How many
countries had I visited? Had I met David Beckham? In China sports reporting is seen as a dreamjob
and Chinese students are fascinated by foreign sports reporters.

Several years later I visited China again to write about a major motor race in Shanghai. At the track I
saw one of those former students, Jie Xeng. He was working for one of China’s largest news agencies
so I asked him about his life as a sports writer.

“Sometimes it is wonderful”, he replied, “but there is a lot of travel, a lot of stress and sometimes
sports people are not very helpful.”

Jie had discovered one of the hard truths about life as a sports writer. You might think all you need are
writing skills and knowledge of sport. These are certainly essential, but you also need to be prepared
for any number of problems.

On that visit to Shanghai for example, the journey from my hotel to the race-track took at least three
hours, through heavy traffic. For four days, I followed racing drivers and organizers around but they
were too busy to give me more than a one-word answer. Then I would write my report and send it to
London. When I finally got back to my hotel at night, everything, including the restaurant, was closed.

Being a sports reporter may appear to be a fantastic job but there are as many difficult situations as
there are magic moments!

1. What is the writer’s main purpose in this article?

A. to inform readers about visiting China
B. to encourage young people to travel
C. to give a realistic description of his work
D. to warn students about newspaper careers

2. Why did the writer travel to China the first time?

A. He was sent there by his employers.
B. He hoped to interview some famous sportsmen.
C. He was invited to give a lecture about journalism.
D. He was going to take part in athletics competition.

3. When he met the writer the second time, Jie Xeng…

A. was working for a motor-racing organization.
B. no longer wanted to be a journalist.
C. didn’t recognize the writer at first.
D. had completed his university studies.

4. What does the writer say about Shanghai motor race?
A. The race track was easy to get to.
B. There was a good hotel nearby.
C. No-one had time to talk to him.
D. He had problems contacting London.

5. What might the writer say to his friends?

A. “There aren’t many people who get paid for doing their hobby. Aren’t you jealous?”
B. “Sports people are always keen to give interviews, which makes my job even more
C. “I don’t know why you complain about travelling to work every day. It’s easy compared
to the places I visit.”
D. “Poor Jie Xeng. He used to be so anxious to be a journalist and now all he wants is to
give it up.”


Write a narrative essay beginning like this:

”As she flicked through the letters, a small, handwritten envelope caught her attention.”

Write your story in 120-150 words and give it an appropriate title.

Pay attention to the following:

 You do not need long descriptions.
 Use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events.
 You should use this plan:
1. Introduction (paragraph 1 – set the scene)
2. Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 – develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 – end the story)

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Scrieți răspunsurile pe foaia de răspuns.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
Timp de lucru: 2 ore.

Clasa a VII-a

SUBIECTUL I ( 40 points)
A. (10 itemsx2p=20points)
1) Do you speak?
2) has not come
3) will have
4) are sleeping
5) believes
6) was drinking
7) have been working
8) bought
9) had already left
10) is going to bite

B. (10 itemsx1p=10points)
1) to
2) if/ whether
3) that
4) of
5) on
6) in
7) of
8) at
9) full/more/extra
10) up

C. (10 itemsx1p=10points)

1. The man who he lives next door is a surgeon.

2. They have worked on this project last month.
3. Sam is going to on holiday next month.
4. I was being late for work yesterday morning.
5. They started to repairing the door an hour ago.
6. Susan couldn’t to swim when she was seven.
7. That book isn’t yours. It’s hers book.
8. He is not never impolite. / He is not never impolite.
9. If you will have a cough, you must take some medicine.
Mark hopes to be win the competition

SUBIECTUL II (5 items x 2= 10 points)

1. C; 2 A; 3 D; 4 C; 5 C

SUBIECTUL III (50 points)

 Task achievement (10p)

 Content and organisation (15p)

 Coherence and cohesion (10p)
 Grammar vocabulary and accuracy (10p)
 Overall effect (5p)

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