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Example 1. (Underreinforced Beams)

Determine the maximum permissible ultimate moment capacity of the section
shown in Figure 1.4 if fc '  20.7 MPa and fy  276 MPa.

b = 300mm
1. Calculate  (beam steel ratio),

A s  (20)2 (3)  942.48 mm2
A 942.48
 s   0.007392 d = 425 mm
bd 300(425)
2. Check for min (minimum steel ratio), 3 – 20mm bars

fc ' 1.4
min  
4fy fy Beam Section

min   0.0041211 Figure 1.4 Example 1
1.4 1.4
  0.00507
fy 276
Therefore, min  0.00507
Since,   0.007392  min  0.00507 therefore ok!
3. Calculate b (balanced steel ratio),
0.851fc '  600 
b   
fy  600  fy

1  0.85 since fc '  30 MPa
0.85(0.85)(20.7)  600 
b   600  276   0.0371147
276  
4. Check the beam condition,
If,   b , overreinforced
  b , balanced
  b , underreinforced

Since,   0.007392  b  0.0371147 the beam is underreinforced.

Therefore ok!

5. Calculate a (depth of stress block),
C  T; 0.85fc ' ab  A s fy
A s fy 942.48(276)
a   49.28 mm
0.85fc 'b 0.85(20.7)(300)
6. Calculate the ultimate moment capacity,

 a  49.28  6
Mu  A s fy  d    0.90(942.48)(276)  425  10
 2  2 
Mu  93.73 kN.m Ans.

Alternate Solution:

1. Calculate a (depth of stress block) assuming the beam is


A s  (20)2 (3)  942.48 mm2
C  T; 0.85fc ' ab  A s fy
A s fy 942.48(276)
a   49.28 mm
0.85fc 'b 0.85(20.7)(300)

2. Calculate c (distance from N.A. to extreme fiber in compression),

c 1  0.85 since fc '  30 MPa
c  57.98 mm
3. Calculate fs (stress in steel),
600(d  c)
fs  eq. (6)
600(425  57.98)
fs   3798.07 MPa
4. Check if the beam is underreinforced,
If, fs  fy , underreinforced
fs  fy , balanced
fs  fy , overreinforced
Since, fs  3798.07 MPa  fy  276 MPa the beam is
underreinforced. Therefore ok!

5. Calculate the ultimate moment capacity,
 a  49.28  6
Mu  A s fy  d    0.90(942.48)(276)  425  10
 2  2 
Mu  93.73 kN.m Ans.

6. Check for min (minimum steel ratio),

fc ' 1.4
min  
4fy fy
min   0.0041211
1.4 1.4
  0.00507
fy 276
Therefore, min  0.00507
Since,   0.007392  min  0.00507 therefore ok!

Example 2. (Overreinforced Beams)

Determine the maximum permissible ultimate moment capacity of the section
shown in Figure 1.5 if fc '  20.7 MPa and fy  414 MPa.


1. Calculate  (beam steel ratio), b = 300mm

A 2950
 s   0.023137
bd 300(425)
2. Check for min (minimum steel ratio), d = 425 mm

fc ' 1.4
min   As = 2950 mm2
4fy fy
min   0.0027474
4(414) Beam Section

1.4 1.4
  0.003382 Figure 1.5 Example 2
fy 414
Therefore, min  0.003382
Since,   0.023137  min  0.003382 therefore ok!

3. Calculate b (balanced steel ratio),
0.851fc '  600 
b   
fy  600  fy

1  0.85 since fc '  30 MPa
0.85(0.85)(20.7)  600 
b     0.021376
414  600  414 
4. Check the beam condition,

Since,   0.023137  b  0.021376 the beam is overreinforced!

5. Calculate c (distance from N.A. to extreme fiber in compression),
600(d  c)
C  T; 0.85fc ' ab  A s fs where : fs 
 600(d  c) 
0.85fc ' ab  A s  
 c 
 600(d  c) 
0.85fc '  1c  b  A s  
 c 
0.85(20.7)(0.85)(300)c 2  2950(600)(425)  2950(600)c
c 2  394.50c  167661.27  0
c  257.25 mm

5. Calculate a (depth of stress block),

a  1c  0.85(257.25)  218.66 mm

6. Calculate the ultimate moment capacity,

 a  a
Mu  A s fs  d    0.85fc ' ab  d  
 2  2
 218.66  6
Mu  0.90(0.85)(20.7)(218.66)(300)  425  10
 2 
Mu  327.91 kN.m Ans.

 Miscellaneous Beam Limitations

Lateral Support
It is unlikely that laterally unbraced reinforced concrete beams of any normal
proportions will buckle laterally, even if they are deep and narrow, unless they
are subject to appreciable lateral torsion. As a result the NSCP (Section 410.5)
states that spacing of lateral supports for a beam shall not exceed 50 times the
least width b of compression flange or face.

Deep Beams
Beams with web depths that exceed 900 mm have a tendency to develop
excessively wide cracks in the upper parts of their tension zones. To reduce
these cracks it is necessary to add some additional longitudinal reinforcing near
the vertical side faces of their webs. The NSCP (Section 410.8.4) states that
additional reinforcing at least equal 0.0025bw s2 , and s 2 shall not exceed d/3 or
450mm must be added in these regions as shown in Figure 1.6. Where b w = web
width and s 2 = spacing of shear or torsion reinforcement in direction
perpendicular to longitudinal reinforcement. There are special provisions that
must be considered for deep flexural members relating to shear as described in
the NSCP Section 411.9.

d > 900 mm

Additional reinforcing

Computed As

Figure 1.6 Deep Beam

Should deflections not be computed and proved thereby acceptable, the NSCP in
its Section 409.6.2 provides minimum permissible beam and slab depths. The
purpose of such limitations is to prevent deflections of such magnitudes as would
interfere with the use of or cause injury to the structure. See Table 409-1 of the
NSCP. Please refer to Section 409.6 of the NSCP for a more detailed treatment
to control deflections.

Table 409.1 – Minimum Thickness of Nonprestressed Beams or

One-Way Slabs Unless Deflections are Computed.
Minimum Thickness, h
Simply One end Both ends
Member Supported continuous continuous
Members not supporting or attached to partitions or other
construction likely to be damaged by large deflections
Solid one-way
L/20 L/24 L/28 L/10
Beams or
ribbed one way L/16 L/18.5 L/21 L/8
*Span length L is in millimetes
Members given shall be used directly for members with normal weight concrete (w c=2,300
kg/m ) and Grade 415 reinforcement. For other conditions, the values shall be modified as
a) For structural lightweight concrete having unit weight in the range 1,500-
2,000 kg/m , the values shall be multiplied by (1.65 - 0.0003wc) but not
less than 1.09, where wc is the unit weight in kg/m .
b) For fy other than 415 MPa, the values shall be multiplied by (0.4 + fy / 700)


There are two general types that are presented for beams: those used for
review/investigation and those used for design. In review or investigation
problems the physical dimensions of the beam and the number, sizes, and
placement of bars are given. It is desired to determine the permissible moment
capacity of the section. Design problems are those in which the member sizes
are to be determined based on certain computed moments caused by external

Before the design of an actual beam is attempted, it is important to

discuss the following topics:

1. Estimated Beam Weight. The weight of the beam to be selected must be

included in the calculation of the bending moment to be resisted, as the
beam must support itself as well as the external loads.
2. Beam proportions. Unless architectural or other requirements dictate the
proportions of reinforced concrete beams, the most economical beam
sections are usually obtained for the shorter beams (up to 6m or 7.5m in
length) when the ratio of b to d is in the range of 1/2 to 2/3. For longer
spans better economy is usually obtained if deep, narrow sections are
used. The depth may be as large as 3 or 4 times the widths.
3. Selection of bars. After the required reinforcing area is calculated, the
selection of bar sizes will follow. For the usual situations bars of sizes
36mm and smaller are practical. It is usually convenient to use bars of one
size only in a beam, although occasionally two sizes will be used.
4. Cover. The reinforcing for concrete members must be protected from the
surrounding environment; that is, fire and corrosion protection needs to be
provided. To do this the reinforcing is located at certain minimum
distances from the surface of the concrete so that a protective layer of
concrete, called concrete cover, is provided. In addition the concrete cover
improves the bond between the concrete and the steel. In Section
407.8.3.1 of the NSCP, minimum permissible concrete cover is given for
reinforcing bars under different conditions. Values are given for reinforced
concrete beams, columns, and slabs, for members exposed to weather
and earth, and so on.
5. Minimum spacing of bars. Section 407.7.1 of NSCP states that the
minimum clear spacing between parallel bars in a layer be db but not less
than 25 mm. Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers
(Section 407.7.2), bars in the upper layer shall be placed directly above
bars in the bottom layer with clear distance between layers not less than
25mm. Please refer to Section 407.7.3 until 407.7.5 for the spacing
limitations of other conditions.


Example 1. (Using max and finding the permissible beam size)

Design a rectangular beam for a 6-m simple span to support a dead load of 30
kN/m (including the estimated beam weight) and a live load of 44 k/m. Use max ,
d  1.5bw, fc '  27.6 MPa, and fy  276 MPa.

Solution: wu = 116.8 kN/m

1. Calculate the ultimate loads,

wu  1.4wD  1.7wL L=6m

wu  1.4(30)  1.7(44)  116.8 kN/m

2. Calculate the Design Moment,

wuL2 116.8(6)2
Mu    525.6 kN.m (at midspan)
8 8

3. Calculate max ,
 0.85 f '  600  
max  0.75b  0.75  1 c
  
 fy  600  fy  
 0.85(0.85)(27.6)  600 
max  0.75      0.037115
 276  600  27.6  
4. Solve bd2 ,
 0.59fy 
Mu  fybd2 1  
 fc ' 
 0.59(0.037115)(276) 
525.6(106 )  0.90(0.037115)(276)bd2  1  
 27.6 
bd  72, 995,085 mm 2

5. Solving b and d using d  1.5bw,

b(1.5d)2  72, 995,085 mm2
b  319 mm say b = 325 mm
d  1.5(325)  487.5 mm

6. Calculate As (Area of steel reinforcing),

As  bd  0.037115(325)(487.5)  5880.36 mm2

7. Calculate number of bars,

Using 36mm diameter bars (Ab = 1017.88 mm2),

A 5880.36
n s   5.78 say use 6 – 36mm  bars (2 layers)
Ab 1017.88

8. Calculate h (beam thickness),

Note: 2 layers of 36 mm  with 3 bars per layer

(Please refer to Figure 1.7)
Thickness, h  487.5 + 25/2 +36 + 12 + 40 = 588 mm say h =

bw = 325 mm

d = 487.5 mm

25 mm minimum
Bar 
Cover + stirrups 

Figure 1.7 Computation of h

9. Check for Minimum Thickness since deflection is not computed (From

Table 409-1),

L  f 
hmin   0.4  y 
16  700 
hmin 
 0.4  276
700 
 298 mm < 600 mm therefore OK!

10. Draw Final Section Details,

bw = 325 mm

450 mm
h = 600 mm

75 mm
75 mm

Figure 1.8 Final Section Detail

Example 2. (Using   for economy and deflection)
Design a rectangular beam for a 6-m simple span to support a dead load of 30
kN/m (including the estimated beam weight) and a live load of 44 k/m.
Use   , b = 350 mm, fc '  27.6 MPa, and fy  276 MPa.
fy w

wu = 116.8 kN/m

1. Calculate the ultimate loads,

wu  1.4wD  1.7wL L=6m

wu  1.4(30)  1.7(44)  116.8 kN/m

2. Calculate the Design Moment,

wuL2 116.8(6)2
Mu    525.6 kN.m (at midspan)
8 8

3. Calculate   ,

0.18fc' 0.18(27.6)
   0.018
fy 276

4. Solve bd2 ,
 0.59fy 
Mu  fybd2 1  
 fc ' 
 0.59(0.018)(276) 
525.6(106 )  0.90(0.018)(276)bd2 1  
 27.6 
bd  131,519,730.3 mm 2

5. Solve d using b = 350 mm,

350d2  131,519,730.3 mm2

d  613 mm say d = 625 mm

6. Calculate As (Area of steel reinforcing),

As  bd  0.018(350)(625)  3937.5 mm2

7. Calculate number of bars,

Using 25mm diameter bars (Ab = 490.9 mm2),

A 3937.5
n s   8.02 Say, use 8 – 25mm  bars (2 layers)
Ab 490.9

1. Check clear spacing of bars (4 bars per layer),

b  50(2)  n(db )
Clear spacing, s 
n 1
350  (50)2  4(25)
s  50 mm  25 mm Ok!
4 1

9. Calculate h (beam thickness),

Note: 2 layers of 25 mm  with 4 bars per layer

(Please refer to Figure 1.7)
Thickness, h  625 + 25/2 +25 + 10 + 40 = 712.5 mm say h =

bw = 350 mm

d = 625 mm

25 mm minimum
Bar 
Cover + stirrups 

Figure 1.9 Computation of h

10. Check for Minimum Thickness since deflection is not computed (From
Table 409-1)

L  f 
hmin   0.4  y
16  700 

hmin 
 0.4  276
700 
 298 mm < 725 mm therefore OK!

11. Draw Final Section Details,

bw = 350 mm

625 mm
h = 725 mm

75 mm
75 mm
 Further Notes on Beam Sizes

From the standpoints of economy and appearance only a few different sizes of
beams should be used in a particular floor system. Such practice will save
appreciable amounts of money by simplifying the formwork and at the same time
will provide a floor system that has a more uniform and attractive appearance.

 Determining Steel Area when the beam dimensions are


Sometimes the external dimensions of a beam are predetermined by factored

other than moments and shears. The size of a whole group of beams may have
been selected to simplify the formwork or a specific size may have been chosen
for architectural reasons.

Example 3.
The dimensions of the beam shown in Figure 2.1 have been selected for
architectural reasons. The beam is designed to carry a total factored moment of
200 kN.m. Using fc '  20.7 MPa and fy  414 MPa, design the steel

Solution: bw = 350 mm

1. Calculate Ru,
Ru  u 2 (1)
bd h = 600 mm 525 mm
Ru   2.3036 MPa
0.9(350)(525)2 As
75 mm

2. Calculate the required  , Figure 2.1 Example 3

0.85f '
2R u 
 1  1 
 (2)
fy  0.85fc' 

0.85(20.7)  2(2.3036) 
 1  1    0.005986
(414)  0.85(20.7) 

3. Check for min ,

fc ' 1.4
min  
4fy fy
min   0.0027474
1.4 1.4
  0.003382
fy 414
Therefore, min  0.003382
Since,   0.005986  min  0.003382 therefore, use   0.005986

4. Check for max ,

0.75(0.85)(0.85)(20.7)  600 
max  0.75b     0.016032
414  600  414 
Since,   0.005986  max therefore, design as a Singly Reinforced

5. Calculate As,
As  bd  0.005986(350)(525)  1099.93 mm2

6. Select bar size and compute the required number of bars,

Using 20mm bars (Ab = 314 mm2)
A 1099.93
n s   3.5 Say, use 4  20mm bars (1 layer)
Ab 314

7. Check Spacing,
b  50(2)  n(db )
Clear spacing, s 
n 1
350  (50)2  4(20)
s  56.67 mm  25 mm Ok!
4 1

8. Draw Section Details

bw = 350 mm

h = 600 mm 525 mm

4 – 20mm 

75 mm

Figure 2.2 Section Details

Example 4.
A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 250mm and an effective depth to the
tension reinforcement of 335 mm. If fc '  34.5 MPa and fy  414 MPa, design the
longitudinal reinforcement if the beam is to support a service dead load moment
of 20 kN.m and a live load moment of 30 kN.m.

Solution: bw = 250 mm

1. Calculate Mu,
Mu  1.4MDL  1.7MLL
Mu  1.4(20)  1.7(30)  79 kN.m 335 mm
h = 400 mm

2. Calculate Ru, As
Ru   3.1286 MPa 65 mm
Figure 2.3 Example 4
3. Calculate the required  ,
0.85(34.5)  2(3.1286) 
 1  1    0.008010
(414)  0.85(34.5) 

4. Check for min ,

fc ' 1.4
min  
4fy fy
min   0.003547
1.4 1.4
  0.003382
fy 414
Therefore, min  0.0035469
Since,   0.008010  min  0.003547 therefore, use   0.008010

5. Check for max ,

1  0.85  (34.5  30)  0.81786
0.75(0.85)(0.81786)(34.5)  600 
max  0.75b     0.025709
414  600  414 
Since,   0.008010  max therefore, design as a Singly Reinforced

6. Calculate As,
As  bd  0.008010(250)(335)  670.84 mm2

7. Select bar size and compute the required number of bars,

Using 16mm bars (Ab = 201 mm2)
A 670.84
n s   3.34 Say, use 4  16mm bars (1 layer)
Ab 201

8. Check Spacing,
250  (50)2  4(16)
s  28.67 mm  25 mm Ok!
4 1

9. Draw Section Details

bw = 250 mm

h = 400 mm 335 mm

4 – 16mm 

65 mm

Figure 2.4 Section Details

 Bundled Bars

Sometimes when large amounts of steel reinforcing are required in a beam or

column, it is very difficult to fit all the bars in the cross section. For such situations
groups of parallel bars may be bundled together. Up to 4 bars can be bundled
provided they are enclosed by stirrups or ties (NSCP Section 407.7.6.1 to
Section 407.7.6.2). Section 407.7.6.3 of the NSCP states that bars larger than 36
mm diameter shall not be bundled.


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