Amendment - Protecting Federal Workers

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7 Jar /Z, ‘Amendment #1 of Senator Tim Kaine Protecting Federal Workers Sponsor: Kaine, Van Hollen, and Warner Purpose To strike the reconciliation instructions that would harm federal workers after the longest government shutdown in modern history Summary ‘The Chairman's mark would allow for fast track legislation that could cut pay and benefits earned by federal civilian employees by at least $15 billion, Federal employees have been unfairly targeted in deficit reduction proposals for nearly a decade. Pay freezes have allowed inflation to outpace salaries for federal workers, while the goverment contributes less to retirement benefits. Our federal workforce is still hurting from the recent 35- day government shutdown, when 800,000 employees were denied their paychecks and many were forced to work without pay. Additional disproportionate cuts to federal employee pay and benefits would take more from our civil servants and would damage our ability to hire and retain talented Americans, in critical fields such as cybersecurity and accounting. ‘This amendment strikes the reconciliation instructions for the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Text of Amendment On page 28, strike lines 3 through 9.

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