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Contributions in Petroleam Geology and Engineering Series Editor: George V. Chilingar, University of Southern California Volume 1: Geologie Analysis of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Volume 2: Applied Open-Hole Log Analysis Volume 3: Underground Storage of Natural Gus Volume 4: Gas Production Engineering Volume 5: Properties of Oils and Natural Gases Volume 6: Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Analysis Volume 7: Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior Volume 8: Well ‘Test Analysis Volume 9: Horizontal Drilling Gulf Publishing Company Houston, London, Paris, Zurich, Tokyo Contributions in Petroleum Geology & Engineering ($°7 DC Phase Behavior a Contributions in Petroleum Geology and Engineering Yolume 7 ‘Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior Copyright © 1989 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, “Texas. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of "America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Printed on acid-free paper (%) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Aled, Tarek H., 1946. Hydrocarbon phase behavior by Tarek Ahmed 1p. em.— (Contributions in petroleum geology and engineering; v. 7) Tneludes indes. 1, Petroleum—Migration. 2. Phase rule and equilibrium. I. Title. II. Series: Contributions in petroleum geology & engineering; 7 ‘TN870.5.A35 1989 89-1903 622" 1828 —de20 cP ISBN 0-87201-589-0 ISBN 0-87201-066-X (Series) 1 . Properties of Natural Gases ..+...+++ Contents Preface .. Basie Phase Behavior - Single-Component Systems, 1; TWwo-Component Systems, 15; Multi Component Systems, 21; Classification of Reservoirs and Reservoir Fluids, 23. Pure Component Physical Properties and Characterizing Undefined Petroleum Fractions .. eenaceers ae) Generalized Correlations for Estimating Physical Properties of Hj drocarbon Fractions, 36; Other Methods of Estimating Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions, 42; Critical Compressibility Fac- tors, 46; Characterizing Hydrocarbon Heavy Fractions, 50; Methods Based on the PNA Determination, 51; Other Methods of Charac terizing the Hydrocarbon Heavy Fractions, 60; Determination of the Physical Properties of the Heavy Petroleum Fractions from Graphi- cal Correlations, 67, Behavior of Ideal Gases, 77; Ideal Gas Mixtures, 79; Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures, 81; Behavior of Real Gases, 85; Elfect of Non- hydrocarbon Components on the Z-Factor, 95; Correetion for Non~ hydrocarbons, 95; Correction for High-Molecular-Weight Gases, 995 Direct Calculation of Compressbility Factors, 101; Compressibility oof Natural Gases, 106; Gas Formation Volume Factor, 111; Gas Vis- cosity, 113; Methods of Calculating the Viscosity of Natural Gases, 114; Engineering Applications of the Natural Gas PVT Properties, 123, 4, Phase Behavior of Crude Oils .. 136 Crude Oil Density and Specific Gravity, 136; Methods for Determin- ing Density of Crude Oils of Unknown Composition, 137; Methods for Determining Density of Liquids of Unknown Composition, 151; Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient of Undersaturated Crude Oils, 156; Density of Undersaturated Crude Oils, 165; Gas Solubil- ity, 169; Oil Formation Volume Factor for Undersaturated Oils, 1925 ‘Total Formation Volume Factor, 198; Total System Isothermal Com- pressibility Coefficient, 199; Crude Oil Viscosity, 205; Methods of Caleulating the Viscosity of the Dead Oil, 207; Methods of Calculat ing the Viscosity ofthe Saturated Crude Oil, 209; Methods of Caleu- lating the Viscosity of the Undersaturated Crude Oil, 212; Caleulat- ing Viscosities of Crude Oils from their Composition, 2165 Bubble-point Pressure, 220; Surface Tension, 225; Application of the Crude Oil PVT Properties in Reservoir Engineering, 229; Radial Flow of Crude Oils, 229; The Material Balance Equation for Oil Res- ervoirs, 231 5. Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria . = 24 Equilibrium Ratios, 244; Flash Calculations, 247; Equilibrium Ra- tios for Real Solutions, 250; Equilibrium Ratios for the Plus-Frac- tions, 263; Applications of the Equilibrium Ratio in Petroleum Engi- neering, 270. 6. Equations of State ......60.0+ vee = 287 ‘The Generalized Form of Equations of State, 330; Applications of the Equation of State in Petroleum Engineering, 331; Three-Phase Equilibrium Caleulations, 339. 7. Splitting and Lumping Schemes of Petroleum Fractions ... 348 Splitting Schemes, 349; Lumping Schemes, 300. 8, Simulation of Laboratory PVT Data by Equations of State .. 378 406 Appent Index Equilibrium Ratio Curves .. 419 Preface “This book explains the fundamentals of hydrocarbon phase behavior and their practical application in reservoir and production enginee though the book was developed from notes prepared for hydrocarbon phase behavior courses given to senior petroleum students, it should be useful as a reference book to practicing petroleum engineers Chapter J reviews the principles of hydrocarbon phase behavior and il- lustrates the use of phase diagrams in describing the volumetric behavior of single-component, two-component, and multi-component systems. Chapter 2 presents numerous mathematical and graphical correlations for estimating the physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fractions; and Chapter 3 deals with evaluation of properties of natural gases and intro- ‘duces their applications in Darey’s equation and the material balance equa- tion, ‘A complete and cohesive independent unit, Chapter 4 focuses on methods ‘of determining the crude oil physical properties. Chapter 5 presents the con- cept and application of vapor-liquid phase equilibria. Chapter 6 reviews de- velopments and advances in the field of empirical “cubic” equations of state and demonstrates their applications in petroleum engineering. Schemes of splitting and lumping petroleum fractions are illustrated in Chapter 7, and Chapter 8 discusses the simulation of laboratory PVT data by equations of state. ‘Much of the material on which this book is based was drawn from the publications of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers; the American Gas As- sociation; the Division of Production of the American Petroleum Institutes and the Gas Processors Suppliers Association. Tribute is due to these organi- zations and to the engineers, scientists, and authors who have made so many fine contributions to the field of hydrocarbon phase behavior. 1am indebted to my students at Montana Tech, whose enthusiasm for the subject has made teaching a pleasure. I would like to express my apprecia- tion to all the people who have helped in the preparation of the book by

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