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Hardy Weinberg Problems

Show all work or NO CREDIT. Round all answers to 2 decimal places.

Write out the two formulas and label what each variable represents:

1. The frequency of a dominant allele is .65.

a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele? 1 – 0.65 = 0.35

b. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant? .65 squared = 0.42

c. What is the frequency of the heterozygous? 2(0.65)(0.35) = 0.46

d. What is the frequency of the homozygous recessive? 0.35 squared = 0.12

2. In fruit flies, normal wings is dominant to stubby wings. In a population of 1000 flies, 400 show the
recessive trait.
a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele? 400/1000 = 0.4 = q^2. Square root of 0.4
= 0.63

b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? 1 – 0.63 = 0.37

c. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant? 9^2 = .37^2 = 0.14

d. How many homozygous dominant individuals are there in the population? Move the
decimal point in 0.14 three spots to the right = 140

e. What is the frequency of the heterozygous? 2(0.37)(0.63) = 0.46

f. How many heterozygous individuals are there in the population? Move the decimal point
in 0.46 three spots to the right = 460

3. In flowers, red is dominant to white. In a population of 1000 flowers, 970 show the dominant trait.
a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele? 30/1000 = 0.03 = q^2. Square root of 0.03
= 0.17

b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? 1 – 0.17 = 0.83

c. What is the frequency of the heterozygous? 2(0.83)(0.17) = 0.28

d. How many homozygous dominant individuals are there in the population? 0.83 squared =
0.69; move decimal three spaces to the right = 690

e. How many heterozygous individuals are there in the population? Move the decimal of 0.28
three spaces to the right = 280

f. What is the frequency of the homozygous recessive? 0.17 squared = 0.03

Hardy Weinberg Problems
g. How many recessive individuals are there in the population? Move the decimal of 0.03
three spaces to the right = 30

4. The frequency of a recessive allele is .15.

a. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? 1 – 0.15 = 0.85

b. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant? 0.85 squared = 0.72

c. What is the frequency of the heterozygous? 2(0.15)(0.85) = 0.26

d. What is the frequency of the homozygous recessive? 0.15 squared = 0.03

5. -- In fruit flies, normal wings is dominant to stubby wings. In a population of 1000 flies, 550 have
normal wings. (So, 0.55 is dominant and 0.45 recessive)
a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele? 0.45

b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? 0.55

c. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant? 0.55 squared = 0.3

d. How many homozygous dominant individuals are there in the population? Move the
decimal of 0.3 three spaces to the right = 300

e. What is the frequency of the heterozygous? 2(0.55)(0.45) = 0.5

f. How many heterozygous individuals are there in the population? Move the decimal of 0.5
three spaces to the right

6. In flowers, red is dominant to white. In a population of 1000 flowers, 625 have white flowers.
a. What is the frequency of the recessive allele?_________________

b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?____________________

c. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant?________________

d. How many homozygous dominant individuals are there in the population?_____________

e. What is the frequency of the heterozygous?________________

f. How many heterozygous individuals are there in the population?_____________

g. What is the frequency of the homozygous recessive?___________________

Hardy Weinberg Problems

h. How many recessive individuals are there in the population?________________

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