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gross income. For purposes of the credit, earned income wages must pay estimated tax in quarterly installrnents or be
excludes workers' compensation benefits. Additionally, the subject to penalty. Individuals will incur no underpayment
credit is available only if the tax return covers a full twelve- penalty for 2008 if the amount of tax withheld plus esti-
month period. mated payments are at least equal to the lesser of (1) 90% of
the current year's tax; (2) 100% of the prior year's tax; or (3)
201. (b) The requirement is to determine the tax credit 90% of the tax determined byannualizing current year tax-
that cannot be claimed by a corporation. The foreign tax able income through each quarter. However, note that for
credit, alternative fuel production credit, and general busi- 2008, high-income individuals (i.e., individuals whose ad-
ness credit may be claimed by a corporation. The earned justed gross income for the preceding year exceeds
income credit cannot be claimed by a corporation; it is avail- $150,000) must use 110% (instead Of 100%) if they wish to
able only to individuals. base their estimated tax payments on their prior year's tax
VI.O. Credit for Adoption Expenses liability.

202. (c) The requirement is to determine the correct 207. (a) The requirement is to determine what amount
statement regarding the credit for adoption expenses. The would be subject to penalty for the underpayment of esti-
adoption expenses credit is a nonrefundable credit for up to mated taxes. A taxpayer will be subject to an underpayment
$12,150 (for 2009) of expenses (including special needs of estimated tax penalty if the taxpayer did not pay enough
children) incurred to adopt an eligible child. An eligible tax either through withholding or by estimated tax payments.
child is one who is under eighteen years of age at time of For 2008, there will be no penalty if the total tax shown on
adoption, or physically or mentally incapable of self-care. the return less the amount paid through withholding (in-
Qualified adoption expenses are taken as a credit in the year cluding excess social security tax withholding) is less than
the adoption becomes final. $1,000. Additionally, for 2008, individuals will incur no .
penalty if the amount of tax withheld plus estimated pay-
VI.P. Child Tax Credit ments are at least equal to the lesser of (1) 90% of the cur-
203. (c) The requirement is to determine the incorrect rent year's tax (determined on the basis of actual income or
statement concerning the child tax credit. Individual tax- annualized income), or (2) 100% of the prior year's tax. In
payers are permitted to take a tax credit based solely on the this case, since the tax shown on Krete's return ($16,500)
number of their dependent children under age seventeen. less the tax paid through withholding ($16,000) was less
The amount of the credit is $1,000 per qualifying child, but than $1,000, there will be no penalty for the underpayment
is subject to reduction if adjusted gross income exceeds cer- of estimated taxes. I

tain income levels. A qualifying child must be a US citizen VII. Filing Requirements
or resident.
208. (d) The requirement is to determine the original due
VI.Q. Hope Scholarship Credit date for a decedent's federal income tax return. The final
204. (c) The requirement is to determine the incorrect return of a decedent is due on the same date the decedent's
statement concerning the 2009 Hope scholarship credit. The return would have been due had death not occurred. An
Hope scholarship credit provides for a maximum credit of individual's federal income tax return is due on the 15th day
$2,500 per year (100% of the first $2,000, plus 25% of the of the fourth calendar month following the close of the tax
next $2,000 of tuition fees, and course materials) for the first year (e.g., April 15 for a calendar-year taxpayer).
four years of postsecondary education. The credit is availa-
ble on a per student basis and covers tuition paid for the 209. (a) The requirement is to determine Birch's filing
taxpayer, spouse, and dependents. To be eligible, the stu- , requirement. A self-employed individual must file an in-
dent must be enrolled on at least a part-time basis for one come tax return if net earnings from self-employment are
academic period during the year. If a parent claims a child . $400 or more.
as a dependent, only the parent can claim the credit and any VIII.B. Assessments
qualified expenses paid by the child are deemed paid by the
210. (c) The requirement is to determine the date on
which the statute oflimitations begins for lackson Corp.'s
VI.R. Lifetime Learning Credit 2008 tax return. Generally, any tax that is imposed must be
assessed within three years of the filing of the return, or if
205. ·(d) The requirement is to determine the incorrect later, the due date of the return. Since lackson Corp.' s 2008
statement concerning the lifetime learning credit. The life- return was filed on March 12,2009, and the return was due
time learning credit provides a credit of 20% of up to on March 15,2009, the statute of limitations expires on
$10,000 of tuition and fees paid by a taxpayer for one or March 15,2012. This means that the statute of limitations
more students for graduate and undergraduate courses at an begins on March 16, 2009.
eligible educational institution. The credit may be claimed
for an unlimited number of years, is available on a per 211. (c) The requirement is to determine the latest date
taxpayer basis, and covers tuition paid for the taxpayer, that the IRS can assert a notice of deficiency for a 2008
spouse, and dependents. calendar-year return if the taxpayer neither committed fraud
nor omitted amounts in excess of 25% of gross income. The
VI.S. Estimated Tax Payments
normal period for assessment is the later of three years after
206. (a) The requirement is to determine which state- a return is filed, or three years after the due date of the
ment(s) describe how Baker may avoid the penalty for the return. Since the 2008 calendar-year return was filed on
underpayment of estimated tax for the 2008 tax year. An March 20, 2009, and was due on April 15, 2009, the IRS
individual whose regular and alternative minimum tax li- must assert a deficiency no later than April 15, 2012.
ability is not sufficiently covered by withholding from

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