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“The Psychology Behind Tiger Mums and Her

An article created by John Kang "The Psychology Behind Tiger Mums and Her
Children" Kang describes how the behavior of a tiger mother in educating their children, the
result of upbringing their children and against the background of the mother tiger appears.
Tiger's mother is very indentic with the asian parents particularly china. The tiger mother
consider that success is influenced by how good your academic and how skilled you in any
activity (multitalent). This upbringing patterns give effect to children from tiger mother. Kids
tend to get pressure and always prosecuted to be the best, this then lead to stress and
depression. The kids will consider himself a fool person when they could not reach a target
set by their mother. Children will assume that success is when instead they got straight A and
be the best among all of his/her friends. Even though the benchmark of success is not just
academic. This parenting patterns hereditary inherited from generation to generation. Indeed,
tiger mother parenting is not completely wrong but also not entirely true, there are positive
and negative impacts resulting

In the article ,tiger mother parenting tend to be demanding and hard will produce
children who are obedient, disciplined, humble and caring, but is it always so? . But,In fact,
kids of tiger mother look obedient, humble, discipline, and care, because they are controlled
by fear of their mother (a strong control). Conversely, when their mother not being around
them, maybe they'll behave differently or even break the rules of his mother. Because
basically the kids were free, they are free to explore their imagination and their curiosity as
well as free to do activities that they like without any coercion.

In fact, the phenomenon of tiger mother not only happens in china, most countries
have a tiger mother own versions. Actually, parenting of the tiger mother can be effective for
some children. Parenting should not be too soft or too hard. From some experience on the
internet and personal experience, parenting tiger mother can provide a positive impact on
several aspects. First, the strict parenting and hard, will form a child mental hardiness,
children will not easily give up and proving that they are indeed capable of, as their mother
said. Second, the children will tend to be more disciplined, appreciate the time and oriented to
the their future. Third, the control of parents, will keep kids on the limits that should advance
in terms of Association.
In the book " Battle Hymn Of the Tiger Mother" by Amy Chua (2011) which is a tiger
mother, teacher, and writer, explained how the tiger mother parenting examples as well as
some of the penalties or sanctions for his children in violation. Amy Chua, give punishment
to their children reasonably hard, for example, does not provide lunch, do not hold the
birthday party, there are no holiday on weekends. Amy Chua in her book also recounted that
she was not disinclined to said his son/daughter “stupid” and “rubbish” if the children fail or
work on something badly, he explained that parenting such as these make the Cubs more
disciplined and obedient as well as successfully according Bloomsbury Publishing (2011).

In addition to the book "Battle Hymn Of the Tiger Mother," the tiger mother
parenting can also be found in some of the experience stories of some bloggers who are in
response to articles about tiger mother. Most of them say that parenting which so much they
had received since long and they get used to it. Strict regulations, as well as academic
competition will pressure and most of them are Asians. Most Asians do have strict parenting
and hard in educating their children, though it did not close the possibility that the Europeans

However, the downside of tiger mother is, first, the children will feel stress and
depression in the elderly does not support mentally and spiritually from their parents, then
parenting tiger mother will be very effective if accompanied by a grant of the abundant
affection. Second, the children would not enjoy the process, because they only care about the
end result. Third, children will feel depressed with all their mother's demands, it will be very
good if the communication between the child and their mother are entwined, so any opinions
of the child or their mother can complement each other.

So, actually parenting the tiger mother like two daggers, it can have positive and
negative impact. Parenting like this can be positive if implemented in a balanced way and it is
full of affection from their parents. Can be negative in its application in the absence of
communication and sensitivity will be the feelings among the children and the elderly. Then,
in order for parenting is becoming more good than bad, parents should pay attention to the
feelings of their children, as well as understand that their children need attention, not
pressure. In addition, good communication between the child and the mother must be
intertwined and mutually supportive.
Refrence List :

Dominus,S.(2011,February 13). Terrible Soft Tongue. New York Times.

Chua,Amy (2011). Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother. America,Penguin Audiobooks.

Bloomsbury Publishing. (2011, February 15). Amy Chua-Battle Hymn Of The Tiger
Mother [youtube]. Retrieved from

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