مستقبل مصر في التعهيد تقرير Reports and Documents 2572017000 Ar Outsourcing Destination Guide EGYPT 25-7-17

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EXAMPLES guide by

CONTACTS Outsourcing
Destination Guide
We present with the Outsourcing Guide Egypt the capabilities and actors of the
Egyptian ITO, BPO and Shared Services Industry.

We show case unique solutions invented by Egyptian service industry experts in

the form of case studies and project reports.

As a result we help decision makers better understand the advantages and condi-
tions in working with Egyptian IT- and business process service providers.

6 - Market Overview
22 - Industry Insights & Cases
44 - Profiles & Contacts
56 - Sponsors & Partners

Independent information guide by German Outsourcing Association in co-opera-

tion with ITIDA - Information Technology Industry Development Agency, Egypt.

Picture: Photodune
“The Egyptian Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology is intently
committed to developing the ICT industry,
which progressively plays an important role in
Egypt’s economic growth. To this end, we offer
our full support to organizations who have
chosen Egypt as a destination for expanding
their business.” Yasser ElKady, H.E. Minister
of Communications and Information
6 - Industry Overview
15 - Egypt’s IT Industry: Steady Growth, Revenue, and Employment
18 - Egypt - GSA’s European Outsourcing Destination of the Year 2016

Egypt’s IT, Business

Process and Shared
Service Industry
A market overview

Egypt enjoys a unique blend of rapid growth, despite political is the fastest growing sector and
qualities making it one of the turmoil of 2011 revolution, largest contributor to GDP. In
most attractive destinations for establishing itself as a reliable 2016, the sector’s exports stood
IT and business process services and much needed partner not at USD 1.7 Billion.
globally. What sets Egypt only for European but also US,
apart from other nearshore African and Middle East markets. In 2015, Avasant research
destinations in Europe, as well Currently, the ICT sector in Egypt projected that the outsourcing
as on a global comparison is that
possibility to implement service
centers on a meaningful scale,
like the Philippines and India.

Located in the center of the

world, the culture compatibility,
physical proximity, and similar
time zone to the region facilitate Graphic 1 - Outsourcing
productive business interactions. Industry Workforce

From Rapid Growth

to Maturity
Since the early 2000’s, the
government has opened up 73,870 83,930 89,500 94,870 161,250
the economy and the Egyptian
service industry has gone through
2011 2012 2013 2014 2020

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 7


industry’s workforce will reach Talent Pool While UK and France are the
161,250 FTEs by 2020. See better examples here, as the
Graphic 1. According to Frost Egypt has a very large and highly graduates with English and
& Sullivan, Egypt’s BPO market educated population, which French language knowledge are
is experiencing a shift in its provides a unique opportunity the highest in number, German
services portfolio as providers for larger operations with about graduate numbers are still
move from multilingual contact 500,000 annual graduates from significant, especially compared
centre services to high-value over 35 universities and 100 with other sourcing destinations
niche services, such as product institutes. in CEE and the growing demand
development and R&D. and costs.
Every year, about 220,000
In 2016, Egypt has been students in business process “In Egypt there are a large number
identified as a Primary Location services related fields and of well-educated high school and
for outsourcing, shared services, 50,000 students in IT-related university graduates who speak
and captives in EMEA by fields graduate ready to deliver German. Cairo has a German
Gartner.* Moreover, Everest advanced processes and university that graduates some
Group, reported that the unique knowledge services in over 20 500 students each year. They are
geographical position of Egypt languages across more than 100 fluent in German and can often
together with its very attractive countries. With these numbers, express themselves well in other
value proposition puts Egypt on Egypt is positioned among European languages. This makes
the track to become a major hub Poland and the Philippines, them ideal candidates for jobs
for business operations in EMEA. traditionally strong sourcing involving SQS customers from
destinations. See Graphic 2. German-speaking regions and for

Graphic 2 - 85,000 - 95,000 English

university 4,800 - 5,500 French
graduates by
language of 1,200 - 1,400 German
study (Everest
2015) 600 -700 Italian

500 - 600 Spanish

working closely with colleagues full-time employee according locations in the UK or France, the
at the Homeshore Test Centre to IDC. Moreover, it probably savings reach 80%. See Graphic
in Görlitz.” Axel Bartram, Former provides the best value in 3.
Managing Partner SQS Germany. multi-lingual operations,
including contact center and While Egypt has long been
technical support. The cost known for its competitive costs
Cost differences compared to other compared to other offshoring
sourcing destinations in reach destinations, costs are now
Egypt offers one of the most
are immense. Compared with further more attractive. In
competitive operating cost per
operating centers in tier-2 November 2016, Egypt unpegged

8 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


Graphic 3 - 50,000 - 54,000 Source: Adapted from Everest

Direct annual (2015); Cairo figures have been
operating cost/ 38,000 - 42,000 adjusted to reflect 2017 ex-
FTE in USD for change rate.
multi-lingual 33,000 - 37,000
contact center 27,000 - 31,000
2015 (Everest
2015) 23,000 - 26,000
21,000 - 23,000
* after devalu-
ation (1 USD = 9,000 - 10,000 *
7.6 EGP in 2015;
now 1 USD =
18.2 EGP)
UK / Prague Warsaw Bucha- Casa- Tunis Cairo
France rest blanca

its currency from the USD, which operations along the Nile River. Despite the civilian protests
resulted in devaluation of the during 2011 and the following
EGP against the USD. The factors on the outside seem political changes, service
to affect Egypt’s ICT industry operators reported that clients
growth evenly. The growing did not scale operations down
demand in Europe for IT and during the period of 2011-2014.
Driver for Further process capacities and their In reality, large service operators,
Development already critical shortage of skilled like Dell EMC, HSBC, Vodafone,
labour, the shift in the shared Raya, and Teleperformance, have
Multinational companies and service industry to higher value reported a significant growth
organizations benefit from Egypt services as well as the rising cost in business during that period
as a hub for IT and business in the established nearshore (Everest 2015).
process services that grants destinations in the CEE region
access to Europe Africa and the promise to fuel the growth of
Arabic speaking region. Egypt Egypt’s ICT industry.
provides good conditions why a
number of companies, including
MNCs operating in Egypt praise
IBM, Microsoft, Vodafone, DELL
EMC among others, leverage
Industry Resilience the high levels of quality and
innovation of employees in
Egypt for their global operations.
Egypt’s economic growth was service delivery and ability to
There is a good perspective
interrupted by the Egyptian come up with new initiatives for
for the further development of
revolution of 2011. However, creating value to the business.
Egypt’s ITO and BPO industry.
the ICT industry has remained
Domestic demand and economic
remarkably resilient in the face Propped by its unique talents, the
growth, availability of well-
of resulting political instability IT innovation arena in Egypt is
educated workforce and reliable
(Oxford Business Group 2016). flourishing, with several success
infrastructure for business

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 9


stories of small businesses In late 2016, Egypt embarked dedicated Account Manager for
securing millions of dollars of on a structural economic reform each investor.
investments from Europe, the programme supported by the In-
US, and the Middle East and ternational Monetary Fund (IMF) The government is heavily in-
successfully offshoring IT services to revive the country’s growth vesting in telecom infrastructure,
to EMEA. prospects, and unleash econo- with the introduction of the 4G
my’s potential. The main objec- technology in mobile services
tive of the reform programme is in 2016, and the progressive in-
Government Support to in the economy. frastructure upgrades and de-
ployment of fiber optical cables
Egypt has been constantly devel-
The government offers Investors across the country.
oping its business environment
extensive support and aftercare,
for both local and foreign inves-
including market intelligence &
tors. This has been reflected in its
due diligence, training & talent
improved ranking in the World
development, telecommunica-
Bank’s Ease of Doing Business re-
tion, set-up/expansion support,
port of 2017.
competitive office spaces and a

Flagship Projects
In 2016, the government has embarked on flagship projects for boosting the ICT industry.

National initiative for spreading science and technology and creating a collabora-
tive environment for business, academia, and entrepreneurs through establishing
technology parks developed by Silicon Waha under the name WE Parks across tier-2

The Next Technology Leaders (NTL) presidential initiative to grant high-level certi-
fied training courses offered by top universities and industry leaders through on-
line platforms. NTL grants target 16,000 university students/fresh grads and cover
high-value tracks, such as Machine learning, Data Science, Cyber Security.

Egypt Makes Electronics presidential initiative to position Egypt as the regional and
global hub for electronics design and manufacturing through a number of pro-
grams and incentives.

*Gartner Report, Evaluate Offshore/Nearshore Countries for Outsourcing, Shared Services and Captives in EMEA,
2016, 03 February 2016.

10 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association

“Outsourcing Destination of the
Global Sourcing Association

“This is a good time for investors

to explore new investment
opportunities in Egypt”
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2017)

“Large and highly educated

population with a diverse set of
language skills” – A.T. Kearney

“Geographic proximity to Europe

and Asia and is gateway to Middle
East and Africa”
Everest Group (2015)

“Starting a business made easier

by merging procedures at the one-
stop shop”
World Bank (2016)

“Egypt offers one of the most

competitive operating cost per full-
Background picture - pyramides: time employee”
pixabay / picture Skyline Nile Cairo: IDC (2016)
Faris knight via wkimedia commons
Abundant Collaborative

Pivotal Inspiring

Government Cost

Egypt … The Destination of Choice

Winner of the Global Sourcing Association Award

Egypt has established itself as a global hub for IT/ITES and

technology innovation. As a primary outsourcing destination,
the world’s leading companies benefit from Egypt’s unique
mix of strengths for growing their business globally.

Egypt’s IT Industry:
Steady Growth,
Revenue, and
By Jyoti Lalchandani, Group Vice President & Regional Managing
Director Middle East, Turkey & Africa, IDC

The Egyptian government, MCIT’s overriding ICT strategy for 8% of GDP by 2020 is viewed as
through the Ministry of Commu- 2014–2020, is the main driver for ambitious but attainable with
nications and Information Tech- the onshore IT investment wave, sustained investment.
nology (MCIT) and the IT Indus- which aims to achieve a digital
try Development Agency (ITIDA), economy through ICT, to provide Underpinned by the potential of
has taken an active role in devel- prosperity, freedom, and social the Egyptian ICT market, Inter-
oping ICT capabilities within the equity for all. In addition, the national Data Corporation (IDC)
country and positioning ICT as a government has stated that IT is established its regional research
cornerstone of economic devel- an important factor in its plans to center in Egypt in 2016. Leverag-
opment and foreign investment. transform the country’s educa- ing the vast Egyptian talent pool,
Investments in IT, including IT tion, healthcare, justice, culture, IDC has been successfully offer-
services, are likely to be central and tourism sectors. Key areas ing research and consulting ser-
to the success of the many on- for investment have included ICT vices to clients throughout the
going transformation projects infrastructure, legislative reform, EMEA region.
that the Egyptian government is and IT industry programs aimed
undertaking to restore the coun- at boosting knowledge and Egypt’s overall IT and ITeS reve-
try’s economy. Two prominent business process outsourcing, nues are expected to expand to
national projects in which IT will electronics manufacturing and $1.8 billion in 2017, and reach
play a crucial development role R&D, and cloud computing. The $2.6 billion by 2019, growing at
are the Suez Canal expansion government’s goal of increasing a CAGR of 12.9%. Cloud and BPO
and the Golden Triangle project. IT-related contributions to over services will be the most signif-

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 15


icant contributors to the ITeS high-quality infrastructure, local large firms expected to operate
growth in 2017, expanding at skills availability, and competitive more than 66,000 seats in the
34.8% and 14.0% respectively. costs compared to other parts of country by 2017.
the region.
Ongoing investment in high- The outsourcing sector – provid-
speed broadband infrastructure Education is a significant factor ing IT and ICT services from Egypt
has accelerated the development in the success of Egypt’s IT indus- to international customers – is ex-
and adoption of ICT services. In try; the country produces nearly pected to remain strong over the
October 2016 the long awaited half a million graduates a year, coming years. The business pro-
allocation of 4G licenses to tele- with 10% of those in IT-related cess outsourcing market in Egypt
com providers, with the prom- fields, and other fields relevant to is particularly healthy, estimated
ise of faster mobile connectivity business or knowledge process at $1.3 billion in 2016, expanding
was completed. The widespread outsourcing. ITIDA’s training and to approximately $2 billion by
penetration of mobile devices graduate placement programs the end of 2019 at CAGR 13.4%.
in the Egyptian market, with ap- and entrepreneurial support are Egypt has become well regarded
proximately 40% of all internet key initiatives in this field taking on the international stage as a
users using mobile internet, po- the outsourcing FTE capacity leading destination for outsourc-
sitions the country well to take from almost 61,000 in 2016 to ing, culminating in being named
advantage of new data services around 70,000 in 2017, with more as ‘Outsourcing Destination of
enabled by 4G technologies and than 55,000 FTEs catering to the the Year 2016’ at the Global Sourc-
cloud computing. offshore demand. ing Association (GSA) European
Awards with more than 67% of
Initiatives such as Silicon Waha’s Outsourcing has become a major the business process outsourcing
technology parks across Egypt growth industry in Egypt, driven revenues coming from offshore
follow international best prac- by the successful contact center service delivery and more than
tices in providing a business services like translation, HR, fi- 86% of the revenue contribution
environment conducive to ICT nance, and legal practice, and from North America, Europe, the
organizations, particularly inter- other high value services such Asia Pacific.
national firms looking to estab- as research, engineering, soft-
lish a regional presence. Egypt ware development. Egypt has Egypt has a broad base of skilled
has successfully attracted nu- achieved significant success in labor, that is multi-lingual across
merous leading American and establishing itself as a regional English, German, French, and Ar-
European technology compa- hub for contact-center outsourc- abic. This base makes Egypt an at-
nies, offering a combination of ing, with numerous small and tractive and a cost effective mar-

Tech Leaders Leveraging Egypt for Global Operations

16 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


ket with minimal communication for Egyptian ICT firms to interact Casablanca, Lagos, Nairobi and
barriers to provide outsourced with potential channel partners Cairo.
services to Western, Asian, and and end users in these target
Middle Eastern markets. markets. Starting at IDC’s CEMA (Central
and Eastern Europe, the Middle
Egypt’s continued success in pro- Africa Together is one of several East, and Africa) headquarters
ducing skilled graduates, par- projects IDC has conducted in in 1995 in Prague, the Czech Re-
ticularly in the technology and partnership with ITIDA. Others public, Lalchandani served as
engineering fields, will increase include IDC’s CIO Summit series IDC’s regional consulting manag-
its ability to deliver outsourced of events, and extensive research er. In this role, he headed several
research and development, into the opportunities that exist country-based project teams in
and engineering services. Out- within the outsourcing market- advising multinational and local
sourced back-office services (HR, place. IDC’s annual CIO Summits IT vendors about issues related to
procurement, and F&A) are also take place in multiple countries, entry strategy, competitor analy-
growing segments and thus re- including Egypt, and provide sis, ROI analysis, distribution and
quire a steady supply of skilled thought-provoking and action- partner evaluation, and market
workers. able insights to CIOs and senior segmentation. He later took on
ICT executives through a mix of the additional responsibility of
Outside KPO and BPO, the Egyp- end-user presentations and case overseeing the CEMA software
tian government has placed spe- studies, global trends, ICT best practice, in which Lalchandani
cific focus on growing the export practices, and discussions with was responsible for overseeing
component of the IT industry. colleagues and peers. all related research (applications,
The Export IT program provides system infrastructure, and tools)
financial rebates to export busi- About the author: As Group Vice and advisory work across emerg-
ness, while the go-to-market pro- President and Regional Manag- ing EMEA countries.
gram Africa Together that was ing Director of IDC Middle East,
well received by the participants Turkey and Africa, Mr. Jyoti Lal-
from Egypt as well as from the chandani is responsible for the
African region has contributed planning, development, imple-
significantly to growing business mentation, and coordination of
prospects for Egyptian ICT com- IDC’s market intelligence and
panies. advisory services, sales, confer-
ences and events, go-to-market
The successful Africa Together services, and office development
project is designed to foster op- activities in the MEA region. With
portunities for local Egyptian ICT more than 18 years of experience
companies in select countries in emerging EMEA markets, Lal-
across East and West Africa. The chandani has been instrumental
aim is to validate target growth in establishing IDC’s presence in
markets and solution areas in the region through the initial ex-
Africa that provide the great- pansion of the Dubai headquar-
est penetration opportunity ters and then by spearheading
for Egyptian companies, and to the development of IDC offices in
launch a go-to-market platform Johannesburg, Istanbul, Riyadh,

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 17


Egypt - GSA’s European

Outsourcing Destina-
tion of the Year 2016
By James Tate, Journalist, Global Sourcing Association (GSA)
The Egyptian ICT industry has re- Destination of the Year in 2016, enrolment for all levels of edu-
mained resilient throughout the Egypt is demonstrating to the cation rising considerably over
past five years, overcoming the global market the success it has the past five years. Statistics from
political uncertainty that spread enjoyed over the past few years. UNESCO in 2015 suggest that the
across the region in 2011 thanks Already the home of many IT suc- gross enrolment ratio in tertiary
in part to its infrastructure, pool cess stories, with firms such as HP, education grew by 20% between
of talented young workers and Vodafone, SAP, IBM and Huawei 2009 and 2015. Skilled graduates
its proximity to the lucrative Eu- operating in the country, Egypt are flooding the Egyptian em-
ropean market. The Egyptian is proud of its positive reputation ployment market, keeping the
government has realised the po- for hospitality and reliability in supply of labour high and wages
tential for continued growth in the sourcing of IT operations. cheaper than many rival destina-
the sector with its Egypt ICT 2030 tions. The multilingual skills that
strategy supporting the industry Why Egypt you may ask, espe- the Egyptian workforce also acts
and making clear to internation- cially when competition for ICT as a fantastic selling point for the
al markets the commitment that sourcing contracts is growing lucrative global market.
the Egyptian government can of- globally. In A. T. Kearney’s 2016
fer the sector. Global Services Location Index, Of course, one of Egypt’s key at-
Egypt ranked a very respectable tractions for the sourcing indus-
ICT will continue to push the 16th, the highest country in the try is its competitive costs.
boundaries of every sector of African and Middle East region.
business in the next decade as it Gartner, an information technol- Egypt is cheaper than many
has done in the last. Egypt has ogy research and advisory com- Eastern European countries that
plans to stay at the forefront of pany, places Egypt among the specialise in the IT sourcing in-
the ICT sourcing and business nine primary locations identified dustry. Egypt has low running
processing market, aware of the for outsourcing, shared services costs thanks to its abundant sup-
opportunities that the industry and captives in 2016.* ply of workers, reliable energy
brings to an increasingly digi- supply and cheap rental costs,
tal world economy. Having won Egypt thrives thanks to a skilled significantly lower than Eastern
the GSA European Outsourcing and abundant workforce, with Europe and other North African

18 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


economies with office space in ing institutions (Coursera, Udaci- Egypt acts as a hub between Eu-
major cities, such as Cairo, com- ty, and edx) and MOOC (Massive rope, the Middle East and Africa,
petitively priced. Egypt is host Open Online Courses) platforms offering a truly global destina-
to contact centres for Microsoft, through online and interactive tion for the sourcing industry, en-
Teleperformance and Sykes in training. This should push Egypt abling quick access to lucrative
part because of the strong in- higher on the World Economic markets. The GSA’s recognition of
ternational infrastructure the Forum rankings by increasing its Egypt as the European Outsourc-
country offers. After floating the score in openness and trade and ing Destination of the Year 2016
Egyptian Pound in November generate a more favourable envi- praises Egypt’s commitment to
2016, the current government ronment. global sourcing standards and its
appears keen to help global and potential offering to the sourcing
local business with support and Information Technology Indus- community.
advice from the IMF. Egypt ranks try Development Agency (ITIDA)
highly in areas such as starting a and the International Finance References (links): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
business, electricity generation Cooperation (IFC) have devel- 8, 9, 10
and reliability and getting credit oped the National Competence *Gartner Report ID:G00281034;
in the World Bank, Framework to further develop a Feb 2016
sustainable approach to enhance
Ease of Doing Business Report the employability of Egyptian ICT About the author: James is the
2017, well above other emerging talent pool. editor and key content contribu-
markets. The World Economic Fo- tor to the GSA’s (Global Sourcing
rum notes that Egypt’s “upward Gartner notes in its ‘Evaluate Association) partner platform,
movement (in its rankings) re- Offshore/Nearshore Countries sourcingfocus.com. He has writ-
flects recent reforms, including for Outsourcing, Shared Servic- ten analysis on regions such as
reform of energy subsidies, tax es and Captives in EMEA, 2016’ Central & Eastern Europe, South
laws, and a strengthened busi- report “since the turmoil of the Africa and Sri Lanka while sup-
ness environment, as well as Arab Spring in 2011, (Egypt) porting the GSA with content
greater political stability” has resumed strong econom- for its events and publications.
ic growth, and its international James has a background in fi-
Egypt does have issues that will credit ratings with Moody’s & nance and has a degree in Eco-
affect the IT sourcing industry. Fitch have stabilized”.* Egypt’s nomics. He is currently studying
Security remains an issue that strong potential and reliable re- at the University of London for a
will harm short term growth, cord with the sourcing industry Master’s degree in Global Politics.
however The Economist Intel- make it a great sourcing desti-
ligence Unit still predicts GDP nation. It’s reputation and skilled
growth to average 5.2% annually workforce have allowed Egypt
for the next five years. The gov- to evolve from low-value to
ernment is working to improve high-value services offering a full
the business environment with support system to international
new bankruptcy laws and chang- organisations. Egypt’s commit-
es to the investment law. The ment to innovation clusters and
government has also launched its strong digital and physical
the ‘Next Tech Leaders’ initia- infrastructure indicate the possi-
tive, to train and certify 11,000 - bility of long term success for IT
16,000 Egyptian youth in the ICT sourcing.
field in collaboration with learn-

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 19


Population 92,777,000 
Official language Arabic
Capital Cairo
Currency Egyptian pound (EGP)
GDP per capita $12,137
Time zone EET (UTC+2)


Global Sourcing Hub for Captives and Providers

23 - Using Customer Experience Management to deliver ROI
28 - Global delivery - IBM Egypt
34 - Microsoft’s Advanced Technology Lab in Cairo
38 - DELL EMC’s Egypt Center of Excellence
42 - Valeo Interbranch Automotive Software - Case Report

Using Customer
Management to
deliver ROI
By Ahmed Imam CEO at Raya Contact Center

The industries that focus on cus- actions and identify particular Lifetime Value and not just the
tomer experience have become patterns of customer behavior Transactional Revenue from each
very competitive and aim to pro- in order to customizing prod- customer.
vide the best service, especially ucts and service offering as per
the increasing awareness of so- changing customer needs. Typically, during the first step,
cial media, availability of com- Raya develops a shared under-
petitors, consumer education This is where Raya differentiates standing of the Clients’ business
and value-added services. To- itself from most other Contact image, values, brand positioning,
day’s consumers and enterprises Center and Back Office service corporate culture, strategy as
are increasingly selecting their providers in the region. Raya’s well as the Customer Experience
companies based on the quali- philosophy is to go beyond cus- Vision.
ty of their customer experience, tomer satisfaction and facilitate
which has become a new point deeper customer – brand rela- Raya then develops an under-
of differentiation for success. tionships by managing a series of standing of all customer contact
interactions over multiple chan- points along with specific cus-
In order to stay ahead in the nels in a way that is unique to tomer experience attributes for
market, regardless of the indus- strengthen the brand image of each touch-point across the cus-
try, this requires the delivery of our clients. tomer life-cycle through a map-
integrated, uniform, unique cus- ping exercise. Our customer-cen-
tomer experience across all cus- Raya’s best practice methodol- tric organizational structure,
tomer touch points. First contact ogy and approach supports our business processes as well as our
resolution and self-service re- Clients and their Customer Expe- workforce related processes are
main important but not enough. rience Management objectives, aligned to support the Customer
Companies need to get business thus driving the Average Cus- Experience vision of the our cli-
insights from the customer inter- tomer Profitability and Customer ent.

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 23


Our operations are well support- • Continuous improvement in key stakeholders and decision
ed through a robust continuous key metrics related to: makers are in touch with the mo-
improvement approach using • Higher NPS & CSAT - Net pro- ment of truth experience of cus-
best practices in Lean, Innova- moter score tomers which is at the contact
tion , 6-Sigma, Problem Solving, • Higher Retention rate center, walk in centers etc.
Data analytics as well as world • Increase in revenues from ex- Design organization structure
class standards such as COPC isting customer base and processes to communicate
and PCI. Raya provide tangible • Volume reduction – calls, es- the customer experience, feed-
value to our clients by sharing calations backs and suggestions to key
improvements, insights, analyt- stakeholders within the organi-
ics and recommendations on im- From Raya’s own experience, zation.
provement projects supported building a truly customer-centric
by illustrated savings and addi- culture is an ongoing challenge Adding on to our the strategy of
tional derived revenues. with most companies in multiple being customer centric, our re-
industries such as Telecom, Con- cent expansions, and namely our
Typically, Raya builds a solid sumer Electronics, E-Commerce, newly launched delivery site in
structured analysis process to Travel, Retail, Fast Food, White Poland strengthens Raya’s posi-
investigate, communicate and Goods, and others, and sever- tion ahead of its competitors by
deploy changes in processes in al key elements need to put in being close to its clients as near
call handing and resolution. This place. shore location, and promises
helps in convincing senior man- even more footprint expansions
agement who has the power to Some of them are: in the next few years in align-
implement change. Raya also ment with our strategy to be-
provides dedicated resources for • Design a Customer Experience come a Global Challenger in the
CEM that liaise with Our Client to vision and strategy in alignment BPO industry.
ensure continuous engagement with the values and long term
and alignment of people who strategy of their business. Expanding in Poland adds sig-
own CE processes. • Continuous review of the exist- nificant skill to our overall talent
ing business processes to ensure pool from all over the European
In any of our outsource relation- uniform Customer experience continent, while being of close
ships, we ensure that our Clients’ in light of changing customer proximity to Europe. Our new
enjoy the following benefits: needs. Warsaw site enables Raya to offer
• Create a communication plan additional European languages
• Uniform customer experience and methodology for handling to expand our service offering
with special focus on strengthen- customer interactions which re- and provide a full smart shoring
ing the brand image flects the key values for the or- solutions for our European client
• Differentiated value position- ganization base who wish to expand our
ing for various customer groups • Look at customer life cycle val- partnership based on near shore
• Insights on customer experi- ue for each customer. This will locations. This greatly helps in
ence based on chain of interac- ensure that we do not launch improving multiple satisfaction
tions schemes that in the long run will parameters including CSAT &
• Inputs for process changes and harm the company image. NPS and of course, the overall
policy changes • Create a structure were all the customer experience. This lo-

24 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


cation will be serving multiple

markets within Europe including
Central Europe, Eastern Europe,
France, Iberia, Benelux, Russia &
CIS & UK in many languages in-
cluding German, English, French,
Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian,
Czech, Russian, Dutch, and Nor-
dics. Main Processes to be out-
sourced are Customer Care, Or-
der Management, and Tier 1 &
Tier 2 Technical Support & Inside
Sales services.

About the author: In 1994,

Ahmed Imam was responsible
for the quality and cost controls
for the production line of Alfa
Electronics. In 1995, he was the
Commissioning and Integration he assumed the position of Cus- Maintenance Managing Director
Engineer in Alcatel - TAS Italy tomer Service Operation GM from 2006 to 2009. He graduated
(IRC) for three years supervis- in Raya Telecom. He also held from Ain Shams University with
ing the equipment installation the position of Care Director for a Bachelor’s degree of Commu-
and system startup for the pro- Nokia Authorized Partner. Before nications and Electronics Engi-
ject of Greater Cairo Metro (line being appointed the position neering and holds an MBA from
2). Imam started his career with of CEO of Raya Contact Center, Indian Institute of Management
Raya in Unitech in 1998. In 2000, Imam assumed the position of Ahmedabad.



Global delivery -
IBM Egypt
By Eng. Amr Talaat, General Manager, IBM Egypt

IBM is proud to be an involved and and uniquely multilingual talent Cairo TDC’s long standing com-
contributing part of the Egyptian pool; sustainable low costs. mitment to globalization contin-
economy since its establishment • An attractive geographical lo- ues to bring IBM solutions to the
in 1954. From Watson apps to full cation and time zone proximity Middle East market and the Ara-
scale solutions, IBM cognitive and with Europe, Africa, US, and Asia bic speaking market.
cloud solutions provide innova- • And most importantly a sub-
tion by bringing new approach- stantial ongoing government IBM Client Innovation Center
es to clients, organizations and investments and support to the (CIC)
the world at large. Behind each outsourcing industry through
innovation are the people who the various initiatives of the IT This is IBM’s first Global Delivery
conceive of it and work the long Industry Development Agency services Center in the region.
hours to see it become reality. (ITIDA) The center provides a full range
of business consulting, cross-in-
Through more than 60 years in dustry expertise, application
Egypt, we have worked side by
IBM centers in Egypt: development and maintenance,
side with the Egyptian Govern- software testing and embedded
Cairo Technology Develop-
ment in most of the projects software development services
ment Center. (TDC)
of national importance and to IBM customers globally. The
through several initiatives that center aims to increase Egyptian
As a global organization, Cairo
help the economy and support exports of information technolo-
TDC supports IBM’s clients and
the government’s national plans. gy.
business units around the world
IBM always realized the attrac-
with experienced professionals
tiveness of Egypt as a competi- Cairo Digital Center
who not only provide consul-
tive sourcing destination which
tancy services relating to IBM
resulted in having six IBM centers The Cairo Digital center is part of
SW products, but also innovative
in Egypt that serve almost the the MEA Digital Business Group.
first-of-a-kind solutions address-
entire globe. The Digital Business Group’s mis-
ing client pains through innova-
sion is to focus on new markets
tion. The Cairo TDC has over 70
Egypt’s attractiveness is based on and new solutions (cognitive,
patent applications submitted
a lot of compelling reasons: SaaS, Software, Services) in con-
and 47 filed since 2005.
• A reliable and scalable infra- junction with emerging decision
structure makers like developers and start-
• An abundant technically skilled ups.

28 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


The main mission focus is to East & Africa) capable of handling US, Canada, Europe and MEA in
spread the digital transformation cases from within EMEA and oth- English, German, French, Italian
and lead more of our clients on er geo’s like US and Canada. and Spanish for 24X7, 365 days.
the path to becoming Cloud and
Cognitive digital businesses. The Initial focus was System x brand SW GCC is running from two lo-
group is responsible for design- (Intel Based Servers – Currently cations NW of Cairo in Smart
ing and building world-class dig- rebranded to Lenovo System x Village and SE of Cairo in Maadi
ital platforms and offerings that and Lenovo Think Servers), Be- Technology Park. Both locations
enable innovation with ease of cause of the center’s success, its are working back to back to re-
accessibility and consumption to mission expanded to cover other semble DR to each other and
the customer. The group brings hardware and software product maintain load balancing. SWGCC
together five disciplines: Routes lines. costumers are cross-industry;
to Market & Offerings, Digital governments, public sectors, in-
Platforms, Digital Marketing, Dig- Global competency center dustrial, security, Financial,...etc.
ital Sales, and Developer Ecosys- (GCC) for Software Remote Global Process Services center
tems and Startups. technical support GPS:

Global Competence Center Despite the turbulence that Egypt Cairo Business Process Servic-
(GCC) for Hardware Remote passed through in 2011, IBM es- es: has been running and serv-
Technical Support tablished its GCC SW Center in ing WW commercial clients for 7
March 2011 to provide level 1 SW years in the area of outsourcing
The center’s mission is to estab- Remote technical support for a Finance, Human resources and
lish a Remote Technical Support selected set of SW products. Mobility Client Care support.
Center in EMEA (Europe Middle Currently, the center is serving


Image: Glassdoor.com: https://www.glassdoor.com/Photos/IBM-Office-Photos-IMG680054.htm

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 29


The center is considered the first tactics. He also developed and has been repeatedly invited to
in Egypt to provide Finance out- managed a profitable business speak at public conferenced and
sourcing services to clients not model for the Egyptian market events. Amr received his B.S in
only responding to clients in- at a highly challenging period in Engineering from Cairo Univer-
quiries but consulting with deep the Country’s history. sity and his MSC in Information
understanding across several Embracing the core values of in- Technology from Illinois Institute
industries and helping clients to novation, dedication and trust, of Technology. Amr also holds an
Automate and transform their Amr is an active citizen of the MBA from ESLSCA University in
day to day operations. academic community being an France.
honorary member of the Board
Combined with Language skills, of the IT Department at Cairo
Tools and global standards in Fi- University, a member in the IT
nance and HR, GPS serves clients Board of the National Scientif-
in several industries including ic Academy and a member of
Fast consumer Products, Tele- the Advisory Council of IT at the
communications and Travel. American University in Cairo.

He also chairs the ICT Commit-

About the author: Amr Talaat tee of the American Chamber in
is the General Manager of IBM Egypt. In addition to being a cor-
Egypt since 2010. He joined IBM porate executive, Amr is an avid
in 1988 and throughout his 25 historian; he lectures and writes
years plus tenure with the com- about Egypt’s contemporary His-
pany, Amr has built a reputation tory and in 2010 Amr published
for developing business strate- his first book on the 1919 Egyp-
gies, embracing new technolo- tian revolution. Amr is also a
gies, and building sound sales captivating public speaker and



Microsoft Advanced
Technology Lab
in Cairo
Hussein F. Salama, Director of Microsoft Advanced Technology Lab, Cairo

Microsoft established The Ad- been a joyful ride. We’ve touched derstand and proof Arabic text.
vanced Technology Lab in Cairo on many exciting services and Additionally, components of that
(ATL Cairo) in 2007 with an initial research areas like Natural Lan- stack are offered as cloud services
mission to impact the Arab region guage Processing, Speech Pro- for developers worldwide to lev-
by making Microsoft products cessing, Machin Learning, Com- erage them for free when devel-
and services more relevant to the puter Vision, & Search Engines. oping Arabic applications. More
Arab world. Microsoft vision is Our work contributed to Micro- information about the Arabic NLP
to leverage Egypt’s wealth of re- soft flagship products and cloud Toolkit Service can be found at
search and software engineering services including Office, Win- http://www.microsoft.com/atks.
talent could fulfil the needs for dows, Bing, Skype and Cognitive
creating and enhancing Microsoft Services. Bing
products and services. Microsoft
is specifically interested in the The Bing development team in
unique expertise around Natural
Services deliverd Cairo, part of ATL Cairo, started
Language Processing and Speech out of Microsoft Ad- by enabling Bing web search and
Processing that Egyptians scien- local search for several Arab coun-
tists and engineers have accumu-
vanced Technology tries. Over time, the team evolved
lated over the years due to their Lab Cairo its focus to exploring and devel-
work on the very complex Ara- oping tools and samples to evan-
bic language. Over the years, ATL Arabic Natural Language Pro- gelize the wealth of technologies
Cairo’s mission evolved beyond cessing underlying the Bing engine and
just catering to the Arabic-speak- to encourage Microsoft partners
ing users of Microsoft services to Researchers and engineers at to leverage these technologies in
serve as a center of expertise for ATL Cairo developed a complete their own scenarios and services.
language processing and speech state-of-the-art Arabic Natural During the past couple of years,
processing across Microsoft. Language Processing stack. Com- the team also worked on differ-
ponents of that stack are includ- ent areas in the search engine
From a team of five to a team of ed in Microsoft Office and have development hierarchy across the
forty-five employees today it’s enhanced Office’s ability to un- spectrum of ranking, query refor-

34 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


mulation, search-page features, Service (CRIS). These services are built an open source mobile ad-
verticals and instant answers. heavily used by developers world- vertising platform that was the
wide and have received excellent first such product on the global
Skype coverage in the technical media. market. Before Citex Software,
For example; http://venturebeat. Hussein was the Chief Operating
In March 2016 Skype Translator com/2016/03/30/microsoft-cog- Officer of SySDSoft, an Egyptian
launched modern standard Ara- nitive-services-project-oxford/ startup in the wireless communi-
bic (MSA), the official language cations space that was eventually
in most Arabic countries, as one Supporting the Community acquired by Intel.
of its languages. This avails the
translator to a diverse Arabic pop- Since the lab’s inception, it’s been Hussein started his profession-
ulation all over the world and was keen on promoting computer sci- al career at Cisco Systems in San
welcome by many users, report- ence research and development Jose, California, where he took on
ers and technology developers. in Egypt. The lab offers internship technical leadership roles in engi-
ATL Cairo was instrumental in this programs to students from the neering and consulting. Hussein
launch. The Speech Processing entire region. This gives prospec- worked on Cisco’s first generation
team ATL Cairo has developed tive software engineers the op- of VoIP products and led the inte-
support for Arabic Automatic portunity to work hand-in-hand gration between VoIP and Layer
Speech Recognition (ASR) as well with engineers and researchers 3 protocols. His work on VoIP call
as Text-To-Speech (TTS). To enable and to gain hands-on experience routing is well recognized and
Arabic Skype Translator, we had to with real products and state-of- has resulted in both patents and
support for conversational speech the art technologies. standards. Besides his standards
and to cut the speech recogni- activities, Hussein co-authored
tion Word Error Rate (WER) into The success stories shared show several tier-one conference and
half in just few months. Wasn’t an that Egypt has the talent that can journal papers and he has seven
easy task, but the team managed compete and succeed in the top issued US patents. Hussein re-
to meet the WER constraints re- software engineering companies ceived his BSc from Cairo Univer-
quired for Skype Translator. The around the world and to work and sity, Egypt, in 1990 and his MSc
team is now working on Arabic di- deliver on leading-edge technol- and PhD in Computer Engineer-
alects, that are used in day-to-day ogy projects. ing in 1993 and 1996 from North
conversation, to bring the transla- Carolina State University. In 2002,
tor to even a wider user base. Hussein earned his MBA from San
The author: Hussein Salama, Di- Jose State University, California.
Cognitive Services rector of the Microsoft Advanced
Technology Lab in Cairo, Egypt.
Microsoft Cognitive Services let Hussein F. Salama is the Director
you build apps with powerful al- of Microsoft’s Advanced Tech-
gorithms using just a few lines of nology Lab in Cairo, Egypt. His
code. They work across devices main responsibilities are to set-
and platforms such as iOS, An- up the lab for long-term success
droid, and Windows, keep improv- and growth and to enable the
ing, and are easy to set up. ATL Cai- lab’s applied researchers and en-
ro developed 3 services: Language gineers to perform at their best.
Understanding Intelligent Service Prior to joining Microsoft, Hussein
(LUIS), Speaker Recognition and was the Founder and President
Custom Recognition Intelligent of Citex Software, a startup that

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 35




Credit: wikipedia / Realman208


DELL EMC’s Egypt

Center of Excellence
By Magued Mahmoud, General Manager, Dell EMC Egypt COE

The Startup in 2009 COE has successfully positioned by 2012 through 2016 where we
itself as one of the six strate- continued to expand and grow
and the key strengths gic service centers of DELL EMC steadily in terms of recruiting tal-
as an outsourcing globally. ents at the center and expanding
in depth and breadth. We were
destination able to introduce new business
25th of Jan Revolu- units, new services and provide
Egypt provides unique advan- tion: A testimonial on an expanded geographical cov-
tages as an offshoring location erage.
for IT and business process out- the very strong capa-
sourcing. With its well-diversified bilities of the Center A Diverse Services
economy and intrinsic growth
drivers, Egypt has become a hub Back in 2009, Egypt COE started Portfolio
for IT and Technology Invest- operations with a batch of 14
ments over the past decade. people and continued to grow As a result of our success and val-
through 2010 and achieved great ue creation, we reached over 950
DELL EMC Egypt Center of Excel- results. In 2011, we had the rev- employees in different services;
lence (COE) started its operations olution in Egypt, and despite the a young diverse population full
in 2009 focusing on Innovation, political unrest, we were able to of energy and talents. We were
People, and Quality. Since the prove our commitment and ded- able to expand our services port-
startup, Egypt COE has been a ication to our customers exter- folio to 24x7 coverage and 14
very successful model for deliver- nally and internally. That was a languages to include Technical
ing quality, innovative solutions, testimonial of our resilience, and Support Services, Remote Proac-
and Support Services that enable the very strong capabilities we tive Services, Global Professional
efficient and agile business op- have at the center, as we were Services, Content Management
erations. Our key strengths were able to address our customer’s Services, Virtustream Cloud Man-
the Abundant & Multi-lingual needs in this very difficult time aged Services, VMware Technical
Talent Supply, Competitive Cost, without any disruption or impact Support, RSA Security Services,
Government Support, adapt- on the business. Total Customer Experience, Cus-
ing to changes, Innovation and tomer Service Logistics, Global
process enhancements, and the We continued with our expan- IT Support and Consultancy, Pre-
Quality and Scalable Infrastruc- sions and 2011 was a year of real sales Services, and Converged
ture. Over the last 7 years, Egypt growth for Egypt COE, followed Infrastructure Services. We’ve

38 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


achieved significant success in ing, Federation Case Managers, The team is a key player in Glob-
terms of Performance and Opera- eServices). al Professional Services in EMEA
tional Excellence, where our Cus- helping and supporting its re-
tomer Satisfaction (CSAT) results The Remote Proactive Support gions to maximize their Margin
have been consistently amongst team in Cairo is another success- and Revenue by providing an
the highest globally. ful team that is responsible for E2E solution to DELL EMC cus-
the delivery of remote proactive tomers. The overall Billable hours
Our Global Services Portfolio services to DELL EMC custom- delivered to Dell EMC customers
was formed in 2009 as central- ers worldwide. They have a very globally by the team in Cairo is
ized pool of talents serving EMEA specialized portfolio which en- growing with almost 100% rate
Theater and it includes different ables customers to adopt the Year-over-Year.
teams. latest and most innovative tech-
nologies by performing NDUs In this very short period, we were
The Technical Support Servic- (Non-Disruptive Upgrades) and able to massively expand the
es (TSS) team in Cairo started Configuration Changes remotely business and develop reliable
in October 2009 with 23 engi- and securely. The team is respon- talents through leadership and
neers and grew to more than sible for scheduling and per- teamwork. We’ve successfully
450 highly talented engineers forming recommended/request- created value for our customers
and subject matter experts who ed upgrades and configuration to drive the successful expansion
provide remote technical sup- changes, support field teams of DELL EMC’s technology into
port to worldwide customers remotely, and assist in accommo- new markets.
handling more than 6000 ser- dating customers’ maintenance
vice requests monthly in Arabic, window.
English, French, German, Turkish,
Creating Value and
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Nor- Also, the Security Division of Improving our Busi-
wegian, Danish, Russian, Korean, DELL Technologies, RSA, has its
Japanese, using “follow the sun” own team in Cairo with four func-
model covering EMEA time zone. tions under its umbrella: A pre-
Egypt COE is having great
The team has acquired Service sales team, Project Management
achievements in areas as Inno-
Capability and Performance cer- Office, Technical Support Team,
vation where we achieved the
tification since 2012. Professional Services team.
highest number of ideas per
head across DELL EMC (8.2 ideas
Cairo TSS is a highly talented Cairo Virtual Service Delivery
per head) in our annual global
team with 30% of workforce (VSD) is also a part of Global Ser-
Innovation Conference, which
speaking at least 3 different lan- vices Organization that has ex-
is a great indication of our team
guages. Engineers hold over 400 panded its services massively to
members’ engagement and pro-
industry certificates that vary include not only EMEA, but the
activity. We also had very high
from EMC proven certificates to Americas as well. The team pro-
number of finalists, a great testi-
other top industry and other ven- vides Global professional services
mony of the quality of the Inno-
dor’s certifications. Also, we have and Consulting Services to DELL
vative Ideas submitted, and this
the Customer Support Techni- EMC customers and consists of
recently resulted in achieving the
cians (CST) team, which is a part main 4 functions; Resource Man-
“Best-In-Show” Award across the
of the parent department, Global agement, Project Management,
company in 2015 for an idea sub-
Support Center (GSC), with has Technical Delivery, and Service
mitted by an employee in Egypt
6 different Functions (VIC, Time Quoting Centre.
and Materials, Live Chat, Licens-

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 39


Egypt COE has also achieved ma- has been selected by DELL EMC IT sector. He previously served
jor successes in areas as Business Senior Executives as one of the as the head of Oracle’s Solution
Optimization with more than $47 “Best” locations for investment Services International Consulting
million revenue enablement and and growth. This was driven by Center, where he was responsible
$10 million cost savings from the evident success of the center for the delivery of consulting ser-
Lean Six Sigma Projects in 2015. and the amazing achievements vices to global customers. As part
In total, our team members in the COE team has done over the of his services delivery responsi-
Cairo initiated and led more than past years and in a very short bility, he was a member of steer-
200 Lean Six Sigma projects, with time. We have a very high po- ing committees for many large
more than 70% having regional / tential for more growth and suc- and strategic IT projects in the
global impact. cess. With our young dedicated Middle East and Africa region. Be-
professionals we will continue to fore his 11 year-stint at Oracle Cor-
We have also collaborated with achieve our goals, create value, poration, Magued was with IBM
top universities and signed and unleash the real outstanding for ten years where he held vari-
agreements with 56 universities potential of the next generation ous IT roles catering to the Middle
and academic institutes across in Egypt. East markets. Over the course of
Egypt under the University Rela- his career, Magued has developed
tions program to bridge the gap About the author: Magued expertise in sales, support and
between Academic curriculums Mahmoud is Vice President and consulting services, delivering
and the job market’s require- General Manager, Egypt Center of business IT solutions in various
ments and to enable students to Excellence (COE) at Dell EMC Cor- verticals such as manufacturing,
be exposed to latest technology poration, and joined the company telecom, energy, public sector
trends while develop highly mar- to establish the center since 2009. and financial services. Magued
ketable knowledge and skills. As a member of the Dell Technol- earned a degree in engineering
ogies unique family of businesses, studies from Ain Shams University
Dell EMC serves a key role in pro- in Cairo and a diploma in ‘Manag-
Expanding DELL EMC viding the essential infrastructure ing IT Software and Services Stra-
Operations in Egypt for organizations to build their tegically’ from the Scandinavian
digital future, transform IT and International Management Insti-
The massive growth was the re- protect their most important as- tute in Copenhagen.
sult of our focus on having good set, information. Mr. Mahmoud
and consistent alignment with is responsible for providing stra-
theaters, showing flexibility, pro- tegic and operational leadership
viding customized services to for the Center of Excellence in
our customers, and creating val- Egypt. His responsibilities include
ue through the different strategic creating a world class services
programs we have at the center. organization with EMC culture
Today, Egypt COE has become a and values, positioning the Egypt
platform for quality, knowledge, COE within EMC and selling its
and innovation. services/capabilities to enable its
growth, in addition to building,
Having a very diverse pool of leading and managing 900+ FTE
talents with amazing capabili- organizations. Magued has more
ties in many disciplines, Egypt than 28 years of experience in the

40 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


Valeo Interbranch
Automotive Software -
Case Report
By Motaz Agamawi, Innovation Head, Valeo Egypt (VIAS)

VIAS – Valeo Interbranch Auto- and 15 distribution platforms, tion cost, location proximity and
motive Software (VIAS) “Valeo and employs 82,500 people in 30 time zone considered to Europe,
Egypt”, was Established in Sep- countries throughout the world. fluency in English language and
tember 2005 as a subsidiary of other European languages. VIAS
Valeo Group, to be a unique R&D Starting operations in Egypt was started with a working force of
center focusing on the design, considered easy. Valeo received 25 engineers in 2005 and reach-
development & maintenance of support from ITIDA as the FDI ing +1100 as of December 2016.
embedded software modules & arm of MCIT. Main support in- A clear fast continues growth by
systems for the Automotive. cludes newly hires training sup- adding +250 Eng each year dur-
port, telecommunications spe- ing last 3 years. Resulted in R&D
Valeo Group is an automotive tier cial tariffs, office space support export hours of +1,400,000 hours
one supplier, partner to all auto- and help in removing in solving in 2016 and more than 1,700,000
makers worldwide. As a technol- many logistical obstacles when hours planned in 2017. A addition
ogy company, Valeo proposes it comes to other governmental 500 engineers hiring is planned
innovative products and systems entities as NTRA for special R&D for the years 2017 and 2018.
that contribute to the reduction equipment import.
of CO2 emissions and to the de- During the early stage VIAS’ main
velopment of intuitive driving. VIAS is based in Cairo since estab- service was system validation
lishment. Cairo as the center of with a less focus on full soft-
In 2015, the Group generated the IT sector in Egypt which has ware development. Currently
sales of €14.5 billion euros and a higher quality of infrastructure, VIAS has the opposite, the full
invested over 10% of its origi- close to the main universities and software services represents the
nal equipment sales in research availability and easy access to major production part without
and development. Valeo has 134 other supportive services. In ad- losing our validation share of
production sites, 17 Research dition to, skilled pool of qualified wallet percentage. Also VIAS is
centers, 35 Development centers engineers, competitive opera- currently part of many business

42 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association


groups/product groups innova- During his experience, Motaz has also mentored several start-
tion team through participation carried out different manage- ups and many of them has suc-
in the new product development rial roles in Egypt and abroad. ceeded to close venture deals
cycle; contribute to the research In 2010, he founded his startup and won international entrepre-
of new technologies and involve- working in the field of online so- neurship awards including the
ment in concept development cial media monitoring which has 1st and 2nd place winner of I2P
and research of new algorithms. been acquired two years later by competition for three consecu-
As of today Valeo Egypt evolved one of the leading enterprises tive years. Motaz was an active
to be Valeo’s main software R&D in the field. From 2006 to 2011, consultant for several innovation
center. Currently VIAS serves Motaz was the Business Develop- and entrepreneurship projects
the four main business groups ment senior manager and board and activities including NU100,
of Valeo including comfort and member in Information Systems Nile University and plugandplay
driving assistant, Powertrain sys- Internal Services. During this tech center Egypt.
tems, thermal and visibility. All period Motaz was able to close
our services are in the field of deals and commercial technol- Motaz is holding a B.Sc. in Com-
automotive embedded software. ogies with several fortune five puter Science and working on his
Valeo Egypt is serving mutli-site hundred companies. M.Sc. in Management of Technol-
locations including and not lim- ogy thesis. A certified Scrum Mas-
ited to France, Germany, United Motaz has conducted several ter and KPI Professional Designer.
States, China and Ireland. undergraduate and professional He is also member of the interna-
training courses focusing on en- tional institute of business analy-
During the last four Years Valeo trepreneurship, innovation and sis and the product development
Egypt has contributed to the R&D management of technology. He management association.
and the production of key inno-
vative new technological prod-
ucts, as Park4U, Stop/Start, LED/
Laser beam and Autonomous
driving are among many others.

About the author: Motaz Al-Ag-

amawi is a technology profes-
sional with more than thirteen
years of combined experience
as a professional executive and
commercialization expert. As of
today, Motaz is leading the in-
novation department at Valeo
Egypt based on his capacity as
Innovation Senior Manager since
2015. Before that, Motaz was
leading the engineering support
department at Valeo Egypt since

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 43

Profiles and contacts of Egyptian ITO & BPO services providers
Silicon Waha, Egypt
Mohamed Abdel Wahab,
Managing Partner
+202 35345799

Silicon Waha is a leading joint stock Sourcing Spaces - A modular floor Banks, computer data outlets,
company, founded in May 2016 layout for finished / furnished open Mobile operators, travel agencies,
to create a series of specialized space that varies from 200 to 740 cafes and restaurants, etc.
business and technology parks sqm supported with power room
in cities across Egypt with the with firefighting (CO2), IT/Telecom
commitment to capture the Room with firefighting system (FM
essential elements for spreading 200) connected to Telecom Egypt
Join our integrated community
technology in businesses, talent room and Advanced security
of ICT companies, entrepreneurs,
pool, and all aspects of life. options.
startups, financial institutions,
ICT Offices spaces - Offered
banks, and businesses.
Our business is to establish in a wide variety of sizes and
technology parks, facilitate the configurations that suit large
Our community includes, among
development of the ecosystem companies and SMEs. Spaces
others, Arab Academy for Science
for businesses, coordinate for range between 40 to 275 sqm in
and Technology, Raya Contact
developing special trade policies, a fully air conditioned building
Center, Xceed, IST, NxtVn, Oracle
and promote our industries and with high quality standard
Training, QNB Bank, NTRA, Egypt
investment . We established the finishes, state of the art systems,
Post, Sico Electronics, GIS, MCS,
first two parks in Borg AlArab exceptional security & redundancy
e-Finance, The Greek Campus, Flat
and Assuit cities, which were to provide the optimum business
6Labs, EITESAL, and INJAZ.
inaugurated by H.E President environment.
Abdelfattah El-Sisi in November
2016. Training Rooms and Facilities - PARTNERS
Offered for rent to the companies
We are consistently working with all operating inside /outside the Parks. > The Egyptian Ministry of
stakeholders/partners to provide Communications and Information
a competitive and attractive Retail Outlets - Services and Technology
ecosystem for innovators, facilities are offered for rent in our > Information Technology
entrepreneurs, local businesses, commercial outlet district at the Industry Development Agency
regional and international gates of Silicon Waha for a wide > New Urban Communities
investors through which we will selection of businesses, including: Authority
connect the domestic economy to
international trade.

We are serving a wide category
of businesses ranging from
Multinationals to startups with
special benefits for each.

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 45

For more information please visit us at:

Raya Contact Center Norwegian, Finish, Turkish, He- clients’ standards relying on COPC
brew and Arabic. ® global standards.
Raya Contact Center is a world
class Business Process Outsourc- The following are the main high- Nurturing long-term partner-
ing Service Provider offering lights of Raya’s key differentiators ship
contact center services, back of- as a Customer Experience partner.
fice services, inside sales channel We pride ourselves with our abili-
management and professional Commitment to Quality ty to foster long term partnerships
services. Raya Contact Center with clients who consider Raya an
with its Call Center services caters Raya prides itself with its commit- extended arm of their continuous
to clients, including global for- ment to the highest global qual- business processes. Our trans-
tune 1,000 companies in Europe, ity standards combined with a parent and flexible management
Middle East & Africa in 25 different low risk solution. Our operations team ensures continuous support
languages. are well supported through a ro- through a lean flat management
bust continuous improvement structure that enables Senior
Raya Contact Center serves its approach using best practices in Management to be close to our
clients from eight contact center Lean, Innovation , 6-Sigma, Prob- clients while providing them with
facilities across three continents lem Solving, Data analytics as well the optimum service and cater to
from Egypt, Poland, and UAE. as world class standards such as customized and varied require-
COPC, PCI and ISO. Raya provides ments.
With over 4,750 seats capacity tangible value to our clients by
sharing improvements, insights,
and 6,000 advisors talent pool,
analytics and recommendations
Key Facts about Raya
Raya Contact Center provides
top notch outsourcing and call on improvement projects sup-
• Manages 8 million calls, emails,
center services by focusing on ported by illustrated savings and
chats and social media feeds
high growth industries; mainly additional derived revenues.
Telecom, Technology, Consumer • 8 Locations : Cairo & Hurghada,
Electronics, Banking, Automo- Cost-Efficiency
Egypt, Dubai, UAE & Warsaw, Po-
tive, Travel, Fast Food, and Retail land
among others, in Europe, Middle Raya provides the perfect com-
• COPC 2000 ® certified (V 5.2)
East, and Africa. bination of high quality and cost
• PC-DSS, ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO
advantages due to operational ef-
27,001 certified
Our clients are supported in ficiency and flexibility. We assure
English, French, Italian, Spanish, our clients of world class results
Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Ger- through dedicated program man-
man, Ukrainian, Polish, Romani- agement, support resources, and
an, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, financial incentives that sustain
Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian, higher performance levels; often
Hebrew, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, exceeding global multinational

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 46

BDO Esnad, Egypt, Cairo
Passant Hassan, Senior Account Manager

BDO Esnad is an Egypt-based share- BDO is the world’s fifth largest ac- Key Processes
holding outsourcing company. The counting and consulting organiza- Outsourcing with BDO Esnad gives
company was established to pro- tion. access to a dedicated executive
vide organizations with business team with high experience in out-
process outsourcing (BPO) services Services sourcing management, a variety of
that aim to drive long-term cost re- BDO Esnad provides its outsourc- professional outsourcing services,
ductions while keeping a focus on ing services in the following areas: and a state of art technology infra-
continuous performance improve- - Human Resources Outsourcing structure that is designed to meet
ment. BDO Esnad is a member of (HRO) any business delivery needs. BDO
the BDO International network, - Finance and Accounting Out- Esnad is also COPC certified, ISO
which is one of the world’s largest sourcing (FAO) 9000-2001, and follows the SAS70
professional service firms with a - Contact Center Outsourcing compliance for back office service
network of over 1,400 offices in 154 (CCO) delivery. The company is currently
countries, and some 64,300 person- - Information Technology Out- undergoing the ISO 27001 Security
nel Worldwide. sourcing (ITO) Certification.

DELL EMC, Egypt, Tagamoo Khamis

Mahmoud Hamouda

As a member of the Dell Tech- storage, and cybersecurity tech- We work with organizations
nologies unique family of busi- nologies. around the world, in every in-
nesses, Dell EMC serves a key dustry, in the public and private
role in providing the essential Dell EMC brings together Dell’s sectors, and of every size, from
infrastructure for organizations and EMC’s respective strong ca- startups to the Fortune Glob-
to build their digital future, trans- pabilities and complementary al 500. Our customers include
form IT and protect their most portfolios, sales teams and R&D. global money center banks and
important asset, information. We seek to become the tech- other leading financial services
Dell EMC enables our enterprise nology industry’s most trusted firms, manufacturers, healthcare
customers’ IT and digital business advisor, providing capabilities and life sciences organizations,
transformation through trusted spanning strategy development, Internet service and telecommu-
hybrid cloud and big-data solu- consultative services and solu- nications providers, airlines and
tions, built upon a modern data tion deployment and support to transportation companies, edu-
center infrastructure that incor- help our customers and partners cational institutions, and public
porates industry-leading con- drive the digital transformation sector agencies.
verged infrastructure, servers, of their businesses.

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 47

ECCO Outsourcing, Egypt, Cairo
Ms. Yara El-Refai, Head of Offshore Business Development,
+20122 289 3299

ECCO Outsourcing is a leading Operating against international highly dynamic business envi-
Business Process Outsourcing ser- standards, COPC certified, we are ronment of our clients exhibiting
vice provider in the Middle East geared to cater for the needs of qualities of flexibility, service ex-
and North Africa (MENA) region offshore, near-shore and on-shore cellence, and cost optimization
offering a diverse range of mul- businesses serving a solid base across multiple levels of business,
ti-lingual integrated voice and of global Fortune 500 companies service delivery models, cultur-
digital Customer Relationship across various industries. Our cli- al, and human resources aspects
Management (CRM) solutions in- ents, who we consider as strate- of our business partner engage-
cluding inbound and outbound gic business partners, operate in ments.
contact center, technical support, the Telecoms, Automotive, Bank-
social media support, SMS Cam- ing, Real Estate, Pharmaceutical, We are pleased to answer any
paigns, Debt Management/Col- Manufacturing, Advertising, and enquiries by contacting Ms. Yara
lection Campaigns, Training, as FMCG sectors among many oth- El-Refai, Head of Offshore Busi-
well as front and back-office pro- ers. ness Development.
cessing services for both private
and public sector clients. Well-entrenched in the MENA re-
gion, we strive to appreciate the

EME International, Cairo, Egypt

Nader Iskander
+2 01222109337

EME International, formed in With customers in over 8 coun- quality staff and processes for de-
2004, is specialized in Develop- tries, over 2 million mobile servic- velopment
ing Innovative Enterprise Mobility es and transactions a DAY on our
Solutions. mobile apps, enabling critical ser- Please don’t hesitate to contact
vices such as payment, reserva- me if you have any inquiry.
EME aims to disrupt consumer tions, invoicing, collections, noti-
and employee engagement with fications, self-services ; EME is the
secure, cloud-based, robust solu- leader in the region across several
tions with exceptional user expe- industries, based on an obsession
riences. with continuous innovation and

48 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association

eSpace, Alexandria, Egypt
Mohamed Sanad, Business Development Specialist
Mobile: +201005642546

eSpace is a leading web and mobile as Google, Vodafone, Etisalat and lored software solution delivering
applications developer in MENA Re- the Egyptian Government. great flexibility, cost savings and
gion. Since its inception in 2000, eS- Quality is at the core of our process. highest ROI.
pace has been developing Web and We follow SCRUM Agile methodol-
Mobile solutions using state-of-the- ogy to offer you the highest ROI. We We provide wide range of services
art open-source technologies. apply three principles to provide including: web and mobile applica-
the best software solution: on-time tions development, big data, data
We have established successful delivery, continuous delivery and mining, cloud computing, scalabil-
partnerships with several startups, keeping you involved all the time. ity, system architecture, technical
enterprises and governmental enti- No matter what your requirements consultation, hosting and system
ties to realize their vision. We have are, our qualified team of experts administration.
been the choice of big entities such will adapt them into the best tai-

Global Impact, Alexandria, Egypt.

Mohamed Sameh Ghoniem
Skype ID: s_ghonem / + 203 42 65 559

If you are looking for saving by Over +9 years of success stories, a complete social network portal
going offshore outsourcing as we build long term relationships along with its iPhone, Android
well as getting guaranteed ser- with our clients that provide them and Windows Phone application.
vice with proven track record of with confidence, productivity, For reference please contact: Dra-
more than 9 years in offshore ser- and reliability. zen.Cindric@sensofeed.com
vices then you have reached your
destination. We are +50 highly qualified soft- In addition to more success stories
ware engineers who are certified all over the world like: USA, Eng-
Global Impact is a global offshore in different technologies, divided land, Spain, Denmark and Others.
Web, Desktop & Mobile applica- into teams to fulfill our clients’ re-
tion development services com- quirements. We are continuously looking for-
pany offering a wide range of dif- ward to enhance our company
ferent software platforms and IT One of our success stories in Ger- experience and achieve the high-
solutions for various markets. many is our partnership with Sen- est customer satisfaction levels.
soFeed Technologies in building

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 49

IBM Egypt
Dina Galal, Government and Regulatory
Affairs, Egypt & North Africa
+20100 6066092

IBM is proud to be an involved organizations and the world at ment in most of the projects
and contributing part of the large. Behind each innovation of national importance and
Egyptian economy since its es- are the people who conceive of it through several initiatives that
tablishment in 1954. A skilled, and work the long hours to see it help the economy and support
professional and specialized become reality. the government’s national plans.
workforce is striving to provide IT IBM has always realized Egypt’s
solutions and services to a broad IBM has also invested into cre- competitiveness and attractive-
range of customers in different ating a large network of local ness as a delivery hub of IT ser-
industries and market segments, business partners to broaden the vices and that is why we have 6
assisting them to achieve busi- scope of services that IBM can Global Delivery Centers serving
ness successes. From Watson provide to the Egyptian market. IBM clients worldwide in differ-
apps to full scale solutions, IBM ent outsourcing fields ranging
cognitive and cloud solutions Through more than 60 years in from BPM, ITO, and KPO in addi-
provide innovation by bring- Egypt, we have worked side by tion to Delivery centers for Digi-
ing new approaches to clients, side with the Egyptian Govern- tal Sales and Marketing.

IDC Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

Hossam Helmi, Country Manager
Tel: +20 100 1211422

IDC is the leading global providers operators, e-business companies, Cairo office is IDC’s eighth office
of ICT intelligence, industry analy- and the financial community. in the META territory, and a key
sis, market data, and strategic and IDC was founded in 1964 in Bos- regional presence for IDC, sup-
tactical guidance. We forecast ICT ton, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and porting research and consulting
market trends and analyze busi- has its headquarters in Framing- projects within Egypt and across
ness strategies, technologies and ham, Massachusetts, U.S.A. IDC the region as a whole. IDC’s team
vendors, using a combination of is a wholly owned subsidiary of IT across the Middle East, Turkey,
rigorous primary research and in- publishing, research, and events and Africa includes 130 analysts
depth competitive analysis. IDC company IDG. (and more than 1,100 globally)
fields more than 1,100 analysts in who provide market intelligence
50+ countries worldwide. IDC’s After several years advising ITI- services that are unparalleled in
customers comprise the world’s DA and Egyptian companies, IDC depth, consistency, scope, and ac-
leading IT suppliers, government itself opened a regional office in curacy.
bodies, ICT associations, telecom Cairo’s Smart Village in 2016. The

50 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association

Instabug, Cairo, Egypt
Yasmine Helmy, Head of Marketing and Customer Relations

Instabug is a technology company stabug an integral part of their app site. We are a team of 30 passionate
based in Cairo and specialized in development cycle. Around 10% of developers aiming at providing our
building the support kit for mobile the world’s population utilize Insta- users with the best tools needed to
apps, by providing solutions as in- bug, as our software has been used take their apps places. We started
app conversations and bug report- by over 800 million users to date, in 2012 in Cairo and launched an
ing. Currently, 15000 companies giving us wide expertise when it office in San Francisco. Instabug
are using Instabug worldwide, in- comes to beta testing and app de- raised 2M USD from some of the
cluding SoundCloud, eBay, Paypal, velopment. Instabug supports iOS, world top investors including Y
Yahoo, Lyft and thousands more. Android, cross-platform apps, and Combinator and Accel Partners. If
They all rely on Instabug to com- have recently launched Instabug you have a mobile app, make sure
municate with their users and en- for web to allow testers and users to integrate Instabug to squash
hance their apps, which makes In- to report bugs right from the web- bugs and build better apps!

Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)

Maha Rashad, Strategic Marketing and Communication Director

The Information Technology In- nology innovation. ITIDA was and private bodies, industry play-
dustry Development Agency (ITI- founded in 2004 with the mission ers and associations, universities,
DA) is the executive arm of the to build and champion a world- and individuals to help the Egyp-
Egyptian Ministry of Communica- class IT industry that will play an tian IT industry vertically and hori-
tions and Information Technology increasingly important role in zontally. ITIDA supports and de-
for spearheading the develop- Egypt’s economic growth. velops the ICT industry through
ment of IT in Egypt. five main segments: (1) Egyptian
To this end, ITIDA’s work is charac- Companies Development, (2)
ITIDA is Egypt’s engine for spread- terized by long-term commitment Innovation & Entrepreneurship
ing technology, driving innova- and substantial ongoing invest- Support, (3) Professionals & Stu-
tion, and supporting foreign in- ment to ensure fundamental sus- dents Development, (4) Investor
vestors seeking to enhance their tainable improvements. Entrepre- Attraction & Support, and (5) Busi-
global offering from Egypt, the neurial in spirit and collaborative ness Ecosystem Development.
global hub for IT/ITES and tech- by nature, ITIDA works with public

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 51

Microsoft, Cairo, Egypt
Hussein Salama, Director
+202 35395917

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the Japan, South Africa and Egypt. labs around the world achiev-
worldwide leader in software, Some of its best known software ing scientific breakthroughs in
services, devices and solutions products are Windows, Office, In- research areas such as; Artificial
that help people and business- ternet Explorer, Edge and Skype. Intelligence, Machine Learning
es realize their full potential. In addition to software, Micro- and Computer Vision. Scientists
Microsoft is headquartered in soft also manufactures devices and engineers work together at
Redmond, Washington, and has such as; Xbox, Surface and Lumia Microsoft to help solve global
offices worldwide including, phones. Microsoft has more than challenges.
Canada, Brazil, UK, India, China, 1,000 researchers working at its

Sutherland Global Services, Cairo, Egypt

+203 399 2000
Ahmad Hamed Rihan,

Established in 1986, Sutherland sionals across more than 33 glob- office, Technical Support, Sales
Global Services is a multi-national al delivery centers and business and Journey Management.
technology-enabled BPO servic- operations located in the United
es enterprise providing integrat- States, Canada, Mexico, Colom- Since inception, Sutherland has
ed Platform-based and Analytics bia, India, the Philippines, Jamai- remained laser-focused on a sin-
enabled business-cycle support ca, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, gle mission:
solutions for major Industry Ver- Sweden , Estonia, the United Arab
ticals and global industry leaders. Emirates, Morocco , Saudi Arabia, To help our clients maximize their
Egypt and north Africa customer lifetime value and in-
Headquartered in Rochester, N.Y., crease their competitive advan-
Sutherland is one of the world’s SGS Egypt’s clients are 100% over- tage by helping drive productivi-
largest pure-play BPO companies seas. We perform a variety of ser- ty and efficiency while delivering
employing over 50,000 profes- vices from Customer service, Back measurable results.

52 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association

SYKES EGYPT, Egypt, Cairo
Ahmed Bahgat, Site Director

SYKES is a global outsourcer, provid- fectively engages consumers at key email, chat, social, SMS and self-
ing customer engagement services touch points in the customer lifecy- help), and in many languages, max-
to Global 2000 companies. With cle. imizes customer experience and
global headquarters in Tampa, Flor- loyalty for clients.
ida, SYKES’ sophisticated solutions With over 70 contact centers and
satisfy the needs of major compa- 54,000 people, our resources in-
nies around the world, primarily in clude onshore, near-shore and off-
the communications, financial ser- shore locations, as well as 7000+
vices, technology, and healthcare home-based agents. The assis-
industries. SYKES’ differentiated tance SYKES provides to customers
end-to-end service framework ef- through multiple channels (voice,

Valeo Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

Motaz Agamawi, Innovation Head

VIAS – Valeo Interbranch Automo- sales in research and develop- mutli-site locations including and
tive Software “Valeo Egypt”, was ment. Valeo has 134 production not limited to France, Germany,
Established in September 2005 as sites, 17 Research centers, 35 De- United States, China and Ireland,
a subsidiary of Valeo Group, to be velopment centers and 15 distri- through more than 1100 engineer
a unique R&D center focusing on bution platforms, and employs as of December 2016 producing
the design, development & main- 82,500 people in 30 countries more than 1,400,000 engineering
tenance of embedded software throughout the world. hours. During the last four Years
modules & systems for the Auto- Valeo Egypt has contributed to
motive. Currently VIAS is serving the four the R&D and the production of
Valeo Group is an automotive tier main business groups of Valeo in- key innovative new technolog-
one supplier, partner to all auto- cluding comfort and driving assis- ical products, as Park4U, Stop/
makers worldwide. In 2015, the tant, Powertrain systems, thermal Start, LED/Laser beam and Auton-
Group generated sales of €14.5 and visibility. With a focus on the omous driving are among many
billion euros and invested over field of automotive embedded others.
10% of its original equipment software. Valeo Egypt is serving

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 53

Vodafone International Services (VIS)
Noha ElSheikh
International Market Development Manager

Vodafone Shared Services is one off-shoring & outsourcing service employees offering more than
of the largest captive shared ser- provider in the region deliver- 50 products and services to 30M
vices in the world and evolved for ing business excellence through customers in 80 countries world-
over the past 8 years from being providing world class integrated wide with 11 neutral languages.
a simple service provider to be- products & services of high quali-
come a key lever for Vodafone to ty and value to our partners such At Vodafone International Ser-
drive Value across Group and Lo- as Customer Care, Technology, vices (VIS) , we are committed to
cal Markets with 20,000 employ- Business Intelligence & Research, candidates professional develop-
ees in 7 centers across Europe, Enterprise and Embassies Servic- ment and career growth. We are a
Africa and Asia. es. group of highly motivated, com-
petitive, diverse and talented in-
Vodafone International Servic- 14 years serving the world… VIS dividuals that are all committed
es (VIS) is one of VSS centers lo- has more than 4500 highly moti- to better serve the needs of our
cated in Egypt. It is the largest vated and professionally certified customers and the marketplace.

Wasla Outsourcing, Egypt, Cairo

Mohamed AbdEl Aziz, Business Devel-
opment Manager

Wasla Outsourcing established Also Wasla Outsourcing is a certi- enue and reduce the cost of pro-
in the year 2003 to provide out- fied COPC , ISO and HDI viding excellent service
sourced Contact Centrer & BPO
Services to its clients in Egypt, Wasla Outsourcing’s clients are Offshore Contact Center
the region, and globally. Wasla free to focus on their core busi- 1-Inbound Services
Outsourcing is a joint stock com- ness and increase their profita- 2-Outbound Services
pany majority owned by Paradise bility. The COPC® Performance 3-Online Chat Services
Capital. Wasla Outsourcing is a Management System is a set of 4-E-mail Services
leading Egyptian Outsourcing Management practices and key
company that enables organiza- metrics/measurements for cus- HRO Solutions
tions to strengthen the value of tomer-centric service operations 1-Recruitment Services
their relationship with their cus- designed to improve customer 2-Payroll & personnel Services
tomers. satisfaction through improved 3-Training Services
service and quality, increase rev-

54 Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association

Ahmed Hussam El-Din Al-Hazik
Twitter: www.twitter.com/XceedBPO
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/166993

Xceed is the leading multilin- services for key government & ramping down of the agents
gual Business Process Outsourc- commercial accounts in different needed for our clients’ programs
ing (BPO) Service provider in the European languages. Since 2003, quickly and efficiently. In addition
EMEA region with a capacity of we have been supporting a wide to having a thorough process of
more than 4,000 web enabled array of services that are custom- recruitment and intensive train-
multi-channels stations,. We cur- ized to our clients’ needs, reach- ing programs for our team, in or-
rently operate from 7 sites in Cai- ing more than 6,000 employees in der to achieve an exceptional lev-
ro, Egypt and one site in Morocco, 2016. el of service.
recently expanded to 750 seats in
Casa Near Shore, Casa Blanca. We adjust our operations, services Scope of services:
and teams to our clients changing BPO, Shared services and Con-
Xceed was established in 2001 business demands. From long- sultancy, FAO, Infrastructure Out-
to act as the IT arm for Telecom term staffing needs to short-term sourcing Services, BPO Consultan-
Egypt, the incumbent operator, solutions, our flexibility allows cy, IT Solutions Outsourcing and
providing superior customer care us to handle the ramping up or Consultation


Christine George, Account Manager
+20 1220166776

XLAB SOFTWARE© Founded in bles on each milestone. Xlab’s agile scales and performs with high avail-
2005, has been promoted by highly teams are the key success factors of ability and security. Our technical
experienced Professionals dedicated our outsourcing services. Our Cer- expertise includes: Cloud Comput-
to provide total software and IT solu- tified Project Managers, Product ing, Android, iOS Swift, Java, Nodejs,
tions, based in Alexandria, Egypt. We Owners and Scrum Masters manage Angular 2, .Net, PHP, Business Intel-
provide high quality Software based the project deliverables and chang- ligence, Test Automation and UX.
on a broad range of latest technol- es while being punctual and deter- Our Process assets consist of CMMI
ogies, enabling innovation through mined towards continuous delivery. model, as well as flexible and com-
spirited teamwork among more Along with deep understanding of bine proven AGILE processes and
than 50 software engineers. European legalization and cultural methodologies for software devel-
requirements. opment and project management,
The harmony between The ISTQB such as Agile Scrum and Kanban.
Certified Quality Assurance engi- Xlab is also distinguished by its IT
neers and talented UX\UI Front-end team and DevOps Engineers who
grants excellence in quality delivera- can design and deploy solutions that

Copyright @ All rights reserved. German Outsourcing Association 55


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