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Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

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Ecosystem service of green infrastructure for

adaptation to urban growth: function and

Yun-Cai Wang, Jia-Ke Shen & Wei-Ning Xiang

To cite this article: Yun-Cai Wang, Jia-Ke Shen & Wei-Ning Xiang (2018) Ecosystem service of
green infrastructure for adaptation to urban growth: function and configuration, Ecosystem Health
and Sustainability, 4:5, 132-143, DOI: 10.1080/20964129.2018.1474721

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2018, VOL. 4, NO. 5, 132–143


Ecosystem service of green infrastructure for adaptation to urban growth:

function and configuration
Yun-Cai Wanga, Jia-Ke Shena and Wei-Ning Xianga,b
Department of Landscape Architecture, Center for Ecophronetic Practice Research, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji
University, Shanghai, China; bDepartment of Geography and Earth Sciences, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA


Objectives: (1) to explore what kind of green infrastructure (GI) meets the demand for urban Received 16 January 2018
ecological security of rapid urbanization areas; (2) to figure out how to determine the specific Revised 9 April 2018
function and configuration of GI from ecosystem service requirements of urban ecological Accepted 5 May 2018
Methods: (1) Through the literature review, this article summarizes the function and structure KEYWORDS
evolution of GI in order to adapt to urban growth. (2) Standing on the imperfect ecological Green infrastructure;
functions and unreasonable spatial configurations, this article builds up a conceptual model ecosystem service; urban
for the optimization of green infrastructure ecosystem services to meet the demand for the growth; balancing supply
green infrastructure pattern needed by urban growth. and demand; optimization
Results: The optimization framework consists of four central function modules and its framework
regulating and controlling mechanisms, including: (1) Balancing supply and demand of GI’s
ecosystem service; (2) Measuring and evaluating GI’s ecosystem services; (3) Elevating and
optimizing GI’s ecosystem service; (4) Building urban ecological security pattern with high
efficiency of GI’s ecosystem services. Moreover, this framework provides guidance for the
planning and design of GI and the urban ecological security pattern building in rapid
urbanization areas based on balancing supply and demand of GI’s ecosystem services.
Conclusion: The conceptual model of GI’s ecosystem service optimization based on balan-
cing supply and demand shows a new path to meet the needs of urban growth and build a
city's ecological security pattern through upgrading and optimizing GI.

The unbalancing supply and demand of green However, in the process of urbanization, the urban
infrastructure resulted from urban growth construction space externally spreads to the sur-
rounding rural areas and other natural spaces,
The supply of green infrastructure in the context
which also internally erodes the nonconstructive
of urban growth
land within the city. Reducing in both size and type
The research and practice of green infrastructure (GI) as well as destroyed in the spatial configuration and
began in the United States in the mid-1990s, as we all connectivity, green spaces which are regarded as GI
know the concept of GI did not exist at that time, but decline in the ecosystem service capacity provided by
the landscape played the same roles of today’s GI. them, for the provision of urban ecosystem service of
With the growth of cities in scale, population, con- GI depends on their quantity, quality, and diversity
struction, and others, the ecological problems related (Andersson et al. 2015; Mcphearson et al. 2015;
to human health, well-being, and development in Calderón-Contreras and Quiroz-Rosas 2017). In
cities are also increasing. Therefore, over the last short, the space occupation brought about by urban
10–15 years, in line with international developments, growth affects the function and configuration of the
GI provides “life support services” for urban ecologi- existing GI. The consequent decline in the ecosystem
cal security needs and it has become an important service capacity results in many ecological problems,
research topic (Lafortezza et al. 2013; Hegetschweiler such as the loss of biodiversity and the spatial frag-
et al. 2016). Benedict and Mcmahon (2002) defined mentation in cities, which further affect the ecosys-
GI as the “natural life support system,” indicated that tem services provided by the green spaces in cities
it comprises waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife (Lafortezza et al. 2010) including cleaning the air,
habitats, greenways, parks, working farms, ranches filtering water, cycling nutrients, generating soils,
and forests, wilderness and other greenery, and regulating climate, sequestering carbon, etc.
open spaces in and around the city at all spatial scales (Costanza et al. 1998; Weber, Sloan, and Wolf
(Benedict and Mcmahon 2002; Abunnasr, 2013). 2006). There is no doubt that the current GI which

CONTACT Yun-Cai Wang Department of Landscape Architecture, Center for Ecophronetic Practice Research, College
of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, No. 1239 Siping Rd., Shanghai 200092, China
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Ecological Society of China.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

provides ecosystem services as the supply system in The unbalanced supply and demand of green
the cities cannot meet the growing and changing infrastructure adaptive to urban growth
needs of urban ecological security in the process of
Urban growth has brought about the unbalanced sup-
urban growth.
ply and demand of GI’s ecosystem service. On the one
hand, ecological or green space transformation and
fragmentation caused by urbanization lead to the capa-
The demand of green infrastructure adapting to city decline of existing GI’s ecosystem service; on the
urban growth other hand, the sustainable development of city
requires more supports of ecosystem services of
However, urban growth is inevitable, and meeting the
urban GI. In cities, the unbalanced supply and demand
demands of urban growth is one of the ways to
manifests the decrease and fragmentation of ecological
ensure sustainable urban development. The sustain-
spaces, the reduction in biodiversity, the transforma-
able development of cities is devoted to building
tion from ecological spaces to artificial ones, etc.,
urban resilience and improving human health and
bringing about series severe impacts on cities such as
well-being (Mansor and Said 2008b; Kuppuswamy
floods and city heat islands. These urban diseases give
2009; Meerow and Newell 2017). Calderón-
threats to the security of both people and city on a
Contreras and Quiroz-Rosas (2017) point out that
large degree, hinders the sustainable development of
many approaches to achieve urban resilience are
the city, and brings great challenges to the construc-
standing on the hypothesis that it can be fostered
tion of city resilience and the promotion of human
through securing the local provision of urban ecosys-
well-being. Facing the unbalanced supply and demand,
tem services (Schewenius, Mcphearson, and Elmqvist
however, little theoretical research of existing GI is
2014; Calderón-Contreras and Quiroz-Rosas 2017).
based on the supply and demand equilibrium of eco-
Kuppuswamy (2009) proposes that the psychological,
system services needed by the urban ecological secur-
physical, and social benefits related to human health
ity; and the present status of supply and demand for
come from the contact with nature as well as the
ecosystem services is also lack of scientific measure-
provision of ecosystem services, which will decline
ments and evaluation standards. What is more, little
and vanish in urban community due to the disen-
practical research of GI starts with the targeted eco-
gagement of residents from the natural environment
system services to analyze, measure, and determine the
(Kuppuswamy 2009). At the same time, as the inevi-
specific function and configuration of GI needed for
table result of urban growth, the expansion of urban
urban ecological security, thus leads to the lack of
scale also raises the demand for the type and total
guidance and implementation of GI in spatial–tem-
amount of GI’s ecosystem service. The demand
poral optimization practices. Therefore, the article
growth is embodied in temporal–spatial structures,
raises and discusses the following questions: What
the former mainly manifests in the increasing seaso-
kind of GI can meet the urban ecological security
nal demands of large and super-large cities, such as
needs in the rapidly urbanized areas? How to deter-
the flood control of southern cities in the rainy sea-
mine the spatial and temporal configurations and spe-
sons and the haze prevention of northern cities in the
cific functions of GI from the perspective of ecosystem
heating seasons, and the latter is mainly manifested as
services of urban ecological security? (Figure 1).
the demand for more open spaces and green spaces in
line with the expansion of urban areas. In addition,
the expansion of urban scale and the formation of
urban agglomerations make the urban demands for The challenges, responses, and contradictions
GI transform from monomer facilities or specific in the development of green infrastructure
projects on site gradually to the integrated GI on
The function evolution of green infrastructure
the regional level, so as to realize the close spatial
adapting to urban growth
organization and functional contact between cities
(Fang and Yu 2017) as well as providing more com- In the process of urban growth, GI has always been a
plicated and comprehensive ecosystem services. response passively to the needs of urban growth and
Certainly, urban growth needs more new services to also is the main source of ecosystem services for
meet the demands of urban ecological security in the urban ecological security. At different stages of city,
process of sustainable development; therefore, more the demand for ecosystem services and for GI as the
and more GI as the carrier of ecosystem services is response is also different; it can be said that the
needed to respond appropriately to meet the needs of demand changes in the process of urban growth
urban growth. It is to say that urban ecological secur- have shaped the evolution of GI in terms of types,
ity demand for ecosystem services is also the demand scales, function, spatial layout, and construction con-
for GI as a supplement. cepts (Table 1).
134 Y.-C. WANG ET AL.

Figure 1. The unbalanced supply and demand of GI’s ecosystem service in the rapidly urbanized region.

To meet the needs of human livability: park and To meet the needs of biological conservation:
open spaces greenways and ecological networks
From the middle of nineteenth century to the From mid-twentieth century to the end of the period,
middle of twentieth century, under the wave of the speeding up of urbanization has brought about
industrial revolution, a large number of people urban sprawl and the great damage to natural landscape
from the countryside flooded into the city. in peri-urban area as well; the phenomenon of natural
Consequently, urban space has been unprecedent- landscape degradation and fragmentation had become
edly expanded and spread. The sustained urban increasingly serious (Du et al. 2008). The loss of agri-
growth led to the invasion of rural landscape and cultural and natural landscape, as well as the decline of
the destruction of natural landscape (Du et al. the ecosystem service capacity as a result, placed greater
2008). In this period, the ecological and environ- pressure on urban green spaces (Lovell and Taylor
mental security and livability were in urgent need. 2013). In order to compensate the important ecological,
The emergence of urban parks in 1850s marked production, and cultural functions that were available
the beginning of the early embryonic stage of GI from rural and natural areas in the past, beginning with
(Luan, Chai, and Wang 2017). This stage of GI the development of the ecological protection movement
consisted of parks, forests, wetlands, farmlands, in 1960s, GI had entered a preliminary stage of devel-
urban public green spaces, and other series of opment (Luan, Chai, and Wang 2017). In order to
open spaces, distributed around the peri-urban reduce the ecological impacts of space fragmentation,
areas in forms of green wedges, green blocks, greenways, ecological corridors, and ecological net-
green hearts, and annular spaces (Ouyang et al. works were planned and constructed under the concept
2004), forming a “green control belt” which con- of “connectivity.” Through the connections of linear
trolled the urban sprawl and urban integration. landscape, the scattered green spaces dispersed in the
This belt played a role in preventing the erosion city and surrounding areas were organically combined
of arable land and rural areas as well as improving together to reduce the fragmentation of the landscape
the public environment in urban areas. The provi- (Ahern 1995; Fábos 2004), prevent the fragmentation of
sion of ecosystem services from GI were mainly natural areas and the extinction of species, enhance the
supporting services and regulating services such as connection between urban and rural areas, and
providing life information, improving environ- strengthen the ecological, productive, and cultural func-
mental quality, and providing leisure and enter- tions of urban and rural green spaces (Fábos and Ryan
tainment resources (Du et al. 2008). Green belts in 2004; Jongman, Külvik, and Kristiansen 2004). In this
UK (Amati and Yokohari 2006), green heart in period, the ecosystem services provided by GI were
Randstadt of the Netherlands (Kühn 2003), and more comprehensive in terms of service types, includ-
greenbelts in Moscow (Fan 1995; Blinnikov et al. ing improving environmental quality, supporting urban
2006) were all representative cases in this period and rural natural and human processes, providing
that constructed GI based on the idea of recreational resources, and so on. The rural landscapes
“controlling.” in Parsons’ Mills of New England (Walmsley 2006), the
Table 1. The function evolution of GI adapting to urban growth.
The demands in the process of urban growth The responses of GI as a means of solution
Period Challenge Demand GI functions in need GI types GI layout ES of GI Concept Representative cases
1850–1960 Urban sprawl Safe and livable Limiting urban sprawl and urban Open spaces: parks, Green wedges, Providing means of livelihoods, control Green belts in UK,
The early swallowed rural land living integration, protecting arable land forests, wetlands, corridors, improving environmental quality, green heart in
embryonic and obliterated environment and rural areas, improving public farmlands, urban hearts. . . providing recreational resources Randstadt of the
stage natural landscapes environment public green distributed Netherlands,
spaces around greenbelts in
urban Moscow
1960–1990 The acceleration of Biological and Preventing the fragmentation of Greenways, Linear land Improving the quality of the Connectivity The rural landscape in
The urbanization ecosystem natural areas and the extinction of ecological elements as environment, supporting natural Parsons’ Mills of New
preliminary increases the natural conservation species, enhancing the connection corridors, greenways; and human processes, providing England, the
stage landscape between urban and rural areas, ecological greenway recreational resources greenways in
fragmentation improving ecological, productive networks interwoven Meewasin of
and cultural functions of urban and to form Saskatoon, the
rural green spaces ecological ecological network in
networks South Florida
1990–today Global urbanization Greening of Spatially (on regional and urban scale), Networks: green/ Mutual Providing means of livelihoods, Transformation The theory of “
The rapid makes urban and municipal the localization and integration of blue/gray coupling of improving environmental quality, & Controlled mixture of
development rural areas lack of engineering urban and rural spaces;technically networks; links: network regulating urban climate, Integration urban and rural
stage co-ordination and facilities, low- (on local scale), the transformation green corridors, systems promoting economic development, landscapes”
integration; urban impact of engineering infrastructure from rivers; hub: green playing educational values, proposed by
ecosystem has development gray to green spaces, wetlands, protecting historical context, Japanese scholar
systematic disorder and smart forests, providing recreational resources. . . Makoto Yokohar;
growth farmlands. . . &
Sustainable rain-
flood management
technology and other
Source: By Authors.
136 Y.-C. WANG ET AL.

greenways in Meewasin of Saskatoon (Taylor, Paine, The structure evolution of green infrastructure
and Fitzgibbon 1995), and the ecological network in adapting to urban growth
South Florida (Bueno, Tsihrintzis, and Alvarez 1995)
In the process of analyzing, evaluating, and building
were representative cases in this period that built GI
the function and configuration of GI, lots of ques-
under the concept of “connectivity.”
tions need to be answered, such as “what elements
should be contained?” and “What patterns should
To meet the needs of smart growth: networks and each factor present?” All these are the big questions
green technologies related to GI planning. The methods to build the GI
In the twenty-first century, the phenomenon of in landscape scale mainly include the following
global urbanization makes the production, ecol- (Table 2):
ogy, and living spaces in urban and rural areas (1) The “layer-cake model” based on overlaying
lack of co-ordination and integrated development. process and suitability mapping approach (Mcharg
In megacities, a large number of traditional engi- 1981). Based on the theoretical foundation of tradi-
neering facilities and a small amount of GI can tional ecology, overlay the elements of existing land-
only solve the local problems of single target pro- scape units in environment, such as geology, soil,
viding low efficiency of urban ecological services. hydrology, vegetation, and animal, and according to
As a result, the systemic disorders in urban eco- the comprehensive results of suitability evaluation of
system hinder the sustainable development of the existing waters, forests, wetlands, and other ecological
city (Luan, Chai, and Wang 2017). During this factors, select the best fit as a “hub” or “center” and
period, the demands for land conservation, smart all kinds of most suitable units nested together, and
growth, low-impact development), and recovery of finally form the “point-line-surface” superimposed
watercourses in the process of urban growth have structure of GI (Walmsley 2006; Jia and Dai 2015).
become the promotion for GI entering into a (2) The “source-sink-corridor” based on horizontal
rapid development phase in many fields (Wu and ecological processes and “patch-corridor-matrix”
Fu 2009). In this stage, on urban and regional mapping approach (Yu 1996; Cao and Lv 2011).
scales, under the concept of “integration,” con- Based on the theory of landscape ecology, first of
structing spatial structures constituted of “hubs- all, calculate the “resistance” of horizontal flows
links-networks,” integrating urban and rural according to the existing environment factors and
spaces through local landscape, and merging by using “the minimum cost model” for suitability
urban spaces into green natural spaces created by analysis of corridor based on GIS, determine the
GI (Saroinsong et al. 2007; Du et al. 2008), and on distribution and pattern of corridors (Pei 2012; Jia
a local scale, under the concept of “transforma- and Dai 2015); Second, by simulating the process of
tion,” transforming urban engineering infrastruc- horizontal movements, the landscape security pattern
tures from gray to green occurs, thereby with “source-sink-corridor” structure is formed,
improving and restoring urban ecosystem services which plays important network of GI for biodiversity
(Wu and Fu 2009; Luan, Chai, and Wang 2017). (Adriaensen et al. 2003; Weber, Sloan, and Wolf
Ecosystem services provided by GI are more abun- 2006). (3) “Corridor connectivity evaluation” method
dant on the specific services, including providing based on graph theory and “node-link” graphic map-
means of livelihood, improving environmental ping approach (Zhang, Xia, and Wei 2009; Wang
quality, regulating urban climate, promoting eco- 2014). Using graph theory and network analysis as
nomic growth, playing educational values, protect- an effective tool for establishing and analyzing land-
ing historical context, and providing recreational scape connectivity (Pei 2012), first of all, find out the
resources. The theory of “Controlled mixture of existing habitats and species diffusions in the ecolo-
urban and rural landscapes” proposed by Japanese gical environment, and simplify them as “nodes” and
scholar Makoto Yokohari is an example of build- “links” in graph theory; thus, the network topology of
ing GI under the concept of “integration” different complexity and connectivity is derived (P
(Saroinsong et al. 2007; Du et al. 2008); 1989; Zhang and Wang 2006); Second, evaluate the
Sustainable rain-flood management technology, corridor connectivity of the network structure and
ecological water conservancy and river ecological chose the optimal scheme with high connectivity
restoration, road ecological engineering, ecological and low cost to form the GI network formed by
restoration of polluted wasteland, and other eco- nodes and their connections (Jia and Dai 2015). (4)
logical technologies (Kondolf 1998; De 2000; “Morphological spatial pattern analysis” (MSPA)
Adalberth, Almgren, and Petersen 2001; Dietz (Qiu, Chang, and Wang 2013) based on the theory
2007; Ahiablame, Engel, and Chaubey 2012) are of geometrical morphology extracts GI components
mature researches on technology of GI under the as “foreground” and other elements for the “back-
concept of “transformation.” ground.” After binary image rasterizing treatment,
Table 2. The structure evolution of GI adapting to urban growth.
Construction method Theoretical basis Environmental factors Existing landscape Network mechanism Configuration Connection mode
The “layer-cake model” The theory of The element of existing landscape units in environment The existing ecological factors Overlay the element information of existing The “point-line- Structural linkage
based on overlaying traditional such as geology, soil, hydrology, vegetation, and such as woodlands, water landscape units in environment; surface”
processes ecology animal wetlands, forests, and According to the comprehensive results of superimposed
ecological corridors suitability evaluation, select the best fit as “hub” structure
or “link” of GI
The “source-sink- The theory of Environmental factors such as land cover, water system, Horizontal ecological processes Calculate the “resistance” of horizontal motion; The “source-sink- Structural and
corridor” based on landscape width of waterfront area, aquatic population and existing landscape patterns use “the minimum cost model” to determine the corridor” functional
horizontal ecological ecology condition, road condition, and slope and land in the environment position and pattern of corridors; network linkage
processes management by simulating the process of horizontal
movements, form the potential “point-line-
surface” network of GI
“Corridor connectivity The theory of Environmental factors and ecological habitat patches, Ecological processes such as Use node to represent habitat patches, and use The network Structural linkage
evaluation” method graph corridors, and species diffusion ecological habitat and species links to represent species diffusions; topology:
based on graph diffusions Evaluate the corridor connectivity of the network “nodes-link”
theory structure, and chose the optimal scheme with connections
high connectivity and low cost to form GI
“Morphological spatial The theory of Information and data of the land cover changes The existing woodland, water, After binary image rasterizing treatment, divide the Bridge, loop, Structural linkage
pattern analysis” geometrical wetlands, farmland, and other “foreground” into seven morphological structure branch, edge,
(MSPA) based on morphology nonconstruction land elements for analysis; perforation,
morphology Based on the “center” and “bridge” derived from islet, and core
MSPA, build the “hub” and “corridor” in the
green infrastructure network
Source: By Authors.
138 Y.-C. WANG ET AL.

the “foreground” can be divided into seven morpho- resources (including forests, wetlands, rivers, lakes,
logical structure elements for analysis, including fields, parks, open space, etc.) which are regarded as
bridge, loop, branch, edge, perforation, islet, and the supply of GI are not able to meet the demands for
core. The GI network can be built based on the urban ecological security in rapid urbanization areas.
“center” and “bridge” derived from MSPA (Soille
and Vogt 2009; Wickham et al. 2010). Increasing the quantity while setting aside the
The above four methods of determining the ele- quality of urban ecosystem services
ments and patterns of GI are in common as the In the current planning methods, the ecological
following: First, the purpose is to find the potential network of GI with the structure of “point-line-
elements in urban spaces that can be used as “hubs” surface” is based on suitability mapping approach
and “links,” and through further planning to form the is which mainly to find the space suitable for, that
interconnected network pattern of GI (Pei 2012); is to say the network is determined just by ecolo-
Second, in order to find the optimal solution and gical suitability. The integration of variable blocks
select the most suitable “hubs” and “links” from of land through the connection of linear spaces
potential factors to form the network of GI through forms a network system in geometric form.
the suitability mapping; Third, in the process of ulti- However, the invasion of new residential area,
mately connecting each spatial element to shape net- roads, in the process of urban growth caused frag-
work of GI, the structural linkage is the main mentation and isolation of urban green spaces, and
connection mode among the four methods. the spatial unbalance has upgraded the difficulty in
GI planning with a view of “connection” and “inte-
gration.” At the same time, the current research
Challenges faced by green infrastructure:
and practice focus to increase the number of GI
function weakening and structure unbalancing
in the city and create shallow form on vision,
It is important but difficult to determine elements always divorced from any concept or understand-
and patterns in planning of GI integrating urban ing of natural process (Lyle 1991), setting aside the
and regional areas in the process of demand and importance of the GI to increase the provision of
supply equilibrium. However, the study found that urban ecosystem services (Calderón-Contreras and
GI gradually cannot meet the needs of urban growth Quiroz-Rosas 2017), as well as if the shallow char-
with the development of towns and urban agglomera- acters play a role in urban functionality and inter-
tion, in the context of unceasingly changing and nal processes which are described as deep forms of
growing of the demands for urban ecological function city (Lyle 1991). This is reflected in the researches
and urban ecological security. The development of GI lacking measurement and evaluation of the supply
is facing function weakening, structure unbalancing, and demand of GI’s ecosystem service, which are
and many other challenges. not able to build the spatial structure needed for
urban ecological security in rapidly urbanized
Overemphasizing on the supply while less attention areas.
to city’s real demand for ecosystem services
The elements and components of GI such as “hubs” Concentrating on sites while lacking the research
and “linkage” are mainly based on the existing green on overall temporal–spatial relationship
space, green resources, and ecological processes in the It can be seen that the past and current researches are
environment. It is dominant existing planning concentrated on the problems of GI at site scale in
approach for supply system of GI through different city, which solves a particular problem of GI provid-
methods of suitability analysis to map the specific ing specific ecosystem services; on the other hand, it
type and its layout. However, facing of urban growth appears as the microstructure of scale and structure,
eroding green spaces and green resources, urban GI namely, the building of GI is mostly limited to small
providing urban ecosystem services has reduced fields or microstructure. Obviously, this idea of build-
greatly in terms of size, number, and type, especially ing GI is not enough to meet the macrodemand of
green or ecological space; subsequently, the quality of urban development in the process, and it is not able
GI as well as its efficiency and ability to provide to take the temporal–spatial relationship on a large
ecosystem services has declined so fast. Too much scale into account as part of the whole urban ecosys-
emphasis on the supply role of the ecosystem, while tem. The current research methods adapting to urban
seldom paying attention to city’s real demands on growth through GI itself are not enough to deal with
ecosystem services in terms of type, size, structure, the problems and challenges in the process of rapid
and the temporal–spatial relationships in the process urbanization. Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade the
of urban growth (Hegetschweiler et al. 2016), city’s point of view to the regional scale and study its over-
real need for services is greatly weakened. Under this all temporal–spatial relationship and the integrated
kind of challenge, the existing green space and green ecosystem services.

The optimization framework of green under the interaction between urban growth and
infrastructure’s ecosystem service based on changing of GI’s ecosystem service; (2) building the
balancing supply and demand measurement and evaluation model of ecosystem
service level of GI; (3) carrying out effective supply
Conceptual model of green infrastructure’s
and demand regulations of GI through function
ecosystem service based on balancing supply and
upgrading and structure adjustment; (4) building
urban ecological security pattern through elevating
Aiming at the problems of ecological degradation and GI’s ecosystem service level (Figure 2).
functional damage in the rapid urbanization areas,
combined with the current challenges in GI described
as functional weakening and structural imbalance, Balancing supply and demand of green
under the interaction mechanism between urban infrastructure’s ecosystem service
growth and functional changing of GI’s ecosystem On the one hand, being targeted to the existing GI pro-
service, it is a big question that the ES supplied by viding ecosystem services (supply), including rivers and
existing GI is the real needs of GI changing with wetlands, green space, and ecological corridors, and gray
urban growth. How to build the GI through matching infrastructure such as roads, the type, size, and structure
the ecosystem service supply and demand in spatial– of GI and its spatial pattern influence ecosystem services.
temporal process and how to build strong ecological The supply of GI’s ecosystem service is determined by
security pattern through elevating GI’s level of eco- land use and ecological conditions, so the quantity and
system service? In order to answer these questions, structure are important, but in reality the area shrinkage
this article initiates a conceptual model for the opti- and structure mismatching of GI decreases the capability
mization of GI ecosystem service to meet the demand of supply; on the other hand, aimed at the government,
for the GI pattern needed by urban growth. The enterprises, residents, and other stakeholders and urban
framework is committed to achieving the following participants in cities or communities, the quantity, struc-
goals: (1) balancing the supply and demand of GI ture, and layout of GI are changing with urban growth

Figure 2. The conceptual model of GI’s ecosystem service based on balancing supply and demand.
140 Y.-C. WANG ET AL.

and population increase, and more and more GI’s eco- and temporal patterns. According to the coupling
system services are needed with the rapid urbanization. mechanism as well as the characteristics of GI’s
In order to balance the supply and demand, the rate of ecosystem service of multi-scale and multi-type,
urbanization is the key factor to consider the relation the regional GI system is much more efficient
between GI’s supply and demand. Third, at the beginning rather than a specific one or some sort of GI
and with lower rate of urbanization, the supply is much individuals for elevating and optimizing GI’s eco-
bigger than the demand of GI’s ecosystem service, but system service. Therefore, aimed at the rivers and
with the rapid urban growth and higher rate of urbaniza- wetlands, green spaces and ecological corridors,
tion, the supply decreases and demand increases, and roads, and other infrastructure gray ecological
balancing GI’s ecosystem service is to build an equili- networks, on the one hand, the GI’s ecosystem
brium state which can decrease disaster and damage and service can be analyzed and regulates the index
sustain the ecological security at specific stage of urban and key links in terms of the characteristics of GI
growth. The difficult question here is what kind of sup- (type, nature), the size and structure (sequence,
ply–demand balance is an equilibrium state. The equili- number, level), the structure and function of sup-
brium state does not mean the supply can cater the ply (space configuration, connectivity, network),
demand absolutely but relatively, which needs to regulate as well as the structure of demand (sensitivity,
with resilience. adaptability, ecological risk) on regional scale.
On the other hand, the GI’s ecosystem service
can be discussed through the spatial–temporal
Measuring and evaluating green infrastructure’s
structural characteristics and matching rules of
ecosystem service
regional GI, such as the water surface ratio, den-
The quantitative research on the supply and demand sity and configuration of river networks, the green
of GI’s ecosystem service is one of the essential space ratio and connectivity, as well as the water
researches. First, for the supply, the index should be and land space composite structure. Therefore,
based on the scale, type, structure characteristics, and based on the matching of the efficient GI’s eco-
management methods of existing GI in the city. For system service with type, time, structure, and con-
the demand, the type of urban functions, industrial figuration, as well as the typical spatial and
structure, geographical environment, the social form, organizational mode of efficiency, through the
and local cultural characteristics as well as the spatial control elements such as size, type, structure,
distribution of the demand subjects are the factors to and management, the GI’s ecosystem service can
consider in measuring and evaluation index (Wang, be optimized with redundancy.
Shen, and Xiang 2017). Second, evaluating the thresh-
old effect of the supply and demand balances model of
Building urban ecological security pattern with
GI’s ecosystem service. The spatial and temporal dis-
high efficiency of green infrastructure’s
tribution of rivers and wetlands, green spaces and
ecosystem service
ecological corridors, and gray infrastructures such as
roads can create different effect of the ecosystem ser- Building urban ecological security pattern with
vices. Based on the demand, the threshold value of the high efficiency of GI’s ecosystem service is the
ecosystem service is evaluated under the premise of finial purpose of the conceptual model. First of
maintaining the basic demand of GI. For the supply of all, it is the starting point to build the urban
GI’s ecosystem service, the resilience efficiency can be ecological security pattern by determining the
evaluated through the supply redundancy index. For type, size, and structure of GI meeting the regio-
the demand level of GI’s ecosystem service, the nal and urban ecological security. Second, based
demand validity index is used to evaluate the demand on the coupling relationship between ecological
validity. Based on the evaluation results of supply process and pattern on regional–urban–local
redundancy and demand validity, apply the Data scale, as well as the spatiality of GI and ecosystem
Envelopment Analysis Model and Matrix Model, and service, the high-efficient GI’s ecosystem service
use the equilibrium validity index to achieve the valid- should develop the temporal and spatial allocation
ity evaluation of the supply and demand balance of methods and standards for constructing GI for
GI’s ecosystem service (Wang and Zheng 2015). urban ecological security. This is the spatial basis
and support to form the general urban ecological
security pattern. In this process, the GI’s ecosys-
Elevating and optimizing green infrastructure’s
tem service technology chains are the support of
ecosystem service
the network building. Third, the GI will be built as
Standing on two key points of function and con- resilient GI and corridors with multi-scale, multi-
figuration, it is urgent to improve the service of level, and multi-type starting from the mosaics
existing GI in urban area and optimize its spatial which are network coupling, node compound,

and function comprehensive. With the final goal regulating process of efficient ecosystem service
of land-use optimization, putting forward the through adjusting function and configuration. As well,
fusion method and pattern regulation and control it is important for healthy development of the cities and
mechanism for GI and traditional planning con- ecological coupling of the urban and regional areas to
tents include natural environment and humanistic enhance the technology of GI’s ecosystem service for
resources protection, municipal infrastructure, typical urbanization areas, so as to reveal the basic rules
urban disaster prevention, and reduction. In this and basis for building regional ecological security pat-
way, the construction of GI is integrated with terns through GI planning and design.
traditional planning technology system.

Building urban-region integrated green
This article tries to point out how to implement the infrastructure through balancing supply and
building of GI that provide the ecosystem services demand of high-efficient ecosystem services
needed by the city in three scales, through the
researches on the mechanism of balancing supply and In the context of global urbanization, the existing
demand as well as the measurement and evaluation for research, theory, and practice of GI rarely based on
the level of ecosystem services. However, as a theoretical the balance between supply and demand of ecosystem
guidance, this conceptual framework needs further stu- services. What kind of GI meets the demand for
dies to translate and implement the concept into spe- urban ecological security of rapid urbanization
cific ecological practices (Xiang 2017), including areas? How to determine the specific function and
researches on (1) the process model and realization configuration of GI from ecosystem service require-
mechanism of the supply and demand equilibrium of ments of urban ecological security? For the above
GI’s ecosystem service, (2) the determination of the questions, this study draws the following conclusions:
measurement and evaluation index and model for the (1) In the challenge of the green spaces and resources
supply and demand level of GI’s ecosystem service, and being invaded, the current GI based on the existing
(3) the promotion of the specific technics for the GI’s supply system, the specific function and configura-
ecosystem service, which are the keys of GI planning tion of which are constructed through suitability eva-
based on balancing supply and demand of high-efficient luation, cannot meet the growing and changing needs
ecosystem service. For example, the measurement and of urban ecological security in the process of urban
estimation of the demand of the ecosystem services of growth. (2) The GI networks most of which the con-
GI is one of the prerequisites for the study of balancing nection mode is structural linkage, namely, the geo-
supply and demand of GI’s ecosystem service. metric form shaped by several blocks connected by
According to the optimization framework: first, it is linear spaces, cannot construct the spatial configura-
necessary to clarify the demands of a certain type of tion needed by the urban ecological security in rapid
ecosystem services, including the government, enter- urbanization areas in consideration of the fragmenta-
prises, residents, and other stakeholders in the city. tion and isolation of green spaces. (3) The research
Second, determining the specific demands in the region method of GI itself for adaptation to urban growth on
of a certain scale and selecting the social indicators that the microscale cannot meet the macrodemand of
can measure the degree of the demands, such as popu- ecosystem services in the region and city during the
lation density, green/open space density, facility density, rapid urbanization process.
household income, and real estate value. Third, by
importing the statistics and data into ArcGIS, rating
Building urban ecological security pattern
and ranking the demand level of the ecosystem services
through elevating green infrastructure’s
of GI, and mapping the demands of the ecosystem
ecosystem service based on balancing supply and
service to show spatially explicit information, such as
geological distribution, spatial pattern, and the propor-
tion. By simulating the demand process, the gap can be The conceptual model of GI’s ecosystem service
established through comparing the demand with the optimization based on balancing supply and
supply capacity of the ecosystem services of GI in the demand shows a new path to meet the needs of
region. The determination of demands and its estima- urban growth and build a city’s ecological security
tion indicators for the degree of demands, rating stan- pattern through upgrading and optimizing GI. First,
dards, and analysis models needs to be guided by the the supply and demand balance of GI on regional–
optimization framework and gradually implemented urban-site scales is explored; Second, the measure-
into practice. In the future, according to specific targets ment and evaluation methods of GI’s ecosystem
and strategies on each scale, it is necessary to explore the services are established; Third, through the
142 Y.-C. WANG ET AL.

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