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Jl. Bangka Raya Gg 4 No.10, Pela Mampang (12720)
Mampang Prapatan – Jakarta Selatan
+62 81268667971

Jakarta, 14 March 2019

To :
Director / HRD Manager
PT Liong Emas Abadi Perkasa

Dear Sir/Madam

Based on the information I got that PT Liong Emas Abadi Perkasa open a job opportunity to Digital
Marketing. I am really interested and motivated to apply an application letter to be Digital
Marketing candidate. Below are my brief personal identity :

Name : Muhammad Ridho FH Simanjuntak

Place / Date of Birth : Blok Songo, August 2th 1995
Education : Department of Communication Science, State
Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
GPA : 3.33 (4.00 scale)
Marital Status : Single

I’m bachelor degree from State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. I'm fresh, open
minded, integrity, responsible, leadership skills & fast learning.
Here with this application letter, I include some requirements for your further consideration:

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

2. 3x4 Photograph
3. Certifies
4. Academic transcripts
5. Copy of identity card

Hopefully you can accept me as one of Personel in PT Liong Emas Abadi Perkasa. Thank you for
your attention and consideration.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Ridho Fh Simanjuntak, S.I.Kom

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