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API 653 - Tanks Flash Card – 11 Questions

1. Capacity: varies, HAZARD class: 3,4,5,8. Stores flammable/combustible liquids,

corrosives, oxidizers, and solvents. Permanently attached, sloped roof with weak

Cone Roof Tank

2. Capacity: 50,000 - 1,000,000, HAZARD class: 3. Stores flammable/combustible


Floating Roof with Geodesic dome

3. Capacity: 50,000 - 1,000,000, HAZARD class: 3,8. Stores

flammable/combustible/corrosive liquids

Floating Roof Tank

4. Capacity: varies, HAZARD class: 3. Stores flammable/combustible liquids. Is also

referred to as internal floating roof. It has large vents on the top of the tank.

Lifter Roof Tank (Covered Floating Roof Tank)

5. Capacity: up to about 8,500,000, HAZARD class: 3,5,9. Stores

flammable/combustible liquids and some not hazardous materials. Vertical storage
tank that has a giant bulge or dome on it's top

Vapor Dome Roof Tank

6. Capacity: 300 - 10,000, HAZARD class: 3,5,6,8,9. Commonly used for bulk
storage in conjunction with fuel dispensing operations. Can also store solvents,
oxidizers, poisonous liquids, and corrosives

Horizontal Tank (Atmospheric)

7. Capacity: varies. HAZARD class: 2,3. Stores LPG, methane, propane, and other
light gases. Can also contain certain flammable liquids such as gasoline and crude

Noded Spheriod

8. Capacity: 3,000,000 or more. HAZARD class: 2,3. Stores LPG, methane, propane,
and other light gases. Can also contain flammable liquids such as gasoline and
crude oil

9. Capacity: up to 600,000 gal. HAZARD class: 2. Stores flammable and non-
flammable liquefied gases


10. Capacity: 500 - 40,000 gal. HAZARD class: 2. Stores flammable and non-
flammable liquefied gases. For working pressures of 15 psi and above

Pressure Vessel

11. Capacity: 500 - 20,000. HAZARD class: 2.2. Stores liquefied argon, ethylene,
helium, nitrogen, and oxygen. Working pressure varies, but some can be very high
(over 300psi). Heavily insulated with a vacuum in the space between outer and
inner shells


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