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When people’s mentality change, so will the language. If we take away the homophobia that comes with saying
someone is gay or a faggot, you’ll see those words used less and less; until we find a new minority to focus our nation’s
hate on.

The closing track on Dividing Lines, Mirage, seems to be an introspective and retrospective description of fading youth.
Do you feel as though your youth has somehow been cut short? How are you dealing with the inevitable and some-
times difficult transition between college student and college graduate?
I actually don’t feel like my youth is cut short. I’m very lucky in that I’m able to enjoy an extended youth, almost. I have
friends my age who have serious real world concerns, and I’m not quite at that point yet. I’m dealing with the transi-
tion into the real world as best I can. I plan on just taking the best possible steps I can to live a comfortable life. I have
options. I have a good life. I come from a good home who are willing to help me out as much as they can. They don’t
exactly support Sacred Love, but they support me through school and give me the best possible options in order to
succeed, and I’m extremely thankful for that. But the real world is waiting for me. That fact that I’m probably not going
to have a job that challenges me or stimulates me is a reality. The line “I’ll live in die in four years time, reincarnate to
wait in unemployment lines” pretty much sums up how I see my college experience going. I’m not a strong student, so
I need to bust my ass studying in order to test well; however, will that secure me a job when I get out? It’s pretty laugh-
able when I think about it - laughable and pretty depressing. I eventually plan on going back to school, and becoming
a teacher or a councilor, so I can feel that I’ve actually helped someone. I want that more than anything else in life.
Is this world worth saving?
Yes, absolutely. I’m not a misanthropist. I have the utmost faith in humanity. I have the utmost faith that we can take
charge of our oppressors and return things to equality. Some people argue that our Presidents have been chosen
far ahead of time, and there’s absolutely no hope of finding hope or change in American politics; but I don’t buy
completely into it. I think people’s hands are tied so tight that they’re frightened to make a change. But if you look at
human history, there has always been a fight back against the oppressors. Will I see it in my life time? Not sure. I believe
we’re in a Dark Age of thought. Will I see the Age of Enlightenment? I’d like that; but I wouldn’t feel unfulfilled if I didn’t.
I have faith that one day, even if I’m not around, the scales will be even and we will take back control.


Sacred Love is a very new band,

having formed less than one year
ago. You’ve managed to get a band
started, write music and record two
records in less than a year. How did
Sacred Love get together and what was
it like transitioning from guitar to vocals?
Sacred Love was started with my desire to
start a hardcore band. I wasn’t too thrilled
with the trends of hardcore, but instead
of becoming jaded on the scene, I decided to start a band. I feel that is the best course of action if you don’t see what all the
hubub is about x band that is getting a bunch of hype. I only knew two things going in; 1. I wanted to sing, and 2. I want every-
one in the band to love hardcore as much as I do. I recruited Pat and Daniel from my previous band to join forces and had this
idea of making a band that sounded like Warzone. It’s funny, because before we even had a set lineup, I booked our first show
on January 10th 2010. Whether we were ready or not, we were going to play this show. Around October or November, I had a
45-50 minute phone conversation with my good friend Mitch Olshansky. He was the guitarist of Brick, who had recently gone on
hiatus. We had a long talk about the current state of hardcore, straight edge, and just plain deep life lessons. I told him about
Sacred Love - what sound we were going for - and admitted to him if I had it my way, I would go for a band that sounds like the
Bad Brains. He agreed that he would also like to do a groovy Bad Brains inspired band. It was then I asked him to join Sacred Love
THINKING CAP is: and do exactly that. I wanted the band to be a straight edge band; but, I like Mitch way more than I would like being in a straight
edge band! He said he’d let me know. I got a text from him 10 minutes afterwards saying he was down to do it. We got Ev a little
STEPHEN ST. GERMAIN later. I was talking to him on Gmail chat, and he was asking me about Sacred Love, since Mindset was playing our first show. He
proceeded to ask me if we had a bassist, which we didn’t, and went into a little speech saying how he just started playing and
EV WIVELL would really love to play bass in a band. He went on tell me how he would totally understand if he was not skilled enough to join ,
CRUCIAL JOHN and we could tell him if he sucked; however, I retorted with only, “Dude, do you have equipment? Then you’re in.” I can honestly
say I couldn’t pick a better set of individuals to be in a band with. We all are committed. We all love hardcore. It’s fucking great.
The new EP, Dividing Lines, begins with a haunting sound clip before kicking ...someone “can’t learn to see me a brotha instead of two distant strangers,”
into “What’s Left of This World”, setting the tone for the record. What exactly is to quote 2Pac. No one is better than anyone else. Doesn’t matter if you’re
the message behind the sound clip and how does it relate to the lyrical con- the hardest motherfucker from Baltimore or you’re from DC and you love to
tent of the record? remind people that it’s where it all began, you are still a sweaty asshole in a
It’s a newsclip from an incident that happened in Athens, Greece, when basement at the end of the day. I took this local issue, and just put it on more
protesters burned a bank down, killing four people. It’s just an example of the relative terms. I feel this is a world issue. The idea that no one is born as a bet-
fact that rioting without a sense of intelligence makes you no better than the ter person than another is an idea I feel strongly about. I hate seeing classism
corrupt politicians you are rising against. How are you going to protest high and elitism in any form, whether it is in the hardcore scene or the real world.
taxes and go on to destroy private property, which you will later be taxed I wanted to go with Dividing Lines for the name of the record after Ev de-
for in order to repair? It just doesn’t make sense. I was pretty adamant about scribed the album art he was trying to do for it. It just seemed very fitting.
having it in because it sets the first two songs off very well. The idea of destroy-
ing just to destroy, with no real thought out purpose, really bothers me, and On the Sacred Love demo your lyrics had a much less urgent tone. One could
having it come from my people - from my culture that did so much for the argue that they were less aware, both socially and personally, than the lyrics
better of man and government - just really brought to my attention of how of the EP which deal with broader and deeper issues. Where the demo largly
much in trouble we are as a people. It’s just one example in a list of many explored personal relationships, the EP seems to deal with your relationship
botches that the Greek riots have caused. Last year, when a cop killed a 15 with the greater good and questions about your role in society and society
year old boy, the citizens went to riot and protest because of it. Normally, I in general. What would you consider the general theme of each record, and
would agree with this action; however, the went on to destory much of the what prompted this shift? How would you describe your growth as a lyricist?
city, including the felled boy’s family’s restaurant. What the fuck is that? It’s The demo lyrics were just a starting point. I never sang in a band before, so
rioting for the sake of rioting - suburban families having the golden spoon that was my first try at writing lyrics. Luckily I have two members who were/
ripped from their mouth and destroys the entire dinner table because of it. are frontmen, so they offered me good advice. Really, I always wanted to
Having that happen, and living in a country and culture where it’s the com- write about broader issues; however, the time I wrote the demo lyrics, I was
plete opposite, yet leaves the familiar feeling of shame - where the majority in my own little world. I was struggling with school, relationships, love, all that
of people accept what the government tells them without challenging it in personal stuff, so that’s what I wrote about. I’m going to write about what I’m
fear of the knowledge that the person you think you voted in really doesn’t feeling regardless of expectation. That might mean I write someone personal,
give a shit about you - really inspired me to make my own voice heard on the it might mean I write something cultured and worldly, but I’m going to be
subject. true to myself first and foremost. How can I yell these words on stage if I don’t
really believe every word? I shifted focus on the EP because I was extremely
Your parents are Greek immigrants and you yourself have lived in Greece pissed off about what was happening in Greece, as well as the other topics I
and speak the language. As someone who can potentially define themselves covered, but I also was a bit more confident in my writing abilities. I felt more
as both and observer and a participant in Greek history, how has the recent confident in myself to write about a broader topic or something that wasn’t
turmoil in Greece affected you? How do you define your role in Greek history personal. I’m use to writing. I write a lot for school, so with the Dividing Lines
and culture? EP, I stopped pulling punches and just did what I wanted to do. When I write
It fucking kills me. It seriously hurts me to see this part of me, because it is part lyrics, I write them very quickly and try not to work on the too long, because
of me no matter how much I try to distance myself from it, that was respon- my own pessimism about my writing would take over, and we would never
sible for so much good has now spiraled into this: a joke. Greece, right now, finish another song. I write the lyrics usually when the band is writing the song,
is a joke. When I look at 5th Century BC Greece, and see all the good litera- fit it in, make a few changes, and just trust in the emotion and mind frame
ture, great political ideas, and great minds that came out, I am only left with that I was in at the time.
a great sense of shame and a nagging bat of irony hitting me over the head.
In fact, the only people the irony seems to be lost on are the Greek people WH2 deals with the idea of the equality of love. How do you think our genera-
themselves. Just on a personal level, it really hurts me. I’m not going to be a tion will be remembered in regards to homophobia and gay rights?
factor in Greek history or culture. I am an American. I live here. I don’t plan I think our generation will be the one that makes gay rights a reality. If you
on moving to Greece. I can’t even see myself visiting there because I’m so look at any poll or any study, the overwhelming majority of people in our age
disgusted with it. I only hope that the pendulum swings the other way and the group are for gay marriage. It’s pretty much a waiting game at this point.
Greek people and government better themselves sometime in my life time. The string pullers now have their heels dug in on this issue, and there is really
nothing to be done but wait for them to step aside. It’s a generational thing. I
Explain the ideas presented in the song Dividing Lines. What inspired you to can’t imagine what it’s going to be like for that older generation in the future.
name the record after this track? How will they deal with my children asking them, “What were you thinking?
I wrote Dividing Lines on a small local issue, and wrote in broader terms so How did it feel to prevent basic human rights.” It’s the same questions I would
that more people could possibly relate. I wrote it on how lame I think it is that ask adults who were against civil rights for blacks. I’m really interested in how
the Baltimore and DC scene don’t help each other out, and just talk shit they will fit in the world when their service is done and they are no longer any
about each other. There was definitely a time where I considered myself on a use to anyone. I think homophobia is something that will never truly leave. It’s
side in this particular argument; however, I grew out of that, looked around, going to be like racism; there will always be a small undertone. At the same
and saw that everyone else is still drinking from a sippy cup. Bottom line, if you time, I think we should focus now more on gay rights then the ignorant lan-
judge someone solely on where they’re from, without even getting to know guage we say sometimes. I study language on the regular, and at the end of
them, you are a fucking idiot. It’s a real shame that in the hardcore scene the day, words are words - people put the meaning behind them.
there has to be elitism and ignorance that divides us up. It’s a real shame ...

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