Laapsa SB 416 Support Letter 3-26-19

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Los Angeles Airport Police Supervisors’ Association

P. O. Box 88907 Los Angeles, CA. 90009

March 26, 2019

Senator Ben Hueso

State Capitol, Room 4035
Sacramento, California 95814-4900


Dear Senator Hueso:

The Los Angeles Airport Police Supervisors Association supports the passage of Senate Bill 416.
This legislation is long overdue and will extend to all peace officers, and their families, the same
protections that have long been afforded to a majority of peace officers in California.

The Penal Code designates individuals as peace officers in many various sections and
subdivisions and is based upon their employing agency. The Labor Code identifies specific
injuries and ailments which are presumed to be work-related (due to those conditions often
manifesting over a period of time) and applies workers compensation protections to specific
classifications of peace officers as defined in the Penal Code. Those Labor Code provisions have
not been adapted to include the various classifications of peace officers added into law over the

All peace officers are exposed to the same risks associated with those specific conditions
identified within the Labor Code. SB 416 corrects the inequities to our law enforcement
professionals by extending the Labor Code protections to all individuals defined as peace
officers in the Penal Code. With the passage of SB 416, the employing agencies of peace officers
not currently afforded these protections will also be better equipped to recruit and retain
quality law enforcement personnel, enhancing public safety and helping to level the field of
competition for those agencies.

SB 416 is a much-needed fix that will allow all peace officers to be protected as they should. We
strongly support and urge the passage of SB 416.



Adonis Cutchlow
Los Angeles Airport Police Supervisors Association

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