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Respuestas de la lista de preguntas del día anterior




1. What is the result in subarray after the following code has executed?

a. 1-D Array of {6, 8, 10}

b. 1-D Array of {4, 6, 8}

c. 1-D Array of {8, 16, 32}

d. 1-D Array of {2, 4, 6}

2. A While Loop stops iterating when:

a. a false value is present at the conditional terminal and the conditional

terminal is

b. a true value is present at the conditional terminal and the conditional

terminal is

c. Both A. and B.

d. None of the above

3.Which of the following statements about the Connector Pane is true?

a. It only shows terminals available for transfer to the SubVI.

b. It only shows terminals available for transfer from the SubVI.

c. Outputs must be placed on the left, and inputs must be placed on the right.

d. None of the above.

4.Which of the following illustrates an advantage of a global variable over a

local variable?

a. A global variable can pass data between two independent VIs running

b. Only the global variable can pass array data, local variables cannot

c. Global variables follow the dataflow model, and therefore cannot cause race

d. Global variables do not require owned labels to operate

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