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1. Welcome to the “DISPO Processing” learning unit.

This learning unit will enable you

to understand DISPO Processing in T24 and will also teach you to set up DISPO
processing for overrides generated by a transaction in T24.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 1
After completing this learning unit/course, you will be able to:

•Differentiate between blocking and non blocking overrides

•Explain the use of the following applications - OVERRIDE, DISPO.ITEMS,
•Create DISPO Officers in T24
•Explain the process DISPO Processing has on overrides
•Explain the use of enquiries DISPO.DETAILS and DISPO.SUMMARY

GEN9.Dispo Processing 2
1. Sometimes when committing a transaction in T24, one or more warning messages
are generated. These messages are called Overrides.

2.There can be two different types of override messages. They are Non Blocking and
Blocking overrides.

2.1 A record which generates non blocking overrides can be authorized by any user in

2.2 A record which generates blocking overrides can be authorized only by users with
appropriate privileges. If you do not have sufficient privileges the record will go to
INAO (Input Not Approved due to Override) status.

By default, all overrides in T24 are Non Blocking in nature.

Teaching you how to block and un-block overrides are not in the scope of this learning

GEN9.Dispo Processing 3
How can you make a non-blocking override a blocking override?

You are absolutely right if you think that this can be achieved through

However, you can also achieve this using DISPO Processing.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 4
What is DISPO Processing? An example will make this clear.

Tom wants to transfer funds from his account to Tim’s account. The T24 way to do this
is by using the application FUNDS.TRANSFER. What if Tom’s account does not have
enough funds? Will the transaction abort? No.
T24 will allow him to perform the transaction by overdrawing his account. The system
will raise an override on committing the transaction, telling the T24 user that Tom’s
account does not have enough funds and is being overdrawn.

What if the bank wants to set a limit on the amount of overdraft that a particular user
can authorize?

Even though this can be achieved using OVERRIDE.CLASS.DETAILS, Dispo

Processing allows you to do this with extra options.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 5
1. Most of the overrides in T24 are stored in an application called OVERRIDE. The
example shown is a record in the OVERRIDE application with ID as
ACCT.UNAUTH.OD. Based on the special certifications required for a transaction,
DISPO Processing may or may not be allowed for an Override.

2. To enable DISPO Processing for an Override, the first step is to check if the field
DISPO.ALLOWED is set to ‘YES’ in the OVERRIDE application. This field is set at the
core which means whether or not an Override is allowed for DISPO is decided by
Temenos and T24 user cannot modify this field.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 6
1. To enable an override for DISPO processing, the field DISPO and
DISPO.ALLOWED in OVERRIDE application should be set to ‘YES’
2. DISPO.ALLOWED field is set at the core and cannot be modified by any user.
3. The same override can be generated by any application depending upon business
requirement. The Override ACCT.UNAUTH.OD, is raised by many applications like
FUNDS.TRANSFER, LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS etc., the applications that involve
an account in the transactions. To enable DISPO Processing for a particular
application set the field APPLICATION to either the name of the application or ‘*’ (star
enables DISPO for all applications generating the override) in the Override record.
OVERRIDE application for additional settings

GEN9.Dispo Processing 7
In the override record, you have to specify a valid DISPO Officer ID in the field
Now that you have done the base work, will it be feasible if any T24 user can view the
records in DISPO.ITEMS and approve or reject or comment it?
If this is done then the whole idea of DISPO Processing is in vain.
To control such a situation, you need to assign a DISPO Officer to a particular user in
the USER application or to a role in EB.USER.ROLES.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 8
The field DISPO.OFFICER is used to assign the Officer in USER. Input in this field
should be a valid officer defined in DISPO.OFFICER application.

If Roles are used for assigning privileges, then the Dispo officer must be specified for
the role itself.
A valid dispo officer can also be attached to DISPO.RIGHTS field. Allows a user to
access and update DISPO items, with the approval of the other dispo officers. This
facilitates a higher-ranking officer to take over the duty of a lower level officer, as and
when required. DISPO.RIGHTS officer must not be the same as the DISPO.OFFICER.

Note : The dispo officer has to be created prior to attaching to the user application and
enabling dispo in OVERRIDE application.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 9
In the OVERRIDE application, the fields from APPLICATION to DISPO.OFFICER form
a multi-value set. The fields CLASS and DETAIL are not to be used when an override
is enabled for dispo processing. All the other fields are used for dispo processing.
used only if the field DISPO.ALLOWED is set to YES.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 10
1. A DISPO officer can be set in the CUSTOMER, ACCOUNT,
POSTING.RESTRICT and LIMIT applications apart from the OVERRIDE
2. If the field PRECEDENCE is set for an override, then the officer assigned in that
particular application will take precedence over the officer set in the OVERRIDE
application. When no officer is identified in the application, then the item will be
assigned to the default officer specified in the override record.
3. The value in this field must be input in the format ‘APPLICATION NAME>FIELD

GEN9.Dispo Processing 11
1. To disable DISPO processing for a transaction, the field TRANSACTION.IND
should be set to ‘YES’
2. When an accounting entry is raised, a small description is given about the
transaction which is called as ‘NARRATION’. T24 describes different types of
transactions in an application called TRANSACTION. The ID of a record should be
numeric and a maximum of three numbers. For example, record 213 is used for
‘TRANSFER’, which means any transaction which involves transfer of funds between
accounts will have the TRANSACTION ID set to 213.
In TRANSACTION application set the field DISPO.EXEMPT to ‘YES’

GEN9.Dispo Processing 12
You already know that a particular transaction can be exempted from DISPO
processing in spite of the override being enabled for DISPO.
It is also possible to exempt overrides generated for a particular ACCOUNT or
CUSTOMER record from DISPO processing. This can be done by specifying the field
DISPO.EXEMPT to ‘YES’ in a record in ACCOUNT or CUSTOMER application.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 13
1. You can set conditional DISPO processing using the field CON.OVERRIDE which
will hold the ID of another override.
2. For the transaction to be enabled for DISPO processing, the actual override and
the override specified in this field should be generated. If either of the overrides is
generated, the transaction will not be subject to DISPO processing and will not
have an entry in DISPO.ITEMS.
3. Both the overrides generated in the transaction will be subject to DISPO

GEN9.Dispo Processing 14
DISPO Officer is the one of the important fields in the DISPO.ITEMS application.
DISPO Officer has the right to approve or reject or comment on DISPO Items. A
DISPO officer can be created using the DISPO.OFFICER application.

ID : The ID of a record can be any alphanumeric input.

SHORT.TITLE : This is a multi lingual field which holds the description for the DISPO
officer in different languages.
OVERRIDE.ID : This field holds the ID of an override record, for which DISPO
processing has been enabled. This is a multi value field and will hold all the override
IDs that this officer will deal with.
DISPO.AMOUNT : This field holds the amount up to which the Officer can comment
on an override.
OVERDRAFT.AMT : This field holds the amount up to which the Officer can approve
or reject an override.
OVERDRAFT.AMT should be less than or equal to DISPO.AMOUNT.
NEXT.DISPO.OFF : This field holds the ID of the next level Officer for financial
Overrides, to whom the DISPO Item would be assigned, in case the current Officer
does not have privileges to approve an override.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 15
When a particular DISPO Officer is not available for a specific time, you can set an
alternate DISPO Officer who will be acting like the actual Officer for the specified time.

ROUTE.TO : This field holds the ID of the DISPO Officer to whom the DISPO items
should be routed for the dates and times specified in the DATE.FROM, DATE.TO,
TIME.FROM, TIME.TO fields. Only if this field contains a valid DISPO Officer ID, the
other fields like DATE.FROM, DATE.TO, TIME.FROM, TIME.TO will be inputable.
Otherwise all these fields are no input fields.

DATE.FROM : This field holds the date from which the DISPO Item should be routed
to the alternate DISPO Officer

DATE TO : This field holds the date till which the DISPO Item should be routed to the
alternate DISPO Officer

TIME FROM : This field holds the starting time on a day from which a particular
DISPO item should be routed to the alternate DISPO Officer.

TIME TO : This field holds the ending time on a day till which a particular DISPO item
should be routed to the alternate DISPO Officer.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 16
Whenever an override, that has been subject to DISPO Processing, is accepted in a
transaction, a record is created in an application called DISPO.ITEMS
User inputs an FT transaction. When the user accepts the override message
generated, the transaction is complete and the record goes to INAU status. At this
stage a record in DISPO.ITEMS is created.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 17
A record in DISPO.ITEMS is created internally by the system only when the
transaction generating the override enabled for dispo is committed. The record ID is
Example : FT130810DISP*BNK
APPLICATION : This field holds the application name by which the override has been
OVERRIDE.TEXT : This field holds the actual override message as generated in the
CURRENCY : This field holds the currency of the account which has been debited in
the transaction.
AMOUNT : This field holds the total amount overdrawn on the debited account.
ACCOUNT.OFFICER : This field holds the ID of the account officer responsible for the
DATE and TIME : These fields hold the date and the time in which the override was
raised in the transaction .
CUSTOMER.NO : This field holds the ID of the customer who holds the account.
OVERRIDE.ID : This field holds the ID of the override record that is generated.
ACCOUNT.NO : This field holds the debit account number.
Only a user with Dispo.Officer assigned in the user profile can view the dispo items

GEN9.Dispo Processing 18
In the OVERRIDE record, ACCT.UNAUTH.OD, set the field DISPO.OFFICER to 1.
In the DISPO.OFFICER record with ID 1 set the ROUTE.TO field 100. This means that
the DISPO item should actually be approved or rejected or commented upon by
DISPO officer 1, however since he is not available the item will be assigned to DISPO
Officer 100.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 19
Input an FT transaction, accept the overrides and commit the record. A record in
DISPO.ITEMS should have been created with ID as
TransactionID*Companymnemonic. Now open the record in the DISPO.ITEMS
application and check for the fields DISPO.OFFICER and COMMENT.OFFICER.
You will note that both these fields are defaulted to officer 100 and not 1. This is
because, the ROUTE.TO field in the officer 1 record is set to officer 100 for the time
frame when this transaction was input

GEN9.Dispo Processing 20
1. DISPO.ITEMS is the application used to view the DISPO items. However, you can
use an enquiry DISPO.DETAILS to view the items specific to an officer.
2. Enquiry DISPO.SUMMARY can be used to view all the pending DISPO items for
3. You have been hearing the words approve, reject, comment a DISPO item all
through the course. Can you simply open a record in DISPO.ITEMS and authorize it?
The system will not allow you to do so. You can perform this action only by using the
Try authorizing a DISPO item. The system will not allow you to do so. This is because,
the record status is INAU. To authorize a DISPO item, the record should be in INAO
status. Try to authorize the record with a user who is not assigned an appropriate
DISPO officer and then check the record status. The record will now be in INAO status
and is ready for authorizing or rejecting or commenting.
4. Only a user who is assigned a DISPO officer can open the record in see mode.
However, a user who is not assigned any DISPO officer can still list the DISPO items.
Also remember, user with an appropriate DISPO officer can only approve or reject or
comment an item with in his limits defined in the DISPO.OFFICER application.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 21
Enquiry DISPO.SUMMARY will display all the records enabled for DISPO processing
for all the DISPO officers. If the user has sufficient privileges, he can add the required
comments, approve or reject the DISPO item. All the comments made are recorded in
the DISPO.ITEMS record.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 22
Officers can either comment or approve or reject based on the amount involved in the
override generated by a transaction.
1.The amount up to which an Officer can comment on an override is given in the field
DISPO.AMOUNT and the amount up to which an Officer can approve or reject an
override is in the field OVERDRAFT.AMOUNT in DISPO.OFFICER application.
2.The officer who can comment an override is the COMMENT.OFFICER and the
officer who can approve or reject the override is the DISPO.OFFICER

With reference to the table in the slide:

Table Column 1 holds the record IDs of DISPO Officers.
Table Column 2 holds the amount up to which an Officer can comment on.
Table Column 3 holds the amount up to which an Officer can approve or reject an
Table Column 4 holds the ID of a DISPO Officer who is the next level financial

An example will make things clear.

The officer with ID 100 can comment on amounts lesser than or equal to 20,000 and
can approve or reject overrides with overdraft amount lesser than or equal to 10,000. If
this DISPO Officer cannot approve or reject overrides, then 101 is the next Officer who
has privileges to approve or reject or comment on the override.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 23
Illustration of the table.
When an FT transaction was input for 22,000, which falls under the officer 101, both
the DISPO.OFFICER and COMMENT.OFFICER fields are populated with the
respective officers in DISPO.ITEMS record. This implies that only officer 101 can
comment and either approve or reject this override.

GEN9.Dispo Processing 24
Now try answering the following questions. The transaction amount is 20,100.

1. No, because the limit to comment on is only 20,000.

2. No, because the limit to approve is only 10,000
3. Officer 101 can do it, because his limit to approve/reject is up to 30,000
4. Officer 101 can do it, because his limit to comment on is 40,000
5. Officer 101
6. Officer 102

GEN9.Dispo Processing 25
1. The field DISPO.ALLOWED should be set to ‘YES’ along with the field DISPO set to
‘YES’ for DISPO processing
2. Create Officers using DISPO.OFFICER application
3. Set up the override record with all the required options
4. If the PRECEDENCE field is set, then set the DISPO.OFFICER field in the
appropriate application
5. Assign the DISPO officers to USER profiles
6. Input a new transaction and get the record status to INAO
7.Open the record using the enquiry DISPO.DETAILS to reject or approve or to add a

GEN9.Dispo Processing 26
1. Create an account
2. Ask the trainer to modify ACCT.UNAUTH.OD in your training area with precedence
3. Create a DISPO.OFFICER record with your name
4. Attach the Officer to a new USER profile
5. Log in as another user, enter an FT
6. Authorize the FT, transaction will go to INAO
7. Log in as the USER to whose account the DISPO.OFFICER is attached
8.Open the Dispo Item assigned to you
9.Authorize the Override

GEN9.Dispo Processing 27
GEN9.Dispo Processing 28
You will now be able to:

•Differentiate blocking and non blocking overrides

•Explain the applications OVERRIDE, DISPO.ITEMS, DISPO.OFFICER
•Create Dispo Officers
•Explain the process to add functionality to overrides using Dispo Processing
•Explain the enquiries DISPO.DETAILS and DISPO.SUMMARY

GEN9.Dispo Processing 29

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