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The Shingo Prize for Operational

History & Origin of The Shingo Prize

Developed as a system
to recognize and thus
promote operational
excellence in
companies in USA
History & Origin of The Shingo Prize

“The Nobel prize for manufacturing

Business Week

The only award programme in the world

focused on lean manufacturing and
elimination of ‘muda’,”
Masaaki Imai, Chair, Kaizen Institute
Promoting Operational Excellence

Shingo Prize Mission:

• The mission of The Shingo Prize is to build Operational
Excellence in organizations through the promotion of
“True North” principles of Lean, Lean systems of
management and the wise application of Lean tools
and techniques across the entire organizational

Shingo Prize Vision:

• Our vision is to be globally recognized as an engine of
growth for organizations of all kinds and a career
accelerator for individuals.
Shingo Prize expands worldwide
• The first move towards
making the Shingo Prize a
truly international benchmark
for operational excellence
• The Shingo Prize is now open
to challengers in Europe
• Administered in the UK and
Ireland by The Manufacturing
Model & Guidelines
Recommended steps
1. Attend Shingo Approach Workshop – 2 day course
2. People: Team to put together achievement report-
– i.e. Steering Group, Team Leaders etc
• Application form, profile sheet and measures sent
to Shingo UK
• Await for application approval before writing
achievement report
• Submit achievement report – 1st July, 1st October
• Utah recommendation for site visit
• Site visit
• Feedback report – strengths and opportunities
Additional Guidance:
• Site Assessment visits for UK around 3 months
from application received
• Large teams expected 4 UK examiners with 2
senior USA assessor leaders
• Recipients to provide key measure updates once
per year
• Status expires after 5 years, will need to reapply
Award Score
The Shingo Prize 775+
Silver Medallion 675 - 774
Bronze Medallion 575 - 674
Shingo Examiner Pool
Shingo Award Levels


Shingo Prize Winners

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