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2nd grade

BE Ready: Bimester 2 Unit 3 Grade:

Name: Date:

A Look at the pictures and answer the questions. (4 points)

vacuuming the carpet feeding the baby washing the dishes dusting

1. What is Mom doing? She is .

2. What is Grandpa doing?

3. What is Dad doing?

4. What is Grandma doing?

Label the rooms. (3 points)

living room kitchen nursery

B Complete the sentences. (3 points)

brother aunt cousin

1. My dad’s sister is my .

2. My uncle’s daughter is my .

3. My mom and dad’s son is my .

Unit 3 · Home and Family 1
7 500327 008657

PRI2 BE BL BIM2 U3 STD READY.indd 1 16/08/12 08:29 a.m.

C Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (4 points)

crib couch blanket table

desk chairs drawers bed

1. There are three in the .

2. There is a next to the .

3. There are two on the .

4. There is a under the .

Answer the question. (1 point)

Where is the baby? .

2 Knowing Ourselves

PRI2 BE BL BIM2 U3 STD READY.indd 2 16/08/12 08:29 a.m.

2nd grade
D Write the missing commas. (3 points)

December 20 2012
Date Dear Dad
Mom and I are having a great time! We are Closing
swimming walking watching TV and playing
video games. We are eating a lot of mangoes and
coconuts. Delicious!
Body Love

Match the words to the parts of the letter. (2 points)

Yes No
1. Can you talk about your family?
2. Can you talk about places in the house?
3. Can you write a letter?
4. Can you copy words from the board?
5. Do you respect your family

Unit 3 · Home and Family 3

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4 Student’s notes

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