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Key competences

key competences 1: linguistic Competence. To acquire a basic communicative

competence that enable learners to express and understand easy messages in daily
life situations. Concerning the key competences connection, we must highlight the
importance of key competence 1 (linguistic communication competence) as it is very
much related to the acquisition of the necessary skills to handle daily-life
situations in the foreign language successfully

Key competence 2: Competence in mathematics, science and technology.

Key competence 3: Digital competence: ability to use new technologies effectively.

Key competence 4: Learn to learn competence. It is very much related with the
methodologies for learning a language and the ability to develop strategies to
learn efficiently and autonomously as a part of the long-life learning skills. This
competence is very much related to the acquisition of the language itself and the
ability to develop strategies to learn efficiently and autonomously as part of our
long life learning skills.

Key competence 5: stands for the social and civic competence which is the ability
to cooperate with others to achieve shared tasks to learn through social
constructivism. Social and Civil Key Competence (5) is also addressed as it may be
achieved through adequate socialization of our students, and this socialization
takes place through the use of language. On the other hand, social and civic
competence (5) fosters accepting differences, being tolerant and respecting other�s
values, beliefs and cultures.

Key competence 6: stands for the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. It

consider the inner attitude and abilities of the student towards learning.

Key competence 7: stands for the cultural awareness and expression, it fosters
getting to know and accept the English culture among others. It allows social
exchanges and acquiring cultural background. It is related to the sociocultural
competence. It fosters �understanding and appreciating different cultural and
artistic demonstrations".

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