CRI Entrance 0

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Charlotte Research Institute (CRI) Entrance 04-Feb-19 14:36

Project ID Total Authorization PM CM Designers Contractors/CM@Risk

12866 $2,500,000 Elizabeth Frere John Neilson McAdams Heartland Contractors

Activity Name BL Project Start BL Project Finish Start Finish %

Authorization Milestone 31-May-16 31-May-16 A 100%
Design Contract Executed Milestone+ 16-Sep-16 16-Sep-16 A 100%
SD/DD Production 17-Sep-16 09-Mar-17 17-Sep-16 A 09-Mar-17 A 100%
SD/DD Final Approval- Milestone* 17-Jul-17 17-Jul-17 A 100%
CD Production 10-Mar-17 08-Sep-17 10-Mar-17 A 08-Sep-17 A 100%
CD Final Approval- Milestone* 09-Feb-18 09-Feb-18 A 100%
Advertise for Bids 12-Feb-18 09-Mar-18 12-Feb-18 A 09-Mar-18 A 100%
Contract Execution Milestone 08-Aug-18 08-Aug-18 A 100%
Construction Phase 07-Aug-18 24-Dec-18 20-Aug-18 A 13-Feb-19 92.13%
Beneficial Occupancy Milestone* 24-Dec-18 13-Feb-19 0%
Project Closeout Milestone* 25-Dec-18 17-Mar-19 0%

Project Budget Original Authorization $ 2,500,000 Current Authorization $ 2,588,108 Budget $ 1,711,892
End User/Dept
This project w ill enhance the Charlotte Research Institute (CRI) entrance to campus along Tryon/
Highw ay 29. It includes site grading improvements, landscaping, seat w alls, utilities and paving that
w ill be coordinated w ith the new CATS lightrail and road w idening that is happening along the
streetscape. A UNC Charlotte sign and Institute Circle enhancements are also included.
Past 30-90 Days
NTP issued for 8-20-18
Storm drainage and sign structural steel are complete
Masonry w ork is underw ay for seat w alls, entrance sign, and tow ers.
Wet w eather and unsuitable soil have delayed the progress of the w ork

30-90 Day Look Ahead Continue with masonry work and begin electrical tie ins to nearby buildings .
Issues/Problems Project has slipped ov er 1 month due to poor existing soil conditions and wet weather.

Funding Source Amount

Non-General Funds $2,500,000

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