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Breast Imaging


Edward A. Sickles, MD Performance Benchmarks for

Diana L. Miglioretti, PhD
Rachel Ballard-Barbash, MD
Berta M. Geller, EdD
Diagnostic Mammography1
Jessica W. T. Leung, MD
Robert D. Rosenberg, MD
Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD PURPOSE: To evaluate a range of performance parameters pertinent to the
Bonnie C. Yankaskas, PhD comprehensive auditing of diagnostic mammography examinations, and to derive
Published online performance benchmarks therefrom, by pooling data collected from large numbers
10.1148/radiol.2353040738 of patients and radiologists that are likely to be representative of mammography
Radiology 2005; 235:775–790 practice in the United States.
BCSC ⫽ Breast Cancer Surveillance
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was met, in-
Consortium formed consent was not required, and this study was Health Insurance Portability
BI-RADS ⫽ Breast Imaging Reporting and Accountability Act compliant. Six mammography registries contributed data to
and Data System the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC), providing patient demographic
DCIS ⫽ ductal carcinoma in situ
and clinical information, mammogram interpretation data, and biopsy results from
PPV ⫽ positive predictive value
defined population-based catchment areas. The study involved 151 mammography
facilities and 646 interpreting radiologists. The study population included women
From the Departments of Radiology 18 years of age or older who underwent at least one diagnostic mammography
(E.A.S., J.W.T.L., R.S.B.) and Epide-
miology/Biostatistics (R.S.B.), Uni- examination between 1996 and 2001. Collected data were used to derive mean
versity of California San Francisco performance parameter values, including abnormal interpretation rate, positive
School of Medicine, 1600 Divisadero predictive value (for abnormal interpretation, biopsy recommended, and biopsy
St, Rm H-2801, San Francisco, CA
94115; Center for Health Studies, performed), cancer diagnosis rate, invasive cancer size, and the percentages of
Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, minimal cancers, axillary node-negative invasive cancers, and stage 0 and I cancers.
Wash (D.L.M.); Applied Research Pro- Additional benchmarks were derived for these performance parameters, including
gram, Division of Cancer Control and
Population Sciences, National Cancer 10th, 25th, 50th (median), 75th, and 90th percentile values.
Institute, Bethesda, Md (R.B.B.); Office
of Health Promotion Research, Uni- RESULTS: The study involved 332 926 diagnostic mammography examinations.
versity of Vermont, Burlington, Vt Mean performance parameter values were abnormal interpretation rate, 8.0%;
(B.M.G.); Department of Radiology, positive predictive value for abnormal interpretation, 31.4%; positive predictive
University of New Mexico-HSC, Al-
buquerque, NM (R.D.R.); and Depart- value for biopsy recommended, 31.5%; positive predictive value for biopsy per-
ment of Radiology, University of North formed, 39.5%; cancer diagnosis rate, 25.3 per 1000 examinations; invasive cancer
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (B.C.Y.). size, 20.2 mm; percentage of minimal cancers, 42.0%; percentage of axillary
Received April 23, 2004; revision
requested July 2; revision received node-negative invasive cancers, 73.6%; and percentage of stage 0 and I cancers,
July 20; accepted August 18. Sup- 62.4%.
ported by grants U01CA63740 (E.A.S.),
U01CA86076 (D.L.M.), U01CA70013 CONCLUSION: The presented BCSC outcomes data and performance benchmarks
(B.M.G.), U0169976 (R.D.R.), U01CA70040 may be used by mammography facilities and individual radiologists to evaluate their
(B.C.Y.), U01CA63731 (Group Health Co-
operative, Diana Buist principal investiga- own performance for diagnostic mammography as determined by means of peri-
tor), and U01CA86082–01 (New Hamp- odic comprehensive audits.
shire Mammography Network, Patricia © RSNA, 2005
Carney principal investigator) from the
National Cancer Institute; K07CA86032
(R.S.B.) from the NIH. Address corre-
spondence to E.A.S. (e-mail: edward
Authors stated no financial relation- Within the United States, Food and Drug Administration regulation requires limited
ship to disclose. auditing of clinical outcomes for all screening and diagnostic mammograms assessed as
Author contributions: either suspicious for malignancy or highly suggestive of malignancy (1). More compre-
Guarantors of integrity of entire study,
E.A.S., D.L.M.; study concepts and de-
hensive auditing is performed by many mammography facilities in both the United States
sign, E.A.S.; literature research, E.A.S.; and other countries. It is generally accepted that auditing is a useful quality assurance
data acquisition, D.L.M.; data analysis/in- procedure that provides performance parameter feedback both to mammography facilities
terpretation, all authors; statistical analysis, and to individual interpreting radiologists (2– 4). Outcomes have been extensively re-
D.L.M.; manuscript preparation, E.A.S.;
ported for screening mammography, leading to the publication of several performance
manuscript definition of intellectual con-
tent, editing, revision/review, and final benchmarks that are currently in widespread use (5– 8).
version approval, all authors Recent reports indicate significantly different clinical outcomes for diagnostic compared
© RSNA, 2005 with screening mammography, the diagnostic examinations being defined as those per-
formed for indications other than the periodic screening of asymptomatic women (9,10).

However, these reports involve only a buquerque, NM), San Francisco Mam- gists met Food and Drug Administration
moderate number (approximately 10 000) mography Registry (San Francisco, Calif), requirements to read mammograms in
of examinations, performed at a single in- and Vermont Breast Cancer Surveillance 2000.
stitution, which may limit generalization System (Burlington, Vt). To determine Two authors (E.A.S. and D.L.M., by
of the observed findings. There also is evi- cancer outcomes, each registry links its consensus) compared the demographic
dence of considerable variability in perfor- data to a state tumor registry or to the makeup (rural-urban mix, race, ethnicity,

mance parameters among interpreting ra- Surveillance Epidemiology and End Re- education level, and socioeconomic sta-
diologists; this is probably related to a sults program. The North American Asso- tus) of the population living in the catch-
complex interaction of experience and ex- ciation of Cancer Registries maintains ment areas of the six BCSC registries in-
pertise (7,11–17). For diagnostic mammog- statistics for each of the cancer registries. cluded in our study with that of the
raphy, the published reports on perfor- All cancer registries were found to be at entire U.S. population by using 2000 cen-
mance variability are based on data from least 94.3% complete, except for the Ver- sus data. To describe the BCSC popula-
only 10 interpreting radiologists (9) and mont registry, which did not have statis- tion, we included census data from all
are described by investigators as likely be- tics available. To supplement cancer reg- counties in which there was a participat-
ing at the ends of the spectrum of perfor- istry information, each registry is also ing mammography facility.
mance rather than representing average linked to pathology databases. Each reg-
performance (18,19). Clearly, there is need istry obtains annual approval from its in-
for more robust data on the clinical out- stitutional review board to collect and
comes of diagnostic mammography exam- maintain registry data. Individual in- The study population included women
inations. formed consent has not been required by 18 years of age or older who had under-
The Breast Cancer Surveillance Con- the institutional review boards because of gone at least one diagnostic mammog-
sortium (BCSC) is a group of mammog- the strict maintenance of anonymity and raphy examination during the years
raphy registries from geographically di- the observational nature of the study. 1996 –2001. Mammography examinations
verse areas in the United States, funded Our study was compliant with the Health performed after December 2001 were ex-
by the National Cancer Institute, that Insurance Portability and Accountability cluded to ensure that there was a period
collects patient demographic and clinical Act. Linkage procedures follow protocols of at least 12 months following examina-
information, mammogram interpreta- specifically designed to preserve patient tion during which cancer could be diag-
tion data, and biopsy results in the de- confidentiality (21). nosed and a period of an additional 24
fined catchment areas of its participating Each registry and the BCSC Statistical months for reporting cancer data to tu-
facilities (20). The primary purpose of the Coordinating Center, or SCC, have devel- mor registries. Cancer reporting was at
BCSC is to collect data from diverse pop- oped data management and quality con- least 95% complete.
ulation-based settings to examine the trol procedures that result in high-quality Diagnostic examinations are designed
practice and performance of mammogra- data collection that is comparable across to solve specific problems and almost al-
phy throughout the United States. Six BCSC registries. Prior to sending data to the ways include as many mammograms as
registries collect data on the full range of SCC, data quality checks are conducted are necessary to make a Breast Imaging
clinical outcomes pertinent to the com- at each registry by using their own pro- Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) fi-
prehensive auditing of mammography cedures, such as manual validation of a nal assessment, as well as case manage-
performance parameters. Pooling of the random sample of records, double data ment recommendations. However, under
data from these registries provides by far entry, monitoring of facility volume over certain circumstances a diagnostic exam-
the largest reported experience involving time, and comparing different sources ination is occasionally assessed as “incom-
diagnostic mammography practice, from (eg, cancer registry and pathology data- plete—needs additional imaging evalua-
which reasonable and realistic performance bases) for consistency. After each annual tion” (BI-RADS assessment category 0). In
benchmarks may be derived. Thus, the data submission from the individual reg- this study, 15 971 (4.6%) of 348 897 ex-
purpose of our study was to evaluate a istries, the SCC performs additional qual- aminations were given a category 0 as-
range of performance parameters perti- ity checks of the pooled data by flagging sessment. For this study, when one or
nent to the comprehensive auditing of coding errors and by comparing informa- more diagnostic examinations followed
diagnostic mammography examinations, tion across registries and over time for an initial diagnostic examination that
and to derive performance benchmarks consistency and outlying values. The was assessed as category 0, all examina-
therefrom, by pooling data collected SCC also conducts biennial site visits to tions up to and including the first exami-
from large numbers of patients and radi- each registry and annual meetings in- nation with a non-zero assessment (within
ologists that are likely to be representa- volving data managers from the registries 180 days) were treated as a single obser-
tive of mammography practice in the to review data management and quality vation. The date of and indication for
United States. control procedures, as well as to check examination were considered to be those
data quality. from the initial examination (the first
Across the six BCSC registries, 151 one with a category 0 assessment). How-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mammography facilities contributed to ever, we used the assessment and man-
the pooled data. This represents 1.5% of agement recommendations from the first
Data Sources
the approximately 10 000 Food and Drug non-zero assessment and attributed the
Data were collected from six BCSC reg- Administration– certified mammography observed clinical outcomes to the radiol-
istries: Carolina Mammography Registry facilities in the United States in 2000. The ogist who made that first non-zero assess-
(Chapel Hill, NC), Group Health Cooper- pool of data contains diagnostic mam- ment. If there was no non-zero assessment
ative (Seattle, Wash), New Hampshire mogram interpretations made by 646 ra- within 180 days, all of the examinations
Mammography Network (Lebanon, NH), diologists. We have been unable to find were excluded (10 662 of 348 897 exam-
New Mexico Mammography Project (Al- reliable estimates of how many radiolo- inations, 3.1%).

776 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al

data, show only very small, nonsignifi-
TABLE 1 cant differences between woman-specific
Demographics for the Study Population Compared with Those for the Entire
U.S. Population and breast-specific outcomes data (24),
indicating that woman-specific data are
Demographic Study Population* U.S. Population† sufficiently accurate measures of inter-

Total population in selected counties 11 874 535 281 421 906 pretive performance.
Rural-urban mix (%) All BCSC registries record data on
Rural 23.0 21.0 whether or not breast ultrasonography
Urban 77.0 79.0 (US) is performed concurrently with di-
Race (%)‡
White 82.7 84.9 agnostic mammography. However, these
African American 9.7 10.8 data do not include a separate BI-RADS
Other 7.5 4.3 assessment category for US examina-
Hispanic ethnicity (%) 6.3 7.3 tions.
No high school degree (%)§ 16.0 19.6
Economic status
In a report on diagnostic mammogra-
Living in poverty (%) 11.2 12.4 phy from the BCSC, Geller et al (25)
Unemployed (%) 3.7 4.0 showed that in 10%–15% of examina-
Median family income ($) 53 933 51 197 tions with positive (abnormal) findings,
* Based on 2000 census data for all counties in which there was a mammography facility that there is discordance between the BI-
contributed data to this study. RADS assessment and subsequent man-
† Based on 2000 census data for the entire U.S. population.
agement recommendations provided by
‡ For women age 40 years and older.
§ For women age 25 years and older. the interpreting radiologist. An example
of such discordance is a finding assessed
as suspicious, accompanied by the rec-
ommendation for anything other than
biopsy or surgical consultation. In this
Data Collection Procedures for diagnostic mammography. Across all
study, we have chosen to analyze mam-
BCSC registries, the interpreting radiologist
Across all BCSC registries, mammogra- mography interpretation data by using
prospectively classifies each diagnostic
phy patients complete a questionnaire both BI-RADS assessments and manage-
mammography examination into one of
that requests medical history and demo- ment recommendations to parallel the
three categories: additional work-up of an
graphic data (including date of most re- BI-RADS auditing approaches that will be
abnormality detected at screening exami-
cent mammography examination, family discussed in the paragraph concerning
nation, short-interval follow-up, or evalua-
history of breast cancer, previous percu- positive predictive value (PPV) calcula-
tion of a breast problem. We further sub-
taneous or surgical biopsies, personal his- tions.
divided the “evaluation of a breast
tory of breast cancer, and description of Mammography patients were consid-
breast symptoms experienced within the problem” category according to whether ered to have breast cancer if a state tumor
past 3 months). Women were considered the patient indicated the presence of a pal- registry, Surveillance Epidemiology and
to have a family history of breast cancer pable lump on the medical history ques- End Results program registry, or pathol-
if they reported having at least one fe- tionnaire that she completed at the time of ogy database indicated the diagnosis of
male first-degree relative (mother, sister, her mammography examination, because invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma
or daughter) with breast cancer. Women results in previous published reports have in situ (DCIS) within 12 months after a
were considered to have a personal his- shown substantially different clinical out- diagnostic mammography examination.
tory of breast cancer if they self-reported comes based on this approach (9,10). If the Additional data collected for breast can-
previous breast cancer or if there was ev- self-reported response concerning palpable cer cases included tumor size (for inva-
idence of previous breast cancer in the lump was missing for a given examination, sive cancers), axillary lymph node status
cancer registry or pathology database. we used the first nonmissing response, if (for invasive cancers), and American
Each woman was considered to have un- any, within the previous 90 days. Joint Committee on Cancer stage (26).
dergone a previous mammography ex- The mammography registry also col-
amination if she self-reported a history of lects data on image interpretation, in-
cluding management recommendations Outcome Measures
prior mammography or there was data
from a prior mammography examination and the BI-RADS assessment categories A positive (abnormal) assessment at di-
in the BCSC database. assigned by the interpreting radiologist agnostic mammography was defined as
Diagnostic mammography is performed for each mammography examination an overall assessment of suspicious for or
for a variety of problem-solving indica- (22,23). A separate assessment is recorded highly suggestive of malignancy. Cancer
tions, including work-up of abnormalities for each breast. For purposes of this diagnosis rate was defined as the number
detected at screening mammography, eval- study, we have reported an overall assess- of cancer cases identified at mammogra-
uation of abnormalities found at clinical ment for the entire examination, if ap- phy (mammographically true-positive)
examination, and short-interval follow-up propriate, by using the more abnormal divided by the total number of diagnostic
examinations both for probably benign le- BI-RADS assessment category according mammography examinations. A true-
sions and for cancer patients recently to the following hierarchy: negative (cat- positive case is one that is followed by
treated by means of breast preservation egory 1), benign (category 2), probably the diagnosis of invasive breast cancer or
surgery. Other special breast problems, benign (category 3), suspicious (category DCIS within 12 months of a positive as-
such as the presence of implants or the 4), or highly suggestive of malignancy sessment at diagnostic mammography.
evaluation of extent of disease for a known (category 5). Published results of a previ- Conversely, a case was considered to be
malignancy may also represent indications ous investigation, as well as our own false-positive if results at diagnostic

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 777

Clinical Demographics by Indication for Examination for 332 926 Diagnostic Mammography Examinations
Abnormality Evaluation of Breast Problem
Detected at
Screening Short-Interval No Lump or All Diagnostic

Clinical Demographic Mammography Follow-up Lump Unknown Palpable Lump Examinations

All examinations 101 147 81 285 89 593 60 901 332 926
Age (y)
Missing data 45 (0.0) 32 (0.0) 26 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 103 (0.0)
⬍30 167 (0.2) 122 (0.2) 1558 (1.7) 2750 (4.5) 4597 (1.4)
30–39 5420 (5.4) 4919 (6.1) 11 094 (12.4) 14 607 (24.0) 36 040 (10.8)
40–49 33 938 (33.6) 24 462 (30.1) 25 475 (28.4) 21 216 (34.8) 105 091 (31.6)
50–59 29 566 (29.2) 23 596 (29.0) 21 874 (24.4) 11 109 (18.2) 86 145 (25.9)
60–69 17 718 (17.5) 14 907 (18.3) 15 289 (17.1) 5980 (9.8) 53 894 (16.2)
70–79 11 207 (11.1) 10 217 (12.6) 10 783 (12.0) 3759 (6.2) 35 966 (10.8)
ⱖ80 3086 (3.1) 3030 (3.7) 3494 (3.9) 1480 (2.4) 11 090 (3.3)
Mean 54.7 55.6 53.9 47.9 53.5
Median 52.0 53.0 52.0 46.0 51.0
Family history of breast cancer
Yes 13 910 (13.8) 12 631 (15.5) 12 201 (13.6) 8035 (13.2) 46 777 (14.1)
No or unknown 87 237 (86.2) 68 654 (84.5) 77 392 (86.4) 52 866 (86.8) 286 149 (85.9)
Personal history of breast cancer
Yes 5450 (5.4) 11 313 (13.9) 17 630 (19.7) 3.663 (6.0) 38 056 (11.4)
No or unknown 95 697 (94.6) 69 972 (86.1) 71 963 (80.3) 57 238 (94.0) 294 870 (88.6)
Previous mammography performed
Yes 100 448 (99.3) 80 938 (99.6) 77 940 (87.0) 47 603 (78.2) 306 929 (92.2)
No or unknown 699 (0.7) 347 (0.4) 11 653 (13.0) 13 298 (21.8) 25 997 (7.8)
Note.—Data are numbers of examinations, and numbers in parentheses are percentages.

mammography were interpreted as posi- biopsy), whether or not imaging guid- among the data variables collected, are
tive and no breast cancer was diagnosed ance was used to perform the biopsy. beyond the scope of our study.
within the next 12 months. Because the principal aim of this study
In this article, we do not report on was to provide outcomes data to be used
measures of sensitivity or specificity be- for the derivation of clinically relevant RESULTS
cause such measures require the enumer- performance benchmarks, we have cho-
ation of false-negative and true-negative sen to provide only descriptive statistics During the 1996 –2001 study period, on
cases, respectively, involving tumor reg- such as those enumerated previously. Be- the basis of the specific eligibility criteria
istry linkage data that are not generally cause benchmarks are more meaningful previously described, the six participat-
available to mammography facilities or if they indicate ranges of performance as ing BCSC registries contributed data from
individual practicing radiologists. These well as arithmetic means, we also have 2 547 845 mammography examinations,
measures, as well as other data beyond calculated percentile values for selected which included both screening and
the scope of this article, are available to outcomes. For example, the combination diagnostic examinations. This study in-
interested readers on the BCSC Web of 25th and 75th percentile values de- volved data from 332 926 diagnostic mam-
site ( fines the range within which the middle mography examinations among 239 751
/diagnostic). 50% of performance is found, and the women, of which 101 147 (30.4%) ex-
combination of 10th and 90th percentile aminations were performed as further
Statistical Analysis values defines the range within which work-up of abnormalities detected at
Calculations of PPV were made by di- the middle 80% of performance is found. screening mammography, 81 285 (24.4%)
viding the number of true-positive cases To reduce the number of radiologists were performed as short-interval follow-up
by the sum of true-positive and false-pos- with zero observed “events” (eg, no ab- examinations, and 150 494 (45.2%) were
itive cases. Three separate PPV calcula- normal interpretations, no cancers diag- performed to evaluate a breast problem.
tions were performed by using BI-RADS nosed) in our percentile data, we report Among this latter group of examinations,
methods: PPV1, probability of cancer af- outcomes from only those radiologists 60 901 (18.3% of all examinations) in-
ter positive mammography interpreta- who contributed at least a designated, volved women who reported a palpable
tion; PPV2, probability of cancer after subjectively determined minimum num- breast lump.
recommendation for biopsy or surgical ber of cases for each outcome, because
consultation, following positive mam- radiologists with zero events do not con-
Demographic Factors
mography interpretation; and PPV3, tribute useful or informative data. We
probability of cancer after biopsy, follow- have used graphical presentations (fre- The demographic makeup of the pop-
ing positive mammography interpreta- quency distributions overlaid with per- ulation living in the catchment areas of
tion and a recommendation for biopsy or centile values) to display these data in an the six BCSC sites in our study is com-
surgical consultation. “Biopsy” included easily understandable format. More com- pared with that for the entire U.S. popu-
the performance of any type of biopsy plex analytic methods, designed to eluci- lation in Table 1. There were only slight
(fine-needle aspiration, core, or surgical date statistically significant interactions differences, none greater than five per-

778 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al

Abnormal Interpretations by Indication for Examination for 332 926 Diagnostic Mammography Examinations
Abnormality Evaluation of Breast Problem
Detected at
Screening Short-Interval No Lump or All Diagnostic

Abnormal Interpretation Mammography Follow-up Lump Unknown Palpable Lump Examinations

Abnormal interpretation rate (%) 12.3 3.4 5.7 10.5 8.0
Abnormal interpretations 12 431 2804 5120 6421 26 776
All examinations 101 147 81 285 89 593 60 901 332 926
PPV1 (abnormal interpretation) (%)* 25.1 24.4 31.7 46.5 31.4
Cancer 3120 685 1622 2984 8411
Abnormal interpretation 12 431 2804 5120 6421 26 776
PPV2 (biopsy recommended) (%)† 24.6 24.6 32.9 48.0 31.5
Cancer 2732 577 1357 2507 7173
Abnormal interpretation 11 099 2347 4130 5223 22 799
PPV3 (biopsy performed) (%)‡ 30.3 32.3 43.2 59.4 39.5
Cancer 2724 576 1348 2495 7143
Abnormal interpretation 8976 1782 3120 4198 18 076
Note.—Except where indicated, data are numbers of examinations.
* At assessment, either suspicious or highly suggestive of malignancy (BI-RADS category 4 or 5).
† Abnormal interpretation and recommendation for either biopsy or surgical consultation.
‡ Abnormal interpretation, biopsy recommended, and biopsy results available.

Cancers by Indication for Examination for 332 926 Diagnostic Mammography Examinations
Abnormality Evaluation of Breast Problem
Detected at
Screening Short-Interval No Lump or All Diagnostic
Mammography Follow-up Lump Unknown Palpable Lump Examinations
Cancer Data (n ⫽ 101 147) (n ⫽ 81 285) (n ⫽ 89 593) (n ⫽ 60 901) (n ⫽ 332 926)
All cancers 3120 685 1622 2984 8411
Cancer diagnosis rate (per 1000) 30.8 8.4 18.1 49.0 25.3
Histologic finding*
DCIS 840 (26.9) 210 (30.7) 260 (16.0) 163 (5.5) 1473 (17.5)
Invasive carcinoma 2280 (73.1) 475 (69.3) 1362 (84.0) 2821 (94.5) 6938 (82.5)
Invasive cancer size (mm)†
1–5 275 (13.9) 62 (14.9) 80 (6.9) 89 (3.6) 506 (8.4)
6–10 635 (32.0) 133 (32.0) 189 (16.3) 204 (8.4) 1161 (19.4)
11–15 532 (26.8) 98 (23.6) 256 (22.0) 445 (18.2) 1331 (22.2)
16–20 246 (12.4) 57 (13.7) 194 (16.7) 463 (19.0) 960 (16.0)
⬎20 294 (14.8) 66 (15.9) 442 (38.1) 1238 (50.8) 2040 (34.0)
Unknown 298 59 201 382 940
Mean 14.3 14.4 20.9 25.6 20.2
Median 11 11 17 21 15
Minimal cancer‡ 1750 (62.0) 405 (64.7) 529 (37.2) 456 (17.5) 3140 (42.0)
Axillary lymph node status (invasive cancers)§
Negative 1745 (84.2) 360 (86.7) 825 (68.3) 1724 (65.6) 4654 (73.6)
Positive 327 (15.8) 55 (13.3) 383 (31.7) 905 (34.4) 1670 (26.4)
Unknown 208 60 154 192 614
Cancer stage㛳
0 840 (30.0) 210 (34.8) 260 (18.5) 163 (6.3) 1473 (20.0)
I 1448 (51.7) 285 (47.2) 536 (38.1) 865 (33.6) 3134 (42.5)
II 461 (16.5) 92 (15.2) 493 (35.1) 1272 (49.5) 2318 (31.4)
III 42 (1.5) 10 (1.7) 84 (6.0) 195 (7.6) 331 (4.5)
IV 10 (0.4) 7 (1.2) 32 (2.3) 76 (3.0) 125 (1.7)
Unknown 319 81 217 413 1030
* Numbers in parentheses are percentages of all cancers.
† Numbers in parentheses are percentages of invasive cancers of known size.
‡ Defined as DCIS or invasive cancer 10 mm or smaller; numbers in parentheses are percentages of DCIS and invasive cancers of known size.
§ Numbers in parentheses are percentages of invasive cancers of known nodal status.
㛳 Numbers in parentheses are percentages of DCIS and invasive cancers of known stage.

centage points, between our study popu- and Hispanic women, was slightly more Previous reports have shown that clin-
lation and the U.S. population. Our study educated, and had a slightly higher me- ical outcomes for screening mammogra-
population was slightly more rural, con- dian family income than the entire U.S. phy are affected by several other demo-
tained slightly fewer African American population. graphic factors, specifically age, family

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 779


Figure 1. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of abnormal

interpretation rates for 281 401 diagnostic mammography examina-
tions (among radiologists with 10 or more examinations), as a func-
tion of indication for examination. An overlaid solid line indicates the
50th percentile (median), paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and
75th percentiles, and paired dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th
percentiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results detected at screening
examination; B, short-interval follow-up; C, evaluation of breast prob-
lem, no lump or lump unknown; D, evaluation of breast problem,
palpable lump; E, all diagnostic examinations. Corresponding arith-
metic mean values for all 332 926 examinations are listed in Table 3.

history of breast cancer, personal history Abnormal Interpretations screening-detected abnormalities or for
of breast cancer, and mammography per- short-interval follow-up, with the highest
For our entire study population, results
formed previously (3–5,27–30). Because PPVs observed for the subset of “breast
from 26 776 (8.0%) of the 332 926 diag-
it is likely that these factors will also af- problem” examinations for which the pa-
fect the outcomes for diagnostic mam- nostic mammography examinations were
tient reported a palpable lump.
mography, appropriate data are pre- interpreted as abnormal (positive). Among
sented for our study population (Table 2). these examinations with abnormal results,
Those who use the benchmarks derived biopsy was recommended in 22 799 (6.8%)
Breast Cancers
from observed outcomes in this study are cases, and biopsy was actually performed
advised to compare the clinical demo- in 18 076 (5.4%) cases. For our study, PPV1 For our entire study population, breast
graphic factors of their own patient pop- (abnormal interpretation) was 31.4%, PPV2 cancer was found at 8411 of the 332 926
ulation with those reported here. Those (biopsy recommended) was 31.5%, and diagnostic mammography examinations
who are able to break down their own PPV3 (biopsy performed) was 39.5%. Table with findings interpreted as abnormal,
audit data as a function of one or more of 3 shows these data stratified by indication which is a cancer diagnosis rate of 25.3
these factors should consult the BCSC for diagnostic mammography. All three per 1000 examinations. Cancer diagnosis
Web site, where such data breakdowns PPVs are higher for examinations per- rates varied considerably according to indi-
are provided for selected observed out- formed to evaluate a breast problem than cation for examination, ranging from a
comes in the study. for examinations performed as work-up of low of 8.4 per 1000 for short-interval fol-

780 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al


Figure 2. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of PPV1 for

21 336 diagnostic mammography examinations with abnormal find-
ings (among radiologists with 10 or more examinations with abnor-
mal findings), as a function of indication for examination. An overlaid
solid line indicates the 50th percentile (median), paired dashed lines
indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and paired dotted lines indi-
cate the 10th and 90th percentiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results
detected at screening examination; B, short-interval follow-up; C,
evaluation of breast problem, no lump or lump unknown; D, evalua-
tion of breast problem, palpable lump; E, all diagnostic examinations.
Corresponding arithmetic mean values for all 26 776 diagnostic ex-
aminations with abnormal results are listed in Table 3.

low-up examinations to a high of 49.0 per ited primarily to those lesions that were ing work-up and short-interval follow-up
1000 for palpable lump cases (Table 4). nonpalpable even in retrospect. Data on cases (26.9% and 30.7%, respectively);
Patient-reported data on the presence the use of imaging guidance for tissue the lowest percentage of DCIS (5.5%) was
or absence of a palpable lump were avail- diagnosis were unavailable for 4773 found for cases of breast problem with a
able for 7653 (91.0%) examinations that (56.7%) examinations that led to a breast palpable lump reported (Table 4).
led to a diagnosis of breast cancer. cancer diagnosis. This very high percent- Data on tumor size were available for
Among these, a palpable lump was re- age of missing data precludes reliable de- 5998 (86.5%) of the invasive cancers in
ported for 3181 (41.6%) examinations, termination of the frequency with which this study. The mean and median sizes
and all but 197 of these were performed breast cancer may be palpable in retro- for these cancers were 20.2 mm and 15
for evaluation of that symptom. spect, after having been identified at di- mm, respectively. When stratified by in-
Some breast lesions are found to be agnostic mammography. dication for examination, as shown in
palpable only in retrospect, after diagnos- In our overall study population, Table 4, invasive cancer size was smallest
tic mammography is performed (ie, once among the diagnostic mammography ex- (therefore prognosis was most favorable)
the presence of a lesion is verified and its aminations with findings interpreted as for abnormal screening work-up cases
three-dimensional location is precisely abnormal, there were 1473 (17.5%) cases (mean, 14.3 mm; median, 11 mm) and
determined). During the study period of DCIS and 6938 (82.5%) cases of inva- short-interval follow-up cases (mean,
(1996 –2001), the performance of imag- sive carcinoma. The highest percentages 14.4 mm; median, 11 mm). Invasive can-
ing guidance for tissue diagnosis was lim- of DCIS were found for abnormal screen- cer size was largest for palpable lump

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 781


Figure 3. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of PPV2 for

18 140 diagnostic mammography examinations with abnormal results
for which biopsy was recommended (among radiologists with 10 or
more biopsies recommended), as a function of indication for exami-
nation. An overlaid solid line indicates the 50th percentile (median),
paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and paired
dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles. A, Work-up of
abnormal results detected at screening examination; B, short-interval
follow-up; C, evaluation of breast problem, no lump or lump un-
known; D, evaluation of breast problem, palpable lump; E, all diag-
nostic examinations. Corresponding arithmetic mean values for all
22 799 examinations for which biopsy was recommended are listed in
Table 3.

evaluation cases (mean, 25.6 mm; me- Conversely, a measure of poor prog- prognosis) was 73.6%. The highest per-
dian, 21 mm). nosis is the frequency of invasive carci- centages were found for abnormal
Another widely used outcome measure noma larger than 20 mm in size. For the screening work-up and short-interval fol-
indicating favorable prognosis is the fre- entire study population, there were low-up cases (84.2% and 86.7%, respec-
quency of minimal cancer, which is de- 2040 such cases, representing 34.0% of tively), whereas the lowest percentage
fined as either DCIS or invasive carci- invasive cancers of known size. The (65.6%) was found for palpable lump
noma 10 mm or smaller. For the entire lowest percentages of these large can- cases (Table 4).
study population, there were 3140 mini- cers were found for cases of abnormal Data on cancer stage were available for
mal cancers, representing 42.0% of the screening work-up and short-interval 7381 (87.8%) of the cancers. For the en-
study population if DCIS and invasive follow-up (14.8% and 15.9%, respec- tire study population, the percentage of
cancers only of known size are consid- tively), whereas the highest percentage these cancers that were stage 0 or stage I
ered. The highest percentages of minimal (50.8%) was found for cases of palpable (favorable prognosis) was 62.4%. The
cancer were found for abnormal screen- lump (Table 4). highest percentages were found for ab-
ing work-up and short-interval follow-up Data on axillary lymph node status normal screening work-up and short-in-
cases (62.0% and 64.7%, respectively). were available for 6324 (91.2%) of the terval follow-up cases (81.7% and 82.0%,
The lowest percentage of minimal cancer invasive cancers. For the entire study respectively), whereas the lowest percent-
(17.5%) was found for palpable lump population, the percentage of these can- age (40.0%) was found for palpable lump
cases (Table 4). cers that were node-negative (favorable cases (Table 4).

782 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al


Figure 4. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of PPV3 for

14 374 diagnostic mammography examinations with abnormal results
for which biopsy was recommended and actually performed (among
radiologists with 10 or more biopsies performed), as a function of
indication for examination. An overlaid solid line indicates the 50th
percentile (median), paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and 75th
percentiles, and paired dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th per-
centiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results detected at screening exam-
ination; B, short-interval follow-up; C, evaluation of breast problem,
no lump or lump unknown; D, evaluation of breast problem, palpable
lump; E, all diagnostic examinations. Corresponding arithmetic mean
values for all 18 076 examinations for which biopsy was performed are
listed in Table 3.

Performance Benchmarks variability in individual performance urban mix, ethnicity, education level, so-
among radiologists. For example, in Figure cioeconomic status) of people in the
The data presented in Tables 3 and 4
5, E (cancer diagnosis rate, all diagnostic studied catchment areas are very similar
represent arithmetic mean values of clini-
examinations), only 10% of eligible radiol- to those features found for the entire U.S.
cal outcomes for all diagnostic mammog-
ogists had a cancer detection rate lower population. This, combined with the
raphy examinations in our study. How-
than or equal to 10.3 cancers per 1000 ex- large number of examinations studied,
ever, because it is unlikely that outcomes
aminations, whereas 90% of radiologists suggests that the outcomes we report for
for a given radiologist will closely approx-
had a rate lower than or equal to 38.0 can- diagnostic mammography are reasonably
imate these average values, we also present
cers per 1000 examinations. representative of what occurs throughout
ranges of performance, displayed in graph-
ical format as smoothed plots of frequency the United States. The BCSC does not
distributions overlaid with vertical lines in- DISCUSSION collect sufficient data to reliably charac-
dicating the 10th, 25th, 50th (median), terize the experience or skill of its partic-
75th, and 90th percentile values for those The geographic diversity of the patient ipating radiologists. However, the patient
participating radiologists who contributed population served by the six BCSC mam- population– based nature of BCSC data,
sufficient numbers of cases to provide mography registries that contributed as well as the large number of radiologists
useful data. The breadth of these ranges, data to this study is evidenced by the fact who contribute cases, makes it very likely
shown in Figures 1–9, indicates the wide that major demographic features (rural- that our population of participating radi-

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 783


Figure 5. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of cancer diag-

nosis rate for 274 946 diagnostic mammography examinations
(among radiologists with 100 or more examinations), as a function of
indication for examination. An overlaid solid line indicates the 50th
percentile (median), paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and 75th
percentiles, and paired dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th per-
centiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results detected at screening exam-
ination; B, ahort-interval follow-up; C, evaluation of breast problem,
no lump or lump unknown; D, evaluation of breast problem, palpable
lump; E, all diagnostic examinations. Corresponding arithmetic mean
values for all 332 926 examinations are listed in Table 4.

ologists is as representative as is our pa- mammography. These similarities be- and especially those performed to evalu-
tient population. Therefore, we believe tween BCSC and UCSF data are due par- ate palpable lumps. Similar observations
that realistic performance benchmarks tially to inclusion of some UCSF cases in apply concerning the prognostic factors
for the practice of diagnostic mammog- the BCSC data set. However, cancers re- of cancers identified at diagnostic mam-
raphy may be derived from our data. ported from the UCSF represent only 606 mography. Cancers identified among ex-
In general, the outcomes we observe (7.2%) of the 8411 BCSC cancers. Fur- aminations performed as work-up of
for diagnostic mammography are consid- thermore, these same general observa- screening-detected abnormalities and
erably different from published perfor- tions are valid for both the UCSF and short-interval follow-up are smaller, are
mance benchmarks for screening mam- non-UCSF cases in our study. more frequently node-negative, and are
mography (5– 8) as were reported recently The overall BCSC data also confirm the earlier in stage than are those identified
from the University of California at San previously reported UCSF observation among examinations performed to eval-
Francisco, or UCSF (9,10). The cancer di- that diagnostic mammography outcomes uate a breast problem and especially
agnosis rate is substantially greater at di- vary substantially by indication for ex- among those examinations performed to
agnostic mammography, and the cancers amination. All three PPVs are lower for evaluate palpable lumps. These observa-
identified at diagnostic mammography examinations performed as work-up of tions have been reported previously
are larger, more frequently node-positive, screening-detected abnormalities and (9,31) and are to be expected because the
and are found at a more advanced stage short-interval follow-up than for those populations of patients undergoing diag-
than are those detected at screening performed to evaluate a breast problem nostic mammography for work-up of ab-

784 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al


Figure 6. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of invasive can-

cer size for 4733 invasive cancers of known size that were identified at
diagnostic mammography (among radiologists finding five or more
invasive cancers of known size), as a function of indication for exam-
ination. An overlaid solid line indicates the 50th percentile (median),
paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and paired
dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles. A, Work-up of
abnormal results detected at screening examination; B, short-interval
follow-up; C, evaluation of breast problem, no lump or lump un-
known; D, evaluation of breast problem, palpable lump; E, all diag-
nostic examinations. Corresponding arithmetic mean values for all
5998 invasive cancers of known size are listed in Table 4.

normal results detected at screening exam- less than 1% of cases) among patients data on clinical outcomes for diagnostic
inations and for short-interval follow-up undergoing diagnostic mammography mammography, but we find a paucity of
involve asymptomatic women similar to for short-interval follow-up (32–34). previously published scientific data on the
the general population of healthy women Traditionally, performance benchmarks subject. The BCSC data reported here in-
undergoing routine screening mammogra- are derived by panels of expert practitio- volve by far the most extensive published
phy (women among whom advanced can- ners from critical analysis of scientific data experience with diagnostic mammography
cer outcomes are less likely). The subset of published in the peer-reviewed literature. and are likely to be representative of results
patients undergoing diagnostic mammog- This approach has been used in the de- in general practice throughout the United
raphy for work-up of screening-detected velopment of screening mammography States rather than results achieved by
abnormalities differs from the general benchmarks. The screening benchmarks highly skilled specialists. We have chosen
screening population only in that mam- currently most widely used in the United to use only these BCSC data in deriving
mographic abnormalities are present in States are stated to represent “desirable performance benchmarks.
all cases, thereby accounting for in- goals” achieved by “highly skilled ex- To achieve the goal of presenting rep-
creased abnormal interpretation (BI- perts” in mammography (6). resentative and reliable performance
RADS category 4 and 5) and cancer diag- The authors of this article collectively benchmarks in a format that is easy to
nosis rates. Our results also reinforce have the appropriate expertise in breast understand by practicing radiologists, we
previously published observations that imaging practice, epidemiology, and bio- have chosen to present our data not only
cancer is identified very infrequently (in statistics to evaluate the existing scientific as arithmetic means but also in the form

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 785


Figure 7. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of minimal can-

cer percentage for 6001 DCIS and invasive cancers of known size that
were identified at diagnostic mammography (among radiologists find-
ing five or more DCIS and invasive cancers of known size), as a
function of indication for examination. An overlaid solid line indi-
cates the 50th percentile (median), paired dashed lines indicate the
25th and 75th percentiles, and paired dotted lines indicate the 10th
and 90th percentiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results detected at
screening examination; B, short-interval follow-up; C, evaluation of
breast problem, no lump or lump unknown; D, evaluation of breast
problem, palpable lump; E, all diagnostic examinations. Correspond-
ing arithmetic mean values for all 7471 DCIS and invasive cancers of
known size are listed in Table 4.

of frequency distribution graphs overlaid practice, and percentile calculations serve benchmark data presented in this article?
with selected calculated percentiles. Note as indicators of average and not-so-average First, it will be important to collect data
that we have chosen to depart from the performance. These data should not be on most if not all of the outcomes re-
previous practice of reporting perfor- used to define either standards of care or ported in this article. One will gain very
mance benchmarks as “desirable goals” proscriptive regulatory thresholds for the little insight into either mammography
based on outcomes achieved by “highly clinical practice of diagnostic mammogra- facility or individual radiologist perfor-
skilled experts.“ It is unclear at what level phy; these issues are beyond the scope of mance if auditing is limited to the can-
specialists really perform in the context this article. Instead, these data should be cer-versus-no-cancer tracking of biopsy-
of BCSC data, although the little scien- used by practicing radiologists to place into recommended cases that is mandated in
tific evidence already published on the perspective the clinical outcomes observed the United States by Food and Drug Ad-
subject suggests that their performance from their own facility-wide and individ- ministration regulation (35,36). This ap-
would be at the high end of the numeric ual audits, for the purpose of continuing proach provides only PPV2 data, which
scale for all performance parameters ex- quality improvement. are essentially meaningless unless ana-
cept for mean invasive cancer size, for lyzed in combination with data on can-
which this would be at the low end of the cer detection rate, size, nodal status, and
How to Use Benchmark Data
numeric scale (16,18,19). Rather, the data stage. Furthermore, data (mammography
we report are meant to indicate the range How then should a mammography fa- outcomes) collection procedures should
of current clinical outcomes in general cility or individual radiologist use the be either fairly complete or realistically

786 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al


Figure 8. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of node-nega-

tive percentage for 5051 invasive cancers of known nodal status that
were identified at diagnostic mammography (among radiologists find-
ing five or more invasive cancers of known nodal status), as a function
of indication for examination. An overlaid solid line indicates the
50th percentile (median), paired dashed lines indicate the 25th and
75th percentiles, and paired dotted lines indicate the 10th and 90th
percentiles. A, Work-up of abnormal results detected at screening
examination; B, short-interval follow-up; C, evaluation of breast prob-
lem, no lump or lump unknown; D, evaluation of breast problem,
palpable lump; E, all diagnostic examinations. Corresponding arith-
metic mean values for all 6324 invasive cancers of known nodal status
are listed in Table 4.

judged to be representative in order to breast cancer, mammography performed For each clinical outcome, then, one will
reduce the extent to which case selection previously) should be compared with be able to judge the level of performance
bias confounds observed results. those factors reported in Table 2 to deter- in terms of being above or below mean
Next, it will be necessary to perform a mine whether and to what degree patient- and also in terms of an estimated percen-
mammography audit that segregates di- related differences might confound the tile. In so doing, it is important to recog-
agnostic from screening examinations to comparison of one’s data with those of the nize that larger amounts of data will be
analyze diagnostic outcomes separately. BCSC. For example, if one interprets mam- collected at the mammography facility
The methods used in this article parallel mograms from a patient population at very level, which will provide more statistical
the BI-RADS auditing approaches devel- high or very low risk for breast cancer, the precision (and therefore be less subject to
oped by the American College of Radiol- interpretations, management recommen- random statistical variation) than data
ogy (22,23), so these should be followed dations, and clinical outcomes will be dif- collected at the level of the individual
as closely as possible. If feasible, audit ferent than those reported for the BCSC radiologist. For relatively low-volume
data should be analyzed collectively and (35). facilities, and especially for individual
also separately by indication for diagnos- Finally, appropriate outcomes should radiologists who interpret relatively few
tic examination. Next, selected demo- be compared with the benchmarks re- diagnostic mammograms, it may be
graphic factors of the diagnostic mam- ported for the BCSC, by using both arith- necessary to analyze audit data col-
mography patient population (age, family metic mean data from Tables 3 and 4 and lected from a period longer than the
history of breast cancer, personal history of the graphical data shown in Figures 1–9. past year. Despite this limitation, it is

Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 787


Figure 9. Smoothed plots of frequency distributions of stage 0 or I

percentage for 5910 cancers of known stage that were identified at
diagnostic mammography (among radiologists finding five or more
cancers of known stage), as a function of indication for examination.
An overlaid solid line indicates the 50th percentile (median), paired
dashed lines indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and paired dotted
lines indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles. A, Work-up of abnormal
results detected at screening examination; B, short-interval follow-up;
C, evaluation of breast problem, no lump or lump unknown; D,
evaluation of breast problem, palpable lump; E, all diagnostic exami-
nations. Corresponding arithmetic mean values for all 7381 cancers of
known stage are listed in Table 4.

very important for radiologist-specific portant patient demographic factors (pa- subsequent years, we also plan to update
data to be analyzed because this is the tient age, family history of breast cancer, the performance benchmarks posted on
only approach that will enable one to personal history of breast cancer, mam- the BCSC Web site, perhaps once a year,
identify whether there are individual mography performed previously), these so that repeat users will be able to com-
radiologists within a group practice results also should be compared with par- pare their annual audit data with even
who need to improve performance. allel BCSC data posted on the BCSC Web more robust BCSC data obtained during
For those mammography facilities that site. For either the mammography facil- similar periods of time.
are able to link their audit data with ity or the individual radiologist who pre-
those in a regional tumor registry, fers to conduct an online self-versus-
Study Limitations
thereby permitting reliable compilation BCSC comparison of data, the BCSC is
of data on true-negative and false-nega- developing a Web site that has a secure There are five principal limitations to
tive results, calculations of sensitivity user-driven module that employs com- the use of data from our study. First, in-
and specificity also should be obtained puter prompts for data entry and valida- sofar as clinical outcomes are expected to
and those calculations should then be tion, followed by interactive displays of vary with changes in the demographic
compared with parallel BCSC data posted performance data for diagnostic mam- factors of a given patient population (3–
on the BCSC Web site. For those mam- mography for entered-versus-BCSC data. 5,26 –29), those who anticipate such
mography facilities capable of breaking Finally, as the BCSC continues to collect problems, particularly those from coun-
down audit results as a function of im- mammography outcomes data over the tries other than the United States, should

788 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al

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mance benchmarks to be representative performance benchmarks apply princi- two-county program of mammographic
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mammography for evaluation of a breast The fifth limitation is that many (per- quality determinants of mammography.
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group of cases covers a wide variety of States do not now conduct the type of man Services, Agency for Health Care Pol-
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1994; 83.
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implants or breast pain) to evaluations simply may not be anyone available to normal interpretation and cancer detec-
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program. Radiology 2000; 215:563–567.
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indications was prospectively made. It is ison with our data. In still other practices, Office for Official Publications of the Eu-
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Volume 235 䡠 Number 3 Performance Benchmarks for Diagnostic Mammography 䡠 789

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790 䡠 Radiology 䡠 June 2005 Sickles et al

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