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The country strictly follows a policy of isolationism (鎖国 sakoku?

, literally meaning
"closed country"), meaning that contact with outsiders such as piratesand other
countries is prohibited. Leaving the country's borders is also considered a
crime.[4] Outsiders who enter the country will be immediately attacked.[7]

Gold from Wano Country.

Wano uses Gold (金 Kin?) as currency instead of Belly. 500 Gold was stated to be a
large sum.[8] The country also has its own newspaper, which only covers national
events,[9] and the citizens do not receive international news or newspapers from
the News Coo, with the exception of the Beasts Pirates on Onigashima.[2]However,
most of the Beasts Pirates do not seem to keep up with or care about international
news, as most of them do not recognize the Straw Hat Pirates save for Kaido and
the members who were part of the Worst Generation.[10]
The lack of contact with the outside world has resulted in many legends and
superstitions forming within the populace. Notably, they are unaware of what Devil
Fruits are, referring to the powers gained from them as some form of magic. [11][12]
Despite the prohibition of having contact with pirates and other outsiders, Orochi's
alliance with Kaido (who in turn has many connections outside) shows that the top
echelon of the country is hypocritically disregarding their own policies, leading to
discontent among some of the civilians. Orochi has also been shown meeting with
outside groups himself, such as CP-0 of the World Government, to broker trade
agreements, and is willing to secretly import resources that will strengthen his
administration, such as battleships. He even demanded the agents
deliver Vegapunk as payment for more weapons, attempting to gain an outsider to
work for his country.[13]

Administration Edit
The country's administration is corrupted due to the Shogun Kurozumi Orochi, whose
officials are oppressive and harshly control the citizens. Their rule is further enforced
by their allegiance to the Yonko Kaido, who supported them with the military force of
the Beasts Pirates, making it almost impossible for the citizens to defy Orochi. Much
of the country has been reduced to a wasteland due to Orochi's cruelty, with only his
personal territory, the Flower Capital, remaining prosperous. Speaking ill of Orochi
aloud, even in casual discussions, is considered to be rebellious and a capital
Orochi utilized manipulative propaganda to brainwash the rich citizens in the Flower
Capital in order to further reinforce his rule and policies, idolizing himself as a great
hero while villainizing the Kozuki Family, particularly Oden, claiming that they
attempted to bring Wano to ruination by breaking the isolation policy and opening the
borders of Wano to the outside world. Some ranked officials also commit capital
crimes for their own reasons and find a scapegoat to cover up their tracks, as a
particular magistrate who committed crossroad killings attempted to blame it all
on Zorojuro, without so much as giving him a trial to speak for himself.[15]
The country's administration has created a caste system valuing wealth over all else.
Flower Capital residents must have money or else they will face exile. The regions of
the country have been shown to contain two types of towns. There are towns that
high-ranking officials live in, and these officials control the rest of the population, only
allowing essential tradesmen and merchants to remain. The rest of the population is
forced to live in poverty in towns known as "leftover towns". In these towns, people
only have access to food passed over by those of higher status; said food is often
unclean, and oftentimes residents end up starving. Those of higher status look down
on people who live in leftovers towns and treat them as subhuman.[8]
Kaido is revered by the citizens of the country, particularly those of high status, as a
wise king and protector.[3]

Armed Forces Edit

Wano Country has its own warriors, the samurai (侍 samurai?), who
are swordsmen so powerful that not even the Marines go near them.[16] Anyone of
samurai class is apparently of high social status.[8] Ever since Orochi took over,
samurai became the only ones legally allowed to carry katana swords.[17] Ryuma's
sword, the Shusui, is considered a national treasure of Wano Country.[citation needed]
Currently, under the Beasts Pirates' rule, some regions of Wano Country are ruled
over by high ranking members and associates of the crew.[18] As a result, those
people's subordinates have jurisdiction over part of the region and have the authority
to pass judgement over the residents.[14]

Custom and Fashion Edit

Women from Wano are expected to be modest and speak gracefully and quietly,
though they are allowed to become samurai or ninja. Women are referred with the
prefix honorific "O-" (お?). Social hierarchy dictates that high-class citizens are
permitted to dominate over the lower-class, from ordering them around to outright
killing them without legal repercussions.[8]
The chonmage is a common hairstyle for men.[19] To have the chonmage cut off is a
sign of disgrace,[20] and as a form of repentance for disgraceful acts.[21]

Smithing and Metallurgy Edit

Despite its isolation, Wano Country is the world's foremost in smithing and
metallurgy. The Kozuki Family invented the indestructible Poneglyphs steele during
the Void Century. According to Hawkins, Seastone originated from Wano Country
and is also the only place where it is fashioned into any type of weapon. After the
Beast Pirates took over Wano, most of the country's land are converted into weapon
factories with its resources focused entirely on manufacturing weapons.[citation needed]

Other Customs Edit

As part of the burial process, a monumental stone pillar with the deceased person's
name engraved on it is placed to signify the resting place of the deceased. Some
families have a personal graveyard, where the family members are buried.[22] Key
items of the deceased might be buried with them,[23] and the grave might be the
target of theft for those objects, among others.[24]
The ritual of seppuku is a known form of punishment applied for criminals in the
According to Kin'emon, there is a "Fire Festival" that is held at Wano Country.[25] It is
a yearly event dedicate for the Beasts Pirates for saving the nation from the
supposed evil Kozuki Family, during which the the shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, and his
entourage travel to Kaido's residents on Onigashima to offer their respects.
However, in reality, it is a party held by the Beasts Pirates and their allies. [3]
Wano used to have dojos for the teaching of swordsmanship and martial arts, such
as kendo, judo and karate. As a way to prevent the rebel population from
strengthening themselves, Orochi has outlawed those institutions from operating
ever since he became Wano's shogun.[17]

Layout Edit

Weather and Wild Life Edit

So far, the only surrounding sea shown is near the south eastern shore, [26] where the
waters are always suffering from terrible weather, with strong, unusual winds that
cause the clouds and ocean's waves to take a swirling shape, resembling their usual
depiction in ukiyo-e paintings. Those dangerous conditions give Wano a natural
barrier that makes it hard to enter or leave the country.[citation needed]
The waterflow there is unique in that the sea currents are clear like that of a
mountain river's, yet they act in reverse to one, pulling sea water closer to the land
(in a way similar to Reverse Mountain). Despite this, fresh water still flows out of the
land and into the sea through waterfalls, and atop those, there are clashing currents
that lead to the formation of whirlpools. Gigantic koi are known to live in those seas,
despite being freshwater fish, and a human-sized octopus also lives in these waters
and can summon these giant carp by making noises normally associated
with kabuki plays.[citation needed] Inland, every region has a different climate.[27]
Land-based animals include giant creatures that are used for riding such as a
katana-wielding baboon, a komainu, a bipedal lizard, and crocodile-shark hybrid like
creature called Wanizame. Smaller and regular size animals can also be found in
Wano like tigers, boars, and raccoon dogs. The country also has a unique mobile
form of Den Den Mushi-like communication able snail called "Smart Tanishi".[citation

Geography Edit

A full map of Wano Country.

Wano Country is a bean shaped island with a river that splits and divides the land
into six areas called regions, and it also includes the nearby
island Onigashima.[27] The leadership of these areas is unclear, as shown by Kuri,
which was once ruled by the daimyo Kozuki Oden, but prior to that was a lawless
area with no real local authority, and after Oden's death, Jack of the Beasts
Pirates is currently considered the area's ruler.[citation needed]

Flower Capital Edit

Further information: Flower Capital
The Flower Capital.
The Flower Capital is in the center of the country, and is where the
shogun Kurozumi Orochi resides. It is currently the only prosperous place in Wano,
due to the shogun's affiliation with the Beasts Pirates. Mt. Fuji and the
leftovers Ebisu Town are also included in the region the Flower Capital occupies.[27]

Kuri Edit
Further information: Kuri

Kuri is located in the south, and was formerly ruled by Kozuki Oden.[28] About a year
ago, under the Beasts Pirates rule, most of the country became a wasteland,
polluted by the weapons factory that poisoned the fresh water rivers. The Amigasa
Village (編笠村 Amigasa-mura?) was located there before it was destroyed by the
Beasts Pirates headliner, X Drake. Okobore Town (おこぼれ町 Okobore-chō?) is
also located in Kuri. It is located on the other side of a large Torii, opposite to Bakura
Town. It is a poor town as everything there is made from leftovers from the
capital. Bakura Town (博羅町 Bakura-chō?) is where the Beasts Pirates reside. It is
located at the foot of the mountain where Oden's castle used to be, and it has a large
Torii at its entrance.[citation needed]

Kibi Edit

Kibi (希美 Kibi?) is a region on the west side of Wano Country. Like several other
places seen, much of it is a wasteland with factories located on top of rock
formations.[29] It contains no known landmarks.[27]

Udon Edit

Udon (兎丼 Udon?) is located at the southeast. It is an industrialized region of
weapon factories where the lower-class are forced to work to exhaustion and death.
There is the Prisoner Mine (囚人採掘場 Shūjin Saikutsujō?) where rebels are
tortured until their wills break and they pledge allegiance to Kaido.[30]

Hakumai Edit
Hakumai (白舞 Hakumai?) is located in the northeast.[27] On its eastern coast, there
is a port called the Habu Port (刃武港 Habu Minato?) that is symbolized by the Habu
Pit Viper to natives. It is where the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Allianceplan to meet
their allies before engaging in the battle to take down Kaido.[31]

Ringo Edit
Ringo (鈴後 Ringo?) is located in the north. It has a wintry climate. It contains
the Northern Cemetery (北の墓場 Kita no Hakaba?),[27] which is said to be
haunted.[32] At the cemetery entrance is the Oihagi Bridge (おいはぎ橋 Oihagi-

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