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In this chapter, the data gathered were presented in

textual and tabular form, analysed, and interpreted based on

the results of the computations.


Table 1 shows the respondent’s profile according to

their age. The findings revealed that 6 or 8.70% belonged to

the age of 17, 18 or 26.1% belonged to the age of 18, 27 or

39.1% belonged to the age 19, 9 or 13.04% belonged to the age

20, 4 or 5.80% belonged to the age of 21, 3 or 4.35% belonged

to the age of 22, and 1 or 1.45% belonged to the ages 25. It

was observed that the majority of the age of the respondents

belonged to 19 years old. Which implies that younger students

are more into business than those older once. This was

contrary to the study conducted by Da Costa and Mares, which

states that older students have higher entrepreneurial

intention than younger students. It shows the respondent’s

profile according to their sex. The number of female

respondents was 53 earning a percentage of 76.81%, and 16 or

23.19% was male. It has been observed that female population

of the respondents dominated the male respondents. It implies


that females have higher entrepreneurial intentions than

males. It was also a contrary to study conducted by Da Costa

and Mares which states that male students have higher

entrepreneurial intention than females. It also shows the

respondent’s profile according to their work experience. The

findings revealed that 8 or 11.6% of the respondents have

more experienced in working, 3 or 4.3% have experienced

working, and 58 or 84.1% of the respondents did not have any

experience in working. It was observed that the majority of

the respondents does not have any working experience. It

implies that working experience does not affect the

entrepreneurial intention of the respondents. It was in lined

with the study of Da Costa and Mares which states that “work

experience does not affect the students’ intention to become


Table 1
Respondent’s Profile

AGE Frequency Percent

17 6 8.7%
18 18 26.1%
19 27 39.1%
20 9 13.0%
21 4 5.8%
22 3 4.3%
25 1 1.4%
27 1 1.4%
Total 69 100.0%

SEX Frequency Percentage

Male 16 23.2%

Female 53 76.8%
Total 69 100.0%

WORK EXPERIENCE Frequency Percent

More Experienced 8 11.6

Experienced 3 4.3

Without Experience 58 84.1

Total 69 100.0

Table 2 shows the first factor, attitude toward

entrepreneurship, which influence the B.S Entrepreneurship

students. It was clearly observed that the statement number

4 which states that being an entrepreneur would entail great

satisfactions for me got the highest mean of 4.97, which

implies that being an entrepreneur will give the respondents

great satisfaction upon entering the world of business. It

was also observed that the statement number 5 which states

that among various options, I would rather be an entrepreneur

got the lowest mean of 4.08, which implies that even if

entrepreneurship attracts them as their career in the future,

there are still some who would rather choose other profession

than being an entrepreneur.

Table 2
Factors of Entrepreneurship Attitude Towards
Statement Mean Rank Interpretation
Attitude toward Entrepreneurship

1. Being an entrepreneur implies

more advantages than 4.50 2 Strongly agree
disadvantages to me.
2. A career as entrepreneur is
attractive for me. 4.53 1 Strongly agree

3. If I had the opportunity and

resources, I’d like to start a firm. 4.49 3 Strongly agree
4. Being an entrepreneur would
entail great satisfactions for me. 4 Strongly agree
5. Among various options, I
would rather be an entrepreneur. 4.08 5 Agree

Table 2.1 shows the second factor, perceived behavioural

control, which influence the B.S Entrepreneurship students.

It was clearly observed that the statement number 4 which

states that I know the necessary practical details to start

a firm. Got the highest mean of 4.15, which implies that being

an entrepreneur student you must be knowledgeable of process

and details in starting up your own firm. It was also observed

that the statement number 1 which states that to start a firm

and keep it working would be easy for me got the lowest mean

of 4.08, which implies that some of the students are not yet

ready to start their own firm and keep it working

Table 2.1
Perceived Behavioural Control

Perceived behavioural Mean Rank Interpretation

1. To start a firm and keep
it working would be easy 3.78 6 Agree
for me
2. I am prepared to start a
viable firm 4.14 2 Agree
3. I can control the
creation process of 3.94 5 Agree
4. I know the necessary
practical details to start a 4.15 1 Agree

5. I know how to develop

an entrepreneurial project 4.02 3.5 Agree

6. If I tried to start a firm,

I would have a high 4.02 3.5 Agree
probability of succeeding.

The table 2.2 shows the third factor, Entrepreneurial

Intensions, which influence the B.S Entrepreneurship

students. It was clearly observed that the statement number

1 which states I am ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur

got the highest mean of 4.72 which implies that the

respondents are ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur or

they are ready to take the risk to become a successful

entrepreneur. It was also observed that the statement number

2 which states my professional goal is to become an

entrepreneur got the lowest mean of 4.50 which implies that

not all of them are into entrepreneurs.

Table 2.2
Entrepreneurial Intention


1. I am ready to do
anything to be an 4.72 1 Strongly agree
2. My professional
goal is to become an 4.50 5 Strongly agree
3. I will make every
effort to start and 4.71 2 Strongly agree
run my own firm.
4. I am determined
to create a firm in 4.6O 4 Strongly agree
the future.
5. I have the firm
intention to start a 4.62 3 Strongly agree
firm someday.

Test of Relationship of the Profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship Students and the Factors that Influence

them to become Entrepreneurs

To test the influence of profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship students and the factors that influence them

to become entrepreneurs, multiple regression analysis was

employed. Overall relationship shown in Table 3 resulted to

an R-value of 0.139 which is considered low relationship. The

R-square value of 0.19 means that 19 percent of the variance

in factors that influence the students to become

entrepreneurs. Result of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

showed an F-value of 0.427 with a significant value of 0.734

which is more than the 0.05 margin of error level (Table 4).

The null hypothesis therefore is accepted which means that

there is no statistically significant relationship between

the profile and the factors that influence the students. Sex,

Age and Working experience did not significantly influence

the factors of entrepreneurship that influence to the

students to become entrepreneurs having significant values

all greater than the 0.05 margin. These findings mean that

the attitude towards entrepreneurship does not affect the

profile of the respondents with regards in choosing

entrepreneurship as their future career.


Table 3

Model Summary for Student’s Profile and the students of B.S.

Entrepreneurship Students
R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate

.139a .019 -.026 .40959

Table 4
The Analysis Of Variance Test On The Test Of Relationship to the
Profile of the Respondents and the Factors Of Entrepreneurship
Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square

Regression .215 3 .072 .427 .734b

Residual 10.905 65 .168
Total 11.120 68

a. Dependent Variable: Attitude towards Entrepreneurship

b. Predictors: (Constant), WORK EXPERIENCE, AGE, SEX

Table 5

Beta Coefficients on the test of relationship of the B.S

Entrepreneurship students and the factors that influence them to
become an entrepreneur.

B Sig. interpretatio

AGE .001 .983 Not


SEX -.084 .477 Not


WORK -.043 .376 Not

EXPERIENCE significant

A. Dependent Variable: Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship


Test of Relationship of the Profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship Students and the Factors that Influence them

to become Entrepreneurs

To test the influence of profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship students and the factors that influence them

to become entrepreneurs, multiple regression analysis was

employed. Overall relationship shown in Table 6 resulted to

an R-value of 0.154 which is considered low relationship. The

R-square value of 0.024 means that 2.4 percent of the variance

in factors that influence the students to become

entrepreneurs. Result of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

showed an F-value of 0.523 with a significant value of 0.523

which is more than the 0.05 margin of error level (Table 7).

The null hypothesis therefore is accepted which means that

there is no statistically significant relationship between

the profile and the factors that influence the students. Sex,

Age and Working experience did not significantly influence

the factors of entrepreneurship that influence the students

to become entrepreneurs having significant values all greater

than the 0.05 margin. These findings mean that the attitude

towards entrepreneurship does not affect the profile of the

respondents with regards in choosing entrepreneurship as

their future career.


Table 6
Model Summary for Student’s Profile and the students of B.S.
Entrepreneurship Students

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error

Square of the

1 .154a .024 -.022 .52174

a. Predictors: (Constant), WORK EXPERIENCE, AGE, SEX

Table 7

The Analysis Of Variance Test On The Test Of Relationship to the

Profile of the Respondents and the Factors Of Entrepreneurship

Model Sum of df Mean F

Squares Square

Regression .427 3 .142 .523

Residual 17.694 65 .272

Total 18.121 68

a. Dependent Variable: Perceived behavioural control

b. Predictors: (Constant), WORK EXPERIENCE, AGE, SEX

Table 8

Beta Coefficients on the test of relationship of the B.S Entrepreneurship

students and the factors that influence them to become an entrepreneur.


AGE .042 .269 Not

SEX .077 .610 Not
WORK -.025 .692 Not
EXPERIENCE significant

a. Dependent Variable: Perceived behavioural control


Test of Relationship of the Profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship Students and the Factors that Influence them

to become Entrepreneurs

To test the influence of profile of the B.S.

Entrepreneurship students and the factors that influence them

to become entrepreneurs, multiple regression analysis was

employed. Overall relationship shown in Table 9 resulted to

an R-value of 0.194 which is considered low relationship. The

R-square value of 0.037 means that 3.7 percent of the variance

in factors that influence the students to become

entrepreneurs. Result of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

showed an F-value of 0.844 with a significant value of 0.475

which is more than the 0.05 margin of error level (Table 10).

The null hypothesis therefore is accepted which means that

there is no statistically significant relationship between

the profile and the factors that influence the students. Sex,

Age and Working experience did not significantly influence

the factors of entrepreneurship


Table 9
Model Summary for Student’s Profile and the students
of B.S. Entrepreneurship Students

R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate
.194a .037 -.007 .44913

a. Predictors: (Constant), WORK EXPERIENCE, AGE, SEX

Table 10
The Analysis Of Variance Test on the Test of Relationship to the
Profile of the Respondents and the Factors of Entrepreneurship
Sum of df Mean F Sig. Interpretation
Squares Square

Regression .511 3 .170 .844 .475b Not Significant

Residual 13.111 65 .202 Not Significant

Total 13.622 68 Not Significant

a. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurial intention

b. Predictors: (Constant), WORK EXPERIENCE, AGE, SEX

Table 11
Beta Coefficients on the test of relationship of the B.S Entrepreneurship
students and the factors that influence them to become an entrepreneur.

L B Sig. Interpretation

AGE -.049 .142 Not Significant

SEX -.045 .730 Not Significant

WORK -.032 .556 Not Significant


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