Abraham Edwards Poll

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REMINGTON RESEARCH GROUP State of Louisiana 2019 General Election Survey conducted March 13 through March 14, 2019. 1,464 likely 2019 General Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2019 General Election. Margin of Error is +/-2.6%. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding, REMINGTON RESEARCH GROUP : Do you think Louisiana is headed in the right direction or is it on the wrong track? Right direction: 42% Wrong track: 41% Not sure: 17% Q: What is your opinion of Donald Trump? Favorable: 54% Unfavorable: 37% No opinion: 9% Q: What is your opinion of John Bel Edwards? Favorable: 45% Unfavorable: 42% No opinion: 13% Q: What is your opinion of Eddie Rispone? Favorable: 10% Unfavorable: 19% No opinion: 71% Q: What is your opinion of Ralph Abraham? Favorable: 27% Unfavorable: 199% No opinion: 54% Q: Announced candidates in the 2019 election for Governor of Louisiana are the Democrat John Bel Edwards, the Republican Eddie Rispone and the Republican Ralph Abraham. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote? John Bel Edwards: 44% Eddie Rispone: 10% Ralph Abraham: 33% Undecided: 13% REMINGTON RESEARCH GROUP Q: If the 2019 election for Governor of Louisiana were held today, and the candidates were just the Democrat John Bel Edwards and the Republican Eddie Rispone, for whom would you vote? John Bel Edwards: 48% Eddie Rispone: 42% Undecided: 10% : If the 2019 election for Governor of Louisiana were held today, and the candidates were just the Democrat John Bel Edwards and the Republican Ralph Abraham, for whom would you vote? John Bel Edwards: 47% Ralph Abraham: 45% Undecided: 8% : Are you definitely voting for John Bel Edwards or would you consider voting for another Democratic candidate? [DEMOCRATIC PARTY ID RESPONDENTS ONLY] Definitely Edwards: 59% Consider another Democrat: 17% Not voting for a Democrat: 19% Not sure: 5%

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