1st Year Chemistry

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Test 1 Chemistry 11st T-Marks 40

NAME ROLL NO Syllabus Ch# 1



i The mass of one mole of electrons is …….mg? a)1.008 b) 0.66 c)0.55 d) 0.184
ii The volume occupied by 1.6g of O 2 at STP is a)22.4dm3 b)1.12dm3 c)2.24dm3 d) 112dm3
iii In spectrometry different isotopes are separated on the basisof
a) m/e b)e/m c) sizeofatom d) radius of ion
iv Which one can exist independently? a) Na b)He c)K d) Cl
       2 2 2 
v Which set of ions is isoelectronic in nature? a) F ,Cl,Br b)O,O ,O c) F ,Ne,Na d) Be ,Mg ,Ca
vi Relative atomic mass of Cl is 35.5 What is the mass of two moles of chlorinegas?
a)35.5g b) 71g c) 142g d) 18.75g
vii An artificialsweeteneris a)ascorbicacid b)ethyleneglycol c)aspartame d) siliconcarbide
viii One mole of C2H5OH contains number of H-atoms?

a) 6.02 10 23
b) 3.6110
c) 1.8110
d) 6.02 1024
ix If one mole of AgNO 3 reacts with 2 moles of NaCl. What is the limitingreactant?
a) AgCl b)AgNO3 c)NaCl d) NaNO3
x Mass of 3.0110 atoms of carbon is ( a)3g b) 12g c) 6g d) 18g
xi Largest number of H ions are produced by complete ionization of
a) 0.1MolHCl b) 0.05 mol H 2 SO4 c) 0.033 mol H 3 PO4 d) all havesame
xii What is an important ceramic material a)gasoline b)aspartame c)glycol d) siliconcarbide

i. Differentiate between cation and anion?

ii. Actual yield is always less than theoretical yield. Givereason.

iii. Calculate number of moles and formula units in 100g of KClO3.

iv. Define mole and molar volume with examples.

v. What is hemoglobin also giving its function.


vi. How percentage yield is calculated?

vii. N2 and CO have same number of electrons, protons and neutrons

viii. Why isotope have same chemical properties and have same position of isotopes in periodic table?


a. what is limiting reactant? How does it control the quantity of product formed.
b. How relative Atomic mass is determined by Mass Spectrometry

c. A well known ideal gas in enclosed in a container having volume 500 cm3 at S.T.P. its
mass comes out to be 0.72 g. what is molar mass of this gas.

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