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Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given His bless
to the composer for finishing English module assignment entitled "TINGKAT
DASAR I". The composer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for
those who have helped in completing this English module. This English module
contains grammar, exercise of English that can help the reader to improve their
English skill. This English module in using is provided to beginner in their English.
Hopefully, this English module can help the readers to expand their knowledge about
English studying.

Jember, January 21st, 2018

Table of Contens

PREFACE ............................................................................................................ 1
TABLE of CONTENS ......................................................................................... 2
1. Students self-assessment ........................................................................... 3
2. Basic Conversation.................................................................................... 5
Self Introduction........................................................................................ 5
Greeting ..................................................................................................... 9
3. Basic Grammar.......................................................................................... 14
The Most Important Verbs in English – Present Simple........................... 14
4. Vocabulary ............................................................................................... 17
1. Alphabet .............................................................................................. 17
2. Numbers .............................................................................................. 22
3. Animals ............................................................................................... 23
4. Fruits and Vegetables .......................................................................... 25
5. Part of Body ........................................................................................ 27
6. Family.................................................................................................. 30
7. Colors and Shape ................................................................................. 31
8. Time .................................................................................................... 32
9. The Names Of Day, Month, and Season ............................................. 34
5. Demonstrative Pronouns ........................................................................... 36
Making a question 5W1H in English ........................................................ 40
Making a question 5W1H in English ........................................................ 43
6. Basic word with clear alphabet ................................................................. 46

Student Self-Assessment Form

To be completed by students at the start of a new course:

Name: _____________________________________________ Date:
1. Why do you want to learn English?
2. What languages can you speak and write?
3. What is your first language?
4. Have you studied English before? (If yes, when and where did you study?)
5. What was the highest level you achieved?
6. Do you read English language magazines and/or books at home?
(If yes, which ones?)
7. Do you watch English language TV programmes and/or listen to English language
radio programmes? (If yes, which ones?)
8. Do you prefer reading practice, writing practice or speaking and listening practice?

9. Write GOOD, OK, or BAD under each skill below to show what you think of your
abilities at the moment:
Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening:
_________ _________ _________ _________
10. What do you want to gain from doing this course?

Basic Conversation

Lesson 1


You will learn about how to introduce yourself. Happy studying !

Step 1

When you will introduce yourself, saiy :

“Nice to meet you”

You can answere with “Nice to meet you, too” . If other people say that to you.

Example :

Teacher: Nice to meet you!

You: Nice to meet you, too ! If you want to be seem friendly say : Glad to meet you !

Step 2

When you want to tell you name say : My name is __________. ( your name. )

When you ask your friend’s name say : What is your name?

Example :

Teacher: My name is Rina. What is your name?

You: My name is Nana.

And the next, let’s start from you .

You: My name is Vino. What is your name??

Teacher: My name is Deni.

If you want ask about someone’s name in formal, you can say : Can I have your name

Step 3

When you tell you age say : I am __________ years old.

When you ask someone’s age : How old are you?

Example :

Teacher: I am __________ years old. How old are you?

You: I am __________ years old.

Asnwer your teacher’s question with sentences below :

1) I am 7 years old.

2) I am 9 years old.

3) I am 12 years old.

Step 4

When you tell where you live : I live in __________.

When you ask someone’s home : Where do you live now?

Example ;

Teacher: I live in __________. Where do you live now?

You: I live in __________.

Asnwer your teacher’s question with sentences below :

1) I live in Bogor.

2) I live in Jakarta.

3) I live in Bandung.

Step 5 (Tahap 5)

When you tell about your sibling : I have __________.

If you don’t have sibling, you can say : I am an only child.

Whe you want to ask about someone’s sibling : Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Example :

Teacher: I have __________. Do you have any brothers or sisters

You: I have __________.

Asnwer your teacher’s question with sentences below :

1) I have two younger brothers.

2) I have a older sister.

3) I have a older brother and three younger sisters.

When you want to talk about your family members you can use the word “cousin”.

Step 6 (Tahap 6)

Please introduce yourself again, by using word utterance that you have already learn
in thin lesson


You may practice this with your friends !

Example 1 :

Teacher : My name is Merry, I am 7 years old, I live in Surabaya. I have two older

You : My name is Rizal, I am 12 years old, I live in Bandung. I have three older

Example 2 :

Teacher : I am 16 years old, I live in Paris. I have two younger brothers.

You : I am 18 years old, I live in New York, and I am an child.

Lesson 02


You will learn how to greet others people. Happy stuying !

Step 1

When you want to greet someone :

- In the morning, say : Good morning!

- In the afternoon, say : Good afternoon!
- In the evening, say : Good evening!

Example :

Teacher: Good morning, __________!

You: Good morning, __________!

Practice to greet with your teacher in many situations.

1. Afternoon
Teacher : Good afternoon, __________!
You : Good afternoon, __________!
2. Evening
Teacher : Good evening, __________!
You : Good evening, __________!

Step 2 (Tahap 2)

Greetting that can be use in many sutuations in whole day : Hello!

An informal greeting that can be use in whole day : Hi !

Example :

Teacher: Hello, __________!

You : Hello, __________!

Teacher: Hi, __________!

You : Hi, __________!

Step 3 (Tahap 3)

You can greet someone by say :

- How are you?

- And you can answer with : I’m fine. How about you?

Exaqmple :

Teacher: Hi __________, how are you?

You : I’m fine. How about you, __________?

Teacher: I’m fine, thanks !

And next, exchange role.

Another examples that can be use tou answer :

- Pretty good!
- Great!
- Fine!
- Not bad.
- I’m okay.

When your teacher aks “How are you?”. Amswer it by using another answer
that you have already lean in this lesson.

Step 4

1. When you want to thanks to someone, say : Thank you!

2. When you want to thanks to someone informally, say : Thanks!
3. And to answer you can say : You’re welcome.
4. For answer and reply informally, say : My pleasure.

Example :
Teacher: Thank you, __________.
You: You are welcome, __________.

And next is exchange.

Another example to answer :

- Welcome!

- It’s OK!
- No problem.
- Anytime!
- Not at all.

If your teacher say “Thank you!”. Try to answer that with another answer
word that you have already learn.

Step 5 (Tahap 5)

1. When you want to apologize to someone, say : I’m sorry.

2. When you want to apologize to someone informally, you can say : Sorry.
3. You can answer : It’s OK or Never mind.


Teacher: I’m sorry, __________.

You: It’s OK, __________.

And next is exchange.

Another example that can be use to answer :

- It’s alright.
- Don’t mind.
- No problem !
- Don’t worry.

If your teacher say “I’m sorry”. Try to answer by using another answer word that you
have already learn.

Step 6

Make a conversation with your teacher by using words or uttearnce that you have
already learn in this lesson. Please practice with giving a greeting, as thanks and
apologize, etc.

Basic grammar

Test Your Grammar Skills

The Most Important Verbs in English – Present Simple


Positive: Negative: Question:

I am / I’m am not / ’m not Am I?

You are / you’re are not / ’re not Are you?

He is / he’s is not / isn’t Is he?

She is / she’s is not / isn’t Is she?

It is / it’s is not / isn’t Is it?

We are / we’re are not / aren’t Are we?

They are / they’re are not / aren’t Are they?


Positive: Negative: Question:

I do do not / don’t Do I?

You do do not / don’t Do you?

He does does not / doesn’t Does he?

She does does not / doesn’t Does she?

It does does not / doesn’t Does it?

We do do not / don’t Do we?

They do do not / don’t Do they?


Positive: Negative: Question:

I have / ’ve have not / do not have Have I? / Do I


you have / ’ve have not / do not have Have you? / Do

you have?

he has / ’s has not / does not have Has he? / Does he


she has / ’s has not / does not have Has she? / Does
she have?

it has / ’s has not / does not have Has it? / Does it


we have / ’ve have not / do not have Have we? / Do we

they have / ’ve have not / do not have Have they? / Do

they have?


Positive: Negative: Question:

I go do not go / don’t go Do I go?

you go do not go / don’t go Do you


he goes does not go / doesn’t go Does he


she goes does not go / doesn’t go Does she


it goes does not go / doesn’t go Does it


we go do not go / don’t go Do we go?

they go do not go / don’t go Do they


I. Alphabet

How to read in English.

 Aa = [ei] = Apple = I eat an apple

 Bb = [bi:] = Ball = I throw the ball

 Cc = [si:] = Cat = I have a cat

 Dd = [di:] = Dog = Rendy has a dog

 Ee = [i:] = Elephant = An Elephant has a long trunk

 Ff = [ef] = Fish = A fish swims in the water

 Gg =[dӠi:] = Goat = A goat eat grass

 Hh = [eit∫] = Hand = I have two hand

 Ii = [ai] = Iguana = I see an Iguana on the tree

 Jj = [dӠei] = Juice = I drink a juice

 Kk = [kei] = King = The king is has a kingdom

 Ll = [el] = Lamb = A lamb eat grass

 Mm = [em] = Monkey = A monkey eat banana

 Nn = [en] = Nose = I have a nose

 Oo = [o] = Ocean = Abig ocean is Pacific

 Pp =[pi:] = Pig = A pig has pink skin

 Qq = [kju:] = Queen = The queen is beautiful

 Rr = [a:/ar] = Rat = The rat eat chees

 Ss = [es] = Sun = The sun is shining

 Tt = [ti:] = Train = The train is long

 Uu = [ju:] = Umbrella = I have an umbrella

 Vv =[vi:} = Violin = I have a violin

 Ww = [‘dΛəlju:] = Water = I drink a water

 Xx = [eks] = Xylophone = I beat xylophone

 Yy = [wai] = Yogurt = I Drink a yogurt

 Zz = [zed/zi:] = Zoo = I go to the zoo

II. Numbers


A. Write the numbers in English !

1. 25 = _____________________
2. 36 = _____________________
3. 47 = _____________________
4. 150 = _____________________
5. 1500 = _____________________

B. Write the words into the numbers

1. Fifteen
Answer : ___________________
2. Fifty
Answer : ___________________
3. Nine hundred forty eight
Answer : ___________________
4. Nine hundred thousand
Answer : ___________________
5. Three thousand five hundred thirty two
Answer : ___________________

III. Animals


Fill the blank words below

1. C__ (Kucing)
2. _U____ (Kura-kura)
3. ___E_ (Macan)
4. _R__ (Kepiting)
5. M____ (Tikus)
6. E____ (Elang)
7. ____E (Ular)
8. C__ (Sapi)
9. _O_K__ (Monyet)
10. __G (Anjing)

IV. Fruits and Vegetables

V. Part of Body

Lirik lagu Head-Shoulder-Knees-and-Toes

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
March, March, March
Let us all march
March March March
Get your body charge!

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
Jump, Jump, Jump,
Let's all jump.
Jump, Jump, Jump.
Make your muscle pump!

Punch punch punch

Let's all punch
Punch punch punch
Have a hearty munch!

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes


A. Arrange the letters bellow !

1. D-E-A-H = _________________
2. R-A-I-H = _________________
3. D-A-H-N = _________________
4. I-N-G-E-R-F = _________________
5. T-O-F-O = _________________
6. S-E-Y-E = _________________
7. E-S-O-N = _________________
8. R-E-D-O-H-S-L-U = _________________
9. H-C-O-T-S-A-M = _________________
10. O-O-H-T-T = _________________

B. Fill the box with part of body that printed by the arrow

VI. Family

1. Grandad/Grand father 6. Sister

2. Granny/Grand mother 7. Me (you)
3. Mum/mother 8. Aunt
4. Dad/Father 9. Uncle
5. Brother 10. Cousin

My Family

There are 6 people in my family. I have two brothers and one

sister. I am the second oldest of my brothers and sister. My Dad goes to
work everyday from 8 am to 8 pm. His job is to communicate with
Vietnamese people. My mom doesn’t work outside the home. She stays
home and takes care of the house. She also raises the kids and cooks
everyday. My oldest brother is 23 years old. He doesn’t work or go to

school. He just stays home and only does the things he wants to do. He
also spends a lot of money that dad earns. My younger brother is just the
opposite. He is 18 years old. Everyday he goes to school and sometimes
he goes to work. He also helps my parents when he has free time. He had
diploma from high school and now he is enrolled in the University. My
parents are proud of him very much. Finally is my sister is 11 years old
and a cute girl. She is in the fifth grade. I think she is a very smart girl. I
love her and my parents very much.

VII. Colors and Shape

1. Decagon = Segi sepuluh

VIII. Time

Unit Minutes

O’clock 00:00

Quarter past ... 00:15

Half Past .... 00:30

Quarter to .... 00:45

Start the sentence with “it’s”. Don’t write the word “minutes”. (e.g.: 06.50 –
It’s ten to seven)

IX. The Names of Day, Month, and Season


Sunday January August Spring
Monday February September Summer
Tuesday March October Autumn /
Wednesday April November Winter
Thursday May December Rainy
Friday June Dry Season
Saturday July

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c, or d !
1. Ann : Today is Thursday. What day was yesterday ?
Caroline : Yesterday was ...
a. Tuesday b. Friday c. Wednesday d. Saturday
2. The eighmonth of the year is ....
a. June b. July c. September d. August
3. How many days are there in a month?
a. A day b. Seven days c. Twenty on days d. Thirty or thirty
one days
4. Yesterday was Friday. Today is ....
a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Monday d. Friday
5. This month is February. The next month is ....
a. January b. April c. March d. May

II. Fill the blank!
1. What day is today ?
Today is _________________
2. What day is tomorrow?
Tomorrow is _____________
3. What day is before Saturday?
The day before ___________
4. The last month of the year is _______________
5. We have holiday on _______________

Demonstrative Pronouns

Singular (tunggal) Parameter Plural (jakam) Parameter

This Near These near

That Far Those far

1. This
Serves to indicate somthings, object, animals or people that are near to the speakers
and in singular form.
Example :
 This is my doll.
 This is my car.
2. That
Serves to indicate somthings, object, animals or people that are far to the speakers
and in singular form.
 That is your bicycle.

 That is my house.
3. These
Serves to indicate somthings, object, animals or people that are near to the speakers
and in plural form.
Example :
 These are my books.
 These are their cars.

4. Those
Serves to indicate somthings, object, animals or people that are far to the speakers
and in plural form.
Example :
 Those are your hats.
 Those are our bags.

Positive, negative and interrogative form from word This, That, These and
Those that use in the fisrt sentence.

1) Positive
The example above are sentence in positive demonstartive pronoun.
 This is my laptop
 That is your bicycle
 These are my books
 Those are their hats

2) Negative
In this material you may change positif sentence to the negative. It enough with
adding“NOT” after verb to be (is, are).

 This is not my laptop.
 That is not your bicycle.
 These are not my books.
 Those are not their hats.

3) Interrogative form
In the form of interrogative sentence to be (is, are) we move it to the beginner of the
sentence or in the beginner demonstartive pronoun. As below :
 Is this my laptop?
 Is that your bicycle?
 Are these my books?
 Are those their hats?

Positive, negative dan interrogative form of This, That, These and Those that use
as an Object usually formed as simple sentence.
1) Positive form
 I like this food.
 She hates that shirt.
** Look at both example above ! there is a different there. For a special subject (she
he dan it) the verb that is addictional “-s” while subject (I, you, we, they) no
addictional “-s”.

2) Negative
It will be different in the sentence below. For make it’s neagtive form that is
additional “do + not” for subject (I, you, we, they) or “does + not” for subject (she,
he, it).
 I do not (don’t) like this food.

 She doesn not (doesn’t) hate that T-shirt.

** NOTE:
 hates changes into hate..
 to ease the word "do + not" that may abbreviated as don't and "does +
not" it should be "doesn't"

3) Interrogative form
In making a interrogrative sentence , we only need to use “do” or “does” in the
beggining of the sentence or before subject.
 Do you like this food?
 Does she hate that doll?
In the simple replying.....
 Yes, I do or No, I don’t
 Yes, she does or No, she doesn’t

Making a question 5W 1H in English.

How to make it ?

Let we see the role below :

Who and What

 Who and What in asking a subject

Who + Verb + modifier


Example :

1. Who brings this book?

2. Who opened the window?

3. What happens to you?

4. What happened last night?

 Who and What in asking an Object

Who + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?

What do,does,did

Example :

1. Who are you waiting for?

2. What do you want?

3. What do you think about Indonesia?

 What followed by noun

Example :

1. What sport do you like?

2. What book do you read?

3. What fruit do you want?


 Where, When and Why

The role of interogartive where, when, and why:

Where + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?
When do,does,did

Example :

1. Where do you live?

2. Where does he work?

3. When will you go to Bali?

4. When did they meet?

5. Why do you learn English?

6. Why does she bring this book?

 How

The role of interogartive form of how:

How + auxiliary/ + subject + verb ...?


Example :

1. How do you go to school?

2. How many students came to library?

Answering a question 5W 1H in English.

How to answer it in English ?

 Answering interogrative sentence using who

Questions Answer

Who brings this book? Andi brings this book.

Who opened the window? Rendi opened the window.

What happened last night? Car accident happened last


Whos is your father? My father is M. Fauzan.

Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for Nina.

 Answering interogrative sentence using what

Questions Answer

What happened last night? Car accident happened last


What is your name? My name is Risa.

Questions Answer

What do you want? I want a new phone .

 Answering interogrative sentence using where

Questions Answer

When did they meet? They meet last week .

Where will you go to Bali? I will go to Bali next


 Answering interogrative sentence using when

Questions Answer

When did they meet? They meet last week .

Where will you go to Bali? I will go to Bali next


 Answering interogrative sentence using why

Questions Answers

Questions Answers

Why do you learn English? Because I want to be an


Why do you bring this book? Because I forget to bring

another book.

 Answering interogrative sentence using how

Questions Answer

How are you? I am fine.

How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.

How many students came to library? 40 students.

Basic Words with Clear Alphabet

uh Baut about Gar dn garden Ri v


Eir r plein aeroplane Glar sz glasses Reud


ar ft Noon afternoon Guud good Sed


Orl weiz always Groo grew Skool


A n mlz animals Hai hi See said


uh Nu th another Hors horse Shau td


b Nar n banana Haus house Sum tting


bi Gan began in Said inside Song


Be t better Ki chn kitchen So rii


Blak black Leik lake Stu mk


Buuk book Larft laughed Su dn lii


Beutt both Luuk look Soot

Bre kfst breakfast Meik make Tee ch


Braun brown Ma n j manager te l Vi zzn


Bil ding building Mee me Win deu


See ling ceiling mi Steik mistake th / thee


Chil drn children Mor ning morning their


Klar sroom classroom Mu th mother Ttort


Klee ning cleaning Maun tn mountain Ttroo



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