Taxes: Individual: Di Dend W Es AGI Xempt On Std. D D Tion Ta Ab e Income 70 00 5 400 2 000

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(even if one spouse is not working), provided that the com- ited to the lesser of $49,000, or 100% of self-employment
bined earned income of both spouses is at least equal to the income for 2009.
amounts contributed to the IRAs. Even though Val is cov-
ered by his employer's qualified pension plan, the Whites 101. (d) The requirement is to determine which allowable
are eligible for the maximum deduction because their gross deduction can be claimed in arriving at an individual's ad-
income of $35,000 + $4,000 = $39,000 does not exceed the justed gross income. One hundred percent of a self-
base amount ($85,000) at which the maximum $5,000 de- employed individual's health insurance premiums are de-
duction would be reduced. Also note that Pat's $4,000 of ductible in arriving at an individual's adjusted gross income
taxable alimony payments is treated as compensation for for 2009. Charitable contributions, foreign income taxes (if
purposes of qualifying for an IRA deduction. Since they not used as a credit), and tax return preparation fees can be
each contributed $5,000 to an IRA account, the allowable deducted only from adjusted gross income if an individual
deduction on their joint return is $10,000. itemizes deductions.

96. (d) The requirement is to determine the definition of I1.G. Deduction for Interest on Education Loan
"earned income" for purposes of computing the annual con- 102. (b) The requirement is to determine the incorrect
tribution to a Keogh profit-sharing plan by Davis, a sole statement concerning the deduction for interest on qualified
proprietor. A self-employed individual may contribute to a education loans. For a tax year beginning in 2009, an indi-
qualified retirement plan called a Keogh plan. For 2009, the vidual is allowed to deduct up to $2,500 for interest on
maximum contribution to a Keogh profit-sharing plan is the qualified education loans in arriving at AG!. The deduction
lesser of $49,000 or 25% of earned income. For this pur- is subject to an income phase-out and the loan proceeds must
pose, "earned income" is defined as net earnings from self- have been used to pay for the qualified higher education
employment (i.e., business gross income minus allowable expenses (e.g., tuition, fees, room, board) of the taxpayer,
business deductions) reduced by the deduction for one-half spouse, or a dependent (at the time the debt was incurred).
of the self-employment tax, and the deductible Keogh con- The education expenses must relate to a period when the
tribution itself. student was enrolled on at least a half-time basis. The sixty-
month limitation was repealed for tax years beginning after
97. (d) A single individual with AGI over $65,000 for
2009 would only be entitled to an IRA deduction if the tax-
payer is not covered by a qualified employee pension plan. 103. (c) The requirement is to determine how Dale
98. (c) The requirement is to determine the allowable" should treat her $1,000 jury duty fee that she remitted to her
IRA deduction on the Cranes' 2009 joint return. Since Sol employer. Fees received for serving on a jury must be in-
is covered by his employer's pension plan, Sol's contribu- cluded in gross income. If the recipient is required to remit
the jury duty fees to an employer in exchange for regular
tion of $5,000 is proportionately phased out as a deduction
by AGI between $89,000 and $109,000. Since the Cranes' compensation, the remitted jury duty fees are allowed as a
deduction from gross income in arriving at adjusted gross
AGI exceeded $109,000, no deduction is allowed for Sol's
contribution. Although Julia is not employed, $5,000 can be income.
contributed to her IRA because the combined earned income Ill. Itemized Deductions from Adjusted Gross Income
on the Cranes' return is at least $10,000. The maximum 104. (b) The requirement is to determine George's tax-
IRA deduction for an individual who is not covered by an able income. George's adjusted gross income consists of
employer plan, but whose spouse is, is proportionately $3,700 of dividends and $1,700 of wages. Since George is
phased out for AGI between $166,000 and $176,000. Since eligible to be claimed as a dependency exemption by his
Julia is not covered by an employer plan and the Cranes' parents, there will be no personal exemption on George's
AGI is below $166,000, the $5,000 contribution to Julia's return and his basic standard deduction is limited to the
IRA is fully deductible for 2009. greater of $950, or George's earned income of $1,700, plus
99. (d) The requirement is to determine the Lees' maxi- $300. Thus, George's taxable income would be computed
mum IRA contribution and deduction on a joint return for as follows:
2009. Since neither taxpayer was covered by an employer-
Dividends $ 3,700
sponsored pension plan, there is no phaseout of the maxi-
mum deduction due to the level of their adjusted gross in- Wages $ 5,400
come. For married taxpayers filing a joint return, up to AGI o
$5,000 can be deducted for contributions to the IRA of each Exemption (2.000)
spouse (even if one spouse is not working), provided that the Std. deduction $~
Taxable income
combined earned income of both spouses is at least equal to 105. (c) The item asks you to determine the requirements
the amounts contributed to the IRAs. Additionally, an indi- that must be met in order for a single individual to qualify
vidual at least age 50 can make a special catch-up contribu- for the additional standard deduction. A single individual
tion of $1,000 for 2009, resulting in an increased maximum who is age sixty-five or older or blind is eligible for an ad-
contribution and deduction of $6,000 for 2009. Thus, the ditional standard deduction ($1,400 for 2009). Two addi-
Lees may contribute and deduct a maximum of $12,000 to tional standard deductions are allowed for an individual who
their individual retirement accounts for 2009, with a maxi- is age sixty-five or older and blind. It is not required that an
mum of $6,000 placed into each account. individual support a dependent child or aged parent in order
100. (c) The maximum amount of contributions to a to qualify for an additional standard deduction.
defined contribution self-employed retirement plan is lim-

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