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Evidencia 11

Actividad 3: ensayo “free trade agreement ( FTA ):

advantages and disadvantages”

Luis Guillermo Arango gonzalez

Negocios internacionales
free trade agreement ( FTA ): advantages and

Let's begin by explaining when the free trade agreement

between Colombia and the United States was signed,
this process took place in November 2006, in
Washington and Colombia, the agreement was
approved in the Congress of the Republic in June 2007
and a month later the President Of the Republic
sanctioned law 1143 that gave him life. In July 2008 the
Constitutional Court found it adjusted to the
constitutional order, as well as the "modification
Protocol" of the same agreement, signed in Washington
In June 2009

It entered into force on May 15th, 2012. This was

established between the presidents of Colombia, Juan
Manuel Santos, and of the United States, Barack
Obama, during the Summit of the Americas, in
Cartagena, where the corresponding exchange of letters
between the two governments was carried out

It should be stressed that the free trade agreement with

the United States today appears as the best and most
viable option that our country has in the context of
international integration
The U.S. FTA is important to Colombia, because it
allows Colombian entrepreneurs to place their products
in permanent privileged conditions in the world's
largest market because the U.S. has about 314 million

In addition, this country is Colombia's main trading

partner and the increase in bilateral trade will generate
more employment and higher incomes and Colombian
products have permanent and barrier-free access to
markets in industrialized countries

We should not forget that countries similar to ours, such

as Chile, Mexico, Peru and Central Americans, have
already signed treaties with the United States and we
cannot stay behind

There are a total of 59 products of 350 that conquered

the North American market and have been able to take
advantage of the FTA

The Ministry of Commerce says that in the first five

years of the FTA with the United States has been
positive because 8,700 different companies exported
their products to that country. In addition, something
very important of this agreement is that before its start
up there were only 5,670 products with tariff items and
today there are more than 10.63, generating with this
stability and confidence because the tariff benefits no
longer depend on the decisions of Congress

A specific benefit of NAFTA is that entrepreneurs can

negotiate with a longer term, which allows them to plan
and better distribute resources, although it must be clear
that the trade balance with the United States has gone
from positive to negative, due to the fall of the World
trade. American trade has many opportunities for the
commercialization of cosmetics, clothing, girdles and

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