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Time Allowed: 3 hours

(i) The question paper comprises of two sections. A and 13. You are to attempt both the sections.
(ii) All questions are compulsory. However, internal choice has been provided in two questions of three marks each and
one marks. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.
(iii) All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.
(iv) Question numbers 1 and 2 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one
(v) Question numbers 3 to 5 in section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each.,
(vi) Question numbers 6 to 15 in section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 words each.
(vii) Question numbers 16 to 21 in section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 words each.
(viii) Question numbers 22 to 27 in Section B are two marks questions based on practical skills. These are to be answered
in brief.
Question 1:
Give a relation correlating sound velocity with its frequency and wave-length.
Question 2:
Suggest separation techniques one would need to employ to separate the following mixtures:
(a) Mercury and water
(b) Potassium Chloride and ammonium chloride..
Question 3:
Liquids like ether and acetone are kept in cool places. Why ?
Question 4:
Draw a well-labelled diagram of a prokaryotic cell. How can you identify it as prokaryotic cell ?
Question 5:
Differentiate between a tracheid and a vessel.
Question 6:
If you are trying to push a heavy box on a horizontal surface, list various forces on the box. State the condition
under which this box will start sliding on the surface. How will the magnitude of applied force required to move
the box change if:
(i) weight of the box is increased,
(ii) the surface on which the box is placed is made more rough ?
Question 7:
The velocity-time graph of a car of 1000 kg mass is given alongside. From the graph
the following :
(a) When is the maximum force acting on the car ? Why?
(b) What is the retarding force ?
(c) For how long is there no force acting ?
Question 8:
(a) Distinguish between G and g.
(b) Relative density of steel is 7.8. What is its density ?
Question 9:
(a) Distinguish between loudness and intensity of sound.
(b) What is the audible range of the average human ear ?
(b) For an average human ear the audible range extends from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz (or 20 kHz).
Question 10:
Clothes get dry faster in summers than in winters. Give reason.
Question 11:
Describe an activity to show that particles of matter have spaces between them.
Identify solute and solvent in the following solutions : aerated drinks, tincture of iodine, lemon water.

Question 12:
(a) Why do Sclerenchyma cells have a narrow lumen ?
(b) Where are these tissues present and why ?
(a) What is Haversian canal system ?
(b) With which animal tissue is this system associated ?
(c) Draw a neat diagram to exhibit Haversian canal system and tell about its significance.
Question 13:
State the conditions essential for production of best quality of honey. Name a product other than honey which is
obtained through bee keeping.
Question 14:
What do you know about hole in ozone layer ? Explain the probable damages caused by it.
Question 15:
Kishore started helping his parents in the fields. He told his father that the soil forms the most important reservoir
of plant nutrients. So, to obtain high yield soil fertility needs to be maintained. One of the ways he suggested was
growing leguminous crops.
(i) How many plant nutrients are provided by the soil ? And how are these nutrients replenished in the soil ?
(ii) Why did Kishore suggest growing legumes in the field ?
(iii) List the two values that motivated Kishore to help his parents.
Question 16:
(a) Which of the two decides the direction of motion of an object: its velocity or the acceleration acting on it ?
Explain by giving an example.
(b) A motorcyclist riding motorcycle A, who is travelling at 36 km h’1, applies the brakes and stops the motorcycle
in 10 s. Another motorcyclist of motorcycle B, who is travelling at 18 km h’1, applies the brakes and stops the
motorcycle in 20 s. Plot speed-time graphs for the two motorcycles. Which of the two motorcycles travelled
farther before it came to a stop ?
(i) When can we say the motion of an object as uniform motion ? What can be the shape of the path covered by a
moving object to have uniform speed and uniform velocity ?
(ii) Study the velocity-time graph of figure and calculate :
(a) the acceleration from A to B.
(b) the acceleration from B to C.
(c) the distance covered in the region ABD.
(d) the average velocity from C to D.
(e) the distance covered in the region BCFE.
Question 17:
(a) Define kinetic energy. Obtain an expression for the kinetic energy of an object.
(b) A ball of mass 400 g rolls on a ground with a uniform speed of 25 m s’1. Find the kinetic energy possessed by
Question 18:
(a) Write chemical formulae of all the compounds that can be formed by the combination of following ions :
Ca2+, K+ Fe3+, Cl–, SO42-
(b) Molar mass of nitrogen is 14 u. What will be the mass of one atom of nitrogen in grams ?
Question 19:
(a) The following data represents the distribution of electrons, protons and neutrons in atoms of four elements A,
B, C, D.
Element Protons Neutrons Electrons
A 10 10 10
B 11 12 11
C 12 12 12
D 13 14 13
Answer the following questions :
(i) Write the electronic distribution in atoms of elements A and D.
(ii) Element A is an inert gas. why ?
(iii) What is the valency of element C ?
(b) The average atomic mass of a sample of element X is 16.2 u. What are the percentages of isotopes of 16Xs and
18Xs respectively ?
Question 20:
Complete the following flow chat:

Name one or more types of connective tissues.

Question 21:
Draw a neat and labelled diagram to illustrate nitrogen cycle. Mention the main steps involved in this process.
Question 22:
State two precautions that should be observed while making use of an overflow can,
Question 23:
Would you prefer amplitude of the pulse to be small or large ? Why ?
Question 24:
Dipti was asked to prepare three separate solutions in three beakers A, B and C by mixing sugar, fine sand and
starch respectively in water. Tell which of the solutions are stable and which are unstable ?
Question 25:
A mixture of iron filings and sulphur was heated in a china dish as shown in the figure.
(a) Give the formula of the product and the reaction involved.
(b) What is the colour of the product ?

Question 26:
Without uprooting a dicot plant, list any two identifying observable features of the same. Also give two examples
of dicot plants.
Question 27:
A student was asked to prepare a temporary mount of cheek cells which he did but his slide got mixed up with the
slide prepared by another student. The other student had prepared a temporary mount of onion peel. Which of
the following observation will help him in identifying his slide of cheek cells ?

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