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TL/Point-to-Point Wiring vs TL

Vcc Vcc Vcc



• Transmission lines reduce ringing (overshoots) by lowering loop inductances (L↓,

Ζ0↓, d↑, overshoot ↓)
• Transmission lines drastically reduce EMI by constraining the flow of return
signal currents (return signals physically close to signals). Radiated magnetic field
is directly proportional to loop area.
(in previous example loop area has been reduced by a factor of 40 leading to a 32dB reduction in EMI)
• Transmission lines reduce crosstalk through reduction of mutual inductance (loop
• Transmission lines will ring if unterminated
Distributed circuits require termination to avoid ringing
• Point-to-point wire will ring if damping ratio is too low
2nd order lumped circuits require proper damping (d<1) to avoid ringing

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 207

TL/Distributed Elements

Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx

Cdx Gdx Cdx Gdx Cdx Gdx

• Modelling the Transmission Line:

– Wires have distributed parasitic elements
– If wire is long enough we have to consider it a distributed system
– Consider the parasitic elements of a wire (R, L, C) - per unit length
– Parasitic elements form an infinitesimal section of the transmission line
– Concatenate transmission line cells

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 208

TL/Partial Differential Equations

Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx

Cdx Gdx Cdx Gdx Cdx Gdx

Develop partial differential equation for transmission line:

δV δI δI δV
= − RI − L = −GV − C differentiate and substitute…
δx δt δx δt

δ 2V δV δ 2V
= RGV + (RC + LG )
General Wave Equation
+ LC 2
δx δt δt
2 for TL

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 209

TL/Characteristic Impedance

Ldx Rdx
Cdx Gdx Z0

Characteristic impedance of an infinite transmission line:

Z 0 = Rdx + pLdx +
pCdx + Gdx + Z 0 −1

R + pL
Z0 = In general, impedance is complex and frequency dependent.
G + pC

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 210

TL/Frequency Domain Equations

Ldx Rdx
V(p,x) V(p,x+dx) Z0
Cdx Gdx

Frequency domain solution: V(p) as a function of position x

δV ( p )
= −(R + pL )I ( p ) = −(R + pL )
V ( p)
δx Z0
δV ( p )
= − (G + pC )(R + pL ) ⋅ V ( p ) DE which has the solution…

− (G + pC )( R + pL )⋅ x
V ( p , x ) = V ( p ,0 ) ⋅ e
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 211
TL/Propagation Constant

Ldx Rdx
V(p,x) V(p,x+dx) Z0
Cdx Gdx

(G + pC )( R + pL )⋅ x
V ( p, x) = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − A⋅ x
− A⋅ x − Re( A )⋅ x j ⋅Im( A )⋅ x
V ( p , x ) = V ( p ,0 ) ⋅ e = V ( p ,0 ) ⋅ e ⋅e
− A⋅ x
V ( p , x ) = V ( p ,0 ) ⋅ e = V ( p,0) ⋅ Hx ( p )
A is called the propagation constant.
•Propagation constant A is complex and frequency dependent
•Magnitude of A=|A| determines attenuation per unit length
•Phase of A=arg(A) determines phase shift per unit length.
•Voltage transfer function of an infinite transmission line Hx(p)
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 212

Transmission Lines (TL)

Infinite Length Uniform TL Finite Length Uniform TL

Lossless IL LC TL Lossy IL TL Lossy FL TL


22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 213

TL/Standard Types of Off-Chip TL
Coaxial Cable Microstrip
•foamed/ribbed dielectric (εr=1.8..3) •FR4 dielectric: εr=2.8..5
dielectric ground plane


Twisted Pair Cable Stripline

ground plane
conductor #1 conductor
conductor #2 ground plane

Balanced TL: Signal current flows out along one wire and back along the other.
Unbalanced TL (single-ended): Signal current flows out along one wire and back
along a ground connection (sometimes: shared ground connection)
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 214
TL/Lossless Infinite Length LC TL
• LC Transmission Lines:
– Resistance and parallel conductance are negligible (R=G=0)
– Typical example: most off-chip lines short enough that R can be ignored

Ldx Ldx Ldx

Cdx Cdx Cdx

δ 2V δ 2V
= LC 2 LC Wave Equation
δx 2
• Any wave traveling with a velocity v is a solution to the LC wave equation
• No distortion
• Pure delay

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 215

TL/Lossless Infinite Length LC TL/Z0

R + pL
R =G = 0 L
Z0 =  →
G + pC C

Characteristic Impedance of Lossless LC Transmission Lines

•A lossless LC TL of arbitrary length has a constant real characteristic impedance
•Characteristic impedance is independent of frequency
•The reactive nature of the TL isn’t visible to the drivers. Drivers work into real loads.
•Because their Z0 is real, LC TL are easy to terminate. We’ll see lateron…
•LC TL encountered in electronic systems range from 20Ω..300Ω
•Typical value for coax, stripline, microstrip: 50Ω .. 75Ω
•Typical value for twisted-pair cables: 100Ω
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 216
TL/Lossless Infinite Length LC TL/A
• LC Transmission Lines:
– Complex propagation constant A

A= (G + pC )(R + pL ) G= R
→p LC

V ( p, x) = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − A⋅ x = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − p LC ⋅ x

Propagation constant A for LC TL:

•Im(A)=f(ω)= ω T

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 217

TL/Lossless Infinite Length LC TL/A

in general, if A is in the form A = a + j ωT

(linear phase, fixed attenuation)

V ( p, x) = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − A⋅ x = V ( p,0) ⋅ e − a⋅ x ⋅ e − pT ⋅ x

then the TL is a simple delay element

(if a=0: No attenuation)

Propagation delay for LC TL : Td pul = LC

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 218
TL/Lossless Infinite Length LC TL/Example
Example RG-58/U cable:
x=1m •Capacitance (pul) C=102.4pF/m

v1 j
•Inductance (pul) L=252.1nH/m
1 ⋅V
•Resistance (pul) R=35.4mΩ/m
vo j
1 ⋅V

−0 2
5 10 15
t( j)
20 25 30
•Characteristic impedance Z0=49.6Ω
n ⋅s
•Delay Tp=5.1ns/m
•(for comparison: Delay PCB FR4 Tp>7ns/m)
v1 j
1 ⋅V

vo j
1 ⋅V

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 t( j) 29.993
n ⋅s

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 219

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RC TL
• RC Transmission Lines:
– Resistance and capacitance of the line are significant (RC)
– Inductance and parallel conductance are negligible (L=G=0)
– Typical example: Long on-chip signal lines

Rdx Rdx Rdx

Cdx Cdx Cdx

δ 2V δV
= RC Heat Equation or Diffusion Equation
δx 2
• Signal diffuses down the line. Edges are widely dispersed
• Both resistance and capacitance increase with the length of the line:
The delay of the signal on an RC TL is quadratic with line length

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 220

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RC TL/A
• RC Transmission Lines: Complex propagation constant A
A= (G + pC )(R + pL ) G= L
→ pRC
Propagation constant A for RC TL:
•Re(A)=f(ω), Im(A)=f(ω) resulting in signal
10 distortion
Re ( A( p( fi) ) )

Im( A( p( fi) ) )

0.272 0.1
•R=147Ω/mm. C=0.16pF/mm.
1 .10 1 .10 1 .10 1 .10 1 .10 1 .10
3 4 5 6 7 8

1000 f ( fi) 8

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 221

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RC TL/Diffusion

Signal diffusion down an RC transmission line

Problems of RC TL: 0.0mm

•Rise Time (e.g. causing jitter) 5.0mm


Approximations for delay time and rise time: Td ≈ 0.4 x 2 RC Tr ≈ x 2 RC

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 222

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RC TL/Example
Example Integrated Circuits:
x=1mm •Interconnect: Silicided poly using Tungsten (W)
v1 j
4 •Resistivity W: ρ=5.3*10^(-8)Ωm
1 ⋅V
•Wire cross section 0.6µm*0.6µm
vo j
1 ⋅V •R=147Ω/mm. C=0.16pF/mm.
•10mm signal line: Tr=2.4ns. Td=940ps.

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Driving on-chip RC lines is one of the most
0 t( j) 30
n ⋅s challenging signaling problems in modern
digital IC design.
v1 j
4 Ways to achieve higher speed circuits:
1 ⋅V

vo j
•Wider tracks (R↓, but C↑)
1 ⋅V •Avoid long on-chip RC TL (repeaters)
•High conductivity interconnect (Copper)
•Low permittivity dielectric
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 t( j) 30
n ⋅s

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 223

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL
• RLC Transmission Lines:
– parallel conductance is typically negligible (G=0)
– but resistance in long LC TL is often too large to be neglected
– also increasing resistance: high-frequency effects (skin effect, proximity effect)

Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx Ldx Rdx

Cdx Cdx Cdx

δ 2V δV δ 2V
= RC + LC 2 Wave Equation for RLC TL
δx 2
δt δt

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 224

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/A
A= (G + pC )(R + pL ) G
 → pC (R + pL )

 R 
A= pC (R + pL ) = p 2 LC + pRC = p 2 LC 1 + 
 pL 
A = p LC 1 + 0.01
1 .10
Re ( A( p( fi) ) ) 3

Im( A( p( fi) ) )
Distinguish between low frequency and
) .10
Im( Tp_potl ⋅ p( fi) 1
high frequency behaviour…
1 .10

Example: AWG24 Telephone Line −6

2.513 ×10 1 .10 6
1 .10
0.1 1 10 100
•C=40pF/m, L=400nH/m, R=80mΩ/m
0.1 f ( fi) 1000
k ⋅Hz
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 225
TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/A
for low frequencies ω<<R/L…
p <<
A= pC (R + pL ) → A ≈ L

at low frequencies (ω<<R/L) an 0.025

RLC TL behaves like an RC TL 0.01

(signal distortion)
1 .10
Re ( A( p( fi) ) ) 3

Im( A( p( fi) ) )

) .10
Im( Tp_potl ⋅ p( fi) 1
Example: AWG24 Telephone Line
•C=40pF/m, L=400nH/m, R=80mΩ/m
1 .10

•cutover frequency f=R/(2πL)=32kHz

2.513 ×10 1 .10 6
1 .10
0.1 1 10 100
0.1 f ( fi) 1000
k ⋅Hz
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 226
TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/A
for high frequencies ω>>R/L…

R  R  R C
A = p LC 1 + → A ≈ p LC 1 +
 = + p LC
pL  2 pL  2 L

Taylor series (of order 1) 0.025


f ( x ) = x at a = 1 is T 1(x) = 1 + x
2 2 0.01

1 .10
Re ( A( p( fi) ) ) 3

at high frequencies (ω>>R/L) an Im( A( p( fi) ) )

) .10
RLC TL is a pure delay element Im( Tp_potl ⋅ p( fi) 1

with attenuation.
1 .10


Td pul = LC 2.513 ×10 1 .10 6

0.1 1 10 100 1 .10

0.1 f ( fi) 1000

k ⋅Hz
22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 227
TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/Attenuation
for high frequencies ω>>R/L… Estimation of attenuation

 R  R LC R C
A ≈ p LC 1 +  Re( A) ≈ =
 2 pL  2 pL 2 L
Estimation of attenuation at distance x: 1

R C Att_potl ( 1i ⋅ω_att , x) 0.1

− ⋅x
Att ( x) = e 2 L
0.019 0.01
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 x 10

Example: AWG24 Telephone Line

•C=40pF/m, L=400nH/m, R=80mΩ/m
•Attenuation at 100kHz vs distance x

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 228

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/Z0
1 .10

R + pL =0 R + pL 1784.129
Z0 = G
 →
G + pC pC
Z0_potl ( p( fi) ) 1 .10

100.025 100
1 .10
0.1 1 10 100
0.1 f ( fi) 1000
k ⋅Hz

Example: AWG24 Telephone Line 0

− 0.912
•C=40pF/m, L=400nH/m, R=80mΩ/m
•high frequency Z0=100Ω 20

•analogue telephone band: 300Hz..3kHz phase( Z0_potl ( p( fi) ) )

impedance ranges from 1000Ω..300Ω 40

•telephone circuits operate with 600Ω

− 44.91 60
impedance… 0.1 1 10 100 1 .10

0.1 f ( fi) 1000

k ⋅Hz

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 229

TL/Lossy Infinite Length RLC TL/Example
Example: Transmission of a pulse over a long AWG24 Telephone Line
•C=40pF/m, L=400nH/m, R=80mΩ/m
•Length of transmission line: 1km


v1 j 4
1 ⋅V

vo j
1 ⋅V 2

0 0
1 .10
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 t( j) 9999.39
n ⋅s

22/11/2002 EE6471 (KR) 230

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