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Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

P – Fourth Age Module

At the end of the Third Age of Middle-earth, Sauron was thrown down, his armies scattered, and the One Ring destroyed. But as light
has no meaning without darkness to bound it, so with Sauron defeated, the forces of good also departed Middle-earth, Eldar and Istari
making their final voyage from the Grey Havens. The age of elves is over. Now begins the true age of man.

This module is not recommended unless you have played in a different module in the past. This is because the decisions you make
when designing a nation have a large influence throughout the game, and if you make poor decisions through inexperience, this may
cause you to have a disappointing game.

Due to the module’s nature, the rules and details covering nation creation are subject to change. Whilst then the following details were
correct at the time of this Guide being published, we recommend that before playing you download the most up-to-date nation creation
details from our website. Click Here to go to the appropriate section of our site.

When naming characters and population centres, please try and remain true to the flavour of Tolkien’s world. If you wish, we will
create names for you – simply leave the name fields blank. We also reserve the right to rename any potentially offensive names used.

History and Background

At the end of the First Millennia of the Fourth Age, North-western Middle-earth was a time of political and social upheaval. This
area, known simply as the West, encompassed the lands north of Umbar, west of the Sea of Rhûn, and south and east of the Great Sea.
Following the passing of the Third Age, climaxed by the exploits of the Fellowship of the Ring and the fall of Sauron, the West
entered a brief period of consolidation and prosperity, followed by a long period of growth and migration, strife and despair, war and
recovery, brought about by the constant expansion of Men. With the passing of Sauron and his mighty minions, the forces of the Dark
Servants were in complete disarray. Most of the Orcs, Goblins and Trolls scattered into the mountains and wastes from whence they
came, legion in their dark and foul holdings. Yet without strong leaders these races continually warred amongst themselves, their
numbers dwindling. However, rumours of the demise of the Lord of the Rings were sure to reach far and wide over the expanse of
Middle-earth, and there are Black Lords and Dark Mages eager to fill the power vacuum left behind in the West.

By early in the Fourth Age, almost all the other Free Peoples had vacated Endor forever. The Eldar had begun their departure to the
West in vast numbers, abandoning many of their former sites. Those remaining of the Eldar travelled only in small companies and
many of them wandered into the East eventually. The remaining woodland Elves retained control of only a few remaining well-
guarded holdings, whilst to avoid the affairs of the outside world, the stout Dwarves withdrew to quiet bastions in remote hills and
mountains. The reclusive Hobbits were generally protected and unnoticed, remaining as they were, holed up in the Shire.

But the expansion of the Reunited Kingdom could not go on forever. Internal strife and border conflicts with fierce human realms
forced the split of the Reunited Kingdom into two separate nations known as the Twin North and South Kingdoms. And control over
the surrounding vassal realms and neighbouring nations ebbed with the passing of time.

Year 1000 of the Fourth Age sees, then the rise of upstart nations: new human empires that share a common viewpoint but yet no
formal allegiance, isolated Free Peoples who seek to drive men away and regain their former lands, and bastions of the Servants of
Darkness with forces ever ready to rally to their cause. The time is ripe for a powerful lord to forge a strong alliance to liberate the
remaining Free Peoples, to reunite the forces of Darkness under one strong rule, or perhaps to help establish a new Neutral order
amongst the peoples of the West.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Significant Events of the early Fourth Age

Year Event

1 The Eldar begin to depart.

2-32 The Eldar abandon the Tower Hills and the surrounding locales. Only Círdan remains in the Grey Havens.
6 The Shire is made a Free Land, under protection of the Northern Sceptre, and along with the Drúadan Forests
is off-limits to Men.
15 The rebuilding of Annúminas begins.
63 King Éomer of Rohan passes away.
100 Moria is still abandoned.
120 King Elessar (Aragorn II) passes away. Eldarion becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom. Legolas and Gimli
depart for Aman, marking the final passing of the Fellowship of the Ring.
121 Queen Arwen passes away.
264 King Eldarion passes away. Elessar II becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom.
300-500 The Men of the West establish major overland trade links with Peoples of the East. Dorwinion and Khand rise
in power.
400-450 Relmether, East of Mordor, rises in economic power.
408 King Elessar II passes away. Elendil II becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom.
432-864 The last major Eldar migration through Lindon. Avari groups supplant the Eldar in many of the more guarded
enclaves of North-western Endor. Other Elven sites are abandoned or given over to Men.
552 The aged Elendil II abdicates the throne of the Reunited Kingdom in favour of his eldest son, Isildur II.
696 Rather than abdicating the throne of the Reunited Kingdom, Isildur II grants his son lordship over the North
700 Isildur II passes away. Anárion II becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom.
701-712 The First River War. The Easterling Tribes form a Variag-Nûriag- Nurniag alliance, known as "the Collusion
of the Ûsrievrim," and conquer the Chey lands and all of eastern Rhûn.
750 The Lords of Umbar declare the waters off the Harad Coast as the Umbarean Sea. The Kingdom of Gondor
faces an economic crisis.
752-775 The Sail War. The Kingdom of Gondor struggles against the Umbareans. The Haradrim side with both
belligerents. Gondor ultimately prevails, but the conflict serves to create disharmony among the peoples of
the North and South Kingdoms.
775 Anárion II is murdered after crushing the Umbareans near Linhír. Arathorn III becomes King of the Reunited
783-800 The Second River War. The Collusion of the Ûsrievrim is abandoned as civil war rages across central Endor.
The Variag-Nûriag- Nurniag triad collapses, with each party becoming the focal point of rival ‘successor
799 Anárion III perishes in the Red Plague. His young son, Beleg II, becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom and
moves to stabilise the volatile southern frontier.
800-1000 Great migrations of men create turmoil throughout Endor.
800 The battle of Ethir Harnen. North and South Kingdom naval and land forces crush a large army composed of
Umbareans, Variags, Haradrim, and various mercenary groups from south-western Endor. Serious losses
incurred by the North Kingdom, the result of the furious ambush that opened the battle, contribute to a
considerable weakening of the North Kingdom. Beleg II is hereafter known as ‘Hyarmendacil III’.
843 Hyarmendacil III passes away. His son, Eärnil III becomes King of the Reunited Kingdom.
915 Eärnil III, failing to learn from mistakes made in the past, once more divides the administration of the
Reunited Kingdom. The former realms of Gondor and Arnor are hereafter called the Twin Kingdoms. Eärnil
III's two sons, Telumehtar II and Eärnur II, preside over the North and South Kingdoms respectively.
950 Eärnil III passes away. Telumehtar II becomes King of the Twin Kingdoms. However, Eärnur II challenges
his brother and assumes the throne of the North Kingdom.
953 Telumehtar II marches on the North Kingdom. Eärnur II's brief reign ends. Telumehtar II orders Eärnur II
into exile on the northernmost of the Isles of the Dead That Live.
1000 Telumehtar II and his three young sons are all murdered. There are no direct heirs. Eärnur II returns from
exile to become King of the Twin Kingdoms. The Men of Enedwaith, Minhiriath, and Eregion declare
themselves independent.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

1001 Eärnur II is forced to take his own life. South Kingdom oligarchies tighten their rein on both political and
economic matters by electing Valamir the Younger as Steward of the South Kingdom. Despite the fact that
Eärnur II's son, Arvedui II, is crowned King and reaches his majority later the same year, Valamir acts as the
de facto overlord of the South Kingdom.
1001-1020 The sundering of the Twin Kingdoms. Arthedain is re-established as the North Kingdom disintegrates. The
Shire remains a Free Land.
1020 Amlaith II, a distant kinsman of Telumehtar II's wife Berúthien, becomes King of the North Kingdom. He
declares the Shire a ‘royal protectorate’ and embarks on a program aimed at consolidating the fragmenting
North Kingdom.
1020-1050 Despite Amlaith II's good intentions, the Shire folk seek Elven aid in order to construct a Girdle of the Shire.
Their embassies to the Sindar and Avari of Lindon are only modestly rewarded. While protected by strange
weather patterns, the Shire remains vulnerable to any persistent intrusion.
1072 Valamir the Younger becomes the Ruling Steward of the South Kingdom when the childless King Arvedui II
passes away.
1092 Amlaith II dies while on campaign near Bree. Valamir the Younger passes away later the same year.
Valamir's son, Targon, becomes the Ruling Steward of the South Kingdom.
1092-1099 The Great Eriadoran War. Amlaith II's son, Eärendur II (‘the Great’), claims a series of great victories over
the chieftains of Cardolan and Minhiriath (Valros and Púil).
1100 Eärendur II proclaims himself King and thus re-establishes the North Kingdom. Targon declares himself King
of the South Kingdom and issues a declaration of war against the North Kingdom.

1 – Nation Creation
In 1650 and 2950 modules of Middle-earth, as a player you choose which position to play from the twenty-five nations. In Fourth
Age, however, you have greater freedom in that you can create your own nation, with its own leaders, abilities and lands. This section,
then, covers the rules which govern this creation of an empire.

Twenty three of the nations are created freely, or at least, within the confines of the rules regarding nation generation, whilst two
nations, the North and South Kingdom, are rather more fixed. There are still choices to be made and a certain amount of freedom, but
factors such as location of population centres and of course their names, are pre-determined. On the other hand, both the North and
South Kingdoms are considerably more powerful than any of the others, with unique advantages and abilities (detailed later in this
chapter), which more than makes up for the restrictions placed upon them. The restrictions and advantages relating to nation creation
for the Kingdoms is covered at the end of this section. The Kingdoms are popular choices of nations, and we inevitably receive more
requests to play them than is possible to cater for. If, then, you submit a Kingdom set-up, please also send in an alternate set-up sheet
for a normal nation giving at least two regions (see region section below).

Nation Design Sheets are available on request, which provide space for all the information needed, and can filled in and returned to us.
These can be found on our website, or will be sent to you on request. Alternatively, simply put all the appropriate information in an
email or letter, and send that to us instead.

The process of nation creation on your part, and in putting the game together on our part, requires you to submit up to two set-ups to
us. In the first, you must submit your Regional Placements, Alliances, and Allegiance, and it is helpful if you also submit SNAs,
Characters, Armies and Population Centre details, though you may then modify these in the second set-up. Once we have these initial
set-ups from all players, we will contact you with your finalised Region and Allegiance, after which you have one week to submit a
second, modified set-up if you so desire. (All these aspects are covered below.)

The following sections correspond to information required in the nation set-up sheet forms. At the start of each section is the
appropriate part of the set-up sheet form, so that you can see exactly what needs to be completed.

Nation/Realm Name: (The)
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

This can be between 5 and 17 characters long.

Allegiance and Race


As with other modules, there are three allegiances: good, neutral, and evil. If you start as good or evil, you cannot change this later in
the game. Neutral nations, on the other hand, have the choice of changing allegiance but can also, if they wish, remain Neutral for the
duration of the game. And, unlike the 1650 and 2950 modules, the Neutrals can form a side of their own and win. (See section 3 –
Differences To 1650 rules for more details on this.)

Each allegiance has a variety of races available to it, as follows:

Good nations can be Men, Dwarves, or Elves

Evil nations can be Non Humans (a combination of orcs, goblins and trolls) or Men
Neutral nations can only be Men

When choosing an allegiance and race for your nation, bear in mind the following points:

Neutral nations cannot start with population centres in mountain sectors, though they can build there as usual during the game.

Certain special abilities (covered later on in this section) can only be chosen by certain allegiances and/or races

Each race has different advantages when creating characters (covered later on in this section)

Regional Placements
Region Region Name Allegiance (FP, DS, Neutral, Neutral Team, Any, Kingdom)

Each player must either choose at least 3 regions from the following list, in order of preference, or choose ‘any region’, which means
you do not have a preference. If you choose ‘any region’, you gain 8,000 gold for your nation’s treasury.

You cannot choose regions that members of your team have chosen (your team being people you have discussed the game with and/or
joined with).

Angmar Forlindon Near Harad Rhun
Dunland Harlindon North Mirkwood Rohan
Eastern Mordor Harondor Northern Mordor South Mirkwood
Enedwaith Iron Hills Northern Wastes Southern Mordor
Eriador Khand Rhovanion Umbar
Far Harad Lorien Rhudaur

In addition to these are the regions of Arnor and Gondor. These regions can only be chosen by the appropriate Kingdom (North
Kingdom or South Kingdom).
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Map shown courtesy of Brad Stephens (and Mike Mulka for original concept)

We will assign nations to regions. There can be a maximum of one player of each allegiance in any region. Neutrals count as an
❖ If you get your 1st choice of region, you lose 5,000 gold from your nation’s treasury.
❖ If you get your 2nd choice, you don't gain or lose any gold.
❖ If you get your 3rd choice, you gain 3,000 gold.
❖ If we are unable to assign you any of your three choices, we will contact you to agree a 4 th choice. In this instance, you will
gain 7,000 gold.

Example 1
I send in a Free People set-up. I stipulate Rohan, South Harad and South Mordor as my 3 starting regions. Rohan already has a Free
People nation, so I am given Rohan, my second choice. As it’s my second choice I don’t gain or lose any gold from my treasury. I
can then send in my set-up with population centres in that region.

Example 2
I send in Any Region as my choice. This gains me 8,000 gold. I am assigned the Rhun region, and can then send in my set-up with
population centres in that region.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Special Nation Abilities, Artifacts, War Machines, Ships, and Hidden Population Centres
Item Information Description Cost
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
Artifacts (quantity) Each is selected at random and hidden at your capital. (3,000 each; if two or
more selected, one is free!)
Transports (quantity) Each will appear anchored at the capital, if possible. (250 each.)
Warships (quantity) Each will appear anchored at the capital, if possible. (250 each.)
War Machines (quantity) Will appear in your army, if possible. (200 each.)
Hidden Population 6,000 to hide one and only one population centre.
Centre (#1-4)
Individual Victory Victory condition #1-7 (This selection is optional and without cost.) 0
Condition (#1-7)
Total Cost 20,000 + northerly location bonus of [ ] limit:

Your choice of special nation abilities is one of the most important to be made, as it will affect the way in which you play the nation.
There are 34 abilities, and a nation can have up to four of these. Each has a points cost, and you have up to 20,000 points to allocate on
not only special abilities, but also artifacts, war machines, warships, transport ships, and hidden population centres.

Any points not allocated are converted to gold on a one-for-one basis, and added to your nation’s starting reserves.

Special abilities are not cumulative or additive, but rather, where two abilities have the same effect, the better of the two is applied.
For example, ability #33 means all warships have a strength of 4, and ability #34 gives warships a strength of 5, so if both are chosen,
then, warships have a strength of 5, not 9. And where ability #1 allows scouting and recon orders to be issued as if the character has
double their skill rank, and ability #2 allows those same orders to be issued as if the character has +20 to their skill rank, if both are
chosen, only one will affect a character issuing the order. (If the character has less than 20 skill rank then ability #2 will take affect,
and if they have more than 20, ability #1 will take affect.)

Nations located in the north gain an additional bonus to spend on SNAs, artifacts, war machines, ships and hidden population centres.
This bonus is as follows:
❖ Lorien, Harlindon and Dunland 500 gold bonus.
❖ Eraidor, North Mirkwood, South Mirkwood, Forlindon, Rhudaur and Rhun 1000 gold bonus.
❖ Rhovanian, Iron Hills, Nothern Wastes, Angmar 1500 gold bonus.

Note regarding special ability 31 (+20 to kidnap and assassinate): If a nation on either the Free Peoples or Dark Servants allegiance
chooses this ability, we will contact the other side to offer them the chance to pick it as well. Only one nation per allegiance can
choose this ability, and so if more than one player picks it, it will be randomly determined which get the ability.

The special abilities and their costs are as follows:

Ability Cost Description

1 9000 The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant skill rank:
905 – Scout Army
910 – Scout Area
915 – Scout Hex
920 – Scout Population Centre
925 – Recon Area
930 – Scout For Characters
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Special Nation Abilities, Artifacts, War Machines, Ships, and Hidden Population Centres
Item Information Description Cost
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
SNA (number)
Artifacts (quantity) Each is selected at random and hidden at your capital. (3,000 each; if two or
more selected, one is free!)
Transports (quantity) Each will appear anchored at the capital, if possible. (250 each.)
Warships (quantity) Each will appear anchored at the capital, if possible. (250 each.)
War Machines (quantity) Will appear in your army, if possible. (200 each.)
Hidden Population 6,000 to hide one and only one population centre.
Centre (#1-4)
Individual Victory Victory condition #1-7 (This selection is optional and without cost.) 0
Condition (#1-7)
Total Cost 20,000 + northerly location bonus of [ ] limit:

Your choice of special nation abilities is one of the most important to be made, as it will affect the way in which you play the nation.
There are 34 abilities, and a nation can have up to four of these. Each has a points cost, and you have up to 20,000 points to allocate on
not only special abilities, but also artifacts, war machines, warships, transport ships, and hidden population centres.

Any points not allocated are converted to gold on a one-for-one basis, and added to your nation’s starting reserves.

Special abilities are not cumulative or additive, but rather, where two abilities have the same effect, the better of the two is applied.
For example, ability #33 means all warships have a strength of 4, and ability #34 gives warships a strength of 5, so if both are chosen,
then, warships have a strength of 5, not 9. And where ability #1 allows scouting and recon orders to be issued as if the character has
double their skill rank, and ability #2 allows those same orders to be issued as if the character has +20 to their skill rank, if both are
chosen, only one will affect a character issuing the order. (If the character has less than 20 skill rank then ability #2 will take affect,
and if they have more than 20, ability #1 will take affect.)

Nations located in the north gain an additional bonus to spend on SNAs, artifacts, war machines, ships and hidden population centres.
This bonus is as follows:
❖ Lorien, Harlindon and Dunland 500 gold bonus.
❖ Eraidor, North Mirkwood, South Mirkwood, Forlindon, Rhudaur and Rhun 1000 gold bonus.
❖ Rhovanian, Iron Hills, Nothern Wastes, Angmar 1500 gold bonus.

Note regarding special ability 31 (+20 to kidnap and assassinate): If a nation on either the Free Peoples or Dark Servants allegiance
chooses this ability, we will contact the other side to offer them the chance to pick it as well. Only one nation per allegiance can
choose this ability, and so if more than one player picks it, it will be randomly determined which get the ability.

The special abilities and their costs are as follows:

Ability Cost Description

1 9000 The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant skill rank:
905 – Scout Army
910 – Scout Area
915 – Scout Hex
920 – Scout Population Centre
925 – Recon Area
930 – Scout For Characters
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Ability Cost Description

2 4000 The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has +20 to their relevant skill rank:
905 – Scout Army
910 – Scout Area
915 – Scout Hex
920 – Scout Population Centre
925 – Recon Area
930 – Scout For Characters

3 3000 The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has a relevant skill rank of 50 (or
better if they have the appropriate skill rank at higher than 50):
905 – Scout Army
910 – Scout Area
915 – Scout Hex
920 – Scout Population Centre
925 – Recon Area
930 – Scout For Characters
This ability can be chosen by Dwarves only

4 2000 New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their challenge rank.

5 8000 New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank.

6 1000 Armies lose no morale for force marching.

7 1000 Armies with food only lose 1-2 morale if force-marching

Armies without food gain 1-2 morale when stationary, only lose 1-2 morale if marching, and only lose 2-5
if force-marching.

8 8000 The nation can buy from the market at 20% less than the given buy price, and sell to the market at 20%
greater than the given sell price.

9 7000 New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the order
734 – Name Emissary.

10 3000 New mages can start with a mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the order
737 – Name Mage.

11 8000 New agents can start with an agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the order
731 – Name Agent.

12 3000 New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the order
728 – Name Commander.

13 1000 All new troop recruits start with training 20.

14 1000 All new troop recruits start with training 25. This ability can be chosen by Elves only.

15 1000 All new heavy infantry recruits start with training 30. This ability can be chosen by Dwarves only.

16 100 All new men-at-arms recruits start with training 25.

17 1000 The nation can build ships at 1/2 the usual timber cost.

18 2000 The nation can build ships at 1/3 the usual timber cost. This ability can be chosen by Elves only.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Ability Cost Description

19 3000 The nation may build fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost.

20 2000 New armies start with a morale of 40.

21 8000 New armies may be hired at no cost.

22 100 All characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover secrets as if they have an emissary skill rank of 40 (or
higher if they have an emissary skill rank of greater than 40).

23 4000 Mages can learn the lost spell 502 – Weakness.

24 8000 Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts.

25 2000 Mages can learn the lost spell 510 – Conjure Food.

26 3000 Mages can learn the lost spell 512 – Conjure Hordes. This ability can be chosen by Dark Servants only.

27 100 Mages can learn the lost spell 244 – Fearful Hearts. This ability can be chosen by Dark Servants only.

28 100 Mages can learn the lost spell 248 – Fanaticism. This ability can be chosen by Dark Servants only.

29 2000 Mages can learn the lost spell 246 – Summon storms. This ability can be chosen by Dark Servants only.

30 4000 Mages can learn the lost spell 314 – Teleport.

31 20000 Orders 615 – Assassinate Character and 620 – Kidnap Character issued work as if the character has + 20 to
their agent skill rank. This ability can be chosen by Dark Servants or Free Peoples only. Only one nation
per allegiance can choose this ability.

32 100 Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost

33 1000 Navy warships have a strength of 4

34 2000 Navy warships have a strength at 5

Other costs are as follows:

Artifacts 3000 Selected at random amongst those usable by your allegiance, and secreted at the nation’s
capital. If you purchase artifacts, one will be free. (So if you purchase two, they will cost a
total of 3000.)

Transport 250 These will appear anchored at your capital if possible, or at another population centre if the
Ships capital has no port or harbour. They will anchor at ports in preference to harbours. If they
cannot be anchored at any of your nation’s population centres, they are lost.

Warships 250 These will appear anchored at your capital if possible, or at another population centre if the
capital has no port or harbour. They will anchor at ports in preference to harbours. If they
cannot be anchored at any of your nation’s population centres, they are lost.

War Machines 200 These will appear in your army. If you start without an army, the war machines will be lost.

Hidden Population 6000 One population centre may be hidden. You must specify which of
Ce n t r e your first four population centres (see details on population centres later in this section) is to
be hidden.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Army Commanded by Character # (Must have Command Skill!)

Troop Type Cost for 100 Troops Quantity Cost

Heavy Cavalry 3000
Light Cavalry 1500
Heavy Infantry 2000
Light Infantry 1000
Archers 1000
Men-at-Arms 500
Total Cost 12,000 limit:

You may start with one army, which is allocated to a character with command skill of your choice. You have 12,000 points available
with which to buy troop types, and each troop type has a different points cost as detailed below. Troops can only be purchased in
increments of 100. Any points not allocated are converted to gold on a one-for-one basis, and added to your nation’s starting reserves.
If you do not wish to start with an army, simply leave this section blank and all 12,000 points will be converted to gold. Morale,
training, and weapon and armour ranks of the army are either 30 or equal to the highest commander’s command skill rank, whichever
is greater. The army will also start with an amount of food which is inversely proportional to the number of troops: approximately
6000 food divided by the number 100 troop increments in the army. For example, if you have 400 heavy cavalry you will have 1500

Troop type costs

Troop Type Cost for 100 troops
Heavy Cavalry 3000
Light Cavalry 1500
Heavy Infantry 2000
Light Infantry 1000
Archers 1000
Men-at-Arms 500

Population Centres
# Population Name 1st Hex 2nd Hex 3rd Hex 4th Hex Upgrade Fortify Port/ Gold
Centre (5-17 characters) to with Harbour Cost
1 Capital
2 Major Town
3 Town
4 Village
5 Camp
? Optional Camp
? Optional Camp
Total Cost (8,000 limit):

Names for population centres must fit the game setting else a random choice for the name will be made.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Number of, and Statistics

You will start with at least five population centres: two Major Towns (one of which is your capital), a Town, a Village and a Camp.
One of these (of your choice) gets a free fort: you are still able to upgrade this population centre further, but if you upgrade from a fort
to a castle or keep you gain no discount.

By spending points you can create up to two more, improve (by one level) population centre sizes that you can, or add fortifications,
ports or harbours. Port/Harbours must comply with minimum population centre levels (see Orders #530-535).
You have 8,000 points to spend on these improvements/upgrades; unused points will be added to your nation’s starting gold reserves.
In addition, if your set-up fulfils various criteria, you may gain bonuses – see below for details.

Cost Description
3000 New Camp
4000 Improve Camp to Village
5000 Improve Village to Town
7000 Improve Town to Major Town
8000 Improve Major Town to City
1000 Tower
3000 Fort
8000 Castle
free Harbour
2000 Port

To improve your Major Town (capital) to a City would cost 8000.
To improve your Village to a Town (5000) and put a Tower at both Towns (1000 each) would cost 7000;
To add a Camp (3000) and put a Fort at your Town (3000) would cost 6000.

In addition, if your set-up is placed in the following regions you gain a further population centre as follows:

Rhovanion, Iron Hills, Northern Wastes, Angmar: 1 Major Town

Eriador, North Mirkwood, South Mirkwood, Forlindon, Rhudaur, Rhun: 1 Town
Lorien, Harlindon, Dunland: 1 Village
Enedwaith, Rohan: 1 Camp

Finally, the following bonuses can be gained if your set-up fulfils certain criteria:

❖ If all your towns, major towns and cities are placed on a road you may upgrade any village on a road to a town, or a camp to
a village, and gain an optional tower on that population centre.
❖ If all your towns, major towns and cities are placed on a on a non-mountain hex you may upgrade any village on a non-
mountain hex to a town, or a camp to a village, and gain an optional tower on that population centre
❖ If you have one or more harbours then gain 1,000 points to spend on Population Centre improvements, and 1,000 points to
spend on the purchase of Ships and Navy-related SNAs.*
❖ If you have one or more ports then gain 3,000 points to spend on Population Centre improvements, and 2,000 points to spend
on the purchase of Ships and Navy-related SNAs.*

* These bonuses are cumulative.

With the exception of your capital (whose loyalty will be 75), loyalty will be equal to the highest Emissary rank (minimum 30) of the
characters created.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Select your choices for the locations of your population centres within your region. You must choose three choices of location for each
population centre. The fourth capital location choice must be one of the default capital hexes (marked in orange on the map).
Secondary and Tertiary choices will be used in instances of capital population location conflicts and invalid capital selections. Each of
your three capital’s location choices must end up at least four (4) hexes from any other nation’s capital.

The following restrictions must be met:

❖ All population centres belonging to a nation must be no more than three hexes away from the capital.

❖ All populations must be at least six hexes away from the North and South Kingdom’s capitals (#1108 and #2924).

❖ All population centres must be in the same Region as your Regional choice.

❖ No population centres may be placed on any of the following hexes, either because they are the locations of North and South
Kingdom starting population centres, or because they are not available for building on at game start:
#0710 #1323. #2212, #3024,
#0916, #1407, #2227, #3124,
#1108 #1409, #2438, #3221,
#1109 #1609, #2527, #3423,
#1110 #1828 #2715,
#1209 #2119, #2924,
#1210 #2121, #2927,

❖ If none of your location choices are available, or they are invalid, or none are provided, then a random selection will be made
close to your capital.

# Name Gender Command Agent Emissary Mage List of spells by spell Stealth Gold
(5-17 characters) (m or f) Rank Rank Rank Rank number if mage rank is 10+ Rank Cost
Total Cost (6,000 limit):

You start the game with eight characters, two of whom are considered nobility – the ‘King’ (K) and ‘Prince’ (P) characters. Each of
these must be given a name and gender, and skill ranks which are purchased with points. You have 6,000 points to spend, with any
points not allocated are converted to gold on a one-for-one basis and added to your nation’s starting reserves.

❖ Each character must have a minimum of 30 total skill ranks.

❖ Stealth does not count as a skill rank, and can be a maximum of 10.
❖ At least one character must have command rank.
❖ Assignment of command rank and emissary rank could affect other aspects of your nation (armies and population centres).
❖ For every 10 points of mage skill rank purchased for a character, you may also select 1 spell. All spell prerequisites must be
adhered to, and no lost list spells can be chosen unless you have also purchased the appropriate special nation ability. If you
do not choose spells, or a spell is invalid, random choices will be made.
❖ All characters will start at your capital.
❖ The first character listed will be considered your ‘primary’ character
❖ One character at random will start with a random Character Special Ability.
❖ Names must have unique character IDs (their first 5 digits), and be between 5 and 17 characters long.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

There are 3 steps in assigning skill ranks to characters: purchasing skill ranks, royalty bonuses, and racial modifiers.

Step 1: Purchasing skill ranks

Rank Cost according to skill type
Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth
10 200 400 300 100 600
20 300 500 400 200 Not available
30 400 600 500 300 Not available
40 600 800 700 500 Not available
50 1100 1400 1300 1000 Not available
60 1700 Not available 1900 1600 Not available

❖ Dwarves can purchase their 1st Command 60 rank for 1000 points.
❖ Elves can purchase their 1st Mage 60 rank for 1100 points.
❖ Non-humans can purchase their 1st Agent 50 rank for 800 points.
❖ Men can purchase their 1st Emissary 60 rank for 1300 points.

Step 2: Royalty
Character number 1 is your nation’s King or Queen, and character 2 your Prince or Princess. You get an additional 1300 points to
spend on your King character, and 800 points to spend on your Prince character. This must be spent on a single or multiple skills
(including stealth) that they haven’t already purchased.

Step 3: Racial Modifiers

Finally, you can select a single character to receive an additional bonus as follows, depending on your nation’s race and allegiance:

Go o d
Dwarf One character without command rank gains 10 command skill, or one character without agent rank gains 20 agent skill.
Human One character without command rank gains 10 Command skill.
Elven One character without mage rank gains 30 mage skill and 3 spells.

Human One character without emissary rank gains 30 emissary skill, or any character gains 10 command skill
Non-Human One character without agent rank gains 20 Agent skill.

Human One character without emissary rank gains 30 Emissary skill, or any character gains10 Command skill.


Step 1: Purchasing skill ranks

# Name Gender Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Total Gold Cost
(M or F) Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1K Aragorn 40 600
2P Arwen F 30 400
3 Elrond 40 700
4 Celeborn 60 1000
5 Galadriel F 60 1600
6 Legolas 40 800
7 Amroth 30 300
8 Cirdan 40 600
Total Cost (6,000 limit): 6000
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Step 2: Royalty
# Name Gender Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Total Gold Cost
(M or F) Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1K Aragorn 40 50 (K) 600 (+K1300)
2P Arwen F 30 40 (P) 400 (+P800)
3 Elrond 40 700
4 Celeborn 60 1000
5 Galadriel F 60 1600
6 Legolas 40 800
7 Amroth 30 300
8 Cirdan 40 600
Total Cost (6,000 limit): 6000

Step 3: Racial Modifiers

# Name Gender Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Total Gold Cost
(M or F) Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
1K Aragorn 40 50 (K) 600 (+K1300)
2P Arwen F 30 40 (P) 400 (+P800)
3 Elrond 40 700
4 Celeborn 60 1000
5 Galadriel F 60 1600
6 Legolas 40 800
7 Amroth 30 300
8 Cirdan 40 30 (r) 600 (r for free)
Total Cost (6,000 limit): 6000

Fixed Starting Details

Your nation’s starting tax rate will be set to 40%

Your nation will start with 25,000 gold, plus any extra gained from converted points not allocated to special abilities, armies,
characters and population centres.

Any artifacts hidden at your capital are considered to have been hidden by your nation’s leader, which is to say character number #1
on the nation design sheet. This is important, as it means that this character will be able to pick them up more easily than the other

Special rules for Starting Neutral Teams

If some of the neutral nations wish to play as a team from the start, these players should make this known when submitting set-ups.
Only one nation of such a team can be a Kingdom. In addition to such a team, two neutral players can then join as normal neutral
nations (able to change allegiance), in addition to the Kingdoms (one or both, depending on whether one is in the neutral team).

If this occurs, the division of nations between allegiances and non-team neutral nations will be altered to ensure a balanced game.
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Special Rules for North and South Kingdom

The following rules apply to the North and South Kingdom when designing their nations:

The North and South Kingdom have no choice in the name of their nation!

Allegiance and Race

The North and South Kingdom must be neutral, and human.

If you hope to play a Kingdom you must still select two other region choices, and will gain or lose gold appropriately depending on
what choice you receive.

Special Nation Abilities, Artifacts, War Machines, Ships, and Hidden Population Centres
Both the North and South Kingdom must choose special ability #19.

Both the North and South Kingdom start with 5 artifacts. Additional artifacts may be purchased, but each will cost 4,000 points (which
is to say that the Kingdoms do not get a free artifact if purchasing 2 or more). The North Kingdom starts with 3 palantirs, one assigned
to their leader, one at #1609 and one at #2119, the Silver Rod of Anduni at #1108, and a random evil artifact. The South Kingdom
starts with the Ring of Barahir and Anduril at #2924, one Palantir assigned to their leader, and two random evil artifacts.

Each Kingdom may choose to hide any one, but only one, of their first 7 population centres, at the normal cost of 6000 points.

Both the North and South Kingdom have 40,000 points to spend on armies, and must spend at least 25,000 points

Troop costs for both the North and South Kingdom are doubled, as follows:

Troop Type Cost for 100 troops

Heavy Cavalry 6000
Light Cavalry 3000
Heavy Infantry 4000
Light Infantry 2000
Archers 2000
Men-at-Arms 1000

Both the North and South Kingdom’s army will have more food: approximately 20,000 food divided by the number of 100 troop
increments in the army. For example, if you have 400 heavy cavalry you will have 1500 food.

Both the North and South Kingdom’s army will have more food: approximately 20,000 food divided by the number of troops in the
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

Population Centres
Both the North and South Kingdom have 15,000 points to spend on population centres

Before any improvement, the North Kingdom’s population centres are as follows:

❖ A major-town with keep (the capital), three towns, three villages, and three camps. Therefore, before any improvements,
there is a keep at the capital at 1108, and towers at 1407, 1409, 1609, 2212, 2119, and 2112.

❖ The capital must be located at #1108

❖ Six of the other population centres must be allocated to the following sectors:
#1407, #1409, #1609, #2119, #2121, #2212

❖ The final population centres can be allocated to any other sectors following the usual restrictions, except for #1109, #1209,
#1110, and #1210, which are not available to be built on at game start.

❖ North Kingdom gets an additional upgrade of any Town to a Major Town/Fort.

❖ 1609, 2119, 2121 and 2212 are Strategic Population Centres (relevant to achieving victory in the game).

Before any improvement, the South Kingdom’s population centres are as follows:

❖ A major-town with keep (the capital), three towns with towers, three villages with towers, and three camps with towers.

❖ The capital must be located at #2924.

❖ The other population centres must be allocated to the following sectors:

#2227, #2438, #2527, #2715, #2927, #3024, #3124, #3221, #3423.

❖ 2715, 3124 and 3423 are Strategic Population Centres (relevant to achieving victory in the game).

If you have one or more Harbours then gain 1,000 gold to spend on PC improvements to your set-up and gain 1,000 gold to spend
on start-up for the purchase of Navy related SNAs and Ships.

If you have one or more Ports you get 3,000 gold to spend on PC improvements and gain 2,000 gold to spend on start-up for the
purchase of Navy related SNAs and Ships.

The same rules for creating characters in other nations apply to the North and South Kingdom, except for the fact that the Kingdoms
start Neutral and, as such, must be human. Otherwise, the rules are the same.

Further Reading

R – 5, 6 Variants
Middle-earth PBM – P – Fourth Age Module

2 – Differences to 1650 Rules

The primary difference between the Fourth Age module and the 1650 module is the introduction of nation creation, as has already
been covered. But in addition to this, there are several other rule changes, detailed below.

There are several changes to victory conditions, and the ways in which you can win.

Firstly, with the One Ring destroyed, it is not possible to gain victory through taking the Ring to Mount Doom.

Instead, a Strategic Victory has been introduced, whereby if any nation other than the North or South Kingdom controls both of the
Kingdom’s starting capitals – at #1108 and #2924 – and five of the seven ‘strategic population centres’ – at #1609, #2119, #2121,
#2212, #2715, #3124 and #3423 – that nation’s allegiance is victorious. If any of these population centre have been destroyed, it is
necessary to build another population centre in the sector and to own that. Note that this does not ensure that the nation owning the
population centres is victorious, only their allegiance. Individual victories are determined in the usual manner.

Neutral nations are considered an allegiance in their own right, and can win. However, if a neutral nation has not changed allegiance
before or on turn 12, they must remain neutral for the rest of the game.

In addition to the victory points gained in the standard fashion, for each North or South Kingdom starting capital in a nation’s control
at the end of the game, that nation gains 100 victory points.

At the end of the game, the North and South Kingdoms either have a victory points total as determined in the usual manner, or 40 x
(turn number – 12) victory points, whichever is greater.

The game ends on turn 52, even if no allegiance has achieved a victory, at which point victory points are allocated, and individual
placings in each allegiance determined. If this happens, no allegiance is considered to have won overall.

New Orders
In addition to the normal Third Age, Circa 1650 module and Third Age, Circa 2950 module orders, the following orders can ales be
496 – Build Road (North or South Kingdom only)
942 – Move Turn Map
960 – Increase Caravan Prices (North or South Kingdom only)
965 – Reduce Caravan Prices (North or South Kingdom only)
These are detailed together with the rest of the orders in the K – Orders chapter.

Relations between Nations

❖ Neutral nations can have Hated relations to Free People and Dark Servant nations, and Free People and Dark Servant nations
can have Hated relations towards Neutral nations. (This is due to the Neutrals being a seprate allegiance in the Fourth Age
❖ All nations can have Tolerant, Neutral or Disliked relations to each other with no restrictions. This means that Free People
and Dark Servant nations can have Tolerant relations to each other. It also means that nations of the same allegiance can have
Disliked relations with each other, and so attack each other.
❖ You can only have Friendly relations with nations of your own allegiance, and only have Hated relations with nations of
other allegiances.

North and South Kingdoms

The North and South Kingdoms also gain the following benefits:
❖ They are not restricted by the usual limits on the number of characters available. Instead, both may have up to 21 characters
on any turn.
❖ They receive area maps at game start giving the rough locations of all other nation’s capitals
❖ They receive area maps each turn centred on each strategic population centre owned
❖ They receive a list of the top three nations (according to victory points) for each allegiance each turn
❖ They may issue orders 465, 960, and 965 (see above)
❖ Finally, if either Kingdom is eliminated from the game, the market suffers as permanent loss of purchasing power.

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