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complete destruction of its machine. If business property is and would also be included in taxable income due to the "tax
completely destroyed, the amount of casualty loss deduction benefit rule" (i.e., an item of deduction that reduces a tax-
is the property's adjusted basis immediately before the casu- payer's income tax for a prior year must be included in gross
alty. Note that the "$100 floor" and "10% of adjusted gross income if later recovered). The life insurance proceeds of
income" limitations that apply to personal casualty losses, $15,000 must be subtracted from book income because they
do not apply to business casualty losses. were included in book income, but would be excluded from
taxable income. The net capital loss of $20,000 that was
C.4.I. R&D Expenditures
subtracted in computing book income must be added back to
58. (a) The requirement is to determine the proper treat- book income because a net capital loss is not deductible in
ment for qualifying research and experimentation expendi- computing taxable income. Thus, Bard Corp.' s taxable in-
tures. A taxpayer can elect to deduct qualifying research come would be $450,000 - $15,000 + $20,000 = $455,000.
and experimentation expenditures as a current expense if the
63. Cc) The requirementis to determine Dewey
taxpayer so elects for the first taxable year in which the ex-
Corporation's taxable income, given that organization costs
penditures are incurred. Otherwise, the taxpayer must capi-
of $257,400 were deducted as an expense in arriving at book
talize the expenditures. Then, if the capitalized costs are not
income of $520,000. For organizatinal expenditures in-
subject to depreciation (because there is no determinable
curred or paid after October 22, 2004, a corporation may
life), the taxpayer can amortize them over a period of sixty
elect to deduct up to $5,000 for the tax year in which the
months or longer.
corporation begins business. The $5,000 amount must be
C.6. Reconcile Book and Taxable Income reduced by the amount by which organizational expenditures
exceed $50,000. Remaining expenditures are deducted rata-
59. (c) The requirement is to determine Kelly Corp.'s bly over the 180-month period beginning with the month in
taxable income given net income per books of $300,000, which the corporation begins business. Since Dewey began
that included $50,000 of dividend income and an $80,000 business in June, the allowable amortization for 2009 would
deduction for bad debt expense. Since the dividends were be $257,40Q x 7/180 = $10,010. Thus, adding back the
received from a 5%-owned taxable domestic corporation, $257,400 deduction for organization expense to book in-
they are eligible for a 70% dividends received deduction come, and subtracting the $10,010 of allowable amortization
($50,000 x 70% = $35,000). Since no bad debts were actu- for tax purposes results in taxable income of $520,000 +
ally written off and the reserve method cannot be used for $257,400 - $10,010 = $767,390.
tax purposes, the $80,000 of bad debt expense per books is
not deductible for tax purposes and must be added back to 64. (c) The requirement is to determine net income per
book income to arrive at taxable income. Kelly's taxable' books given TI of $700,000.
income is $300,000 - $35,000 + $80,000 = $345,000. Taxable income $700,000
Provision for federal income tax -280,000
60. (c) The requirement is to determine Maple Corp.'s Depreciation on tax return + 130,000
taxable income given book income before federal income Depreciation per books
Life insurance proceeds
taxes of $100,000. The provision for state income taxes of Net income per books . - 75,000
$1,000 that was deducted per books is also an allowable + LOO.OOO
deduction in computing taxable income. The interest earned sszs.coo
The provision for federal income tax is not deductible in
on US Treasury Bonds of $6,000 that was included in book computing TI but must be deducted per books. The life
income must also be included in computing taxable income. insurance proceeds are tax exempt, but must be included per
The $2,000 of interest expense on the ba~.Joan~chase books.
the US Treasury Bonds was deduc~per books and is also
an allowable deduction in computing taxable income, be- 65. (d) The requirement is to compute Ajax's taxable
cause the interest incom;JrOm the obligations is taxable. income given book income of $1,200,000 and items in-
Since there are no differences between the book and tax cluded in the computation of book income. Book income
treatment of these items, taxable income is the same as book must be adjusted for the tax-exempt interest (net of related
income before federal income taxes, $100,000. expenses) and the provision for federal income tax: .
Book income $1,200,000
61. (d) The requirement is to determine Dodd Corp.' s Municipal bond interest (40,000)
taxable income given net income per books of $100,000. Nondeductible interest expense (to produce
The $27,000 provision for federal income tax deducted per tax-exempt interest income) 8,000
books is not deductible in computing taxable income. The Provision for federal income tax 524,000
$5,000 net capital loss deducted per books is not deductible Taxable income $1692 000
in computing taxable income because a corporation can only The damages received for patent infringement that were
use capital losses to offset capital gains. The life insurance included in book income are similarly included in taxable
premiums of $3,000 deducted per books are not deductible income, so no adjustment is necessary.
in computing taxable income because life insurance pro-
ceeds are excluded from gross income. Thus, Dodd Corp.' s C.6.c. Schedule M-I
taxable income is $100,000 + $27,000 + $5,000 + $3,000 = 66. (d) The requirement is to determine the amount of
$135,000. income to be shown on the last line of Farve Corp.'s Sched-
62. (c) The requirement is to determine Bard Corp.'s ule M-I for 2009. Schedule M-I provides a reconciliation
taxable income given book income of $450,000. No ad- of income reported per books with income reported on the
justment is necessary for the $4,000 of state corporate in- tax return. Generally, items of income and deduction whose
come tax refunds since they were included in book income book and tax treatment differ, result in Schedule M-I items.
However, since Schedule M-I reconciles to taxable income

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