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Civil Engineering Systems Delta Resins Ltd.

Veetagrout 71 Instruction (c) The Base and Activator must be thoroughly mixed
together to form a homogenous mass. This is the most
Manual important operation of all. Failure to do so will result in
the V71 remaining partially or wholly liquid.
The following information is issued for guidance

Introduction Veetagrout 71 is a formulated epoxy

resin compound designed specifically for the
grouting of large industrial diesel engines. It has
been used for many years with great success in all
parts of the world. It may also be used for the
grouting of heavy machinery and greatly simplifies
the installation, as it offers the following
advantages over more conventional materials:-

n High mechanical strength

n Excellent adhesion to concrete and other
n Excellent chemical resistance
n Negligible shrinkage during cure
n Will withstand a wide range of service
temperatures Industrial Diesel Engines grouted with Veetagrout
n Ease of application
n Low cost (d) In order to obtain the all round physical
properties of V71 , it has been necessary to use an
Veetagrout 71 has been successfully used in most Activator that is hygroscopic (i.e. absorbs moisture
arduous service conditions throughout the world. when exposed to damp air). The opened
containers therefore, should not be allowed to
Description Veetagrout 71 is supplied as a pre - stand in conditions of high atmospheric humidity.
weighed two component liquid system - a base and
an Activator. When correctly mixed together these Caution Epoxy resin materials may, if carelessly
two parts form a hard infusible solid. It is important handled, cause irritation of the skin of sensitive
that the correct proportions of Base and Activator people. Rubber of polythene gloves offer the most
are used and that these are homogeneously mixed effective protection. Barrier creams provide
together. V71 Base is coloured Grey and the additional protection and special cleansing creams
activator Red to facilitate visual evidence of correct are available to remove material on the skin.
Grout Thickness Satisfactory grouting will be
Storage In order to ensure maximum flow and achieved with a thickness of 1/2" (12mm),of V71 ,
release of entrapped air during pouring, anti and up to 1" (25mm) thickness may be poured at
settlement agents have been kept to a minimum in any one time. However, since the cure of the Base
the formulation of V71 Base. It may be found and Activator is exothermic (i.e. it releases heat, a
therefore that during prolonged storage, thickness greater than 1" (25mm) should be
particularly at high ambient temperatures, the filler achieved with 2 or more pours allowing 24 hours
in the Base may tend to settle out. If prolonged between each pour. Thickness in excess of 2"
storage is probable the containers of V71 Base (50mm) is not recommended except in small
should be stored upside down. On opening any localised areas where 3" (75mm) is the maximum
filler may be scraped from the lid and reconstituted which should be used.
more easily. If the filler is allowed to settle down to
the bottom of the tin it may be found difficult to General Preparation
reconstitute and advice on the action required Prior to mixing It is policy to ensure good
should be obtained from the manufacturer. adhesion of the grout with the underlying base.
The laitence should be removed from newly poured
The containers should be stored whenever possible concrete, but not with power tools which might
at a temperature of 65oF (18oC) lead to cracking of the concrete surface. If the
concrete is old and oil impregnated, then the top
Important points to note surface should be cleared if possible. If not, then
the surface should be removed and recast in
(a) Any operator using V71 should be thoroughly accordance with the Civil Engineers requirements.
trained in its use before grouting machinery. V71 In order to ensure easy removal of the machinery
will always give consistent results if correctly used, at a later date, it is advisable to apply a release
but faults can be expensive to remedy. Always agent (e.g. silicone spray, wax polish) to the
carry out a site test mix before grouting. underside of the machinery base or any other
(b) The ratio between Base and Activator should surface to which adhesion is not required.
not be varied. More Activator does not increase the
speed of cure, nor does less slow down the process. Shuttering must be provided to contain the grout to
the area required. This may be either wood or
cement walls if access is available for removal after

Page 1 Veetagrout V71 Instruction Manual v1 May 1996

Civil Engineering Systems Delta Resins Ltd.

grouting; or alternatively foam strip sandwiched that the smaller areas may be grouted one at a
between the machinery and the base. If the area to time. Along the length of the side where the
be grouted is large, i.e. requiring more than 10 unit pouring is to take place the shuttering should be
of grouts, then if is advisable to divide the area into such as to allow sufficient room for pouring and
suitable sized section's using foam strip as above also allow a "head" of about 1" (25mm) to be
so obtained above the top level of the grout under the
machinery. This ensures full penetration of the
grout under the machinery and minimises trapped

The machinery should be positioned and lined up

and any foundation bolts "nipped". These bolts
should finally be tightened after grouting.

Mixing Temperature One of the outstanding

features of V71 is the wide range of temperature at
which it may be used. Ideally the mixing and
pouring should take place at a temperature of
about 70oF (21oC) but it may be successfully poured
between 60oF (16oC) and 110oF (43oC); at
temperatures below 60 oF (16oC ) the material
should be warmed by placing the tins in hot water
or taking into heated accommodation for 24 hours
before mixing. It is also advisable to increase the
temperature of the foundation and machinery
locally by use of hot air gloves. If the temperature
is too low the cure will be inhibited. At high
temperatures the "pot life" reduces rapidly but it is
advantageous to mix and pour in a cool part of the
day. If higher or lower temperatures cannot be
avoided then the manufacturer will be pleased to
advise any action to be taken, or if necessary to
supply an alternative material mix to suit the

Mixing & Pouring A mechanical mixer is

essential to achieve satisfactory results. The
paddles must be more substantial and create more
turbulence than the common paint mixer. A paddle
speed of about 600 rev/min. will be found
satisfactory and the design must be such as to
create adequate turbulence without causing
aeration. A typical design can be supplied if

Before adding the Activator to the Base the latter

should be given a pre-mix for 2-3 minutes to enable
any entrained air to disperse. Add the complete
contents of one container of Activator to the Base
and continue mixing as before for a further 2-3
minutes until a uniform colour is obtained with no
signs of streakiness. Allow the mixture to the
prepared surface maintaining the constant head of
approximately 1" (25mm). Pouring must be
continuous to eliminate trapped air.

Where a large number of containers are to be

mixed, the pre-mix of the Base may be carried out
the day previously, and the lids replaced to prevent
contamination. This assists in allowing easy
grouting of a large area without a break in process.

Completion When all the grout has been

poured, it should be allowed to cure for 48 hours
before tightening any foundation bolts. The
temperature should be maintained above 60 oF
(16oC) during this period with the aid of artificial
heat e.g. hot air gloves, if necessary. After 48
Page 2 Veetagrout V71 Instruction Manual v1 May 1996
Civil Engineering Systems Delta Resins Ltd.

hours the shuttering may be removed and surplus that the product to be used is suitable for the intended use,
grout chiselled off to provide the required finish. and that such use will not infringe any patent.
Future Action No further action will be required on
the grout which will give years of satisfactory
service. If however the foundation should move
due to settlement of other causes, re-alignment of
the machinery can be achieved by using tapered
shims between the machinery base and the grout.
It is desirable to shim over a large area as possible
to spread the load and minimise indentation, if the
grout. Assuming no movement of the foundation
has occurred, it will be found possible to remove
and replace the machinery leaving the grout in
place and with no requirement for further grouting
or shimming, (this assumes of course that an
adequate release agent has been used on the base
of the machinery). Similarly it is possible to
replace one machine with a similar machine and
still maintain alignment.

The manufacturer will be pleased to advise on any

particular application and if necessary supply
material to deal with abnormal temperature

No liability can be accepted by the manufacturer

for faults arising due to poor application of the

Further Information:



TEL: 0161-483-4513
FAX: 0161-426-0329

e mail:

BS EN ISO 9002
Certificate No Q10059

Except as provided by law no liability is accepted for any

loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of
the Companies products, or from the use of the information
given in its publications. neither is any warranty given or
implied of freedom from patent rights. Prospective users
should therefore satisfy themselves by appropriate trials
Page 3 Veetagrout V71 Instruction Manual v1 May 1996

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