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Spellfire Wielder

A Class for D&D 5th Edition

by Constantine Magkakis

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Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

A Story of Spellfire
“Right or wrong, legend holds that only one person in a fallacy, spellfire allows its wielder to perform many
all Faerûn is gifted with true spellfire at a time. Gossip fantastic deeds depending upon her skill, talent and
identifies that one person today as the lass Shandril the amount of magical energy she has within her at
Shessair, an orphaned kitchen-maid from a tavern in the time.
Highmoon of Deepingdale. In general spellfire can be used to absorb magical effects
it contacts, heal the wounded or create destructive blasts
Shandril has spellfire, yes, and a hundred mages
of fire, although the exact effects vary by circumstance
hound her for it, Zhentarim and Thayans and Cult of and user. Talented wielders are rumored to be able to
the Dragon and independents, slaughtering each release multiple blasts at once or even fly.
other in their ruthless pursuit of her power. Learn
this, if you heed nothing else in this book: Legends lie.
Spellfire and Magic
Mystra's Chosen wield lesser spellfire if they care to
call on it, and some among them command true Spellfire is affected by some spells and magic items, such
spellfire. as Dispel Magic or Rod of Absorption. A character with a
Rod of Absorption, or an item with similar capabilities,
A mage hiding in the Border Kingdoms possesses true can use her reaction to absorb a spellfire blast or a
spellfire, and a cruel and arrogant noble of Chessenta, damaging spellfire ray targeted at her. The rod gains a
and the wizard R- but I'm sure you grasp my point. number of charges equal to the spellfire points expended
In the early Sword Coast North, the ranger Haclam to power the effect. Similarly a creature can use
Sunderstone undoubtedly possessed spellfire. He stood Counterspell or ready an action to cast Dispel Magic on a
alone against an orc horde pouring south past the blast. The DC equals to 10 + the number of spellfire
points expended. Globe of Invulnerability can also stop
Coldwood - and turned them into smokes and scorch
spellfire blasts and damaging rays powered by up to five
spellfire points(or up to eight if cast using higher level
I could go on. So can anyone who cares to spend the slots). Such defensive spells, although useful, are not as
years in study at Candlekeep that I did before I chose efficient at stopping spellfire as they are at thwarting
to flee to this nameless backwater keep and cloak more streamlined magic.
myself in squalor and obscurity.
Why did I spend my fortune and my eyesight, and then Creating a Spellfire Wielder
steal away to here, to grow wizened and ugly and While creating a Spellfire Wielder you will probably
bent? face the same questions and dilemmas with a
Why? Well, because I have true spellfire too, of course. Sorcerer. How much do you know about your
Come looking for me, and I will blast you to dust, and power? Will you manage to control it or will it
then lay waste to all your descendants, ancestors, and control you? Did the power came to you by chance
the realm you came from, every last tree and stone of it. or for some lofty purpose? Most importantly though,
Why? Well, it's what I usually do.” does the world know about the fire that burns inside
you? Will you try to hide it or unleash it without
—Baerendtia Riverhand, restrain? When the world comes after you, for good
Sage of Sperndelzyon or ill, what will you do? Perhaps you will search for a
teacher to help you master your gift, maybe one will
present himself to you when you start to gather fame
or notoriety. Alternatively you can explore the limits
What is Spellfire? of your power alone or, with the help of the few
trusted companions you might have. You might use
Spellfire is refined, controlled, raw magic from the it to put an end to the schemes of evil sorcerers and
Weave. It can manifest as an all consuming blue- cruel kings. It is just as likely though, that you will
white radiance or as a font of sliver light and healing end up the wicked ruler yourself one day. Faerun is
energy. Normally mortals cannot use or shape raw an immense world, full of wonders, danger and
magic. Instead they manipulate the Weave as opportunity. You must now find your place in it.
described in page 206 of the PHB to produce the
desired effects. A rare few are born with ability to do
so. Once thought to be a gift bestowed only to a
single person at a time, although this is proven to be

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight,
Intimidation, Persuasion and Religion
Class Features
As a Spellfire Wielder you gain the following features. Equipment
You start with the following equipment in addition with
Hit Points the equipment granted by your backround.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Spellfire Wielder level • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any
Hit Points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution simple weapon
modifier • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's
Hit Points at higher levels: 1d6(4) + your pack
Constitution modifier per Spellfire Wielder level • two daggers
Armor: None Spellfire
Weapons: Simple
You can harness the raw magic energy of the Weave,
Tools: None
known as spellfire. Your access to this energy is

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

represented by a pool of spellfire points. The
maximum safe number of spellfire points you can Spellfire save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
store is shown in the class table. Bodily Effects of modifier
Spellfire below details the effects of trying to store
Spellfire attack roll = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
more points than this. You start your adventure with modifier
1d10 spellfire points plus twice your class level.
During the course of play you can gain spellfire
points in the following ways: Spellfire Blast
You can use your Attack action to throw a bolt of
• You re-gain a number of ½ your blue-white fire at one enemy of your choice. A
Constitution score spellfire points, every spellfire blast deals 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6
time you complete a long or a short rest, per spellfire point expended. Spellfire damage is half
from the residual magic in the environment, fire damage and half force damage. A spellfire blast
your own life force and exposure to the sun. has a normal range of 120 feet and a maximum
In light-less environments such as the range of 400 feet.
wilderness of the Underdark you gain 1d4
points less. In magic rich environments, like Healing Fire
the lair of a dragon, an ancient ruin As an action you can touch a living creature (including
protected by mithals, or if you remain in yourself) to heal it for 2 hit points per spellfire point
close proximity to a powerful artifact, the expended.
rate you gain spellfire points increases by
1d4 points. Gaining spellfire points this way,
can never take you above your maximum Absorb Magic
spellfire points – ½ your Constitution score. Whenever a creature casts a spell or uses an ability
• You can gain spellfire points by directly purely magical in nature that targets you or includes you
absorbing magic cast at you as described in in its area of effect you can spend your reaction to
the Absorb Magic feature below. Later absorb it (Similar to a Rod of Absorption). A spell or
spellfire points can be gained by draining ability absorbed this way has no effect on you. For each
energy from magic items, lingering spells or spell absorbed this way you gain a number of spellfire
even living creatures. points equal to its level. Area spells with a duration
• Finally a willing living creature can sacrifice greater than a single round offer half that amount
its life to give you a number of spellfire instead(min one point). Abilities that are not spells give
points equal to its Hit Dice. If the creature is a number of spellfire points equal to the level of a spell
a spellcaster or possesses strong innate that closely resembles them as adjudicated by the DM.
magic you gain spellfire points equal to two If an ability does not match the description of any spell
times its maximum Hit Dice. it gives a number of spellfire points equal to ½ the
creature's Hit Dice. Cantrip level magics are
automatically absorbed but offer no spellfire points.
You can expend spellfire points to fuel various
class features. You can spend a number of spellfire
points per round equal to your Constitution score. Bodily Effects of Spellfire
Whenever you expend more points per round than
A Spellfire Wielder's capacity for spellfire energy is
your character level or your Constitution modifier, determined by her Constitution score and her character
whichever is higher, you suffer a level of exhaustion. level. As the number of spellfire points in the pool
You start knowing two such features: Spellfire Blast approaches or surpasses the maximum safe value, as
and Healing Fire. You also begin in play with a third determined by the class table, spellfire energy starts to
feature Absorb Magic, that you can use to gain become increasingly unstable.
spellfire points and shield yourself from the Art. As From max spellfire points – ½ Constitution Score to max
you gain levels more features become available to spellfire points: The wielder's eyes glow brightly, and any
you. creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the
character causes 1 spellfire point to be discharged as a
Some of your spellfire features require your target harmless burst of light. Once per day, the character must
to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. make a Constitution save (DC 10) or take 1d6 points of
Others require you to make an attack roll using damage as one of her spellfire points backfires.
spellfire. The saving throw DC and the attack roll From the above upper limit, up to max spellfire points + ½
are calculated as follows: Constitution score: As above, plus the wielder's skin glows

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

(shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire Spellfire Path
points as light, and the character must make the backfire
Constitution check every hour. At 3rd level, you choose a path that represents the
From the above upper limit, up to max spellfire points +
unique qualities of your gift and how you are
Constitution Score: As above except the character sheds attempting to master it. Spellfire Channeler,
light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her Weavetouched or Corrupted Wielder, all detailed at
body (disadvantage on skill checks) and must make the the end of the class description. Your choice grants
backfire Constitution check every minute. A touch releases you features when you choose it at 3 rd and again at
1d6 spellfire points as blinding light (Constitution save, 7th, 13th and 17th levels.
DC 10 + number of spellfire points expended, on a fail
blinded for one round) against the wielder and all creatures
within 5 feet of her. Purify Body
Max Spellfire points + Constitution Score +1 and above: Beginning at 3rd level, by turning the power of
As above except the character radiates a palpable (but non- spellfire inwards you can purge your body of
damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain poisons and diseases that might ail you. As an action
(disadvantage on skill checks and attack rolls), and must
you can expend a spellfire point to remove one
make the backfire Constitution check every round. A touch
releases 2d6 spellfire points as blinding light (Constitution disease or poison from your system. If more than
save, DC 10 + number of spellfire points expended, on a one is present at the time you purge one at random,
fail blinded for one round) against the wielder and all starting from the most potent. Each time you use this
creatures within 5 feet of her. Finally the wielder is forced ability you suffer 1d6 points of spellfire damage. At
to use the Attack action, throwing Spellfire Blasts and 7th level you can purge curses as if casting a Remove
expending her allowed maximum number of spellfire Curse spell on yourself by expending three spellfire
points, at random targets within 30 feet of her(which can points and taking 3d6 points of damage. At 10 th level
be herself) in preference to any other action.
your ability to remove curses expands. You can now
purge effects that reduce your hit point maximum or
your stats, as well effects that alter your physiology
Drain Magic in any way.

Starting at 2nd level, you can absorb the magic of

lingering spells and magical effects such as
Shield of Fire
Darkness, Cloudkill or Haste. While within 5' feet Starting at 3rd level, you can expend 3 spellfire points
from such a spell, or a creature under the effects of as an action to create a nimbus of spellfire around
such a spell, you can use your action to immediately yourself that grants you resistance to fire for one
end it. You gain a number of spellfire points equal to hour. In addition you can expend one spellfire point
the spell's level. If you had previously used your to gain immunity to the effects of environmental
Absorb Magic feature to negate its effects on you, heat and cold for 24 hours.
you gain half the points instead. (This can occur with
spells like Incendiary Cloud where you can negate Ability Score Improvement
the effects on you when it's first cast and then
attempt to absorb it on following turns). You can When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
never gain more spellfire points from a spell than its and 19th, you can increase one ability score of your
level this way. Abilities that are not spells should choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
give a number of spellfire points equal to the level of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an
a spell that closely resembles them as adjudicated by ability score above 20 using this feature.
the DM.
Extra Blast
Sense Magic Beginning at 5th level, you can unleash two bolts of
Starting at 2nd level, you can sense the presence of spellfire per attack action against your enemies. The
magic and see it around you. This feature allows you total amount of spellfire points you can expend in a
to perceive magic as if you had cast Detect Magic and round remains the same. At 11 th level you can
can be used a number of times per day equal to unleash three bolts per attack action.
1+your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long
rest you regain all expended uses. Drain Magic Item
Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to absorb the
energy of magic items to power yourself. When

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

within 5' feet of a magic item you can use your action A Staff of Frost gives 16 spellfire points and loses all
to drain it. The item becomes non-functional for 24 charges. If this is the fifth time the staff is drained
hours and you gain a number of spellfire points using this ability it turns to water and is destroyed.
depending on its power as shown in the table below: A +1 Longsword gives 6 spellfire points. If this is the
third time the sword is drained using this ability it
Rarity Non- Permanent becomes a non-magical sword.
Rechargeable Items

Common 1 4
Improved Healing
Uncommon 2 6 Starting at 6th level, your Healing Fire feature now heals
Rare 5 12 1d6+1 hit points per spellfire point used.
Very Rare 11 16
Legendary 15 20
Sentient - 30 Deflection
Beginning at 6th level, you can use small bolts of
Upon being drained non-rechargeable items lose 1/3
spellfire to knock missiles fired at you away. This
of their maximum charges(rounded-up). If this
feature allows you to Deflect Missiles like a Monk of
reduces their total to zero charges they crumble to the same level would. You use your Charisma modifier
dust or become non-magical(follow the rules in the to calculate the amount of damage that is negated.
item's entry). Activating this feature costs one spellfire point and you
Rechargeable items lose all charges (follow their can never choose to catch a missile you successfully
entry's rules to replenish them once they reactivate). deflect.
Sentient items do no appreciate being drained and
might develop a deep hatred and/or fear for a
character that attempts to do so, especially if it is Spellfire Flight
done without their permission. At 10th level, you can use spellfire's awesome power to
Artifacts normally cannot be drained of their magic. propel yourself through the air. By expending three
The DM should decide the consequences and the spellfire points as an action you can fly as if under the
details of an attempt to do so. Draining an artifact effects of a Fly spell cast by you. For every minute after
should give a spellfire wielder 30 or more spellfire the first you must expend an additional spellfire point if
points. you wish to maintain the effect. In addition you can
A creature can prevent an item on its possession expend one spellfire point as a bonus action to increase
from being drained by succeeding on a Wisdom your flight speed by 30 feet until the end of your turn. A
saving throw. visible trail of light, that lasts for one round, is formed
Permanent items can only be drained a set number behind you as you move.
of times before they lose their magic permanently as
shown in the table below: Crown of Fire
Rarity Maximum Number of Times At 14th level, by using an action and expending an
amount of spellfire points equal to your Constitution
Common 2 score you can manifest the Crown of Fire, which
Uncommon 3 appears as a halo of spellfire around your head and
Rare 4 provides light equal to a Daylight spell. You do not
Very Rare 5
Legendary 6 suffer exhaustion for expending more spellfire
Sentient 6 points that your class level while activating Crown of
Fire, until after it has ended. The crown snuffs out
Examples: An uncommon potion gives 2 spellfire any form of magic around you that is not spellfire
points and it becomes non-magical liquid. and suppresses magic items and other effects as an
An Arrow of Slaying gives 11 spellfire points and Antimagic Field would. It provides resistance against
becomes a regular arrow. bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage dealt by
A Ring of Three wishes with two charges remaining non-magical weapons. Creatures and objects within
gives 15 spellfire points and loses one charge. 10 feet of you suffer 10 spellfire damage per round.
A Nine-lives Stealer gives 16 spellfire points and Maintaining the crown requires concentration. Once
loses 3 charges. If this is the fifth time the sword is you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
drained using this ability it becomes a non-magical you finish a long rest.

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

Spellfire Haste Spellfire Initiate
At 3rd level, you make your first steps towards the
Beginning at 15th level, you can use spellfire to complete mastery of your gift. First you learn finesse
energize yourself, accelerating your actions. You and control. As long as you have at least one spellfire
sparkle with light for the duration of the effect, as point, you can complete tasks that require minuscule
power surges inside you. By expending three amounts of spellfire like lighting a candle or warming
spellfire points as an action you can act as if under food. In addition, as an action, you can produce the
the effects of a Haste spell cast by you for one effects of any of the Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire (only
minute. blue) and Light cantrips as if you had cast them.
Finally, whenever you hit a creature with your
Spellfire Reserve spellfire you can expend a spellfire point to cause some
of the blue-white flames of the blast to linger on the
At 20th level, you treat your Constitution as four target. The next attack roll made against this target
points higher, for determining your spellfire capacity before the end of your next turn has advantage as a
and maximum expenditure per round. In addition, result.
you learn how to store spellfire energy in deep
reserve. These spellfire points don't count as part of Spellfire Savant
your normal storage capacity, but they also can't be At 7th level, your skill with spellfire further improves.
used to power spellfire effects without first calling You can now use rays of spellfire to absorb magic and
them from reserve. Spellfire points in reserve also harm or heal others at range. A ray has a range of 60
don't detect as magical. Placing any number of feet and hits its target unerringly. Using a spellfire ray
spellfire points in reserve requires one minute and to attack requires an action and can deal a maximum of
can be done after a short or a long rest. Calling any 1d6 damage per class level. Trying to muscle out more
number of points from reserve into your normal power than that turns the ray into a spellfire blast. You
pool, requires an action. If you start your turn with can use this the feature a number of times equal to
less spellfire points than your Constitution score you 1+your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest
can call upon your reserve as a bonus action instead. you regain all expended uses.
You can store a number of spellfire points in this In addition, whenever you damage a creature with
manner equal to your class level plus your your spellfire, you can expend a spellfire point to
Constitution bonus (if any). intensify the radiance of the flames, causing any
affected creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls
until the end of its next turn. Whenever you use more
Spellfire Paths spellfire points than your Constitution modifier on a
damaging feature, you can instead expend three
Spellfire Wielders have many features in common but spellfire points to force the creature to make a
how they go about using their gifts can set them miles Constitution saving throw. On a failure it is blinded for
apart. Some devote themselves in mastering their gift, one minute. A creature blinded by this feature makes
others in the desperation of their darkest hour, or in the another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of
greedy exploration of their powers are consumed by it, its turns. On a successful save it is no longer blinded.
like they will later consume others. Finally, either
through divine intervention or just seer force of will, a Spellfire Orb
rare few awaken the very power of the Goddess of all Beginning at 13th level, you gain the ability to create
Magic inside them. orbs of concentrated spellfire with immense
destructive potential. As an action you can launch an
orb of spellfire to any point within your normal
Spellfire Channeler spellfire range. The orb races to its destination and
then blossoms into an explosion of blue-white flame.
You devote yourself in perfecting the art of your gift.
Each creature within a 20-foot radius sphere must
Most who bear it never have the time or the opportunity
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save a
to fully develop it. Those who practice their spellfire are
able to hone their talent into a tool with fantastic creature takes 1d6 points of damage per spellfire
capabilities. You are determined to go even beyond that point spent or half as much on a successful one. In
and learn new methods of controlling and shaping order to create a spellfire orb you must expend a
spellfire that lesser mortals barely comprehend. minimum amount of spellfire points equal to ½ your
class level. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Constitution modifier. When you
finish a long rest you regain all expended uses.

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

Silverfire can shield not only you mind but also
Maelstrom of Fire your body, allowing you to function with no food or
At 17th level you can, as an action and by expending drink for up to seven days. You must expend a
spellfire points equal to your Constitution score, spellfire point for each day you want to benefit from
unleash deadly spellfire energy in all directions. Each this feature.
creature in a 40-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder
centered on you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A Weaveport
creature takes 1d6 points of damage per spellfire point At 13th level, as an action you can instantly transport
expended on a failed save, or half on a successful one. yourself to a destination you select as long as the
You can maintain the effect as long as you keep Weave of Magic is functional in both areas. The effect
expending your allowed maximum of spellfire points functions like a Teleport spell cast by you. Once used
per round. Once the effect ends you cannot use it again this feature cannot be used again until you complete
until you complete a long rest. a long rest.

Wrath of the Chosen

Weavetouched Starting at 17th level, when you use a silverfire beam
you can stretch the Weave around you to its limits in
You awaken the fabled Silver Fire, a rare form of
order to magnify the power of your attack to
spellfire that until the restoration of the Weave was only
unimaginable levels. For every spellfire point you
held by the chosen of Mystra. Maybe you were truly
expend the beam deals 1d8 points of damage, in
touched by the Goddess of all Magic for a purpose, or
addition it ignores immunity to damage and has the
this could just be a quirk of your gift. Whatever the
secondary effects of a Disintegrate spell. This means
reason it was bestowed upon you this power is yours to
that any creatures reduced to zero hit points are turned
command and unleash upon the world.
to dust, along with any large or smaller non-magical
objects in the beam's path. The beam destroys 10-foot
Silver Fire cube portions of Huge or larger objects it meets. Once
Beginning at 3rd level, your spellfire has a pure you use this feature you cannot use it again until you
silvery color and unless you will it to destroy feels complete a long rest.
quite cool to the skin. Silvefire's raw power makes it
far more difficult to precisely shape and control than
normal spellfire, but it offers many unique qualities
that make it a most potent gift. Silverfire blasts and
Corrupted Wielder
other damaging effects ignore resistance to both fire The greatest boon a spellfire wielder can receive is the
and force damage and cannot be dispelled, absorbed lifeforce of a creature offered willingly to power her
or otherwise thwarted like normal spellfire can. spellfire. Shandril Shessair only managed to manifest
Magical barriers and protective spells, such as Wall the legendary Crown of Fire after a Harper made the
of Force and Globe of Invulnerability, that come to ultimate sacrifice, allowing her to take in all the magic
contact with silverfire are dispelled. his lifeforce contained. But what can be given as a gift,
Once per short rest, as an action, you can cast a can also be taken by force. You have realized your
beam of silverfire that blasts out of you in a 100-feet ability to absorb magic energy directly from living
long, 5-feet wide line. Each creature in the area must creatures, either by accident, as when Shandril tried to
make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes full quench the magical flames ravaging her husband's
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on body, or by experimentation with your abilities. Instead
a successful one. The beam dispels and passes of shying away from the terrible power you discovered,
through any magical barriers in its path. you decide to explore it, starting down a dark path from
In addition when you use Shield of Fire you can which there might be no salvation.
choose gain resistance to cold for one hour.
Life Drain
Quicksilver Soul Starting when you choose this path at 3 rd level, you
Beginning at 7 level, you can use your Purify Body can steal some of the magic energy in a living
ability to immediately end the charmed condition if creature's lifeforce with a touch. As an action you
it is currently affecting you. Moreover you can can make a melee spellfire attack against the target.
expend one spellfire point as an action to gain the If the attacks hits you deal 1d8 necrotic damage to it
benefits of the first paragraph in the Ring of Mind and gain one spellfire point. At 5th 10th and 15th levels
Shielding entry in DMG(pg 191) for one hour. the damage increases by 1d8 and you gain an
additional spellfire point per use. You cannot gain

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

more spellfire points from a single creature than its
maximum Hit dice until 24 hours have passed.
Shades of black appear on your spellfire whenever
you power it with spellfire points taken from living

Lifeforce Preservation
At 7th level, your ability to wield spellfire to bolster
your own lifeforce improves. Whenever you gain
spellfire points through the abilities of this path you
require no nourishment for the next 24 hours. In
addition Purify Body no longer causes backlash
damage and whenever you use the Healing Fire
feature to heal yourself, you heal 6 hit points per
spellfire point expended.

Vampiric Fire
Starting at 13th level, you can use spellfire taken from
living creatures to rapidly regenerate yourself. In
any turn you gain spellfire points through the
features of this path you may use Healing Fire or
Purify Body on yourself as a bonus action. You may
not expend more spellfire points on Healing fire than
the amount you gained this turn.

Reaper of Magic
Starting 17th level, you can attempt, as an action, to
completely consume the magic of a living creature
adjacent to you, destroying its lifeforce in the process.
The target takes 12d10 necrotic damage, or half on a
successful Constitution save, and you gain a number of
spellfire points equal to its Hit Dice. Creatures with
innate magical abilities have disadvantage on the saving
throw and offer double the amount of spellfire points.
You cannot use this feature again until you have
completed a long rest.

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

Creating the Class & various questions edition's can only absorb spells targeted at her rule
and started adding from there in order to find the
Spellfire Wielders are in many ways similar to sweet spot between that and 2 nd edition's absorb
sorcerers and probably one of their unofficial almost anything rule. With single class progression
predecessors. Yet they have enough differences to and four to six encounters per day the spot is pretty
stand apart and be their own class. close to the second option. I suggest you first try-out
Important notes: This class does not aim to be one this class as it is. There are ways to reduce the power
of the core classes of the game. It is meant to be a of this feature if you still find it overwhelming. You
tool for a group of players that want to tell a story can always limit the effect just to spells, or remove
about the most coveted magical power in Faerun. the feature completely and replace it with Magic
Allowing it in your campaign should be a conscious Resistance (Advantage on saves vs spells and
choice made by the whole group. Resistance to damage from spells, awarding spellfire
Allow multi-classing at your own peril. points on a successful save and when spell damage is
The class was designed around the amount of taken).
encounters per day that is suggested in DMG, about
four to six. Also it is important to understand that in But the big bad wizard at the end of the campaign
order to function properly the class needs to be able will be useless against such a character, no?
to absorb magic on a regular basis. If the big bad wizard's plan is to cast Disintegrate
after Disintegrate at the spellfire wielder he most
Why a class based on spellfire? definitely will be. On the other hand any big bad
Its simple, spellfire is my favorite magical ability wizard worth his salt will think of one or more ways
from the world of Faerun. Maybe because the novel to deal with such a character. He will have his
with the same name was the first FR book I ever minions and summons on her, he will be throwing
read. I understand it is an ability that makes most curses and spells at her companions, he will have his
people uncomfortable and cannot be suited to many apprentices hurl their spells at her first so he can
tables but for me it is just another amazing tool to follow up with his own(that Disintegrate plan may
tell a great story. just work in the end), will be using his Staff of the
Magi to absorb her spellfire. And that is just off top
Why not a sorcerous origin or another class of my head. Generally he, like any good “boss”,
archetype? should be forcing her and the rest of the characters
Spellfire is a very potent ability on its own, so in the party to make choices, choices that can be
combining it with another class progression, costly and choices that lead to interesting story
especially with a class that has the utility of a full developments.
spellcaster, is incredibly dangerous. To keep things
even close to balanced you will need to trim A spellfire wielder seems to be able to dominate a
spellfire's qualities to the point where it is not that fight with raw damage output. Is this normal?
anymore except in name. Although she can definitely have a high dpr and
dominate a single encounter, a spellfire wielder
So a spellfire wielder can just absorb any spell? played like this will quickly end up useless for the
A spellfire wielder can use her reaction to absorb rest of the day and maybe even longer. Much like a
most kinds of magical effects, from a spell to a sorcerer throwing his Meteor Swarm and an 8th and
deathknight's hellfire orb, that target them or 7th level Disintegrate at the first enemies he sees.
include them in their area of effect. As usual the DM Except that the sorcerer will have his cantrips to fall
is the final arbiter of whether or not an effect can be back to. There is no guarantee that the spellfire
absorbed. Note: Other creatures in the spell's or wielder will be able to recharge at all if she chooses
ability's area still suffer its effects as normal. to go all out.
At lower levels going “nuclear” is even more risky.
Is this not broken? Except that there is no guarantee that you will be
The class as designed has a limited resource pool to able to recharge, exhaustion is a constant threat.
call upon in order to fuel any of the features it Also misses from high powered blasts are very
possesses, including its attacks. Also it possess very costly. The extra blast feature of the class is aimed at
little defensive capabilities other that this and they exactly this. Stabilizing the dpr of the character
are very costly. With that in mind it is not. Not being while also offering the option for some multiple
able to refuel her spellfire points would make the target damage. Keep the number of encounters per
class unplayable. While testing this I started with 3 rd

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

day up and you will have no problems with the
damage output. Having only one or two encounters
per day will lead to problems with many classes not
just the Spellfire Wielder.

The other casters in the party are casting their spells

on the spellfire wielder to power her up, is this
supposed to happen?
Its a feature not a bug, when done in moderation. In
the books Elminster encouraged the Knights of Myth
Drannor and Shandril's betrothed to feed her their
unused spells in order to keep her battle ready.
Moreover doing this before battle is not even close
to optimal.

Can a spellfire wielder using Spellfire Haste throw an

extra spellfire blast with his additional attack action?
That is the intent, yes. The limits of spellfire point
expenditure remain the same though.

Can a spellfire wielder multi-class into a spellcaster?

Let me repeat that multi-classing is not advised with
this class and has not been playtested at all. With
that being said, if you choose to allow it, spellcasting
and spellfire should not interact with each other. At
any given round the character can choose to use her
spells or her spellfire features as she sees fit.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,

the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards
of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is
used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright
2016 by Konstantinos Magkakis and published under
the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.

Spellfire Wielder version 1.2

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