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Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 20

A Transdisciplinary Approach to
Sergiu Berian1 and Vistrian Mătieş2 , 1 Emanuel Baptist High School, Oradea, Romania, Email:, 2 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Email:

he emergence of mechatronics acts as a proof global vision on technology” [2], we propose through

T that the research and education of the future

must be modeled by complex and non-separable
lines of force. Consequently, its imperative to elabo-
this works, a new approach to mechatronics, the
transdisciplinary perspective [3]. The appearance
of mechatronics was a natural result of evolution in
rate a new approach to mechatronics, from the per- technological development. The backbone of mecha-
spective of transdisciplinary methodology, whose pur- tronics is the mechanical technology that was devel-
pose is the understanding of the world through the oped independently at first. Subsequently, advances
unity of knowledge. Mechatronics, through its inte- in electronic technology, especially the emergence of
grative, synergic character, is an open field that tran- integrated circuits, small in size, cheap and reliable,
scends the limits of a single discipline. The identity have enabled the integration of electronic products
of mechatronics is a trans-thematic one, founded on in mechanical structures. Thus, the first step is
the thematic concept of complexity. In this context, performed: electromechanical integration. The next
the paper suggests the hexagonal model for integral step was triggered by the birth of microprocessor
mechatronic education using the lupascian logic. Ac- which, with similar structural features of integrated
cording to this model, mechatronics is symbolically circuits, was included in the electromechanical struc-
positioned in the region of maximum resistance, cor- tures previously made [3]. Consequently, have re-
responding to a triple T-state, state in which that sulted complex systems – the mechatronic systems -,
which is contradictory does not oppose anymore, be- able to acquire information on their internal status
cause of the conciliating role of the principle of the and external environmental conditions and from pro-
included middle. cessing the information acquired to make decisions
Keywords: mechatronics, transdisciplinarity, com- on their behavior.
plexity, trans-thematic identity, lupascian.

2 Integration, Synergy, Complexity

1 Introduction and Mechatronics
Based on the belief that “entering the complex and The first definition of mechatronics was given in
transdisciplinary thinking in structures, programs 1969 by the Japanese company Yasakawa Electric
and areas of influence of the University will enable and was approved and published as a trademark
progress towards its mission forgotten today - the application in documents in 1972: “The word, me
study of universality [1], and that “mechatronics is a chatronics, is composed of mecha from mech-

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 21

anism and tronics from electronics. In other promote mechatronic philosophy in education, re-
words, technologies and developed products will be search and technology. A representative example
incorporating more an more electronics into their me- is the project regarding mechatronics education in
chanical structure, intimately and organically, and the ADAPT program, initiated in 1995 by a group
making it impossible to tell where one ends and the of universities from several community countries [2].
other begins” [4]. Chronologically, Harashima et al. The project aimed primarily at promoting interdis-
were among the first [6] who emphasized that the ciplinary education and training: initial training,
terms synergy and integration are at the foundation continuing education and professional conversion.
of mechatronics, defined as “the synergistic inte- As a result of technological developments, the
gration of mechanical engineering with electronics term mechatronics constantly enriched with new
and intelligent computer control in the design and meanings: mechatronics philosophy, science of intel-
manufacturing of industrial products and processes” ligent machines, the science of motion control, learn-
[6]. Thus, a mechatronic system (from appliances or ing environment for the development of integrative
video camera to cars and modern robots) should not thinking in the knowledge-based society. Mechatron-
be regarded only as a set of mechanical and electrical ics is present in various fields, including agriculture
components provided with one or more controllers and construction. Terminology established in the
[7], but as the result of synergistic integration of literature - hydronics, pneutronics, termotronics, au-
all these components [5]. Mechatronics, through its totronics, agromecatronics etc. Is relevant in this
integrative nature, goes beyond a single discipline [8]: direction [2]. In our opinion, with the integration
“mechatronics has come to mean the synergistic use and synergy, the key concept in understanding the
of precision engineering, control theory, computer deep nature of mechatronics is complexity [12]. Ac-
science and sensor/actuator technology design to cording to Hawking, the century just started will
design improved products or processes” [9]. To be belong to complexity [13], which is closely related
a mechatronic engineer today means to understand to the idea of nonseparability “essential principle of
and exploit the synergistic relationship between pre- all that is profound in the world” [14]. Taking into
cision engineering, control theory, computer science, account the consistency and, at the same time, the
sensor technology and actuators. integrative and creative valences of the transdisci-
Achieving this goal requires a change: the transi- plinary approach [8], we consider that the identity
tion from sequential engineering to concurrent engi- of mechatronics can be enriched through revealing
neering [3, 2], which requires a systemic mainstream- its transdisciplinary character. An important aspect
ing: “mechanical engineering professors teaching in articulating a transdisciplinary perspective on
design must teach an integrated approach to design mechatronics is the familiarization process with the
– mechanical, electronic, controls and computers...” specific terms of Stéphane Lupasco epistemology and
[10]. This approach cannot exist without the ability logic, with grounding roin transdisciplinary vision
to establish bridges between different disciplines [11], proposed by Basarab Nicolescu.
finding and extrapolating meanings of the acquired
knowledge. 3 The Included Middle between
Integrative potential of mechatronics is clearly re- Paradox and Reality
vealed in the definition formulated in 1986 by the
Advisory Committee for Research and Industrial De- Given that Gottlob Frege tried to prove that mathe-
velopment of the European Community (Doc IRDAC matics is just a branch of logic by building a symbol-
PM 10/17/86 /3): “Mechatronics is a synergistic ical and formal language of pure thought, Bertrand
combination between: precision mechanical engi- Russell discovered, at the foundation of Frege’s sys-
neering, electronic control and systemic thinking in tem, a contradiction, a logical paradox: the set
designing products and processes. It is an interdisci- (class) of all sets that do not contain themselves
plinary technology that unites these basic disciplines as members, contains itself when it doesn’t contain
previously mentioned and includes both mentioned itself, and reverse. (Russells paradox or the paradox
areas, which otherwise normally would not be as- of classes) [8, 15]. Several solutions have been pro-
sociated” [2]. In the years that followed, in almost posed for the paradox of classes. The most known
all EC countries have launched programs aimed to one is the theory of types [16], suggested by Russell

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 22

himself, who started from stating the law of the vi- (in the sense that it can rigorously build undecidable
cious circle [17], and according to which whatever sentences), outlining as clear as possible the limits
involves all of a collection must not be one of the of the formalization of a logic-mathematical system
collections. Thus, the set of all sets that do not [21].
contain themselves as members cannot be defined, Two observations are necessary here. First, we
as it introduces a new member (the set) with the note that paradoxes were perceived for long time
help of the collection from which it belongs (the sets as an anomaly, a negative phenomenon, which was
that do not contain themselves) [8]. Although the meant to be suppressed [11]. After Göodel’s theorem
theory of types is considered as the most important formulation, the paradox cannot be regarded as a
outcome of the logical paradoxes, there are voices limitation of thought, but rather as “the heart of any
that claim that Russell rather avoid the vicious circle creative thinking”, as a possible opening to the in-
created, the vulnerability theory itself is recognized vestigation of a new reality in which “we cannot find
by Russell [18]. a logical non-contradictory system which is consis-
Special kinds of paradoxes, which cannot be ap- tent with everything we see or we will observe ”[22].
plied to the classical theory of types, are semantic With the development of quantum mechanics, the
paradoxes. The solution for the semantic paradoxes paradox, who dispelled the illusion of mathematical
was found with the contribution of Alfred Tarski and perfection of any abstract formal system, entered
Rudolf Carnap. Semantic paradoxes happen, says the real world and not just anywhere but right at
Tarski, because there is no distinction done between the foundation. For Bsarab Nicolescu, quantum par-
the situation in which a statement is used in order ticle itself is a “contradictory unity” that “is neither
to talk about an object independent of it and the particle nor wave” being “more than the sum of its
situation in which the statement itself is the object classic contradictory parts (for classical representa-
of the formulation. For instance, if we say “the horse tion) and approximate (with respect to quantum
is an animal”, we designate the horse as object, while representation) ”[11]. Transdisciplinary methodol-
in the sentence “the word horse has five letters” ogy of Basarab Nicolescu will just exploit these new
the object is the expression itself. The closed nature values of the paradox arising through openings made
of language generates confusion. In order to “open” by Gdels incompleteness theorem, meanings which,
it, Tarski introduces language levels. Thus, we are to as will be seen below, proved to be particularly useful
distinguish between object-language, meta-anguage in our rigorous development of a transdisciplinary
(which refers to the object-language), meta-meta– approach to mechatronics [3].
anguage (in which we speak of the meta-language), Secondly, we want to emphasize that for Carnap
etc. The concepts of “true” and “false” can’t be and Tarski, as for Russell,ontological dimension of
defined within the framework of the same language logic is ignored in favor of an abstract formalism [23].
S, but only as part in a meta-language S1, as these Hence, the contempt shown by Carna to traditional
concepts belong to the meta–ogical system S1 which logic - which he calls “anemic” - and Russell’s opin-
talks of the language of the S system. Likewise, a ion, that syllogism is a “solemn humbug” [16]. Anton
meta-meta-logical system S2 will exist, which talks Dumitriu is convinced that this misunderstanding
of the S1 system, etc [8,19, 20]. shown by quoted logistics above from Aristotelian
Based on whether it was possible for one of the logic “have its origins in the loss of contact with
languages to be its own meta-language, Kurt Gödel reality and therefore logic to ontology” [16]. In con-
has shown that mathematics can be its own meta- clusion, the progressive dissociation between formal
language and proved that one of the undecidable logic and ontology has led to the separation of logic
sentences (of which one cannot say whether it is true from reality.
or false) is precisely the one that states that the In view of Stéphane Lupasco, the true science
system is non-contradictory. By stating his famous must have, necessarily, an ontological foundation
incompleteness theorem, according to which in any [24]. Seeking to articulate a non-Cartesian epistemol-
class of non-contradictory systems there are undecid- ogy [23], Lupasco noticed the huge creative potential
able sentences [16], Gödel concluded that any non- paradox, also managed to significantly close the on-
contradictory formal logic system (complex enough tological to logic [3]. Starting from the seemingly
for arithmetic to be formalized in it) is incomplete contradictory nature of reality, emphasized by the

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 23

recently stated quantum theories, Lupasco compre- the excluded middle with the so called principle of
hends that the sign of the existence of a phenomenon the included middle, which allows the conciliation of
is precisely its contradiction. The philosopher learns the opposites, because of the existence of the T state.
that matter is subject to such antagonistic dynamism Starting from the observation that not any ternary
that the actualization of one implies the potentiation or triad involves the included third party, Nicolescu
of the other one; the two dynamisms must tend to- points out that included third party has a paradox-
wards a state of equal and mutual potentiation and ical nature to the extent that necessarily involves
actualization, thus achieving a dynamic equilibrium. the unification of the contradictory couple mutually
The more difficult it is for the antagonistic forces get exclusive (A, non-A) [26]. Through this constitu-
free from the equilibrium the longer the endurance tive relation of contradictory complementarity the
of a system [25]. rational and the irrational, identity and non-identity
Any quantum event simultaneously embodies it- are linked together [27]. Thus a synergic relation
self both wave and particle, which sends to the is established between the opposites. Through its
continuous- discontinuous dualism. There are con- implications the philosophy of tefan Lupasco has
tinuous energies of homogenization, that are rep- proven to be a conciliatory, integrative one, his role
resented by photon particles, that do not respect in the substantiation of the transdisciplinary vision
Pauli’s exclusion principle, and antagonistic energies, suggested by Basarab Nicolescu being a decisive one
discontinuous, of heterogenization, retrievable in the [3]. According to Basarab Nicolescu, lupascian phi-
electronic type of particles, that submit to this prin- losophy, unique in the way that started from modern
ciple. Starting from here, Lupasco discovers another physics and axiomatic logic, proves to be also a great
antagonistic dualism: homogenization (identity) – novelty, “opening a road whose importance cannot
heterogenization (diversity), which makes life possi- yet be assessed” [24].
ble: both extreme differentiation and also absolute The transdisciplinary methodology elaborate by
uniformization would lead to an eternal immobility, Basarab Nicolescu facilitates our exit from a world
to cosmic death [11]. in which thought is fragmented by the scalpel of
Lupasco postulates that to each logic event e there the indisputable dichotomy of binary logic, crushed
has to be a logical anti-event ē accompanying it, the under the load of excessive specialization, a “disci-
actualization of e establishing the potentiation of plinary big-bang” (Nicolescu, 1999). As finalities
ē, and reverse, without either one of them being of pluridisciplinarity (the study of an object that is
able to reach absolute potentiation, thus disappear- specific to one discipline by more disciplines, simul-
ing through the absolute actualization of the other. taneously) and of interdisciplinarity (the usage of
When e and ē reach the same level of actualization the methods that are specific to one discipline in the
or potentiation, they will not mutually cancel each territory of other disciplines) remains on the disci-
other (as in classic logic) but will be reduced to T plinary investigation, they are unable to answer the
state, in which it is considered that both e and ē human beings unitary need of knowledge (Nicolescu,
are, each towards the other, semi-actual and semi- 2002). Therefore, Basarab Nicolescu introduced a
potential in the same time; T state corresponds to complementary concept, transdisciplinarity, defined
a maximum antagonism, to a maximum density of as “what is, in the same time, in between disciplines,
energy or, informationally speaking, to a maximum inside different disciplines, and beyond any disci-
systematization. Non-contradiction can’t actualize plin”; the finality of the transdisciplinary measure
itself in a perfect, absolute way, because of the resid- is the understanding of the world through the unity
ual contradiction, that cant be null, thus no logical of knowledge [1].
event can be absolutely non-contradictory. There- Transdisciplinary methodology is based on three
fore, we can’t talk of an absolute truth and an ab- postulates. The first postulate (ontological) states
solute false, neither of them being able to perfectly that in nature and in our knowledge of nature there
and rigorously actualize themselves. T state is that are different levels of Reality and perception. The
third value of the Lupascian ternary logic, the nor level of Reality is defined as “a gathering of systems
true nor false’ value [25]. invariant to the action of general laws”[1] such as
The Lupascian ternary logic has a strong ontolog- quantum entities that obey laws totally different
ical feature, replacing the Aristotelian principle of from the ones encountered in the macro physical

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 24

world. According to the second postulate (logical) where Ω represents the number of the system’s
the passage from one level of Reality to another microstates that are compatible with a given
is done using the logic of included middle (Hidden macrostate. Consequently, the state of equilibrium
Middle) [28]. Passing from one Reality level to an- is characterized by the maximal value of entropy,
other, the laws and concepts change, and there is the fluctuations of the system being relatively small
a fracture, a discontinuity (an essential concept to and forced to rapid regressions around the state of
quantum mechanics) between two neighboring levels. equilibrium [30].
The unification of A and its opposite non-A on the The infinitesimal variation of total entropy of an
same level of Reality is accomplished on the next open system is:
higher level of Reality through the T state, of the
Hidden Middle. As it is impossible to construct a dS = di S + de S, (2)
complete theory that describes the group of Reality
in which de S is the entropy exchanged with the en-
levels, their structure is an open one, in accordance
vironment, while di S is the irreversible change of
with Gödel’s theorem [11]. According to the third
entropy within the system [31]. Prigogine showed
postulate (epistemological), each level of Reality is
[32] that the P function, called “production of en-
what it is because all other levels of Reality exist
tropy”, has the following expression:
at the same time. The roots of this postulate are
in the bootstrap principle from quantum mechanics,
di S
which reveals that a particle is what it is because P = = σdV, (3)
dt V
all other particles exist simultaneously. The boot-
where σ represents the local production of entropy
strap principle reveals that complexity is an essential
per unit of volume in unit of time, while V is the vol-
characteristic of the world [11]. Hence, we consider
ume of the system. The local production of entropy
that the transdisciplinary approach of mechatronics
is the result of the contributions of all the products
requires the study of complex systems, defined as
between generalized forces, Xi , and the correspond-
a numerous ensemble of simple interactive entities
ing flows of the various irreversible processes, Ji ,
which allow the appearance of emergent phenomena,
specific to the particular process being studied:
with a strong synergistic nature.
σ= Ji Xi (4)
4 Complexity, Self-Organization i

and Emergence In the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the

flows and the forces are, simultaneously, null [33]. If
In classical mechanics, solving a dynamic problem the system is near equilibrium, where the thermo-
(the Hamiltonian formalism) is reduced to choosing a dynamic forces are relatively weak, there is a linear
set of canonical variables for which the Hamiltonian dependence between the flows and the forces. In this
of the system has the most appropriate structure region, according to Prigogine’s theorem of the mini-
(canonical Hamiltonian form), followed by writing mum production of entropy [34], any system evolves
the canonical equations. Canonical equations, once to a non-equilibrium steady state in which the pro-
established, containing a priori properties of the duction of entropy reaches the minimum value. The
whole dynamics evolution. That means that if the steady state, in which the system transfers entropy
initial conditions of the system are known, further to the environment, is stable with regard to the local
evolution of the system is completely determined. perturbations. In conclusion, the systems described
In conclusion, canonical form of the Hamiltonian by equilibrium thermodynamics and by the linear
contains the whole truth of the dynamics of the non-equilibrium thermodynamics do not allow spon-
system [29]. According to the second principle of taneous manifestations which would enable patterns
thermodynamics, any isolated thermodynamically of increased complexity to appear.
system irreversibly evolves towards the macroscopic The adaptable behavior of mechatronical open
state with the highest probability of realization. The systems, integrated in the world through continuous
expression of statistical entropy is: exchange of matter, energy and information with the
environment has proven to be similar to that of the
S = klnΩ (1) living systems, which are being led by more complex

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 25

laws than those offered by Newtonian mechanics by selecting certain external perturbations which,
or by the thermodynamics of equilibrium [29, 30]. through positive feed-back (autocatalization), are
The systems level of adaptivity is measured by the amplified, leading to multistability (the coexistence
capacity of the system to self-organize itself. Self- of stable spatio-temporal structures).
organization is an interdisciplinary key concept that What the self-organizing systems have in com-
describes the formation of specific patterns in the mon is the fact that the activity at microscopically
presence of unspecific driving forces [31]. Further on, levels spontaneously generate patterns at a global
we will explain the meaning of complexity starting level in the system [35]. Emergence represents this
from the roots of selforganization: the nonlinear manifestation of certain coherent patterns at the
thermodynamics [35]. level of the whole system, which, although being
For the systems from the linear region, whatever the result of the interactions between the systems
the limit conditions are, δ2S is a Liapunov function components, cannot be deduced by studying these
[34], namely it satisfies the two mathematical con- isolated parts apart from each other [36]. Complex
ditions (the necessary and the sufficient one) which systems are often defined as a numerous ensemble
ensures the stability of the system, due to the amor- of simple interactive entities, which allow the ap-
tization of the perturbations [12]. Nonetheless the pearance of emergent properties [37]. The emergent
same thing doesn’t happen in the case of thermody- properties transform the system not just into a larger
namic systems that are far enough from equilibrium entity than the sum of its components but the sys-
for the relations between the flows and the forces tem enriches itself with new valences, previously
to become non-linear. In this region the sufficient inexistent [2, 38]. In conclusion, we can state that
condition for stability is not satisfied, the system be- emergence is the product of the self-organization of
coming unstable and is therefore lead by laws specific far-fromequilibrium systems [35, 39].
to itself [33].
The prototypes of far from equilibrium thermody- 5 The Transdisciplinary Nature of
namic systems are the chemical reactions in which the Homeokinesis Concept
autocatalization appears; if the value of a control
parameter changes progressively, beyond a critical The coherence specific to open systems that are
threshold, the system reaches, through the ampli- far-from-equilibrium is found at theedge of chaos,
fication of fluctuations, to a bifurcation, beyond that is, in a narrow intermediary area situated in
which appear oscillations of the products of chemical between the chaos of thermal equilibrium and the
reactions. These oscillations represent stable spatio- turbulent chaos of non-equilibrium [35]. Thus, a
temporal structures (called dissipative structure), complex cybernetic system must, on one hand, pro-
the emergence of a global order, at a macroscop- duce a sufficiently high variety of actions in order
ical level. The bifurcation points are situated in to cope with the possible perturbations (that is, the
the proximity of unstable regions in which the far- system must be kept sufficiently far from equilib-
from-equilibrium open system “chooses”, through rium for there to be enough tangible steady stable
symmetry-breaking, between its multiple possible states), while selecting the most appropriate state
future evolutions. Several successive bifurcations are for counteracting the destructive effect of the pertur-
possible, as the value of the control parameter in- bations (the steady states of the systems mustn’t be
creases [31]. The appearance of patterns at a macro- too many, or too unstable, so, the system mustn’t
scopic level arises in the absence of any external be pushed too far from equilibrium), which can com-
constraint; therefore, the system self-organizes itself. promise the existence of the whole system [40]. The
This phenomenon also occurs, for instance, in the emergence of the spatio-temporal structures is, there-
case of spontaneous magnetization or of Bnard cells fore, the consequence of the flexibility of complex
[29]. The systems that are in the non-linear region be- systems when these are subjected to the influence of
come, near the bifurcation point, extremely sensitive the fluctuations of the environment under the action
to small external fluctuations, perceiving differences of the cause-effect circularity (the effect of a cause
that are impossible to distinguish by systems that influences the cause itself) represented by the two
are in equilibrium or in its nearness. These small feed-back mechanisms: positive and negative [12].
differences lead to the process of self-organization, Thus, selforganization is a result of the “compromise”

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 26

between a driving force (positive feed-back) which environment, providing a counteracting effect: the
amplifies external perturbations and a regulating requirement that the effects of the robot’s actions
force (negative feed-back) which tries to stabilize the must remain predictable.
system [41]. In conclusion, learning under the principle of home
In the field of artificial intelligence, particularly kinesis drives the mechatronical complex system (the
in evolutionary robotics, the adaptivity is the main robot) towards the edge of chaos, a working regime
goal of an autonomous agent. Adaptivity means where the system is characterized by the “optimum
much more than stability: the system must oper- payoff between creativity and stability” [42]. The
ate in a regime situated somewhere between the mechatronical systems behavior is explorative (the
chaotic behavior and the ordered state of homeo- robot is creative, exploring sometimes risky regions)
static equilibrium [12]. In this edge of chaos regime but remains, in the meantime, predictable (is able
the robot is able to adapt his behavior to changing to adapt to slow environmental changes, keeping a
external condition searching for new functionalities stable, non-chaotic behavior).
[42]. The behavior of a robot can be considered as a Using the Lupascian logic language, the actualiza-
spatial-temporal pattern which is formed in the com- tion of the pure explorative behavior means reaching
plex interaction between the robot and its environ- maximum heterogenization, and the robot will move
ment. Thus, true autonomy must involve the emer- chaotically. Reversely, the actualization of the pure
gence of self-organized behaviors for robots, through predictive behavior means reaching maximum ho-
symmetry-breaking [12, 43]. The self-organization mogenization: the robot gets stuck in a sterile stable
of the robot means that its evolution must not be state. For the mechatronical system to function the
driven into a desired direction by a semantic intro- actualization of explorative behavior means the po-
duced from outside, like in supervised learning or tentiation of predictive behavior and reverse, without
in reinforcement learning. In other words, a self- either one of them being able to reach absolute po-
organized robot must adapt to the environment by tentiation or actualization. According to Lupascian
developing functional behaviors which do not de- logic, the maximum antagonism, or, informationally
pend on an imposed target or a reward signal. The speaking, the maximum complexity is reached in T
principle of homeokinesis, the “dynamical pendant state in which the two behaviors are both semiactual
of homeostasis” [44], provides a mechanism for the and semi-potential. Thus, we can now claim [12]
self-organization of the robot, in which the goal of that the T state represents, in the case of the studied
the agent is not to remain in a stationary state (i.e. mechatronical systems, the edge of chaos, the state
homeostatic equilibrium), but to attain a definite in which certain explorative-predictive behavioral
internal kinetic regime. The robot, endowed with patterns emerge.
an adaptive, internal representation of its behavior The home kinesis principle ensures the functioning
(self-model), is able to discover its own semantics, of the mechatronical system on the edge of chaos,
using the misfit between the behavior predicted by reaching its autonomy through realization of a dy-
the model and the true behavior as the learning namic harmony between the “interior” and the “ex-
signal for the adaptation of both the model and the terior” world of the system. , in Basarab Nicolescu’s
controller. transdisciplinary approach [1], knowledge is, simul-
The experiments show [42, 43, 44, 45] that the taneously, external and internal, the study of the
mechatronical complex system (the robot) governed Universe and of the human being complementary
by the home kinetic principle adapts its exploration supporting each other [12].
according to the knowledge of the world: as long The contemporaneous growth of interest in mecha-
as the misfit is small the knowledge is large, the tronics has identified a need for a new educational
prediction quality of the system increases, favor- paradigm, which favors the formation of engineers
ing the explorative mode. If the misfit increases, and teachers endowed with a comprehensive, cre-
the predictability decreases and leads to the avoid- ative, integrative thinking in the technological area.
ance behavior. In other words, the environmental In this context, the necessity to transcend the limits
changes generate changes in sensor values, which pro- of a single discipline becomes an imperative educa-
gressively destabilize the robot, leading it towards a tional request. Therefore, after I proved the transdis-
chaotic regime. So, the robot is in harmony with the ciplinary character of mechatronics, by highlighting

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 27

the links between the Lupascian logic, the nonlinear that society has in regard to the abilities of the
thermodynamics, the self-organization of complex graduates. Legitimacy can be formal or functional,
systems and the emergent robots behavior derived depending on the type of knowledge promoted. For-
from the home kinetic principle, we will exploit fur- mal knowledge is what can be read, understood and
ther the integrative valences of the Basarab Nicoles- assimilated form books, courses, etc. Functional
cus methodology, proposing a new transdisciplinary appearance of legitimacy has to do with practical
approach of mechatronics. skills that cannot be learned from books, but can
be gradually acquired by laboratory experiments,
trial and error type exercises, etc. From this point
6 Grimheden’s Position on the of view, Grimheden believes that the legitimacy of
Nature and Evolution of mechatronics is a functional one (Grimheden, 2006).
Thirdly, the selection problem of the most impor-
Mechatronics tant aspects of the subject X to be studied must
be analyzed. There are two extreme types of se-
According with Grimheden’s approach (2006), any
lection. The first one is “the horizontal”, or by
analysis of an educational subject (teaching, didac-
representation, which provides a broad and com-
tic subject) X (as it is mechatronics) involves four
prehensive perspective on the whole subject. The
aspects. First, we have to ask the question of what
second is “vertical”, step during which, by exam-
exactly is X, namely to put forth the identity of the
ple, only a limited number of the subjects aspects
subject. The identity can be described in terms of
are deeply studied. According to Grimheden, the
the two extremes: disciplinary identity and thematic
thematic identity of mechatronics requires a vertical
identity. The identity of the subject is a disciplinary
selection, by example, following the formation of
one if a strong consensus exists regarding the defi-
practices and practical skills focused on key words
nition, content and structure of a subject, and also
(synergy is one of them), which are its fundamental
regarding its classification, organization or curricu-
themes (Grimheden, 2006).
lum. This is the case of mature, traditional subjects,
Finally, the last aspect is communication that is
such as mathematics, physics, biology, etc. In the ab-
the most efficient way to send subject X to graders
sence of this consensus, one can only speak (usually
and students. There are two forms of communica-
with regard to recently developed subjects) about
tion. The first is the active communication, where
the existence of a theme that is at the origin of the
the teacher-student relationship is similar to the
subject, its identity being therefore a thematic one.
feed-forward open loop control, the educational act
For example, this is the case of systems engineering,
being centered on how the teacher should act to
which is founded on the idea or theme of system.
achieve its objectives. The second form is interac-
Therefore, according to Grimheden, mechatronics
tive communication, similar to closed loop control,
has a thematic identity, idea also defended by the
where the feedback that the teacher receives from
fact that there is no universally accepted definition of
the student has the essential role. According to
mechatronics or a common curriculum. Grimheden’s
Grimheden, there is a close link between the func-
suggestion is that of looking for the common denomi-
tional legitimacy of mechatronics and its appropriate
nator among its varied definitions, as these elements
form of communication: the practical skills required
are important clues regarding the theme that gives
by the industrial market can be formed only through
identity to mechatronics. Consequently, Grimheden
teamwork, learning based on problem solving and
identifies two common elements: the idea of synergy
projects, which necessarily involves opting for an
and the need for complementary skills. The evolu-
interactive form of communication of mechatronics
tion of mechatronics has undergone, in Grimheden’s
(Grimheden, 2006).
opinion, six stages. The last stage is the one in
which we can speak of an identity of mechatronics,
a thematic one according to Grimheden (2006). 7 The Trans-Thematic Identity of
The second issue is the legitimacy of the subject Mechatronics
that is its reason to exist. Legitimacy is the con-
sequence of the relationship between the result of All philosophies of science agree on the meaning-
training offered by universities and the requirements fulness of two types of scientific statements: the

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 28

phenomena ones that refer to empirical matters of hand, the notion of information, belonging firstly to
fact, and those concerning logic and mathematics, information theory, also plays a fundamental role in
the latter being of analytic nature [46, 47]. Holton mechatronics [2].
assigns a system of two orthogonal axes to these two The concept of self-organization belongs to non-
types of sentences Ox andOy , respectively that rep- linear thermodynamics and mechatronics alike. Re-
resent the dimensions of the plane of any scientific garding the role of self-organization in mechatronics,
discourse. In this plane, called the contingent plane, our previous papers presented two types of selforga-
a scientific concept or a scientific proposition has nization of complex mechatronical systems: through
both empirical and analytical relevance. Starting stigmergy (Berian, 2008), respectively homeokinesis
from the notion of contingency[46], Holton assigns a (Berian, 2009b). The integration of all the notions
new meaning to this term, but one that is related and fields mentioned above is due to the notion of
to its primary meaning in logics [47]. complexity (Figure 1).
Carrying on, Holton adds another axis, Oz , that Coming back to the problem of identity, it can
is perpendicular to the contingent plane, represent- be stated that, in mechatronics, complexity is a
ing the dimension of themata: themata represents thematic concept, in the sense defined by Holton,
fundamental ontological presumptions, generally un- concept that gives the measure of the identity of
conscious, that, although incapable of being scaled mechatronics. A first argument favoring this sen-
down to empirical observations or analytic judge- tence is that of the fact that the term integration
ments, are dominant in the thinking of researchers is a central one in mechatronics [2], while complex
[48, 11]. As Basarab Nicolescu asserts, themata mechatronical systems have an inherent power of
refers to the most intimate and profound part in- integration (due to the emergent properties of syn-
volved in the genesis of a scientific idea [11]: “these ergic character) that grows higher as the degree of
themata are hidden even for the one that uses them: complexity grows higher [35].
they do not appear in the constituted body of sci- Themata usually appear in the shape of al-
ence that perceives only phenomena and logical and ternatives [11]: continuous-discontinuous, unity-
mathematical sentences.” hierarchical structure, holism-reductionism, etc.,
A thematic concept is analogous to a line element each new thema implying the separation, the op-
in space which has a significant projection on the Oz position of alternatives. Particularly, in the present
axis, the thematic dimension [47]. Purely thematical case, we have the dyad made of the contradictories
concepts are rare. Therefore the thematic concepts simplicity-complexity. Therefore, on the one hand,
usually have considerable values of their projections complexity has integratory valences while, on the
on the other two axes (as, for example, the case of other hand, it appears to be the source of a separa-
the concept of energy). While the contingent plane tion. In Basarab Nicolescus opinion, however, the
Oxy is adequate when we are dealing with a purely themata must be seen as facets of symbols, while
scientific discourse, we must use the tridimensional the symbol assumes the unity of the contradictories;
Oxyz space every time we plan on doing a complete for example, Bohr’s complementarity represents a
analysis, including of historical, sociological and epis- symbol that “realizes in itself the unity of the con-
temological nature of certain concepts, processes or tradictories continuous-discontinuous, waveparticle”
scientific approaches. [11].
Returning to Grimheden’s perspective on the iden- Specifically, complexity appears as a facet of the
tity of mechatronics, we’ve stated above that he bootstrap principle, a symbolic principle that “con-
considers (by looking at what is common to several ceives nature as a global entity, fundamentally insep-
definitions of mechatronics) the idea of synergy as arable” (Nicolescu, 1999). Thus, we consider that
being the conceptual essence, the theme on which complexity represents the theme at the base of the
the identity of mechatronics is based on. The notion identity of mechatronics (Berian, 2011). The idea
of synergy is integrated, however, together with that of complexity is more comprehensive than that of
of emergence in the theory of complex systems or synergy, as self-organized mechatronical systems dis-
the complexity theory [35].Entropy is a concept that tinguish themselves firstly through their complexity,
plays an essential role both in non-linear thermody- due to the existence of emergent properties with a
namics and in information theory [3]. On the other pronounced synergic character [35].

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 29

Figure 1: The Integrative Potential of the Thematic Concept of Complexity.

In Basarab Nicolescu’s opinion, a theory founded / functional legitimacy, horizontal selection / verti-
on a symbolic idea is an open theory, as its fea- cal selection and active communication / interactive
ture of permanence is guaranteed precisely by the communication. Updating the formal legitimacy
existence of the symbolic idea. Such a theory can requires functional legitimacy potentialization and
undergo changes of the form level (particularly of vice versa, the same reasoning appling to the other
mathematical formalism), but its direction remains two pairs of dynamism as well (selection and com-
unchanged [11]. Therefore, viewing mechatronics munication). Absolute update of any dynamics is
from the perspective of transdisciplinary method- the equivalent of adopting an incomplete education
ology, its identity is based on a symbolic principle approach, which neglects the benefits of antagonistic
(that plays, in addition, the role of an epistemologi- dynamism updating, since the latter will be com-
cal principle), which leads to mechatronics being an pletely potentialized, so sterile. Consequently, in
open field [46]. terms of a model for a integral mechatronics educa-
In a transdisciplinary approach, mechatronics tran- tion [3], mechatronics is symbolically located in the
scends, therefore, the limits of a simple thematic area of maximum resistance, which corresponds to
identity. In conclusion, we claim that the identity of a triple T state (each pair of dynamics having its
mechatronics is trans-thematic, founded on the idea own T state), state in which the contradictory are
of complexity [23]. not contrary because of the reconciliating role of the
principle of the included middle (Figure 2).
The Hexagonal Model for Integral Mechatronic
In other words, the model presented, based on the
Education As ahown, according to Stéphane Lupas-
logic of the included moddle, outlines the nonsep-
cos epistemology, the two antagonistic dynamism of
arability and the existing unity between the sides
the system tend, during the transition from current
of mechatronics that seem to be irreconcilable: for-
to potential or vice versa, to reach the T state, state
mal legitimacy/functional legitimacy, horizontal se-
where the organization and resistance of the sys-
lection/ vertical selection, active communication/
tem are maximum. Therefore, “maximum strength”
interactive communication. The detailed analysis of
(corresponding to maximum efficiency) of a teach-
how this reconciliation is achieved of this sides of
ing model which provides a integral education is
mechatronics can be followed in our work [3, 46].
achieved when the antagonism of opposite forces is
maximum. There are three pairs of dynamic antag-
onistic regarding mechatronics: formal legitimacy

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 30

Figure 2: The Hexagonal Model for Integral Mechatronic Education.

8 Conclusions principles, laws and phenomena of physics, chemistry

and biology in mechatronics and biomechatronics;
From a transdisciplinary approach, mechatronics is research, development and implementation of ed-
an open field, so its identity transcends the limits ucational interactive technologies on mechatronic
of a simple thematical identity. The stating and platforms and the development of the innovative
the argumentation of the idea that the identity of potential of the portable laboratory and of the mul-
mechatronics–founded on the thematic concept of tifunctional regional laboratory of mechatronics, in
complexity–is transthematic, serves as a starting the advancement of the dialogue between science
point in the substantiation of a future complex and and society.
rigorous transdisciplinary approach to mechatronics. As demonstrated in the contents of the present
The results of theoretical, didactical, and experimen- paper, mechatronics is capable of providing concep-
tal research of the authors of this paper represent tual resources and applicatory instruments, with the
openings to new investigations in the area of tech- purpose of establishing additional studies, starting
nology and mechatronic education. These openings from the openings previously mentioned.
are justified both by the creative potential of trans-
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Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010
Sergiu Berian and Vistrian Maties
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics 32

About the Authors

Sergiu Berian was born in 1968 and graduated in 1992

the Faculty of Physics of the Bucharest University, ob-
taining his B.Sc. degree in “Physics Technology. In 2010
he received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering
from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca with the the-
sis: “Research Concerning the Transdisciplinary Potential
of Mechatronics”. He is now a professor of physics at
the Baptist Technological High School EMANUEL from
Oradea, Romania.

Vistrian Mătieş received (B.Sc.-M.Sc.) and Ph.D. de-

grees in mechanical engineering from the Technical Uni-
versity of Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 1970 and 1987 respec-
tively. After six years experience in industry he joined
the department of Mechanisms, Precision Mechanics and
Mechatronics, now department of Mechatronics and Ma-
chine Dynamics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
in 1976. He is a full professor since 1995. Dr. Mătieş
was head of the Department of Mechatronics (1990-1996,
2000-2012). His research interests are in mechanisms, ma-
chine dynamics, mechatronics and robotics. He is author
and co-author of ten books and published more than 300
technical papers in these areas.
He is active in various academic societies as: IFToMM
(International Federation for the Promotion of Mecha-
nism and Machine Science), Robotics Society of Romania,
vice-chairman of ARoTMM (Romanian Association for
Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) since
2005, vice-chairman of Romanian Society of Mechatron-
ics (since 2001).
He is a Doctor Honors Causa of the Transylvania Uni-
versity of Brasov (2010) and of the Technical University
“Gh. Asachi”, Iasi, Romania.

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science Vol. 2, pp.20-32, (December, 2011)

ISSN: 1949-0569 online, 2010

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