4650 and 4850 Section 55

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Section 55





Traclon C utch Va v€ Hous nq Specif calrons 55,20,01

55-05-01 Transm ss on Contro Va ve Cover
nsla 55-05-02 Remove . .. 55 20-02
Speed Selector Assemb y
GROUP 10 . TFACTION CLUTCH VALVE Dsassemble and nsp':ct ..... ... 55 20,03
HOUSING Forward Reverse Valve ,\ssembly
Dsassemble and nsp'rct .... .. 55-20-05
Spec ar Too s 55-10-01 Shllt Valve Housing
Other Malerials 55-10,01 Remove/ nspect ... 55-20-07
Service Parls K ts 55,10,01 Remove/ nspect Rem lining Contro
Spec f cal ons 55,10,02 Valves ..... ... 55-20-10
PTO Clutch Valve lnstall Control Valves 55-20-11
Femove/ nspect 55-r 0,03 Assemble and nstall 55-20-13
PTO Lock Piston Assemble Forward-Revefse Va ve
Remove/ nspect 55,10,04 Assembly 55-20-15
55,10 04 Speed Se ector
PTO Clutch Assemble 55-20-r6
Insta 55 r 0-04 lvlodulat ng Valve Hous ng
Tracl on Clutch Valve Drsassernble/lnspect .. . 55-20-1S
Remove/Lnsta 55-10-05
lnsta 55-10-07 C3 Gas Type Operatrona Check ..... 55-2a-2A
PTO Mod!lating Valves Syslem Operatonal Check ....... 55-2A-2A
Remove nspecl and nsta 55 r0 09 Check ng and Fechar€ing ....... 55.2A-21

Femove nspect and nsta 55-10-10 GROUP 25 - FEMOVE/INSTALL TRACTION

Pressure Regu ai ng Va ve CLUTCH
Remove nspecl and nsta 55-10-11
PTO Brake Check Valve Remove/ nstall Tractron C utches 55-25-01
Femove nspecl and nsta 55-10-11
a Tools
Spec 55-30-Ol
TTansm ssion Contfol Valve Hous ng Specillcations... .... 55-30-02
Femove 55,15-01 Remove/lnspect Shatls 55-30-03
nslal 55-15-42 Traciion Clutch
Modulat nq Va ve Hous ng 55-r 5-03 Disassemble/ nspecl 55-30-05
Assemble 55 30,11
Assemb e/ nsta I Dnve !haft . .. .. 55,30-16
Continued on next pzge

L tho n Ll S.A TIM-1258 (Aug 8a)

Power Tratn ' Powet Shift Tnnsmission

Disassemble .... 55-45-04
Specia Tools 55,35-01 Inspect -.... ..... 55-45-08
Other I\,4alerals 55-30-01 Clllch Pack
SeNice Parts Kits .. .... .... 55-35-01 Disassemble 55-45 09
Speclficatrons 55-35-02 lnspect 55-45-10
Input P anelary Disassemble and Inspect Planetary . . . . 55-45-l j
Remove .. ...... 55-35-03 Assemble Planetary ... .. 55-45 i3
Remove Lube l,4anifold .. 55-35-04 Assemble CIutch Pack .... .... .. .. 55-45 18
Drsassemble/ nspect 55-35-05 Assemble Brake Pack ............... . SE-45-2A
D sassemble/ nspect Lubo Manifo d . . 55-35-07 Checking Piston Return Plate Clearance 55-45 24
Disassemble/ nspect Hi,Lt .. ....... 55-35-08 Install Output Ptanetary ... 55-45-26
Assemble npul Planelary ......... s5-35-13
Assemble Hi Lo ...... 55-35-15 GROUP 50 . SPEED SELECTOR ASSEMBLY
Lube Manifo d
Assernble 55-35-20 Upper Conlrol Assembly ..... 55,50-01
Inslal .. .... ... 55-35-21 Remove ..,.......,,. 55,50-02
Assenrble/lnslal lnput Pandary ... .... 55-35-22 Drsassemble and Repair ..... ,...... 55-50-03
Assemble and Install ........ ..... 55-50-09
GROUP 40 REOUCTION GEAR TRAIN Center Control Asserrbly
Remove .... -....,... 55-50-10
Spec a Tools 55-40-01 Disassemble and Fiepair ............. 55,50-10
Other I\,{aterrals 55-40-01 Assemble and Instal ...... ....... 55,50-12
Speclfications 55-40-02 Adjusl Speed Selector Assembty ...... 55,50-13
Reduclion Gear Shaft
Femove ........ 55-40-04 GROUP 55 . CHABGE PUMP ASSEMBLY
Disassernb e and lnspecl 55-40-05
Assemble and Instal ............ 55,40-08 Special Tools
AdjusiEndPlay. .... 55-40-10 Other Materials 55-55 01
F nal Assemb y 55-44-12 Specifications s5-55,01
Tow D sconnect Charge Pump
Remove .. 55-40-13 Remove........ 55,55-02
Inspecl ....... 55-40-15 Disassemble and inspect............. 55-55-02
Instal and Adlust 55-40-16 55-55-04
Final Assernbly 55-40-18 Install 55-55,07

Bemove.... 55-40-19 GROUP 60 . PTO GEAR TRAIN WITH MFWD

nspect .... 55-44-24
lnstall .. 55-44-21 Special Tools ... 55,60-01
Differentia/ Drive Shaft Other l\,ialerials .. 55-60-01
Remove and D sassemble 55-40-22 Specitications .... 55-60-02
Inspect ......... 55-40-25 PTO Clutch
Adjusl Cone Pornl .. ... 55,40-26 Remove .. -........... _............. 55-60-04
Assemble Check Roilng trag Torque 55-40.26 Disassemble ... 55-60-07
Final Assemb y 55-40-31 Inspecl and Assemble .. 55-60,09
nsla I and Adjust Elrd Ptay and Cont nue
GROUP 45 . OUTPUT PLANETARY Inspecl and Assemble 55-60-13
PTO Brake
Special Too s 55-45-01 Remove ..,........., 55-60-19
Specifcalrons... 55-45-02 Disassemble 55-60 21
Remove Output P anelary . . 55-45-03 Inspect and Assemble 55-64-22
Install 55-60-25

Lrtho rn U.S.A. 55-02

Pawet Train Power Shift Transmtsson


PTO Shail Adjuslments

Renrove and Dsassembe. .. 55-60-26 Preload of Differential Housng ... 55-70-19
nspect and Assemb e ...... ... 55-60-28 Backlash ot Difierent al Ho!sing 55-10-20
Adiust Beanng End Play ...... ... 55-60-31 Finai Assemb y of Ditferential 55-10-21
Assemb e and nstal ......... 55-60-31

Spec a Tools 55-61-01 Differential Lock Valve

Olher Mater a s 55-61-01 Remove ............................ 55-75-01
Spec fraat ons 55-61-02 AdlLrst Release Bar ............. .. 55-75-02
PTO C Lrlch
D sassenrble FTO Clutch
arrd Dfve Gear 55-61-08 Speciiicatons ........... 55-80-01
nspecl and Assemble . . 55,61,10 D llerential Lock Va ve
nslal and Adlusl End P ay and Continue Disassemb e 55-80-01
nsoect and Assembe .... 55-61,13 55-80-02
PTO Brake 55-80-03
Femove s5-61-22
D sassemb e 55-61-25 GROUP 85 . FINAL DRIVE
nspect and Assemble Componenls 55-61-26
nsla 55,61,29 Special Toos .... 55-85-01
PTO Shait Oiher Materials .. 55-85-02
Femove and Dsassemb e 55-61-34 Service Parts Kits ........... ......... 55-85-02
Inspecl and Assernble 55-61-36 Specilications .... 55-85-03
Adiusr fear nq End P ay 55-61-39 Planet Pinion Carrier
Assemb e and nsta 55-61-39 Disassembe From Axle Shaft......... 55-85-04
Disassemb e 55,85-05
GROUP 65 . ADJUST PTO CLUTCH ROD Inspeci 4650 Componenls . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,85,06
Inspecl 4850 Componenis . . . . . . . . .. 55-85-07
Adlls1 PTO C ulch Fod . . 55-65-01 Assembe......,.,., 55-85-08
Axle Housing
GROUP 70 . DIFFEFENTIAL Femove ............. 55,8s,09
Inspecl and Drsasserable 55-85,10
Specral Too s 55-70-01 Assembe........... 55-85,11
Olhe' llatenals 55-70-0'1 Axle Shatt
Specri cal ons 55-70-02 Inspeci and Disassenble 55-85-12
D ilerentral Assembe......... 55,85,13
Femove 55-70-04 Install Axle Housing lo Axle Shatt . . . . . 55,85,14
nspect and Remove Rrng Gear from AdjustAxle Bearing End Pay ......... 55,85,14
Hous ng 55-70-06 Install Planet Pinion Cafi er Asseolbly
Asse.nb e R ng Gear to Houstng . . . . . . and Check Rolling Drag Torque ....... 55-85-17
D tferenl a Hous ng lnstall Final Drive to Tractor ............ 55-85-20
D sassernble 55-70-07
nspecl 55-70-09
Assemble .... ... 55-70-10
nslal .... 55-70-18

Liiho n USA 55-03 TM-1354 (Sep-87)

Power Train - Powet Shift flansmission


Spec a Tools 55-95-01 Essent a Toots ........ 55-105-Ol

Spec icat ons 55-95-02 Other l,laterials SS-105 02
C utch d er Shait Specificat ons ........ 55-i 05-03
55-95-03 I\,IFWD Components 55-105-04
Inspecl 55,95-04 Remove and Fepair Ptanelary Cader S5-105,05
Assemb e 55-95-05 Assemb e P anetary Cafi er . . . . . . . . . . . 55-105-07
lnsla L . 55-95-06 Bemove and Inspect Sun Gear, Rrng cear
Check End Play 55-95-07 Hub and Spindle Bearings . . . ..... 55-1O5,OB
Remove d er Gear 55-95-07 nsta I Wheel Hub Bear ng Cup, Cone
D sassemble nspect and Assemb e . . . 55-95-09 and Sea ...... ........ .......... 55,105-10
nstall d er Gear 55-S5-09 Remove, Inspect, and Repair Wheei
Drve Shalt Spndle.... 55-105-12
Femove Ffont Gear and Ot ll . . . . . . 55-95-t 1 Remove and Inspecl Axle Shaft and
Inspecl and D sassemble Driver Gear Rep ace U^Joint 55,105-14
andOur ........ 55-95-12 lnsta Drive Axle Universal Joinl ....... 55-105-15
Drive Shatt and Components 55-95,11 Fep ace Inner Axle Seals and
nsPect and Disassemb e 55-95-1s . ....... ....... S5-j05-16
Blshings . .. ..
nstall .. 55,95-15 Remove and nspect Steer ng
nsPecl Rear Gear 55,95,17 Knuckle .. ...... . ... 55-105-18
inslal Rear Gear 55,95-19 Assemble Steering Knucktes .......... 55-105,20
Install Axle and Wheet Spinde.... .. 55-1OS_21
GBOUP 1OO_MFWD CLUTCH Adjusl Steenng Knuckle Roling Drag
Torque ........... ........ ....... 55-105,22
Specia Tools 55-100-01 nsta I Wheel Hub and Adjlst Wheel Bearing
Spec licatrons 55-100,01 Roiing Drag Torque ...... ....... 551A5.22
Servrce Pads K ..ls 55-100,02 Ad,Lst U-Jo nt Shalt tno Pray . .. SS-'O,.2a
Remove f,4echanrca Front-Wheel Drve Install Planetary Cafier 55-105.26
Clutch Qurl . 55,100-02 Remove and Disassemble Pivot Hous ng
Inspecl and Rep ace Oi Seal Drfferentral Assemb y 55,105-26
and O R ng Pack ng 55-100-03 nspecl Difierentia Housings and Spiral
Instal Qu 1l and Check ClLrtch Shall Beve Drive Pinion 55-105,28
End Pay .... 55,100-038 Assemble Pvot Ho!srng Dtferentral
Mechan cal FronfWheei Dnv€r Clutch Assembly ......... 55 105-31
Femove .... .... ......... 55-100-04 Disassemble Differentra Drive Shaft .... 55-105-33
Disassemb e, nspecl and Lssemble Ctulch Adjust D fferential Drve Shail Cone
Cover .. ...... .... .... 55,100-05 Poinl . . . 55 105-34
Disassemb e and nspect 55,100-06 Assembe Dfferentia/ Drive Shaft ...... 55 105-37
Assemb/e 55-100-10 Determining D fferentai Drive Shaft Roling
nsla I 55.100-14 Drag Torque Sh m Thrckness . . . . . . 55-105-39
So enord Install Ring Gear Assembty and Adjust
Femove D sassemble and nspect 55-100-15 Backlash.......... 55-105-40
Assembe and InstalSolen,)d ...... 55-100-17 Check Dnve Pinion{o-Ring Gear Contacl
Inlel Check Ba Assemb y Pattern 55-105-42
Rernove and lnspect . . . 55 100-18 nsta I Different a Assembty nto Ax e
nsta I 55-100,19 Housing .... 55-105-42
Changing Dfferenliai Drive Shatt
Seal ... 55-105-4.1

Litho n U S.A. 55-04 TIV-1354 (Sep-87)

Group 05



Traction C utch Vaive Housing . a7 N m (35 lb'ft)



1 Femove cover from left-hand battery box and disconnect

cables. Femove ballery.

2. Remove slep and battery box (A), wiring sh e d (B) and

SOUND-GARD body mount (C).

Lilho n Ll.S.A 55-05-01 Tl\,1-l258 ([.4ay.83)

Bemove/lnstall Tractton Clutch Valve Housina

3. Disconnect lraction clutch (A) and PTO controt (B) rods.

4. Disconnect relurn spring (l). ldenliiy wiring connections

and disconnecl.

5. Disconnect oil cooler line (C), PIO clutch line (E), and
PTO brake line (F).

6 Disconnect |\,4FWD oil line (D) and filler bypass line (H).

7. Remove three small cap screws and disconnect inlel oil

line (G).

A-Trrctlon Clutch Fod

G-hbr Oll Lh.
tt--fllt r Byp[r Lh6
D4FWD Oll Lln. H.tu.n 9Flng
E-PTO Clut.h un!

L Drscon.ect all atlaching cap screws EXCEPT rhe s,x

smaller diameter cap screws lhat attach transmission
charge pump.

L Disassemble and repair traction clutch valve housing,

transmission oil pump, or PTO conirol valve housing, as



1. Thoroughiy clean area arourd housing mounting surlace.

2. lnstall new gasket and reinstall housing.

3. Install in reverse oi removal and inilially torque atlaching

cap screws to 47 Nm (35 ttlb). Wait 10 minules, then

L rho in Li.s.A. 55-05-02 T[,4-1258 (lt1ay-83)

Group 10

NOTE: Ordet tools from yout SERVICE-GARD Catalog, unless otherwise indicated


27507 1-112 n. Driver Disk Control shatl oil seal installation.

27 494 11l16 n. Driver Disk Control shaft oil seal installaiion.

D-01168AA Spring Compreseon Tesier To fieasure spings.

JDG.268 F lter Reliel Valve Removal Tool To remove lilter reliel valve.

NATE: Driver disks arc from D,01045AA Drivet Set.

and Hydraulic Oil.


Traclron Clutch Valve Feb!id Kit

Litho n U.S.A. 55-t0-01 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

Traction Clutch Valve Housing

Spring Working Load

PTO Clutch Valve 89 mm {3.50 rn.) .. .. .. .... 174.3lo 212.3 N at 70 nrm

(39 to 48 bs at 2.75 n)
Traction Clutch Valve
) ............
24 mnr (0.94 in 52.0 to 63.6 N (12 to 14lbs )
When compressed so td
Outer 53 mm (2.08 in.) .. ... .. ... 2281to2789Nat46mm
(51 to 63 bs. at 1.81 in)
PTO [-4odulaling Va ves
Inner .. .. 119 mm (4.68 in.) 91 9to 1123at97mrn
(21 lo 25 lbs. al 381 n.)
Outer 86 mm (3.39 in.) 34.61a 12.7 N at 37 mm
(8 ro 10 lbs. ar 1 46 n.)
Filer Feliel Valve 77 mm (3.03 in.) 173.3 1a 211 7 N at 56 mm
(38 to .18 lbs. al 2.20 n.)
Presslrre Reguating Valve .. ... .. 138 mm (5.43 in ) 243.3 Ia 291.3 N at I1,1 rnm
(55to67 bs al 448 n)
PTO Brake Check 4l mrn (l 60 In.)

P ate lo'Traclion Clutch Valve llous ng 27.T N m (20 ll- bs)

Traciion Clutch Va ve Housing-to-Charge Pump . . 27.1 Nm(20ft-lbs)

PTO C utch Valve Hous ng to Tract on C utch Va ve Housrng . . 475Nm(35 li bs)

Litho n U.S A. 55-10-02 TM-1258 (May.83)

Ttachon Clulch Valve Housng


VALVE :,i1 A;i
1. Remove traclron clulch va ve housing. (See Remove/ln
slall Tractiof Clutch Valve lrousrng In this secton.) o
2 Dnve spring pin (A)lrom shaii (B) and PTO c utch contro
arm (c).

3 Remove the one PTO clutch valve housing-to-traclion

c utch valve housing cap screw (A), and remove the lour
PTO clutch va ve housing-to-charge pump cap screws (C).

4 Lrft PTO clutch valve housng (B) irom traciion clutch

varve nousrng.

5 Pull pin (A) from PTO clulch control arm (B) and Ink (C).

6 Pull p n (D) from ink and vave.

7. Remove plug (E) and pull valve trom housing.


L lnspect PTO cluich valve (A) fof n cks and burrs.

9. Inspecl spr ng (B):

Free Length .. 89 mr. (3.50 in.)

Working Load 174.3 to 212.3 N at 70 mm

(39 to 48 lbs. ai 2 75 ln )

Litho n U.S.A. 55-r0-03 TN4'1258 ([,,4ay 83)

Trcchon Clutch Vatve Housng

10. lnspect shaft (A) and oit seat (B) tor wear. It ort sea is
worf, drrve from housing and install new.

,, $*

Remove PTO clutch control atrm as tndicaled in Remove ra ." /.1
-n* t

and Inspecl PTO Clutch Valve. o

2. Rerirove ock piston p ug (A) and remove lock pislon (B).

3. Inspect piston lor nicks and burrs.


,. $"
1. Inslal lock piston (B). j* /;t rl)
2. nsta I plLrg (A) wth O-ring.
7'* ''t
1. f ol seal was removed, tnslal new using a No.27507
{1 l/2 In.) driver disk and No. 27494 (11/16 in.) pilot disk.
Press sea n fush with housing

Litho ln U S.A 55-10-04 TM.1258 lN,lay-83)

Tection Clutch Valve Housing

Install spring (A), pin (B), and washer (C) in valve (D).

Instal valve into housing (E).

4. Install link (A).

5. Push n on ead ol valve, causing lidk lo compress spring.

Inslal pln (B).

-.*,".s {r,

6. Inslall PTO cluich control arm (A)

7. Instal pin (B). Ii



1. Remove the four PTO clutch valve housrno-to-charoe

pump cap screws (A).

2. Remove the two traction clutch valve housinglo-charge

pump cap screws (8), and remove charge pump.

Litho n U.S.A. 55- t0-05 TM'1258 (l\,4ay-83)

Taction Clutch Valve Housing

3. Rernove the two plale-to t-actron clulch valve housing

cap screws (A), and remove Flale.


4. Drive ro I pln (A)from tract c.n clutch controt arm(B) and

shaft (C).

5. Pull arm (B) kom shaft.

6 Lift bafile (A) irom housrng.

7. Pu i pin (B) lrom traction ctutch contror arrn (C) and ink a
L Femove plug (E).
L Lft arm with shaft lrom housing.
B-Pin €-Pl!g

10. Pull p n (A) lrom va ve and tink

Pul valve lrom housrng.


Litho in U.S.A. 55.10-06

;w I
TM-12s8 (|V.y.83)
Tractian Clutch Valve Housing

12 lnspect shaft (A) and o I seal (B) for wear. li seal is worn.
dive lrom housing.

lnspect tracl on c utch va ve (A) for n cks and burrs.

Inspecl splng (A) for wear:

Free Length rs .. .... .... .
24 mm (0.94 in.)
Wo4,nq Load rs 520 to 63.6 \ ( 2lo 14 bs)
when compresssed so id

lnspect spring (C) ior wear:

Free Length is .. .. 53 mm (2.08
Workng Load 9 .... 228.1 10 278.9 N al 46
(51 10 63 bs. at 1.81


I lf or sea was removed, install new usng a No.27507
(1-l /2 in ) drver disk and No. 27494 (11/16 n.)pilotdsk.
Press sea n tush wth housing.

2 nsta i sprnqs (A) and pin (B) in valve as shown

3Instal (C) in va ve.

4Inslal VA VE N housrng.

raa i

Litho n U.S.A 55-10-07 TM-1258 (May'83)

TQction Clulch Valve Houtng

5 Use [nk (A) to compress seflngs wh]te inserting pin (B)

6. lnstall shaft wrh arm {A) ard pin {B).

7. Insta p ug (C) and bailte {D)


lnstalarm (A) and roll pin B).

9 Inslal plate and cap screws (A). Torque cap screws to

27 1 N m (20 ft bs).

Litho in U.S.A. 55-10-08 TM-1258 (May-83)

Teclon Clutch valve Housng

10. llrstall the four PTO ctutch vatve housing-to-charge

pump cap screws (A), and torque to 27.1 N m (20 ft_lbs).

1 1. Install ihe two iraction vatve housing-to,charge purnp

cap screws (B), and torque to 27.1 N.m (20 tt_tbs).


1. Remove plug (A).

2. Pull va ves (A), springs (8 and C), pin (D), and washer (E)
Jrom housing.

3. Inspecl vaves for nicks and buirs,

4. Free Length ot spring (B) is ....... g6 mm (3.39 n.)
Working Load oi spring is .. 34.6 to 42.7 N at 37 mm
{8 to 10 tbs. at 1.46 in.)

Free Length of spring (C) is . . . . . . 119 mm (4.68 in.)

Working Load ol spring is . 91.9 to 112.3 N at 97 mm
(21 to 25 tbs. ai g.B1 in.)

5. Insla I modu ating valves and springs in order shown.


Lilho in U.S.A. 55-10-09 TM-1258 (May-83)

Traction Clutch Valve Hausng



1. Remove plug (A).

spring (A) and spring pin (B) from housing.

. rrx
:'.i I
@6 ,r
3. Use JDG268
remove va ve (B).
Fiher Reliei \/alve Removal Too (A) to


(., I

4. Inspect sprilrg (A). 1!

Free Length s....... ..... 77mm(3.03in.)
Working Load is . . . . 173.3 to 211.7 N at 56 mm
(38 to 48 lbs. at 2.20 in.)

5. nspect packings (B) ior cuts and wear r

6. Insial llter relief valve, spring and sprng pin in

Lltho in U.S.A. 55-10-t0 TIV I258 (Sep-82)

Ttaction Clutch Valve Housng


1 Fe.nove pressLrre regu ating vatve ptug (A).


2 Femove shrris (A) spr ng (B). and vatve (C).

nspect valve for n cks and burrs
nspect spr ng (B)

Free Length s
Working Load rs
138 mm (5.43 in.)
(55 to 67 lbs. at 4 48 n.)
nsta l\'a ve (C) spr ng (B). and shrms (A). in order shown.
6. llseHydraLric System Tests and Dragnosis to determine 6' t)
..\l (!,

proper rlLrmber o1 sn rrrs


1. Remole adapter (A)

2 Femove check ba i iA) and spr ng (B)

3. Inspect sor ng
Free Length s mnr (1.60 in )
Work ng Load s 20N al 20 mm

(4 tbs at 0.9 n.)
4 instal spr ng lB). bal 1A) and adapter w th O-ring in order

5 nsia I tracl on c ltch valve houstng. (See Remove/lnslall

Tract on Clltcf Va ve Hous ng n lhis secl on.)

L lho n U.S.A. 55-10.1 1 Tl\,4-1 258 (t\,4ay-83)

T?clion Clutch Valve Housing

L lho In U.S.A. 55-10-12 TM-1258 iSep-82)

Group 15


Transfiission Control Valve Housing ............. ... 47 N m (35 tbjl)



1. Remove neutral start switch cover {A).

2. Disconnect speed and direction rods (C) irom arms on

housrng cover.

IMPORTANT: Oo not disturb ba ioint position when

disconnecting speed and dlrection rods
trom control arms.

3. Disconnect neutral start switch harness (E).

4. Drain o I by removing neutral start swilch.

5. Disconnect C2 and Ci lines (A and B).

6 D sconect engagement ovefiide line lrom top housing if


7. Remove atlaching cap screws and remove housing with


NOTE. Modulating valve housing (D) need not be rcmoved O-Modulating Valve Housing
Ht Line E-Neutralstart Switch
to renove contrcl valve housing. F-Accumulator Pressure Line

8. Repair housing or replace gaskets as required.

Litho in U S.A. 55-t 5-01

Bemove/l nstall Transmission Control Valve Houstno



1. Before installng housrng, make sure new O-rings are

properly pos I oned and seat€d In poirs as shown.

2 Renstal housing n rever:e order oi remova. Initrally

torque attachrng hardware tc 47 N nr (35 lb ft). Waii 10
m nu1es, then retorque

3 Afler nsta at on s comp et?, be sure thai speed selector

assembly operatron has not changed.

4 Check and adlusl speed seleclor assembly. (See Adjust

Speed Selector Assemby, Speed Selector Assembly in this
sect on )



Lrtho in U.S A 55-15-02 TM'1354 (Sep-87)

Bemove/lnstall Transmissian Contrcl Vatve Housina


I Dra n o lrom lransm ss on case.

2 Femo,/e seven cap screws (A) securing modu at ng valve

tolrs nq lo lTansm ss on case

3 Fepa. hols ng and rep ace gaskets as requ red


1 nsta .nodu atrng vaive hous ng and torque cap
to .11 N n' 130 b.11)

l[,!PORTANT: DO NOT retorque after ten minutes.

2 FeFove the two metering valves (rear ports) to be sure

J Ie O'OU nq _O,Cr'g

Ltho n USA 55-15.03 TM-1354 (Sep 87)

Bemave/lnstall Transmisson Control Valve Housinq

Lrtho n U.S.A. 55-15-04 TM-1354 (Sep,87)

Group 20


Rota.y Valve Seal 16 to 19 N al 8mm

(3 to 4 lbs. at 0.31 in )
Seclor Detent 28 to 34 N at 32 mnr
(1.57 n.) (6 to I lbs. at 1.25 in.)
Pi ol Pressure Shitt Valve 65 mm 17 to 2l Nat51 mm
(2.56 n.) (3 lo 4 lbs at 2.03 in.)
Forward-Reverse Valve Detent 31 mnr 1010 12 N at l9 mm
(1.18 in.) (2 1o 3 lbs. al 0.16 n.)
C3-84 Shift Valve
Inner 89 mm 84 to 103 N al 44 mrn rnm
(3.50 in.) (19 to 23 lbs. al 1.73 n.)
68 mm 116 to 142 N at 44 mm
(2.68 in.) (26 to 32 lbs. al 1.73 ln.)
Remaining Shifl Valve 68 mm 1T6 to 142 N at 44 mm
(2.68 in.) (26 to 32 bs. at 1.73 in.)
Planetary Sh ft Valve 60to 73 N a1 33 mm
(13 io 16 bs at 1.30 in.)
Accumulalor Piston (ln shifl valve housing)
Inner 71 to87Nai74mm
(3.86 in.) (16 to 20 lbs. at 2.91 n.)
Outer 115 mm 255 lo 311 N at 68 mm
(4.52 in ) (57 to 70 lbs. at 2.68 in.)
Modulaling Valve 20Na1 20 mm
(1.60 n.) (4.4 lbs. al 0.80 in.)
Orificing Valve 43 mm 90 N al 23 mrn
(20 lbs. at 0.92 in.)
Sump Valve 7to9Nat13mm
(1.5 to 2.0 lbs. at O.5l ln.)
,etering Valve 30io37Nal 30 mm
(2 08 n.) (7 to 8 bs. at 1.18 in.)
Accumulalor Piston (ln modulating valve hous ng)
41 to51 Nal 34 mm
(2.08 n.) (9 to 1 1 lbs. a1 1.34 n.)
Outer .................................... 73 mm 27 to 33 N ai 34 mrn
(2.87 tn.) (6 to 7 lbs. at 1.32 in.)

Shft Valve Housing,lo-Transmisison Control Vave Housing ........ N m (9 ft-lbs)

Va_rlolo-to-'ra-s.nrssion Conlrol Valve Housi-g ...... Nni(9ftlbs)

Sh ft Valve lousrng Cover-to-Sh.tl Valve .lousrng . . 12 N m (9 ft- bs)

Litho In U.S.A. 55-20-01 Tl\,{'1258 (May'83)

Tra ns m issio n Con ttu | Val ves



1. Remove transmrssion controlvalve ho!sing as instructed

in Remove/ nsta I Transmissicn Conkol Valve Housina.

2. Remove rotary va ve bore pllg snap ring (A).

3. lnsert a [16 x 1 cap screw (A) n lhreaded hole In pluq


4. Pull plug irom housng.

5 Remove the 12 valve housing cover,to,vatve housing cap

screws (A).

6 Push speed selecior arm dcwn, so sector (A) and rotary

va ve (8) are in posit on shovtn.

NATE: ln this position, the boss on sector (C) will clear boss
,n ,oustng tDt nnen t:naving housng covel


Lrtho in U.S A. 55-20-02 TM 1258 (Sep 82)

Transnissian Canlrol Valves and Accumulatorc

7. Lift housing cover (A) from housing (B), noting forward,

reverse valve (c) attached 10 cover.



1. Turn rotary valve (A) making sure it lurns smoothly n

housinq. Remove valve.

2. Renrove bushing (A) and spring (benealh bushing).

3. Inspect O-r ng (n housng) for wear ano replace as


L tho n U.S.A. 55-20-03 TIV-i354 (Sep-87)

Tlansmission Control Valves and Accumulators

4 nspect bushrng (A) and spring (B) for wear.

Free Length
Workng Load
....... 12 mm (0.45 n.)
... 16to19Natgmm
(3 to 4 lbs. al 0.31 in.) P7

5 D sassemble engagemenl override valve surnp valve'

/ *{&,

Transmission Serial No
'4650 Tractors (6156-
4350 Tfactors (6223-

6. Remove detent plugs (A).

:i.' L

7 Remove delent springs (A) and bals (B). Inspect detent

spr ngs.

Free ength 40 mm (1 57 in)

Workrng Load 28 lo 34 N at 32 mrn
{6 10 I lb at 1.25 in.)

Lrlho in USA. 55-20-04 TM-1354 (

Transmission Conlrcl Valves and Accumulata9

8. Remove sector stop pin {A).

9. Position seclor as shown, and drive roll pin (A) lrom

sector (B) and shafi (C).

10. Pull shaft from sector, and remove seclor.



1. Remove lransmission controlvalve cover as indicated in

Femove Transmrssron Control Valve Cover

2. Drive roll pin (A)from lorward-reverse valve (B) and link

(C), and remove valve.

3. Drive rol pins lrom forward-reverse valve arm (A) and

detenl cam (B).

4. Pull shaft (C) from arm and cam.

Litho in u.s.A. T[,{-1354 (Sep-85)

Transnission Control Valves and Accumulators

Bemove p lot pressure shifr valve plug

6. Pull pilol pressure shiil vave (A) and spring (B) trom

7. Replace O-ring (C) t damaled.

8. Inspect valve tor nicks and
9- nspect spring.
burrs. t' 6)
Free ength ..........
Work ng load .. .
65 mm (2.56 in.)
17 to 21 N at 51 mm
(3 to 4 lbs. at 2.03 in.)
' '":t': l

10. Remove toMard-reverse Vatve detent plug (A).

11. Pull detenl spring (A) and Ceteni (B) from housing (C).

NOTE: Second detent and sfling cannot be rcmoved untit

detent cam is rcmoveal.

12. Inspeci detent spring.

Free length 31 mm {1.18 in.)

Working Load 10to12Nat19mm
(2 lo 3 lbs. at 0.16 in.) \\"',

Lilho in U.S.A. 55-20-06 Tl!4 i354 (Sep 85)

T'aFsm9star Contol Valves add Accumulators

13. L il forward-reverse valve arm (A) from cover 3?

l: I
Pu detenl cam (B) trom cover.

15. Remove remaining delent (C) and spring.

16. lnspect forward reverse valve arm (A) for damage. f

necessary, Temove E-r ng (B) and replace damaged parls.


Ear y modelengagement overr de valve (A)is nottunctiona,

but valve and sleeve (C) must be inslalled ln order shown
1o Insure ptol pressure oil lo rolary valve

1. On ater mode " engagement override va ve (B), remove

spr ng (D) and valve

2. nspect O r ng on va ve and check spring pressure

Work ng Load 74-90 N at 43.5 mm

(16 6-20.2 lb al 1.71 n.)
',1050 (002550
4250 (004780
1450 (0r r 286

A-Earry Model EnEagement

B-Laler Model En9agemenl


Lrtho nUSA 55-20-07 TM 1354 (Sep-87)

Tnnsmission Contrcl Valves and Accumutators


1. Remove transmission convo valve houstng as instr!cted
in Remove/lnsial Transmissron Contro Vave Housing
2. Remove the 14 manitold-to.transmisslon conlrol valve
housrng cap screws (A).
NOTE: One screw comes through ham outer side ot vatve

3. Remove manilo d (B).

4. Bemove the lour shlt vatve hous ng -to-transm ission

conlrol valve hoLrsing cap screvr's (A)

5. Remove shiltvalve housing (El)from transmrssron conllol

varve nousrng.

a o

6. Pul spnng retatnlng washer (A) from Ca,84 shift valve .. t

bore. .:


Litho in U.S.A. 55-20.08 TM-135.1 (Sep,87)

Ttansmissian Control Valves and Accumulatorc

NOTE: An later madeltractars, there arc three shilt valves

in houstng that have an inner and outer spring and
spring pil C3-84 shift valve, C1 shift vatve, and C2
shtft valve. Early model tractors have an inner and
outet spnng and spring pin only in C3-B.1shift valve

7. Remove spring p n (B), inner spring (C), outer spr ng (D),

and valve (E) from housing

8. Replace O-ring (F) if worn.

L Inspeci sprlngs.
A-Sprinq Folalnlng wa8her
Inner Spring (C).
Free Length (approx ) ... ... 89mm(3.50in.) F--O-Fing
Working Load 26.610 32.4 N at 49 mm
(6 to 7 lb at 1.93 n.)

Outer Spnng (D)

Free Length (approx.) . . . . . .
77 mm (3 03 in.)
Working Load .... ..
101 to 123 N at 44 nrm
(23 to 28 lb at 1.73 in.)

10. Bemove spring relain ng washer (A), spring (B), and

valve (C) Jrom next shril va ve bore.

1 1. Replace O-r ng (D) on end oi valve if worn.

12. nspect spring.

Free Length (approx.) . ... 77 mm (3.03 n.)
WorkngLoad...... 101 io 123 N at 44 mm
(23 to 28 lb at 1.73 n.)

13. Repeat steps 10, l1 ard 12 lor remaining two sh tt



Litho in U.S.A. 55-20-09 TM-1354 (Sep-87)

Ttansmission Control Valves and Accumulatars

14. Remove planetary shlt valve relain

spring (B), and p anetary sh 1l va ve (c)
ng washer (A),
\. .r{:-\\\
\ \'i
15. Feplace O-ring (D) il wofn t.r"
16. lnspect spring (B). -. -.:'\ };\
r. -' \ \Y,'
Free length
Working Load 60
47 mm (1.85 n.)
(13 to 16 bs. at 1.30 n )

A-Retaining Washer
B-spring D-O-Bing



1. Remove inner gasket (A), p ate (B) and outer gasket (C).

2. On later model traclors'r€move engagernent

valve check valve (A)

'Transm ssion Seria No

4650 Tractors (6156- )
4850 Tractofs (6228- )

A-Oveiirde Valve Check Varve

B-Pressure Passage-to-Spnng End ot EOv w'
C-Press!r€ Passage Ffom Filter
Litho in U.S A. 55-20-10 TM-l35.1 (Sep-87)
Transmission Control Valves and Accurnulatos

3. Remove accumLr ator piston ptug (A), springs (B and C),

and accumu ator p ston (D).

4 Check prston for ntcks and burrs.

5 Replace O-ring if worn.

6. Inspecl springs.

Free Lenglh ol spring (B) .. _...... 115 mm (4.52 ilr.)

Working Load 255 to 311 N at 68 mm
(57 to 70 tb ar 2.68 n.)
A-Accumularor PBton Ptuo
Ffee Length of sprifg (C) .......... 98 mm (3.86 in.) D-Accumulator Pl3ton
Work ng Load 71 to 87 N at 74 mm
(16 to 20 lb at 2.91 in.)

7. Femove modulating valve plug

(C) Jronr housing.

Check valve for nicks and burs.

nspect spring (C).

Free Length
(A), valve (B) and spring

41 mm (1.60 in.)
WorkingLoad 20 N at 20 mm
(4.4 tb ar 0.80 in.)

10. Remove elbow (A) from orificing valve bore.

11 Remove oriiicing valve spring (B) and vatve (C).


12 Check valve lor nicks and burrs.

13 lnspect spring (B). xfl

Free Length 43 mm (1.71 in.)
working Load g0 N at 23 mm
(20 Ib at 0.92 in.)

Litho in tl.S.A. 55-20-11 TM-1354 (Sep.85)

Ttunsmission Control Valves and Accumulators

Remove elbow (A) lrom sump valve bore.

15. Flemove sump valve spring (A) and valve (B).

16. Check valve tor nicks and burrs.

17. Inspecl spring (A).

Free Length ........ 25 mm(1.00in.)

Working Load ...... 7 to I N at 13 mm
(1.5 to 2.0 lb at 0.51 in.)


1- lnstall sump valve (B) and spring (A) as shown

2. Install elbow (A).

Litho in u.s.A. 55-20-12 TM-1354 (Sep-85)

Transmgston Control Valves and Accumulatorc

IMPOBTANT: When instaliing orificing vatve etbow (A),

first back otf elbow iam nut as far
possible. Screw elbow into housing, and
back out a maximum of one turn. Lock
jam nut.

nsta I or ficing va ve (C). spr ng (B) and etbow (A) in order

ox f.

4. nsta modu at nq va ve spnng (C) va ve (8), and plug (A)

5 lnsla accumu alor p ston (D) w th O-ring springs (C and
B). and p ug (A) n order shown (o)
P .:-/;\
O-Accumulaiof Pisron

6. On aler mode lractors' nsla I engagement oveft]de l"r

valve check va ve rA).

'Transmrss on Ser a No
4650 Traclors (6T 56 )
4850 Tractors (6228 )

L tho n U S.A 55-20.13
Transmission Contrcl Valves and Accumulators

7 nsta I ouler gasket 1C), p ate (B), and inner gasket (A).



:' r>
VFe Fc9
Fl Y !-l F
FI YU Aiq g

fl u ttfl
/i| |
)) L]
llrgSEg " ld*4 t!-
g EE c Fg

@oo Eg

A--{3, 84 Shrlt Valve E-81. A2 Shilr Valve

S-B1j 82 Shifl Valve (Early)

L tho rn U.S A. 55-20.14 T[,4 135.1 (Sep-87)

Transmission Cantrol Valves and Accumulatorc

I nsta I sh li va ves with O-r ngs springs and sprng pins

Sect on 1 (A va ves are lhe same)

,1650 ( -2630)
1850 ( -2745)

Section 2 (All valves are the same)

1650 (2631- )
4850 (2706- )

Secton 3 (31-82 Shrft Vave s unrque)

4650 (04106 )
4850 (0.11T2 )

2 The atest Bl 82 shll vave has an additonat annutar

groove (A) and an orfce (B)
3 Use new O r rigs when Insta ng sh lt va ves.

,1 nstal sfirft va ve hoLrsrng (B) onto lransm ssion control

va ve rrous ng

NATE Use new cap scrcws, and dtp threads al scrcws in

PT569 Never Seez Lubncant befare instalhng.

5. nsta lhe lour sh ft va ve hOUs ng to-transm ssion contro

va ve holsrng cap screws (A). and lorque to t2 N m (9 bjt).
IMPORTANT: After ten minutes, retorque cap screws to
the above specification.
a a

6 nslal manrfo d (B) onlo sh It valve housing

NATE Use new cap screws, and dip threaos at screws tn
PT569 Never-Seez Lubncant befare insta ing.
7 nsta the1.1 man fold-to-transrnission contro vavecap
screws (A) and torque to 12 N m (9 ft- b).
NOTE Cne of lhe cap screws cames through frcm the outer
slde af the houstng
IMPORTANT: After ten minutes, retorque cap screws to
the above specification.

Llho in tl SA 55-20.14A TN,4-1354 (Sep,87)

Trcnsmission Conlrol Valves and Accumulators


L On early model tractors (A), nstall engagement ovefiide
valve with O-ring and sleeve (C). Vaive is nol iunct onal, but
musl be nsialed as shown to insure piot presslre oil to
rotary valve.

2. On later mode tractors (8), nstall engagement override

valve wilh O-ring and springs (f).
A-Earry Modet Engagenent
Ov€.rlde valve
B-Later Modet Enga9efienl
Overide V.lve

Litho in U.S-A. 55-20-148 TM-135.1 (Sep 87)

Transmission Contrcl Valves and Accumulalors



1. Inslall pin (A), through forward-reverse arm (B) and link


NOTE: Make sure head ol pin is on oftset side of arm.

2. Install E-ring.

3. Install toMard-reverse control arm (A) into kansmission

control valve housing cover as shown.

4. Insiall one delent spring and delent (B).

5. nstall delent cam (C) as shown.

Instal remaining delent (B), and spring (A) in housing (C)

Inslall plug.

8. lnstall pilot pressure shift valve spring (B), vatve (A) with
O-ring (C), and plug in order shown.

L lho in U.S.A 55-20-15 TM"1354 (Sep-85)

Transmgspn Contral Valves and AccumulataE

8a. Coat sea rng I ps of shaft s€,als w lh oi before instail ng


9. nstail shaft (A) through detent cam (B) and forward-

reverse valve arm (c).

10. Inslal ro I pins (D).

C-Forward-neverse Valve Arn

11 Inslal ro I p n (A) lhrough lorward-reverse valve (B) and

ink (C).



1. Coat sea ing lps oi shaft seals wlh oi before Insta ing

1a. nsta I seclor (B) and shaft (C).

2. install roL pin (A)

3. Install sector stop in (A)

Llho in u.s.A. 55-20-15 TM-1258 (Nov-8'1)

Transmiss@n Control Valves and Accumulatarc

zt. Inslal detent ba s (B) and sprngs (A)

& I
5 nslal detent plugs (A)

6. Assemb e engagemenl overnde valve sump va ver into

cover. Inslal piri (B) nto elbow (A) before inslating elbow
'Transrnission Serial No.
4650 Traclors (6156- ) ,6)
4850 Tractors (6228 )

/ -.-q
-(\ -- / 6,r7t

7. nstall spr ng (beneath bushing) and bushng (A) lnto

rotary valve bore.

Litho n U.S.A 55-20-17

Transmission Contrcl Valves and Accumulators

I nstall rotary valve

9 Lower transmission controlvalve hoLtsrng covef (A) onto

housng (B) whrle sliding fo&afd-reverse valve (C) nio ts

10. Posrtion speed se ectorarm so boss on sector (A)clears

boss In housing (B) when nslaling cover

11 lllake sure large tooth on s€rctor (C) enters lafge slot n

rotary vave (D) as shown.

B-Slol in rolary Valve


NOTE: Use new cap screws, and coat thrcaos or screws

tn PT569 Neverseez. ,:_ubricant belore tnstatting.

12. Insta the 12 valve housing coveFto-valve housing cap

screws (A). Torque screws 10 12 N-m (9 fub).

IMPORTANT: Alter ten minutes, retorque cap screws to

the above specifications.

Litho in U.S.A. 55.20-t8 Ti,4-l35,1 (Sep 87)

Transmission Contrcl Valves and Accumulators

13. Install rotary valve plug (A) and snap ring (B).

14. Installtransm ss on controlvalve housing as instrucled

in Remove/lnslall Transmtssion Control Valve Housino.


1. Remove modulating valve housing as instructed in
Remove/lnstall Transmission Conlrol Valve Housing.
2. Remove plug (A), sping (B), and metering valve (C)liom
melering valve bore on each side of housing
3. Inspeci spflng.
Free Length 53 mm (2.08 in.)
Workrng Load 30 lo 37 N al 30 mm
{7 to 8 tbs. at 1.18 in.)
4. Remove plug (D), accumulator pislon (E), and springs (F
B-Sp n9
and G) from each side ol housing.
D---Plug G-Sprhq
5. Inspect springs.
Free Length of spring (F) .......... 73 mm (2.87 in.)
Work ng Load 27 to 33 N ai 34 mm
(6 ro 7 tbs. at 1.34 in.)

Free Lengrh ol spnng (G)

Work ng load 41 to51 Nat33mm
(9 to 11 tbs. at 1.30 in.)

6. Install valves and springs in order shown.

Litho in U.S.A. 55-20-19 TM-13s4 (Sep-85)

Tansmisson Canlrol Valves and Accumulatars


An operational check of Ca accumutator can ofly be
perlormed when drving the tractor n iietd under toad ( e,
plow or clltivator) during a 7 tl) 8 upshift.

NOTE: lt the tractot cannol be fteld checked under toad,

chatge the accumutator. (See Accumulatat Check
lng and Charging Procedure.)

1. Disconnect the Ca Accumulator (A)

2. Capthepressureportandaccurnulatoropeningusingtwo
0020 Caps and one 6729 Conrector (B).



To provide proper shifiing wtthoui jerky over or under

shifting, t is essenta thai bolh accumutators be propery
charged. The 2 to 3,3 to 2,3 to 4 and 4 to 3 shifts are
not ceab y difierent lrom lhe 5 r:o 6, 6 lo 5, 7 to 8 and I to
7 shiits. Therefore, it s recommended to pedorm an
operaltonal check of the syst€,m accurnu ator by shttng
between the speeds in the iottowing chart white driv ng the
lractor at 1000 rpm only.

NOTE. The rcseNoi ol tempe.aturc must be at teast 38"

(lA0'F). lt the transmssion filtet cover js uncomfort-
able lo touch, lhe oil temperaturc B above l4'C

Litho in U S.A. 55-20-20 TM 1258 (May 83)

Transmssion Canlrol Valves and Accumutatars



CAUTION: Use dry nitrogen only. Oxygen (air)

and hydraulic oil vapors can ignite under pres-
sure at normal operating temperatures.

Obtaln JT05420 (D-15041 NU) Nitrogen Charg ng Kit (A).

Obtain a ow pressure regulalor (A)' and tank of dry n trogen

'Obtain from a loca weld ng suppler.



1 Bemove accumulator (A).

2. Bemove s olied plug from gas accumllalor

3 nsta 236.1 Adapter (A) wth one washer ano sure-sea

nut nto gas port ol system accuTnu ator

NATE On late nodel tractat' accumulators, use JT05626

e\tenson tn place af 2364 adapter

'4650 (704.1- )
185D 17125 )

Ltho n U S.A. 55-20-21 T[,]-1354 (Sep-87)

Transmission Control Valves and Accumulators

4. Attach charging hose adapter cock (A) directly to system

accumulator (B).


cock (A) in io depre!;s valve and observe level of

Specifrcalion is 410-480 kPa (4.1-4.8 bar) (60-70

NOTE: When cbecking the charge of accumulalor, n ts

normalto lawer the charge 35-70 kPa (0.35-0.7 bar)
(5.1O psi), depending on the length ol the hose.

6. Turn the nitrogen regulalor screw (A) in lo increase

pressure 10 appropriate accumuiator spec.

NOTE: ll there is gas leaLage from oll pott, replace

accumulatoL r:t J
7. Remove charging equipment, install dust ptug and recon-
necl accumulator to system,

Litho in U S.A. 55-20.22 TM354 (Sep-87)

Tansmgson contot Vatves ano Accuautatoc



Early r.odel accLrmulatorsa (A) are rechargeab e. Later

model accumulalors (B) are not rechargeab e.

'4650 Traclors ( -5955)

4850 Tractors ( ,5996)

1. Remove Ca accumulator (A).

6X -i;,t*t I


2 Remove plastc dusl cover (A) and Schrader valve cap.

3. Attach chargrng hose adapler cock (A) d rec|y to Ca

accumu ator (B).

Lrtho in u.s.A. 55-20-23
hansm'ss'on Contrcl Valves and Accunulators

4. Turn cock {A) in to depress valve and observe evel ol

charge. Specificaiion is 480-l;50 kPa (4.8-5.5 bao (70-80

NOTE: L When checking the charge of accumulatot, tt ts

normal to lawet the charge 70-140 kPa (0.7-1.4 bar)
(10-20 psi), depending on the length of the hose.

2. lt ts normal lor a sfitallamount of oil to work past

the piston seal into the gas chamber duing opera-
tion. This ail must be renoved.

5. Remove charging hose.

6. Hold accumulator upside cown and depress gas check

valve (A) to discharge gas and oil that may be in gas

NATE: lf accumulator is totally discharged, add one hall

normal charge of nitrogen and repeat putge ol ol
as tn step 6.

7. Reconnecl charg ng hose.

L Turn the nitrogen regulatcr screw (A) n lo increase

pressure lo appropriate spec.

NATE: lf therc ts gas leaAage lrcm oil porl, replace


L Remove charging equipment, instal dust covers and

reconnecl accumu ator to sys,lem. I

L tho In U.S.A. 55-20-24 TM 135,1 (Sep-87)

Group 25
-. SeDa'ate erorne r.o.r ctulc- -ousng
as nslructeo n
Seclron 15, Remove Enqrne

2 Remove crankcase breather iube lrom block. Remove

large p astic plug from engrne side ol mounting llange.

3. nstatl JDE,81-t Engne Rotation Tool (A) and rotate

engne rrntrl tapped tiftrng hole (B) n Ct cl!1ch drum is
rotated lo the l2 o'ctock position.

4. trslatl JDG-19 ift eye (A) using a 12 mm cap screw and

washer. Connect cha n hoist and sllghlty lift 10 take weight
off flwvhee.

5. Remove four attaching cap screws (B)

6 Usea arge screwdrverorpry barlo tighflypryclutch pack

lrom dowel pins n fywheet.

7. Refer to the group that lo ows lor information on

d sassemb y and repair ol traclion c utch.

8 nsta clutch assernbly n reverse of removal and lorqLJe

cap screws lo 47 N nr (35 l!bs).

L lho n U.S.A 55.25-01 TN.4-1258 (Sep 82)

Remove, lnslall Traclion Clutch

LlhoinUSA. 55.25-02 TM I258 (Sep'82)

Group 30


NOTE. Order tools lrom your SERVTCE-qARDtu catatog, untess othevise indicated.

Number Name

D-01215AA pullel To remove iront and/or rear

H -range clltch shaft bush ng.

JDG,3O3 Spring Compressor To oompfess sprng washers n

hrgh and low c uich drums

JDT ]9 Litl Eye ...................... To cwer low clulch drum onto

h gh c utch drum.

27499 1 in. Drver Disk To lstatt clutch shafl pilot

bear ng.

27543 1-l /4 n. Driver Disk Use,l wilh No.27499.

27544 1-5l16 in Drlver Disk To instal fronl and rear bush-
inqs in Hi,range clutch shail.

27508 1-9/16 in Driver Dtsk Used wlh No. 27504.

NOTE: Driver disks are from D-01045AA Drivet Set.
.:',. . .,... .]

Lrtho In U.S.A. 55-30-0 t T[.4-1258 (Sep-82)

haction Clutch and Dlive Shalts


Hi-Range Cluich Shall Bushrr g LD. 33.69 lo 33.77 mm

(1.326 to 1.329 in )
Clulch Disk Th ckness 3.48 to 3.64 mm
(0.137 to 0 143 n.)
Clutch Drive Plale Thickness 6.86 lo 713 mm
(0.270 to 0.281 n.)
Clulch Return P ate Thickness 6.86 io 7.13 mm
(0.270 to 0 281 In )
Clutch Drve Plale and Feturr Plate I\,4aximurn Warpage 0.46 mm (0.018 in.)


C utch Feturn APProxmately 95.2 nrm (3.75 in ) 656 to 802 N ai 65.8 mm

(148 to 180 bs. at 2.59 in )

Clulch Separalor Plate-to,Dru r 30 N m (22 lt lbs)

Fronl Clutch Drum,to-Rear C utch Drum 50 N m (37 fl lbs)

L tho in U.S.A. 55-30-02 TM'1258 (May,83)

Trccion Clutch and Dnve Shafts


1. Separate tractor belween englne and cutch housing.

(See Remove Eng ne and Front End in Section 15.)

IMPORTANT: When removing high anat low range drive

shafls, use care to avoid damaging aeal-
ing rings on rear ol low range shaft.

2 Wlhdraw high (A) and low range {B) drve shajls from
c Lrtch housing

3 Fernove retaining r ng (A) from low range shaft {B).

Slde low range shalt 0u1 rear of high range shaft.

L lho in U.S.A 55-30-03 TM-1258 (lVay-83)

T?ction Clutch and Drive Shafts

33.4 lo 33.5 mm
(1.311to 1.310 in.).

Tl::;'' L_- $-5 ro $.6 mm

{1.3221o 1.3231n.)
\ .r., ro rr.n.-
(0.9991o 1.0@ in.)

5. nspect low range shatl (A) lor wear at the diameters


6. lnspect seallng rings (C) and rng grooves for wear.

7. Make sure a I ubrcatonhces n shafls are open

IMPOPTANT: The high range shaft (B) is a torsional

spring. Any blemishes will cause prema-
ture breakage.

8. Inspectth n wa area (sma O D ) ol h gh range shaft for

nrcks and scratches.

9. Inspect b!shing (A) in rear ol shaft lD of bushrng s

33.69 to 33.77 mm (1.326 to 1.329 n.).

Litho in LJ.S.A. 55-30-04 T[,4'1258 (May-83)

Trcctian Clutch and Dnve Shalts

10. nspect bLrshing (A) in fronl of shaft .D. ol bush ng s

33 69 lo 33.77 mm (l.326 to 1.329 in.).

IMPORTANT: When securing hlgh range shaft in a vise,

OO NOT clamp on thin vrall (sma[ O,D.) ot
11 f necessary, use a No. D-01215AA Pu ler(A)10 remove
iront and/or rear bush ng, while holding shaft in a v se. t._-,.


1 Remove traclion cutch. (See Remove/instal Traciron

2. Lift powershaft drive shaft (A) with clutch ort manifotd (B)
lrom traction clulch. I
- rq

3. Remove retarnrng ring (A) and clulch oil man lotd (8) from
powershaft drve shaft (C).


Lrlho in l.i s.A. 55-30-05 TM'1354 (Sep-87)

Trcction Clutch and Drive Shafts

4 nspecr sea Ing rngs (A) lor lree movement tn grooves.

5 nspecr sea Ing nng lands ior scor r1g

6. nspect clutch pressure tube O-rngs (A) lor wear and

7 Pul ba ancing p stons (A) lrcnr man iold (B).

8. nspectO-rngs (C)inba ancng prston boresforwearand

replace as necessary.

NOTE: Check for prapet aligntnent of index marks (D).

g. Remove the four front clutch drum-to rear c utch drurn

cap screws (A).

NOTE. Scribe Ct and C2drums before disassembty to hetp

indexing when assemb;ing.

Lltho n U.S.A. 55-30-06 T[/ ]35'1 (Sep-87)

Tnction Clutch and Drive Shafts

10. Lifl fronl clutch drum (A) from rear ctutch drum (B).

11 Remove the eight clutch return springs (A). nspect

clutch return springs: Free length is 95.2 mm (3.75 in.).
Compressed height is 65.8 mm al 656 lo 802 N (2.59 n. a1
148 to 180 ibs.).

12. Remove hrgh range clutch hub (B) lrom rear drum.

13. Femove the four clutch disks (C), ihree clutch drve
plales and clulch return plate from lhe rear or!rn.

14. nspect thrust washer (A) n rear of high range clutch

15. Inspect cluich dsks (A) and plates (B) lor wear.
Thickness of each d sk s 3.48 to 3.64 mm (0.137 to 0.143
rn.). Thickness of each cluich drive p ate is 6.86 to 7.13 mm
(0.270 to 0.281 in.) Thickness of return plate s 6.86 to 7.13
mm (0.270 to 0.281 n.).

NATE: lf lacing naterlalchips, flakes, or scratches olf easly

when scratched with a lingemail (or equivalent), the P
dtsk shauld be rcplaced rcgardless ol facing

L rho in U.S.A. 55-30-07 TIV-1258 lllay 83)

Traction Clutch and Dive Shafts

16. Check cutch drive and return plales Jor warpage by

ayrng plate (A)on a f at s!riace and checking clearancewith
a teeler gauge as shown. Do not measure under tangs.
N4easure at eight equally spaced locatjons (between all
langs). Measure lor warpage at boih O.D. and LD. f
clearance at any oi ihe measured locations exceeds 0.46
mm (0.018 in.) replace plate.

NOTE: Discaloration ol plates to various shades of btown.

grey or blue does not hzquire replacement of ptates.

17 lnsla I high range ctutch d-um (A) in a press as shown,

and use JDG 303 spring compressor (B) to compress
Be levi e springs.

18. Remove snap ring (C) and spring washers, and remove
0rum lrom press,

l9 nsia I two 3/s-16 UNC cELp screws iA) into holes in

prston and pul piston lrom drum.

20 nspect packings on piston 1A) and in drum (B) for wear

ano reprace as necessary.

L rho in U.S.A. 55-30-08 Ttf-1258 (May-83)
Tactton Clutch and Dnve Shafts

21 Femove the two clutch separator plale to iront c utch

drum hex socket head screws (A)

22. Lil|at pry separator p ate (B) lrom iront ctutch drum.

23 Remove the low range clutch hlb (A) from fronl ctulch

24 Remove the three clulch disks (B), two cutch drive

ulch relurn plate (C)
p ates and c

'r \r.\o

25. Insla low range clutch drum (A) in a press as shown

and use JDG 303 spring conrpressor (B) to compress
Bel ev lle spr ngs

26 qprove <nao r'-9 'Cr re.rove or-n "o-r press



27 Place two 3/s-16 UNC cap screws (A) nto holes n pislon.
and pull p ston from drlm

Litho n lJ.S.A 55-30-09 TN4-1258 (May-83)

ftacttan Clulch and Dnve Shalts

28. Inspecl packings on pistolr (A) and in drum (B) for wear.
and rep ace as necessary

29. nspect cutch disks (A) and ptales {B) ior wear
Thrckness of each d sk is 3 48 to 3.64 mm (O.l37 lo O I43
ln ). Thrckness of each c utch drive plate is 6.96 to 7 13 mm
(0.270 10 0 280 n.). Thickness of return pate s 6.8 to 7.1
nrm (0 270 to 0.280 n )

NOTE. factng material chips, ftakes, or scratches olf easily


when sctalched with a tlngernait (ar equivalent), the

dtsk should be Gplaced rcgardtess
of tacing

30. Inspect llrrust washer (A) ir lroni and rear oi ow range

clutch hub lor wear f worn, hub and thrust washer musl be
replaced as an assembly.

3l Check cutch drive and re:urn ptates tor warpage by

ay ng plate (A) on a i at surfac:e, and check ng clearance
wrth a fee er gauge as shown Do not meas!re under tangs,
Measure at eghl equaly spaced locations (between all
tangs). f,4eas!re for warpage al bolh O.D. and LD f
c earance al any 01 ihe measu ed locat ons exceeds 0.46
mnr (0 018 n ), replace plale.

NATE: Dtscolaraton of plales to various shades of brown,

gtey ar otue daes not requtre replacement of plates, 1..,...,

Litho n U S.A 55-30-10 TM-1258 (May-83)

Trachan Clutch and Dnve Shafts

32. nspect low range c utch shaft pi ol bear ng (A) for wear
T necessary to replace bear ng !seapunchtodrvebearing

33 Use an O-ring pick lo rnake sure exhaust ba land spring ir I

NaTE: There are two balls and sptings tn each drum (faur
tn alu


1 f low range c ulch shalt pi ol bear ng was removed, install
nal1 b\ ore>rr' q o_ n-rrbFrad . de o' bea. ng. iqp a \o
27499 (1 n.) piot and No 275A3 (-1/a n.) drver disk to
nslal beanng, and press bearnq 4.0 mm (0 157 in.) betow
finished surface of the iront drum.

NOTE Coal all marng parts wtth John Deerc HY GARD
transmtsston and hydrauhc ol to ease assembly and
to mtntmtze wear

2. f pack ngs were removed kom piston (A) and drum 18)
.t t-
nslat new
.\'/v I
Lllho n tl.S.A. 55.30.t 1 T[r-1258 (A!g-84)
Ttaction Clutch and Drive Shalts

3. Carelu ly install pston(A) in drum (B), taking care not to

damagepack ngs. Be su re anti. rotaiio n pin ndrumisallgned
with ho e in p ston

4. Instal Be evi e springs as shown, with O.D. of firsl spring

(A) benl toward pston. Allernate nsla ation ol rematntng
iour spr ngs.

5 Instal drunr (A) in a press, and use JDG-303 spring

compressor (B) 10 compress spr ngs

6 nstail snap rng (Cl

7. Instal cutch hub (A).

8. Insta clutch reiurn p ate (C, and alternate nsta atron of
lhe th.ee clulc' dists 'B) a-o l\ro c utc- oflle p ate5

Litho n U.S.A 55-30-12 TM-1258 (lVay-83)

Tract@n Clulch and Dnve Shafts

IMPORTANT: The spring pins in the clutch separator

plate (B) must protrude an equat amount
frorn each side of the plate.

9. Insla I c utch separalor p ate (B).

l0 nslallhex sockel head screws (A)andtorquelo 30 N m

122 tr b)

NATE: Coat all nahng pafts with John Deere HY-GARD

Transmtssion and Hydrauhc Ail b ease assembly
and to ninimize inittal wear.

1l llpackrnqswere removedirom highrange p ston (A)and

drum (B). nsta new.

12 Careiuly nslal piston (A) n drum (B), takrng care not

to damage packrngs. Be sure an1-rolation p n In drura a igns
wth ho e in piston.

13. Insta Bellevle spnngs as shown, wth OD ot lirsl

spnng iA) aga nsl p ston (B) A ternate rsta at on of rema n-
ng lour spr ngs

Litho n U S.A 55-30-13 TM-l35.1 (Sep 87)

Traction Clutch and Drive Shalts

14. nstall drlm (A) n a press, and use JDG'303 spring

compressor (B) 10 compress strrngs.

15. Install snap ring (C).


{. -/*t

16. Instal cutch hub (A).

17. Instalcutch return ptate (3) and alternaie installaiion

anl ihree clutch drive plates.
oJ the four clutch d sks (C),

18. Instal lhe etqhr cl-tch rol-.n sp.|ngs tA/

Litho in U.S.A. 55-30-14 TIM 1354 (Sep-87)

Trac on Clutch and Dnve Shafts

19 nsta a JDG-Ig Lfl Eye (A) on each side of low ctutch

IMPOHTANT: When installing tow range dr!m on high

range drum, make sure the two spring
pins in seFarator plate locate in blind

holes in high range drum.

20 Usng a chan hoisl lower ow range culch drlrr onto

h gh c llch drum wh le a rgn ng spr ngs (B)

21. nstal the lour kont c utch drum,lo-rear clutch drum cap
r.'44! ra) a_C 'o'qJe ro 50 \ - IJZ tr- bs

22. f balanc nq o stons (A)were removed, rnstalt in rnanifold

(B) chamfered end lirst Push pistons in untrt they botlom

Llho n USA 55-30-15 Tl\r,1258 (Dec-83)

Tractian Clulch and Dive Shafts

23. iJlsta powershait drve shaft (C) nto mantold (B). l

24. nsta snap rng (A).

NOTE: Make sure snap ing (D) E nsta ed.


25. nsta I dfive shaft lA) w th nrar fold (B) rnto clutch pack

26 Attach c utch pack io I yv/hee (See Remove/instail

Tract on C urch )



IMPORTANT: DO NOT clamp on, or damage thin wall

(small O.D.) c,f shalt when installing

1. I rear bushing 1A) n h gh .ange c utch shail was removed

nstal new usng a No 2750,1 (t 5/16 In.) pilot and No.
27548 11-7/16ln ) drver disk nstat rear bush ng llush to
05 mnr (0.020 n)beow surace whie argnng hoe in
bLrsh ng (B) wth rnlernal groove n shaft

IMPOBTANT: OO NOT clamp on, or damage thin wall

(small O.D.) of shatt when instafling

2 f front bush ng n hrgh rang€ cLlch shafi was removed,

Insta new usrng a No. 27504 (1-5/16 In) plot and No.
27544 \1-7116 n)drverdsk nsta I lront bush ng 30 rnm
11 18 n ) be ow end of shafl.

Lilho n U S.A. 55-30-16 T[.4-1258 ([,lay-83)

Traction Clutch and Dive Shalts

3. Insta seal ng r ngs (A) if removed.

' -:

tr !t

4. Slde ow range shaft inlo rear of high range shaft

5. nsta reta n ng fing (A) onto ow range shaft (8)

6. Carefu ly nsla h gh (A) and ow (B) range shafts into

c r.rtch hous ng to avoid damageto sealng rings on low range

7 Check the h gh and low range shatts to make sure they

are proper y installed in lransmrss on. Do th s by meas!r ng
lrom lhe c ulch hous ng lace to lhe end of each shaft with
the shaft p!shed reaMard Low range shait shoutd be 29.2
to 32.3 mm (l I7 to 1 27 rn.) lrom c utch housing face. Htgh
range shafl shou d be 83 5 to 86.0 mm (3.291o 3.39 in.) irom
c utch hous ng face

8 Jorn engnelo clutch housing. (See Remove Engine n

Seclon 15 )

inUSA. 55-30- l7 TM'1258 (Aug-8a)

fraclion Clulch and Dnve Shafts

Litho n U.S.A 55-30-tI T[,4-i258 (May-83)

Group 35

NOTE: Otder tools fram your SeNice card Catalog untess other,aise ndicated.

See lllakrng Specral Too s O I Tube Pu ler To pul ollube from ube
man told
D 0r 168AA Spr ng Compress on Tester To measure spnngs
D ]2O,1AA Pu er To remove planetary bearing.
JDT 24A Spring Compress on Too To compress Belleville sprngs in
c ulcn 0rum.
27523 2'112 n Dr ver D sk To nslal lube maniiod bushlngs
27 525 2'518 in Drver Disk used wth No 27523 dtsk.
21538 3 7/16 n. Driver Dsk To nsia I brake piston housing bushing
21544 3-9/16 n. Driver D sk Used with No. 27538 disk.
21541 3-5/8 n. Driver Disk To insta I backing p ate bushing.
21513 3-3/4 n Driver Dsk Used with No.27541 disk
27 541 4 rn Driver Disk Used wilh f 01204AA Puller.

NATE: All driver disks are from D.01A15AA Driver SeL


T13514 (LOCT TE. 277) Plastc Gasket Applied around cast

hous ng flange.


Inpul P anetary Ciutch and Erake nsta lal on K t

Llho ni.JSA 55.35.01 T[/'1258 (Dec-83)



P anel P nion Shall o.D 21.198 to 21.199 mm

(0.8342 lo 0.8346 in.)
o dner P ro^ .. LD. 25.97 \a 25.99
(1.022 to 1.023 in.)
ThrLrsl Washer Thickness 0.88 to 0.93 mm
(0.035 to 0 037 in.)
npur o r_eral s"a'l wilh Gear o.D. 63.36 lo 63.41 mm
(2.494 to 2.496 in.)
L-be lr'd1r'old B-s',-g( LD. 63.46 lo 63.53 mm
(2.498 to 2.501 n.)
Brake Backrng Plale Bushings .D. 95.3 lo 95.4 mm
(3.755 lo 3.757 in.)
Brake Separator Piate Thickness 2.9io31rnm
(0.1l4 io 0.122 in.)
Brake Disk Thickness 2.9 10 3.0 mm
(0.114 to 0.118 in.)
Clutch D sk Thickness 2.8 to 3.0 mrn
(0.111 to 0.118 ln.)
C utch Separator Th ckness 3.0 to 3.1 rnm
(0.1181o 0 122 in)
worklng Load

Lube Fel|el Valve 52 mm (2.03 in.) 71 to89Nat35mm

(161o 20 lbs at 1.37 in.)
H -Lo Sh tt Va ve Delent 38 mm (1.50 in.) 10lo 12 N at 28.6 mm
(2.210 2.7 lbs at 1.125 n.)
Brake P ston Return 24.5 mm (0.96 n.) 60.0 to 73 N at 20 I mm
(13 to 16 lbs. at 0 82 in.)

Backing Plate-to Clulch Drlrn ......... 27Nm(20frlbs)

Brake Pislon Housng to-Back ng Plate ............... 27 N.m (20 ft.lbs)
L-be Va_r'old-ro--.o-s.n ssio_ Case 47 N.m (35 ft- bs)
nput Planetary Erake Housing-lo-Cl!1ch Houslng ........... 47 N.m (35 tt- bs)
PTO Drve Gear Bearing Support-to-lnput Planetary Housing 27.1 Nm(20tflbs)
Cl-lc- o,no- *ousrlg-ro Cl,lch Dr-n ... 30Nm(22fubs)
Planetary Shall Retaining Screw 6Nm(4.5 lflbs)
Shtt Valve Relanng Plug ........... 40Nm(30iubs)

Llho in U.S.A 55-35-02 TM-1258 (Sep-82)

1. Separate c utch housing from engine. (See Front End and
Eng ne rn Section 15 )

2. Rernove Hi Lo range drve shails (A)

3 Remove four PTO drive gear bearing support cap screws

4. Femove support (B) wrth shims.


Apply only enough tif ng tofce with hotst
to support the body.

5. Support SOUND,cARD body with an overhead hoist and

JDG-15 Llting Bracket and remove left-hand SOUND-
GAFD body mounling bracket (A).

6 qe..ove sty o' orJ'rto cap sc.ews tA) o- lraction clutch

varve nousrng
7. Rernove oi pump from clutch housing.

fnno |n U S,o" 55-35-03 Tl\.'l I258 (Aug 84)

I Remove PTO dnve gear (D).

L Loosen nut (A) and remove oll Ine (B).

10. Remove iive Input planetary to clulch hoLlsing cap

screws (c)

A--Oil Line Flare Nut

B_oir Line

NOTE: lf input planetary does: not brcak lree lrcm ctutch

houstng, put an Allen wrench in shift valve bare ptug
and pry an Allen wrcnrh to lree tnput planetary.

11. Remove nput p anetary c utch and brake assemb y (B).

IMPOBTANT: Thrust washe' (A) is located between

input planetart and carrier assembly. Use
care in removal and installation.

Lrtho in tJ.s.A. 55-35-04 TM-1258 (A!g 84)

l2 Femove carrer assemby (A)

-- n/

l3 Remove npui planelary shaft wrth gear tAl.


NOTE Lube lube elbow is accessible by rcmoving the flaor

board ol the SoUND.GABD body. souND-GARD
body ts removed for pholographrc purposes anly.
1 Remove toor mal and l1oor board ol SOUNOGARD

2 Drsconnecl ube oi hose (A) and rernove elbow (B) lrom

top of c utch hous ng.

3 Bend a sliff pece ol wre (as shown n making specia

too s) (A) and insert ends ol wire in ho es ol lube man lotd
lube (B)

4 Pul tube lrorn man fold and c utch hous ng.

LlhoinUSA. 55-35-04A Tl\,i 1258 (Auq-84)

5. Remove the ihree lube ma.ntiold-to-transrnissiof case
cap screws (A).


Litho In U.S.A. 55-35-04B TM-1258 lAug 84)

1. Lift input planetary (A) from brake piston housing (B), if
not done during removal,

2. nspect thrusl washer (A) tor wear-

NOTE: lt thrust washer is won, washer with planetary

carrier must be rcplaced as an assembly.

3. Remove allen head cap screws (A) and pinion shaft

rela n ng pin (B) from each planet pinion shaft (C).

4. Push pinion shaft (A) from each planet pinion.

Liiho In U S.A. 55-J5-U5 T[,,]'1258 (Sep'82)

5- Fernove planel pinions and thrust washers (A).

NOTE: Therc is a thrust washer on bath sides of each ptanet

needle beanngs (A) and prnron teeth tor wear.

7. lnspect pinion shait (A), lD oi pinon (B) and thrust

washers (C) for wear. P n on sh?ft O.D. is 21.198 to 21.199
mm (0.8342 to 0.8346 in.) Pinic)n .D. is 25.97 to 25.99 mm
(1.022 to 1.023 ln.). Thickness cf lhrust washers is O.8g to
0.93 mm (0.035 to 0.037 n.).

8. Inspect thrust surlace (A) in ptanetary gear (B) for wear
or scoring.

9. lnspect bore oi gear lor wear and scorng (lhe sea[ng

flngs on the low range drve shaft run on lhis suriace).

Utho in U.S.A- 55-35-06 TM-1258 (Sep 82)

T 0. Inspecl O.D. oi shaft (A) tor wear. O.D. of shaft is 63.3

to 63 41 mm (2.494 io 2 496 in.).

11. Inspecl lhrust suaiace for wear and scorrng,


1. lnspect O-rng (A) in maniiold for wear and replace as

2. Remove ube rel ef va ve p ug (B).

3. Remove lube re iel valve spring and valve (B).

4 lnspect valve for wear.

5. Inspect valve sprng. Free lenglh s 52 mm (2.03 in.).

Working load is 71 to 89 N at 35 mm (16 to 20 lbs. at 1.37
6 nspect bush ngs (A) n man lold. l.D ot each bushing is
63.46 to 63 53 mm (2.498 to 2.501 ln.). lf bushings are worn,
use a punclr io drve irom manfold.

7 nspect thrlsl washer (B) on each side ol lube manifold

lor wear. It thrust washers are worn, manifold and washers
must be replaced as a unit.

LlhornUSA 55-35-07 TM-1258 (Sep-82)


1 Remove and nspecl thrust washer (A) for wear.

2 Turn over assembly and rernove H -Lo shift valve deient

p us (A).

3 Remove spring (A) and det€,nt ba I (B)

4 Inspecl spfing forwear. Free lengih is38 mm (1.50 in).

Workng load s 10 to 12 N at 28.6 mm (2.2 to 2.7 tbs. al
1.125 o.)

5. Remove shift vaive reia n ng plug (A).

Litho n U S.A 55-35-08 TM.125A iqan-Art

6. Use a pencil magnet to withdraw vatve (A) Jrom bore.
Inspecl valve lor wear-

7. Inspecl bearng (A) Jor wear. lf necessary, use No.

D-01204AA puller (B) with No. 27547 (4 in.) disk io remove

8. lnspect bearing cup {wh ch is part ol the PTO drive geao

tor wear. It cup is worn, replace PTO drive gear wiih cup.

L Remove the six brake piston housing-lo-backing plate

cap screws (A).

10. T!rn Hi-Lo assembly over, and lift or pry backing plate
(A) from brake p ston housing.

Litho n U.S.A. 55-35-09 Tl\,i-l258 (Sep-82)

11. Remove the eight brake pston return sprngs (A) lrom
backing p ate and inspect ior v/ear. Free lenglh is 24.5 mm
(0.96 in.). Working load is 60.0 to 73 N at 20.8 mm (13 to
16 bs. at 0.82 in.).

12. nspect lhrust surface (B) tor wear. Inspect brake disk
wear s!rface (D) lor wear.

13. nspect bushing (C) for w€ar. LD. of bushing is 95.3 to

95.4 mm (3 755 lo 3.757 in ).

A-Brake Pislon Relurn

and inspecl thrusrt washer (A) for wear.

15. Remove the six backing plate-to-c utch drum cap

screws (B).

16. Litt or pry backing plate (l\) from clulch drum

Lrtho In U.S.A- 55-35.10 TM I258 (May 83)
17. Femove brake drsk (A) and separator ptale (B).

LthoinUSA 55-35-10A T[,1-1258 (l\,4ay-83)

Ltho in Ll S A. 55.35-108 TM-1258 (May-83)
18. lnspect brake separator ptate (A) and disk (B)ior wear.
Thlckness of brake separator plale s2.9to3.1 mm(0.114
to0.122 n.). Th ckness of brake disk
to 0.118 n.).
s 2.9 to 3.0 mm (0.114

-lU y

19 Remove ctutch hub (A) lrom drum.

20. Remove the two ctutch dsks (B) and iwo separator
plales (C) lrom clutch drum.

2T. nspect culch dsks (A) and separator ptates (B) lor
wear Thrckness of clutch disks is 2.8 to 3.0 mm (0.j11 to
0 118In ) Thicknessofc utch ptates is 3.0 to 3.1 mm (0.jjg
10 o 122 in.).

22. lnstalllwo of the cap screws removed irom clutch drum,
back nto drum (A) as shown.

23 Lift clulch drum (A) from brake piston housing (B).

Litho n USA. 55-35-11

TM-1258 (Sep-82)
24. Inspect sleeve (A) on clutch drum for wear. O.D. ol
sleeve is 87 21 to 87.25 mm 3.433 to 3.435 in-). It sleeve
rs worn, drum and sleeve must be rep aced as an assembly,

25. Inspect bushing (B) n brake p ston housrng lorwear.l.D.

of blshing is 87.3 to 87 4 mm (3.437 to 3.440 in.).

26. ll necessary, drive out bushing.

27. Pull brake p ston (A) frorn housrng

and O D. ol brake prston for

29. nspecl ihe two sealing rings (A)on clulch drum forwear.

30 nspect thrust washer (B) for wear.

LthoinUSA. 55-35-12 T[,4-1258 (Sep-82)

3l P ace c utch drum (A) n a press as shown using JDT-24
compression too (D) to cornpress Beltevi e springs.

32 Remove snap ring (B)

33 S owly release press and remove spring washers (C).

O-iDT-24 Spring Compr$3or

34. Femove c utch piston (A) from drum (B).

35. Inspect pack ngs on O.D. of piston (C) and LD. oi drunl
1D) lor wear.

c-Packlng on Pllion


I Usrng a ight grease load one row of needle bearings (A)

nto a panet pnon.

Lrtho n U.S.A. 55-35- 13 T[/-1258 (Sep-82)

2. Turn p n on over and insia I spacer r ng (A)

3. Load second row oi needle bearings (A) Inlo prnron.

Repeat steps 1 through 3 ioremarnlng pinions

4. Careiuily nstal p n on (A) nto carrlef so as nol to dislodge

needle bearings

5. nstall a lhrust washer (B) on each s de of p nion.

6 Instal prnlon shail (A) so large hole n pinion shail (B)

algns wrlh pinion shail retaini, g p n hole n carier (C)

Litho n U S.A, 55-35-14 T[/-1258 (Sep-82)

7 lnsla p n on shafi retainrng pin (8) lnlo car.rer and pinion
shait ((l)

I Apply LOCT TE 222 lo A len head screw (A) and nsta

and lghten to 6 Nm {4 lbjl).

I Fepeal sieps 4 through 8 ior remanng pnons and

NOTE Coal all matng pafts wnh John Deere HY-GARD
ttansmtss@n and hydraultc otllo ease assembly and
lo mtntmtze wear.

1 nsta I pack ngs (C and D) on p slon (A) and in drum (B)


2. When nsla ing p sion (A) make sure holes In prston are
a igned wrlh pins In clutch drlm

3 nsta I piston n drum.

NOTE Working ptston packing into place with the rcunded

tlp of an A nng prck (9) will ease tnstallatton

,1 lnsla first spflnq washer (A) so that OD ol washer

contacts pslon. Alternale nsla alon of second and third
spfing wasners.


L tho n U.S.A. 55-35-15 TlVl-1258 (Aug-8a)

5. Place cutch drum (A) n a press as shown, and use
JDT-24 spr ng compressor (D) lo compress Bellev lle springs

6 nstall snap r ng (B) making sure rl is seated in ts groove.

7 Remove clutch drurn from press.

D-iOT-24 Sp.ing Compr.ssor

I nstall lhrust washer (B).

9. nsta I seal ng r ngs (A) if removed.

10. ll bushing n brake p ston ]ousing was removed, Insta I

new usng a No. 27538 (3 7/16 in ) pilot and No. 27540
(3'9l16in)drverdisk Press bushing 3 mm (0.12 n.)below
outer suriace of hub.

Litho n USA 5s-35-16 Tlvl-1258 (Dec-831
11. Coat packlngs on brake piston (A) wih ort, and nstal
prston in brake prston housing (B).

NOTE: When installing clutch drum (A) lnto brake housing

(B), align the jaint ol the outer clutch dtum seattng
ting away from the ntelnalslot in the brake housng

12. Installclutch drum (A)taking care nol to damage sea|ng

angs 0n drum

13 nsta I clutch hub (A).

14 nstall a clulch separator plate (B) aga nst c utch p ston

A ternate nslallation of rernaining hvo disks and p ate.

t5 nsta i brake separator plaie (B) against brake prston

16 nsiall brake d sk (A).

Litho n U.S.A 55-35-17 TM-1258 (Sep 82)

17 Insta backtng plate (C) onlo c utch drum

18. Insia sii cap scTews (8) and torque to 27 Nm (20


19 nsta I lhrusl washer (A).

20. f bush ng n backrng plate was rernoved insta I new

usrng a No. 27541 (3-5ls n.) p ot and No. 27543 l3-3/a in.)
dnver d sk. Press bushrng lo w th n 1.3 mm (0.050 in.) of the
nner surlace of back ng piale


2l Put grease on tfe erght brake prslon relurn

spnngs 1A) to hod lhern n place and inseir rnto brake
back ng plale

22. Insta brake backng plate (A) onto brake pston


LthornUSA. 55-35.t8 TN/ 1258 (Dec-83)

23. Inslal the six brake p ston housrng-to-backing p ate cap
screws (A) and torque to 27 N m (20 ft-tbs).

CAUTION: Heal parts in a bearing heater. Use

a lhermometerand do not exceed 150.C (300.F).
Plan a safe handling procedure to avoid burns.
Heat is transferred quickly trom bearings to

24. Heat bearing cone and install on brake backinq ptate

25. Insla shift va ve so end ol valve wlh recess (A) enters

valve bore (B) iirst.

26 nsta lshift valve retaining ptug (A), and torque to 40 N.m

(30 ff bs).

27 nstall dete-l bal (A) son^g rBr and (ap screw (Cl.

L lho rn LJ.S.A EE-',lt-l o TM r258 (Sep-82)

28. insla thrusl washer (A) or backing pate.


1. Inslal lube reliei valve (A), spring (B), and ptug (C) inlo
lube nranifold.

{ "Fru
{B) /
2 When nstalrng bush ngs in rnanifold, make sLlre grooves
n bushlngs (A) poinl toward cenler of mantiold as shown.

3. Press ube maniiold bushings into place using a No.
27523 (2-1/2 in.) piol and Na. 27525 12.5/s in.) driver disk.
Presstrontbushngin3.5to4mm(0.1371o0 157 n.)betow
thrust washer surface. Press r,:ar bushng n 1.5 to 2 nrm
(0.059 t0 0.078 in.) be ow thrusl washer surface.

W*i ,

Litho in U.S.A. 55-35-20 TN,4 1258 (Sep 82)

l. Insta Lrbe man lold with cap screws (A) nto tTansmtss on
case rghten cap screws to 47 N m (35 tb ft).
; t
t t
%', \

NOTE Lube lut,e /s acce-ss/b/e thraugh the t'laar af the

remaved lar phatagraphlc purposes only.

2 nsert 1!be (A) into c llch housrng and tube man lo d.


nslal e bow (B) and connect ube o hose (A)

.l nslal floof board and i oor mal in SOUND GAFD body.



' l -.a -oj pd.o.., --ot goar.a

LIhO n USA 55-35-21 Tl\,1-1258 (Aug 84)

IMPORTANTi Failure to properly tihe planetary will

cause early lailure-

2 Insia Input p anetary (A) nto nplt planetary shatt with
gear (B) so I mrng marks on p anel prnrons (C) are aligned
wrth t m ng marks 0n gear (D).

a-lnpul Planela.y Shatl With Gear

C-P nron Timing Marks
O--Gear Iimin9 Marks €

3. Set nplt p anetary culch:nd brake assemby (B) nto

clutch hous |lg as shown . /...-
IMPORTANT: Thrust washer (A) is located
input planetary and carrier
Make sure washer is in place.
assembly. ,&,
4. App y a lghl coal ng ol grease lo lhrust washer (A) and
nslal n place on p anetary.

NOTE. Befare applyjng new g.tsket malenal, make sure all
ald gasket matenal ts n;noved ham clutch houstng
and btake houstng

IMPORTANT: Prevent plasljc gasket lrorn running into

cast slots in brake housing flange. Excess
gasket material may cause shift valve to

5. Apply a rght coat ol T435i 4 plast c gasket (LOCT TE!

217) \a an atea jusl aroLrnd casi-rn or slots in the brake
hols ng I ange (A). Do nol coirt the entrre surface. Insta
Hr-Lo as fo ows and lghten cap screws withtn 15 minues
ol gaskel app rcatron.

6. Instal Hr-Lo wh le mesh ng teeth on c utch drum (B) with

teeth ol planet p n ons (C) in planetary.

NOTE: lnstallatlon ol planetarj,may be eased by tnstalhng

C2 (HHange)clutch shi ftintoplanetary, and turning
shafl ta allow gear teeth ta mesh.

L lho In U.S.A 55-35-22 TM-1258 1Au9-84)

7. Insla frve cap screws (C) and I ghten to 47 N m (35 tb,lt).

8 lnstal ol ine {B) and flare nut (A).

9. Inslal PTO drlve gear (D).

A-Oil Line Flare Nut


T0. Insta oil pump n clutch housing

1 1. Insta six o I pump cap screws (A) on traction clutch

valve housing Tighten lo 27 N m (20 lb"fl).

IMPORTANT: Oil pump retaining cap screvrs must be

re-iightened after 10 minutes to maintain .-)
proper torque.
12. Wal l0 m nutes and re I ghten oll pumpcapscrewslo
27 N.m (20 lbJt) tt

13 nsta I PTO dflve qear bearing suppon (B) with enough

shrms to a ow end play

14. lnsta I and t ghlen cap screws to 27 N m (20 lb,li)

Lrtho n U.S.A TM-1258 (Aug-8a)

NOTE: lt is NOT necessaty ta check end play UNLESS pTO
dnve gear, cones, cup9, or PTa dnve gear supporl
were reptaced or I otd shtm pack is tast or a
I5 nstall d a ndtcator and base as showrr
16. Rotaie PTO drlve gear se/era trmes each direction to
seal oeaflngs.
17. Mark drve gear where indcator extefsion ts restng,
pusn 0rve gear reaMafd, and zero the dial rndtcator.
18 Use barlo pry drve gear fc)rward and note dralind calor
19. Fefirove dial Ind calor and dflve gear sLrppon.
20. Bemove enough sh ms 1o al ow 0.03 to 0 10 mm (0 001
to 0 004 n.) end p ay
NOTE. Shims are avatabte in nminal thicknesses of 0.05.
0 lA, and A.20 nn (0 002. 0 001. and A 008 n )
Measure shlms tndivtdually ta assure accurate
21 nstall drve gear sLrpport and I ghten cap screws to 27
N m (20 lbjt)
22. Fepeat steps 13 20 unltproper end pay rs obtarned.

23 nstall etlhand SOLIND-cAFD body mounrrng bracket

(A). Tghten nuts to 163 N m (120 tbjl).

24. Remove SOUND-cAFD body tiftng brackel.

f25. Insla H Lo range dflve shafls (A).

26. Atlach cutch housng to €ngne (See Front End and

Engine in Secton 15 )

Litho n U.S.A 55-35-24 Trr'l-i 258 tAra 5.1)

Group 40

NOTE: Order tools ftom your SERVTCE GARD catatog, unless otherwise indtcated.

D,01045AA Bushing Bearing and Sea Driver Install bushings, bearings, bear ng
Sel cups ano or sea s

D 01 173AA 17-% Ton Puller Set Remove and install bearings and
bear ng cups

D-05029ST Bearing Heater Oven Heal bearings and other press fit
parts for installat on

D-17501C1 Outs de [,licrometer Measure sl^ m th cknesses

D-17515C1 Dial Calipers nspect conrponenls

D,17525C Magnetic Base W/Adiustable Arm [,4easure d]lJerenta bearing preload

and differential backlash

D-17526C1 D a Ind cator lreasure dilferenlial bearing preload

and different a back ash

JDG-304 Bearing Cup nsta ler Set Instail D.D.S. lront and rear bearing cups
n case

JDG.3O5 Beanng Cone Removal Too Remove D.l),S. rear cone and drive gear
rear spacer from shait

JDI,12 Spring Scale D.D.S. ro ling drag torque check

OTC No. 33858 7/16 in. Blind Hole Pu ler Available in Hand e to pul reduct on gear shaft
D-01061AA Blind Hole Pu ler Sel

TY1481 Hydrau ic Jack Remove diflereritial drve shaft

Holding Tool, Drive Shaft Hold drive s hait n place while installing
(See Secl on 99 lor Instruclions to make
too ).

Numter Name Use

Wooden Wedge Hold against differenta drive gear to prevent shall lrom
lurning whie oosenrng and tiqhtening retaining screws

Slring 2 m (6 fl.) for D.D.S. ro ling drag torque check

Litho n U.S.A. 55-40-01 Il '1258 (Sep-82)

Reduction Gear Train


Hear Bearing Retainer Reduct on

Gear Shatl Seat,nq qrng .. Thickness (new) 2.36 io 2.39 mm
(0.093 lo 0.094 in.)
Rear Bealng qela ner . . O.D. (shaft mating area) .......... 21.84 to 21.94 mm
(0.860 1o 0.864 in.)
Reduction Gear Shatt Rear Boaring Cup o.D. ................ 96.84 to 96.86 mm
(s.813 to 3.814ln.)
l.D. (case bore) 96.84 to 96.88 mm
(3.813 io 3.814 in )
Reduct on Gear Shatt O.D- (rear bearing ..........
6one) 50.83 lo 50.84 mm
(2.001 to 2.002 in.)
O.D. (reduclion gear) ........... 65.99 to 66 01 mm
(2.598 to 2.599 in.)
O.D. (ironl bearing cone and
output planetary bushing
mating area 53.95 io 53 97 mm
\2.126la 2127 n.)
O.D. (outpll planetary
bushings mating area) .......... 44.45 Ia 44 46 mn
(1.750 to 1.751 ilr.)
qed-clion Gear S'dfr Sealrg Rrngs Th ckness (new) 2.36 to 2.39 rnm
{0.093 to 0.094 n.)
Reduction Gear .D. 66.09 to 66.11 mm
(2.602 to 2.603 in.)
Reduct on Gear Shaft Fronl Beanng Cone LD. 53.98 to 53.99 mm
(2.125 10 2126 in.)
Reduclion Gear Shaft Front Bearing c!p ... .... LD. (case bore) 104.721o 104.76 mml
(4.123 to 4 125 in.)
Reduction Gear Shaft Front Oil Sea Deplh (installed betow end
ol shafl) 1.5 lo 2.5 mm
(0.060 to 0 100 in.)
Reductron Gear Shali Preload 0.025 io 0.050 mm
(0.001 to 0.002 n.)
Tow Drsconnect Yohe Shaft O.D. (fight hand) 16.46 to 16.51 mm
(0.648 to 0.650 in.)
O.D. (left hand) 17.42 ra 17.4a mn
(0.686 lo 0.688 in.)
Tow Disconnect Yoke Shoes Thickness (col ar mating area)(new) 6.10 to 6.35 mm
(0.240 to 0 250 n )
O.D. (yoke mating area) 9.37 io 9.47 mrn
(0.369 to 0.373 in )
Park Locl Cam O.D (case bore matrng area) ... .. 25.22 ta 25 32 mn
(0.993 to 0.997 in.)

contlnued on next page

Litho in U.S.A. 55-40-02 T[,{-1258 (May-83)

Beduction Gear Train

.D. (shaft mating oore,........... 22.24 ta 22.34 mm

(0.876 io 0 880 n)
D fferentral Drve Shalt Front Bearng Cup LD. (case bore) 112.66 to 112 70 mm
(4.435 1o 4.437 n.)
Drfferent a Drve Shaft Fear Eearing Cup LD. (case bofe) 136.47 to I36.51 mm
(5 373 io 5.375 in.)
Different a Drive Shaft O.D. {rear bearing cone) .......... 76.24'lo 76.26 nn
(3.002 to 3.003 in )
O.D. (drive gear rear spacer) ...... 76.64 10 76.66 mm
(3.017 to 3.018 in.)
O D. (fronl bearing cone) .......... 63.65 to 63.67 mm
(2.506 to 2 507 in.)
D'16ro-lat D've 5ha,t Fed B.a.ng co-e .D. .................. 76.20 ta 76.21 mn
(3.000 to 3.001 in.)
D flerentral Drve Gear Fear Spacef widrh....... 31.87 to 32.13 mm
{1.255 to 1.265 n.)
D fferent a Drve Gear Fronl Spacer widrh............... 24.A7 ta 25.13 mrn
(0.979 lo 0.989 n.)
Different a Drrve Sha{t Fronl Bearng Cone ...... LD. ..... ..... 63.50 to 63.51 mm
(2.500 to 2.501 in.)
Different a Drive Shaft Cone Poinl (s!bvact number 3tched
on end ot shatl liom) 9.534 in.
End Pay............ 0.000 10 0.025 mm
(0.000 to 0.001 in )
Rolling Drag Torq!e 08to1.9Nm
(7 to 17 inlbs)
Roling Dfag Torque (spring
scale reading) 1.6 to 3.9 kg

Fear gear ng Reta ner lo,Case 75 N.m (55 ft- bs)

Drfferent a Dr ve Shaft Reta n ng 245 N m (180 ft- bs)

Ltho n LJ.S A 55-40-03 T[,,]-1354 (Sep-87)

Reduction Gear Train


IMPORTANT: Redlcticn gear shatt bearing end ptay

musl be measLtred if the reduction gear
shalt or any ot its components are re-
placed, OTHEF lhan the lront shaft oil

NOTE The followng tnstructtans are for allowing an end

play check lo be made

1 Fernove lhe SOUNO GA:D body (See Remove

SOUND GARD Body n Secl or l5 )
NOTE lt is not necessary tc perfarm step 2 untess an end
alay check nust be made

2 Remove the npll p anetary. (See nput P anetary rn th s

3 Remove rockshafl housng lr lransmLssron Tear coveT.

(See Remove/ nsiall Fockshall Componenls in Sect on 70.)

NATE: Flace a piece of tape ot ciamp an C-3 al line below

ttare nut la ptevent nut from sldtng ta bottam end
of otl line Remove tape ar clamp after nut is

.1. DrsconnectC3 c ne(A)

5. Renrove three cap screws (llJ

6 Remove bear ng retarner (C) w th shrms

NaTE. Put taw dBccnnecl levet tn dnve position, shalt

cannot be temaved witn lever tn to||.

IMPORTANTT To avojd damaging oil seal at tront ol

shafl, place Ct shatt in normal position
and use a rubber mallet lo drive shaft
7 Remove reduct on geaf shaft rear bear ng cup w th a 7/ 16
n. b nd hoe pu er (A) {OTC No 33858). When tractor rs
not separaied al clutch housng be sltre end oi pu er is
nse(ed n sma er D ol shaft aftd use pu er as a handle to

NATE: The 7/16 tn blnd hole puler (OTC Na. 33858) is

turntshed tn D 01A61AA Bltnd Hole Puller Set.

tho In U S.A
L 55-40-04 Tl\,4-1354 (Sep-87)

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