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Selecting the Best Optional Subject

for IAS the Right Way
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At least 10 percent of the comments this blog receives is about how to select the the
right optional for IAS Mains so I thought instead of replying individually why not post
an article on choosing the optional subject for the IAS exam which would bene t all the 2/102
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blog readers. AndCourses
Free this includes
on IAS those who have
Preparation never
and Mock appeared
Tests for IAS! forGet
the IAS Mains yet

and even those who have appeared but are thinking about switching over to some
di erent optional.

As you know, from 2013 Mains onward UPSC has done away with the second optional
subject. So now you have to select just ONE optional subject that will consist of two
papers of 250 marks each. So our task of selecting the best optional subject has
become much easier.
But what does the Best Optional for IAS mean?

I am sure it means di erently to di erent people but what does it mean to you:

A scoring optional?
The most popular optional?
Easy to understand or which you nd interesting?
Subject with easy availability of study materials like books and notes?
Optional for which one ‘best’ coaching is available?
Subject with some previous base in graduation or post-graduation?
The optional with the best results in the IAS exam?

I hope I have covered all the points that majority of the IAS aspirants consider before
selecting the right optional for Mains. Obviously, you might consider only one of the
above points as the basis for selecting your Mains optional or consider multiple
criteria. So let’s take them up one by one.

Recommended Books for IAS

Get all the recommended Books for IAS Prelims and
Mains exam in one place. Only the essential books
for your UPSC preparation are listed on this page. 3/102
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Recommended Books for IAS

Get the most recommended books for Prelims and Mains here. Also nd books

for popular IAS optional subjects.


A Scoring Optional

Most IAS beginners choose an optional simply because it is considered ‘scoring’. Some
of the optionals that are considered scoring are Public Administration and Geography.
While Geography has returned marks with 400+ in IAS Mains, many candidates have
been scoring 340+ and 350+ in Public Administration in the past few years. In fact the
average marks scored by Mains candidates in Pub Ad in 2008 Mains was 266 which is
quite high considering that it is the most preferred optional among IAS aspirants.

But should score be the sole criteria for selecting the Mains optional or are there other
related basis for selecting your mains optional? This gets us to the second point.

A Popular Optional

Optionals that come within this de nition are Geography, Public Ad, Sociology, History,
and Psychology. These four IAS optionals alone account for about 50 percent share of
the Mains pie and the rest 22 optionals, taking Literature subjects as one, for the rest.

This gives you some idea about the ‘popular optionals for IAS’. But why are these
optionals so popular while the rest aren’t so popular? Here are some reasons:

Subjects like Pub Ad and Geog have de nite syllabus and Pub Ad has quite
limited syllabus especially for P2 so you can cover it within 5 months or so. 4/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
You require limited
Free Courses oncoaching for Puband
IAS Preparation AdMock
as most
the syllabus
IAS! involves self-
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The History optional for IAS is quite popular simply because there are so many
History post graduates and even graduates with history as a subject. Also we all
studied History as part of our school curriculum and most of us found it
interesting and some, even scoring.
Geography is a semi-scienti c subjects and a favourite among Engineers and

Doctors for its laws, principles, and map-based questions. No wonder so many
IAS aspirants opt for it.
Sociology is easy to understand and very interesting as the topics covered
concern the very society we are a part of.
Psychology has pulled, I feel, simply because it is a combination of all the above
attributes and also due to the fact that it is probably the only optional where
only one name prevails for coaching: Mukul Pathak of Vajiram.

With this we come to another related question, are all popular optionals scoring or to
put it another way are the not-so-popular optionals for IAS not scoring as well?

Let me put it bluntly. Popularity has actually got nothing to do with the scoring
potential of an optional. If you want proof, read on. Shah Faesal topped the 2010 IAS
exam with Urdu Litt. as one of the optionals, second being Pub Ad. Mona Pruthi, the
2006 IAS topper chose English Litt. and Sociology. Mutyala Raju, the 2007 topper took
Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. Karthik Adapa aced the 2008 IAS exam with
Zoology and Psychology.

What’s common to all these IAS toppers? Except one, all opted for one non-popular
optional. And let me also mention that if you read their interviews they chose the
optionals based on their interest and background and not because they were scoring
or popular.

The fact that they have scored well in both the optionals (that’s why they topped) and
not just the popular ones proves that all subjects are equally scoring. So choosing an 5/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
optional based
Freeonly on the
Courses on scoring criteria and
IAS Preparation is incorrect.
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So how about the coaching criteria?

Before deciding to select an optional on the basis of the coaching available rst
determine whether you require coaching in the rst place? You must’ve realized this
can only be determined after you’ve selected an optional, not before it. So I feel
selecting an optional simply on the basis of the coaching available is like saying ” I can

never clear the Civil Services exam without coaching”. And once you become
completely dependent on coaching thenShares
good luck to you as I have already written in
my Mains 2010 GS analysis how unpredictable the IAS exam is becoming not just for
you but the most well known coaching classes as well.

Of course, it does help if there is good coaching available for the IAS optionals you’ve
already selected.

Choosing an optional with some previous background

Many people who’ve graduated or done Masters in some subject opt for it in the CSE.
This is really helpful as you’re already familiar with the subject and will need to study
just one subject from scratch. This is where graduation in humanities really helps as
the most popular IAS optionals listed above are included within the “Arts” subjects. So
if you’re pursuing graduation or masters in any of the Arts subjects and plan to take it
up in the IAS mains, make sure you pursue it seriously and focus more on the syllabus
common to your degree as well as the IAS Mains.

This point again proves that previous base and interest are more important factors in
selecting the right optional for IAS than merely popularity or scoring potential. People
who have opted for the most obscure subjects like Literature, Veterinary Science,
Mathematics have scored heavily in the Mains simply because they were so much in
love with their optionals. 6/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
I had the good fortune
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IAS Preparation the
and 2008
Mock IAS for
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IAS! Karthik Adapa when
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we had enrolled for mock interview at Vajiram. He was already in the IPS that time and
I asked him about the reason for choosing Psychology and he said he simply loved
Psychology, that’s why. Nothing about the score or popularity.

Some thumb rules for selecting the right optional

for IAS
The subject should..

Excite you
Make you know more about it
Should not put you to sleep
Make you think out of the box
Have books available easily

Don’t think about the score at this stage, just focus on selecting an optional with the
above qualities and remember, this will di er for di erent aspirants. Once you have
mastered the syllabus and have adequate writing practice the marks will follow.

Some common queries

I have chosen Public Administration but I nd it quite boring, especially Paper 1

Remember, Pub Ad usually seems boring to most people but many fall in love with it
once they have read and re-read the important books. If you still nd it going over your
head ask yourself why did you choose Pub Ad? Is it simply because of its popularity?

I love xyz optional but I cannot answer the questions correctly

The fact that you nd the optional interesting is half the battle won. As far answer
writing is concerned you might consider joining some good test series to hone your 7/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

writing skills.Free
Once you have
Courses enough
on IAS writing
Preparation practice
and marks
Mock Tests for will
an issue.

I don’t have any previous base in any of the optionals or I don’t want to choose my
graduation subjects, what should I do?

Simply go through the above thumb rules again and try reading something from the
basic books of the optional you plan to take up. If you feel you can cope up with the
subject then go for it otherwise try another one.
Suggest some optional subject that will be useful from GS Mains point of view

Again this is for reference purpose only. Actually every optional in some way or the
other contributes towards the GS or Essay preparation.

Pol Sc. covers polity and India and the world part
Pub Ad covers polity and governance part
History covers the history part
Mathematics covers Statistics. Ditto for Statistics optional
Geography covers GS geography, climate change, environment and other
related sections
Law also covers polity
Economics covers the Economy part of GS mains
Socio covers questions on social issues as well as one Essay option

Some popular IAS optionals for IAS exam

This is just for your knowledge. Nowhere am I suggesting you take up the same
otherwise what I said above would be idiotic.

Public Administration. Click here for Pub Ad books.

History. Click here for History books.
Geography. Click here for Geography books.
Sociology. Click here for Sociology books. 8/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
CoursesClick here
on IAS for Pol. Science
Preparation books.
and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access


To summarize this long post (couldn’t help it), any optional that you nd interesting,
stimulating, fun to learn is right for you. Don’t worry about popularity or scoring
potential. Both are just an indicator. Every optional is equally scoring provided you
have mastered the syllabus and the answer writing aspect. I hope this post helped
selecting the right optionals for IAS a much easier task. Eagerly awaiting your feedback!
Reference Books for IAS Shares Topic-wise Books for IAS

 GS Solved Papers  Indian Polity Laxmikanth

 General Studies Manual  Ecology and Environment

 CSAT Manual  India's Struggle for Independence

 Manorama Year Book  Brief History of Modern India

 India Year Book  Indian Economy

 Oxford Student Atlas  Indian Art and Culture

 Science and Technology  Certi cate Course in Geography


ias paper upsc prelims paper

ias syllabus ias books

Updated July 24, 2018 Uncategorized Tags ↓ 9/102
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Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way

IAS Prelims 2017 GS Paper 1 Analysis IAS 2015 Final Results Announced

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IAS Kracker is your friend, mentor and guide to help you crack the IAS
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chhavi - July
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hi…………….i m a ph.d scholar…in microbiology. and SRF under the

ICAR project….i wana ask for the options of subjects which to be
choose to crak the ias exam…………..plz guide me..its very much

Lazylord - July 18, 2011


Based on your quali cation you could opt for

botany/zoology and one other optional based on your

Hemant - February 1, 2012

Please guide me guyz..

i have very less percentage % in my graduation..

i hv done BA English Hons with 42% only…:(

M i eligible to prepare for IAS??

can i give exam and become IAS? or i m not eligible coz of

less %??

please reply…

waiting… 12/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Courses on IASpriya
- March 4, and
2012 Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

It no matters that whether u sccore in distinction or

less of 40 %. But u need to get pass in your graduation
that’s it.

Shashi mishra - May 11, 2016

Hii gyzzz please provide me some suggetion
regarding mbbs of degree ..wht i can choose
subject for mbbs..i am pursuing bsc.boilogy

athoi - May 1, 2016

Yes…. Sure u can

You just have to be pass
N study hard AL the very best

shashank sahu - May 27, 2016

55% min in graduation acc. to latest criteria

sunil - June 10, 2016

You are eligible ….percentage no matter ………best of

luck 13/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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keshav - June 4, 2017

yes eligible ias …..

because % is not consider for civil service exam

s ghosh - March 29, 2012 3


are u an agri grad?…..coz u r wrking under ICAR project….

Sweety Singh - May 2, 2016

BCA quali ed can choose civil service and forest service and
which address is given in upsc form submission permanent
or temporary address

p.vijayarani - May 26, 2016

Sir I have completed bsc mpc with 64%.I want to prepare civil
service (ias)but I wastill very confused for choosing subject
for prelims &main.please give me suggestion to me.

Dhananjay - June 3, 2016

Sir I have completed my M.Sc in Chemistry. So for which

optional subject is favourable for me. Pls reply urgent. 14/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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umesh o - August 23, 2017

Sir I have. Studying msc zoology but this subject is not

more intereste can i choose this subject

pallavi - July 19, 2011


respected sir,

i m currently pursuing course.what options should i

choose for cracking pub adm& sociology a right choice in this
regard.or i should look after science subjects.kindly reply.

Lazylord - July 27, 2011

Pub Ad and Socio are very popular Mains combination. Go

for them if they excite you!

Rahul Verma - April 28, 2016

I didnt get it. as far as i know one only have to choose

single subject as optional. why are you mentioning
two subjects 15/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free CoursesSanjeev
on IAS -Preparation
August 29, 2016
and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

take sociology if u think u r well in public and social

problems happening around you else rest go for physics
chemistry zoology or botany

Arvind dang - July 22, 2011

sir. How is eco. Nd geograph or eco nd phiLosphy both the
combination subjects new for me. I am btech grad. And currentely
working in BEL and I found eco interseting but nt knw much bout it.

Lazylord - July 27, 2011

Can you deal with Eco given that you are a Btech? Maybe
Geog and Philosophy would be better

Arvind dang - July 22, 2011

And I will be very thankful if somebuddy share something bout


Siddharth - July 31, 2011

sir, do you think that scoring patterns for subjects like pub ad will
change as scaling of marks depending on subject for mains exams
is being implemented in upsc? 16/102
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Rajesh Swarnkar - August 3, 2011

One more combination I am thiking of Chemistry and Public Ad. I

found Public Ad syllabus quite interesting and adequate…

Please give me your suggesstion. In no post Chemistry as an

optional was discussed.

Ashish - February 16, 2012

Hi i am ashish plz could you tell me about chemistry as an

optional subject for mains i intend to take it does it have a v
low selection rate

Abhishek - August 10, 2011

Dear Sir, i want to know the best coaching material available for IAS
prep.. optionals r zoology and botany.. i have done my grad in this
subjects.. so i have enough basic knowledge abt these.. i also want
to know the best correspondence course available for these

Aakash - August 17, 2011

Sir,i am currently pursuing my B.E in Electronics and

Communication Branch,I am not sure of which subjects to choose 17/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
to prepare
Free Courses for Preparation
on IAS the ias exam,the subjects
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related to my course and also subjects like geography and

psychology.So kindly suggest me in choosing the subjects.

sakshi - August 17, 2011

Hi ..
Please share your next post about tips for working candidates as I
am nding it very to manage time while working. Please suggest.

manvender - August 23, 2011


I am pursuing in electronics and communication

engineering,i am in rst year and I want to start my ias
preparation from now so plz tell me which subject is
compulsory except GS and which subject to choose as

also give me a brief reference on ias exam and its


Suseant - August 18, 2011

i am a mechanical graduate and i have 43% in my inter will it creat

any problem in my selection. 18/102
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neelima - August 19, 2011


I am currently a student of 3rd year Engineering.

I went through an overview of syllabus and as expected the

subjects that we learn is nowhere near the syllabus we learn.So I
don't think technical subjects would do me any good.

And I'm just a beginner for the preparation and I'm clueless as to
what and where to begin with.

Looking at my interests I nally decided upon History and Sociology

and I don't know whether it will do me any good.Is the combination
ne? Please guide me on how to begin,what books to read and
proper approach towards preparation if possible.

Looking forward for your reply,

Thanks and regards



Chetan - August 21, 2011

Hello Sir/Madam. I'm a BCA graduate from Bangalore University

and I've scored 65% but I completed in 4 year due to some family
problem. Shall it create any problem getting selecting in IAS Exam. 19/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
I'm veryon
Free Courses much interested and
IAS Preparation in cracking IAS for
Mock Tests Exam.
IAS! Can
Access suggest

me where and how to start the preparation of IAS. Thanks

santhosh - August 23, 2011


I found this blog very useful. I am working as an IT prof. I could
spend three hours on working days. I am starting preparation by
this week only. I love issues related to politics and always in sync of
foreign and international issues. So, I have chosen Polotical science
as Mains optional and the other is history. Regarding history i am
not sure, but interested. The portion looks big, I also have interest
in Stats. Need Ur guidance.



Rahul - August 23, 2011

Sir, I am in 3rd year of my electronics and communication

engineering course. As I am in the very initial phase of my
preparation, I need some guidance that how should I start
preparing. Shall I start preparing for GS now and stop myself
thinking about the optional for the mains. Actually I have no idea
about it. As I am planning to prepare myself at least for 2 years
before appearing in exam, so what should be my way of
preparation. Please guide. 20/102
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anindya acharya - August 25, 2011

hello myself anindya acharya.

i am a govt employee and 23 yrs old.

i want to qualify in the IAS.

if it is possible? Shares

sonam - August 26, 2011

plz discuss physics as mains optional. i dnt have physics in

graduation bt i like it very much plz tell me wt to do? shd i join DIAS
coaching plz reply soon

kislay - September 20, 2011

dear sonam sister

are we all of us preparing for any academic quali cation? to

my mind,de nitely not.and as far as one's interest is
concerned ,i think that it ought to be in compliance with that
of need-based approach. Surely ,i respect your inclination
towards Physics as an optional paper.But one should note
that the gestation period for it's preparation certainly a bit
longer.But simultaneously,once prepared the subject is
rewarding as it has been told by Mr. Gulati(a probationer 21/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free CoursesIAS).But within thatand
on IAS Preparation time-interval
Mock Testsone can easily
for IAS! develop
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interest in other subject ,esp. Public Administration ,which's

the very relevance with the preparation and life-long
practice.In LBSNAA i have the previledge to know the fact
that the probationers are being encouraged to tackle the
CHALLENGES of life, whether it be any book or any project or
any situation.But even then you feel dedicated for Phy. ,then

just go for that.coaching institutes are just note's
facilitators.For conceptual clarity you will have to rely on self-

study.This condition is applicable to all cases,more precisely,

all subjects.

with best wishes


rakesh - August 29, 2011

dear sir,

can you guide what should be the optional for a mba grad among
these two geography & pub ad.

my other optional is palli.

please guide its urgent as i have to ll the mains dap.

rehan - November 28, 2011

sur padhai ko hi choro sb moh maya h 22/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
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nasir Rasool - January 22, 2015

I think geography is best optional as far as u r degree is


Amit Singh - August 29, 2011


Sir ,

I have done in I.T.I just want to know that i have opted
Philosophy and Pali Litt. as my optionals , had a word with my
friends they are saying like that these two optionals are totally
di erent from G.S , so i would have extra burden of preparing
Philosophy , Pali and G.S .? Kindly Suggest.

Secondly i am not in favor of joining any coaching , is it possible

with these optionals.



chitralekha - August 30, 2011

I have done my post graduation in English literature but I am

fearful of getting less marks in comparison to other scoring
subjects . Sir help me in choosing the right optional. 23/102
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kislay - September 20, 2011

dear chitralekha sister

just read the book GET SET GO IAS . i am giving you it's web-
link from where you may be able to download the
will nd most of answer for the questions relating CSE's


with best wishesShares


krishna - August 31, 2011


i am ba 2nd year student and my respective subjects are

econiomics, sociology, and political science. i want to take
economics and sociology for my mains .

is this good combination?

Avadhoot - September 2, 2011

sir,i'm doing my mechanical engg..i have chosen one

optional as public admin and i'm not able to zero in on the other
sir, i have not preferred mechanical engg because i'm not that
good at solving problems,when i visited a coaching institute they
suggested sociology. except for pub admin i don't know anything 24/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
about other
Free Courses subjects.
on IAS giveand
Preparation meMock
a good alternative
Tests for IAS! or
Getshall i go ahead

with sociology

PS: there aren't any good coaching institutes in the city i live sir, ie

sachin - September 3, 2011


currently i m preparing for IAS and taking a psychology

coaching….but i m confused in selection of 2nd optional …i
m confused b/w pub ad & pali…..

can u plz throw some light on both paper …which will be

good to choose…


kislay - September 20, 2011

hallo Mr. Sachin

i advise you to go for the Public Administration as an

optional paper for CSE- mains. moreover, Pub. Ad. has
a bigger syllabus w.r.t. that of Pali. the paper of
literature is in itself interesting and creative one where
the exercise of brain is not only meant for the
understanding of topics of the syllabus but also 25/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IASentertaining.So
Preparation andifMock
you Tests
it ,then
IAS! just go for it
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without any dilemma.

But at the same time Pub. Ad. has got it's own value as
far as it's relevance and applicability are
concerned.Moreover,coming days would witness the
uniformity in main's pattern,in which this subject
would be meant for all.
with best Shares

Khushboo - September 6, 2011


i have done my graduation in mathematics, so can you pls

suggest me whether the optionals pub ad and sociology is
good combination for me.

Aspirant - September 4, 2011


currently i m taking coaching for Bank PO..but want to prepare for

IAS now….i am BA English hons graduate, done MBA in HR &
Marketing also… 26/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
so whaton
Free Courses subjects would beand
IAS Preparation suitable for me?
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for IAS! admin &
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sociology/ psychology? plz suggest…


Recommended Geography Books for IAS Exam | Best Books for IAS
Prelims and Mains - September 16, 2011

dhanjit choudhury - September 17, 2011

can we go for history and psychology … what do you say sir

kislay - September 20, 2011

Mr. dhanjit

it depends upon your aptitude & interest only……..

Hamda Perween - September 27, 2011


I am a electrical engineering second year student

please suggest me what subjects should I choose and focus

on to clear I.A.S exams 27/102
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nikila - September 19, 2011

dear sir this a little out of propotion question.. is der any medical
issues concerned for ias and ips. like diabetics, bp etc??

Khushboo - September 25, 2011

Sir, Shares

Thanks a lot for ur response….

Pls help me how to start with for the preparation of general


And which books i should follow for pub ad and sociology….


anju - September 27, 2011

oh my god,,,,,,,,,,i am really inspired alot,,,,,,,,,,,i was thinking which

subjects to choose for optionals but,,,,,,after reading these blogs i
can say that i am on right path with right decision,,,,,,as i am a
commerce student and was thinking to take up commerce as
optinal with any other easiest subject,,,,,,,,,but as u guided i am
gonna select public ad and history as my subjects,,,,,,,,,, srt of all i
should go through all the degree text books of these
subjects,,,,hope those will play vital role in my preparation,,, 28/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

i start believing
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WHAT U FEEL EASY",,,,,,,,,

Jai - October 4, 2011

Anju : Why are you not taking commerce as ur optional, as

you are frm commerce background??


Sumit - October 4, 2011

Hi Anju

Wanted to know why hv u decided to tk up pub ad n history

n why not commerce?? I m also a commerce student n m
planning to tk commerce n pub ad as optionals..

neha - October 2, 2011


m 21 years old n want 2 know every possible things that make me

pass ias m doing my sir please give me all details
required for ias exam……..

Sumit - October 4, 2011

Hi Sir, 29/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

I am BBA
Free Courses ongradutate from and
IAS Preparation Bangalore University.
Mock Tests for IAS! Planning to take
Get Access

Commerce and Pub Ad. as optionals. Plz guide me, if this is the
right combination?

dhanjit choudhury - October 5, 2011

greetings sir
i m little bit confused sir i m a graduate in comp. sc. and have some
command on maths also,as geography is of scienti c approach my
one optional will be geography… but for the other should I tke
history or pub admin. pls pls suggest and which of the two
combination is going to give an edge over essay and also to gs., m
giving the exam in 2013


dhanjit choudhury - October 5, 2011

greetings sir

please list out the books for history as you have given for geo, nd
public admin. whether it ll be pub. admin or history . i wanna be
acquired with the books .so plz list ou thebooks for history from
the very rst with step by step correlation……plz sir.i hav started

once again many many thanks 30/102
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Nagalakshmi K - October 14, 2011

hello sir,

I am a commerce graduate and had completed my mba( nance).I

had selected my optional as commerce and public
administration.Is it a right optionals will i be able to score marks in
these subjects.kindly reply to me sir via email. my email id is 3


Nagalakshmi K

umesh - October 14, 2011

Hi Sir,

I am engg graduate & working professional.currenlty i m preparing

for MBA entrance exams & IAS.I would like to know as per new IAS
prelims patern how much reasoning papers di culty level is? &
how is the marks distribution?, also kindly guide for books on

rohan paranjpe - October 27, 2011

i have done my btech in mechanical engineering. got confused
while selecing my optional subjct for mains , plz guide me 31/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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Santosh - October 31, 2011

Hi sir ,
I would like to ask one thing. Is there any optional subjects play
role in getting UPSC designations ? I mean IAS,IPS,IFS?

Could you please make away my confusion..?

Thanking you


shimpa kumari - November 19, 2011

hey i m a btech student persuing in ece trade. i m unable to choose

subject. though i m interested in economics bt wat will b d
combination for it? plz give all d subject combination for ias exam

tanima das - July 22, 2017

I am a ece graduate… what subject i should choose?

Sachin Singh - December 5, 2011

Thanks for your information.

they are really usefull. 32/102
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Ankita Pandey - December 10, 2011

Sir, I am a btech graduate and want to go for CSE. I have not much
information about it. I want to go for Pub Ad. But whats other
subject would be better for the combination. Please let me know. I
will be very thankful to you.

Chaitanya - December 27, 2011

I am an Eng. GRad and working for almost 5 years now…I always

wanted to sit for UPSC, and want to prepare on my own. Also, as
per your post, it gives con dence that UPSC is not just about
coaching has more to it. So, I have Zeroed on few
subjects, Philosophy, Engilsh. Lit/History/Geography/Psycology.

I would like to start preparing with taking idea about

History/Philosophy and Eng. Lit. But I am no sure about scoring
potential of Eng. Lit. Can you please help me suggesting which
classes notes should I go for as it can give idea about the subject in
concise form. Also if you don’t mind, please send me your number
on my mail id. Thnx.

Chandru - June 6, 2012

De netly you can clear your exam, if any queries contact me
at 33/102
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swathi - December 27, 2011

can u pls tell me people who took the combination of psychology

and public coaching compulsory for above both?
can we cover both in less time?

Rizwan - January 1, 2012 3


Sir, I m rizwan, nal year student of engg.I am doing enn from

jamia-delhi, Nw i am nal year student,i have CGPA 9.2 on the scale
of 10.sir i am selecting one subject as CHEMISTRY but confuse for
the second one.i have to take one from PUBLIC ADD. and
GEOGRAPHY,so which subject i should take from these two.
SIR plz suggect me that subject from these two which can help me
in other steps like essay,interview and gs,

thanking you…..reply plz…i am waiting.

Nakshatra - January 3, 2012

Hello Sir,

I am working outside India- have done engg and mba from

India.For my 2011 attempt( rst) I used elect engg and mgmt as
optionals for mains. But now realise they are not so popular, with
less resource materials available. Can you please help me guide
regarding the optionals selections for mains?
Thanks a lot! 34/102
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IAS Kracker - January 6, 2012

Hi Nakshatra,

As stated in the article its not about popularity it’s about

your interest. Which subjects excite you?

Aarti - January 6, 2012 Shares

Dear Sir,
I am B.A. 2nd year student and my respective subjects are english,
hindi,history and political science. Which subject should I choose
with political science for my mains .
reply plz.
thanking you

bhavana - January 8, 2012

i am a 2nd yr law studnt. i prefer strting for stdyin for my

the end of 2nd. i read ur above post.
cn u guide me a few subjects tht i cn go on wid..!
sociology, i hv been reading in law.
evn history is a part of it.

and othr than tht i hv ol law subjct.

guid me please

bhavana 35/102
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komal sharma - January 11, 2012

hello sir,I m 27yr old,working,i have done my graduation through

correspondence with and philosphy but i face di culty
in philosphy,i cannot join coaching .which sub.i opt for main,pls.
help me.

siddhant karki - January 12, 2012

hello sir,

i have just completed my graduation and i am very confused in

choosing the subjects because i have pursued BBA(bachelors of
business administration) and i am from commerce
background…..which subject should i choose apart from public
administration…does sociology needs any specialization..

mdspulsar - June 1, 2012

u can go for commerce as an optional subject, because bba

covers around 60-70% of the commerce mains syllabus, for
more details u can write me at

ravinder - January 15, 2012 36/102
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currently iam pursuing in mechanical engineering,its my 2nd

yr i want to chose a combination of psychology with geography… or
suggest mechanical with…………..? . one more thing i want to know
do we have vedas as an optional subjects.iam higly dedicated
towards my engineering preparing for GATE as well provide me
some qualitative info about my quests.
your suggestions with high regards.
thank you.

shwetha - January 19, 2012

it wasreally helpful………

Ananth - February 11, 2012

Geography and Geology is allowed sir? there is no mention in the

noti cation that it is not allowed

Shrutss - February 26, 2012

Hi,i am going to apply for CSAT this year.i had done mba in nance
and have commerce background.So, i want to select economics
and commerce as my subject but both of them have less success
rate.Is that good choice to be made…….please suggest me .. 37/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free CoursesIAS
- March 4, 2012
IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Econimcs and Commerce cannot be taken together. You can

take either one of them and some other subject

mdspulsar - June 1, 2012

@lazylord, commerce and economics can be taken together.
plz research before u give wrong advices. commerce and
and economics are excellent subjects with superb results
and ranks in top 10, write me at for
strategy and notes of commerce and eco.

arushi - March 2, 2012

I am doing M.Sc in chemistry and want to apply for IAS. Will

chemistry and public administration will a good combination for

Sanjay kumar - March 30, 2012


Greetings of the day

I am looking for preparation of IAS exam , i am computer

science graduate, PLz guide me which subjects i need to 38/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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on IASinPreparation
optional and
Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

thanks in advance

arushi - March 2, 2012

I am doing M.Sc in chemistry and want to apply for IAS. Will

chemistry and public administration form a good combination?
sorry i have written my email wrong earlier.

IAS Kracker - March 4, 2012


As long you’re interested in the subjects any combination will

be good. You need to believe in them.

megha sabharwal - March 2, 2012

loved this post !!

bt still one question rules m sir tht m dng my gradutaion in
sciences(bsc comp sci) nd i ve heard frm alott of ppl tht chossing sci
or maths cn create a big mess as these subjcts consumes alot of
tym n are vry vast ,,so v cnt realy predict the di culty level..

so going for pub ad n geo is bttr as it also helps in GS. 39/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Deepak Shukla
Free Courses - March 8, 2012and Mock Tests for IAS!
on IAS Preparation Get Access


I have given Mains 2011 with pub ad and Geography but couldn’t
qualify for interview. I think Geography has been the casualty this
year so I am thinking of switching to either Sociology or Philosophy.
I nd Pub ad very interesting to study based on this can you please

suggest which one would be the better option for me Sociology or
Philosophy? I have engineering
Shares background.


monty - March 28, 2012

hey hi…m abt to complete engg in ece…tel me dat wat is

studying frm d books at home..or joining somw institute…
& the best teachr fr pub ad & philososphy

Srinidhi - March 11, 2012

hey im doing my Btech ….i am interested in psycology and

literature in general…what do u think will be a good combo for the
prelims as well as mains for me??…because i’ve heard that even
sociology helps in the essay exam in the CSE..Thanking you! 40/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Srinidhi -on
Free Courses March
IAS12, 2012
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Dear sir,
I also like history and german…and i’ve already studied sanskrit for
the past 8 years…moreover my main aim is to get into Indian
Foreign Services!! Could you please guide me for the same..
Thanking you,

Bhaskar Bhargav - March 13, 2012

I am writing the exams in 2012 as a litmus test and will also appear
for 2013. Im a Mechanical Engineer. Hence, one optional is
Mechanical Engineer for me and im con dent about it.
However, for the other optional, I have zeroed in for Pub Ad. and
I know how popular Pub add is, how easy course material is
available, how crisp and articulate the syllabus is.
Management interests me, and engineers like me were taught
basics of it in B.Tech years. I have a personal management guru
who can clear most of my doubts. But lack of any precise course or
even books scares me.
Please tell me if you know any postal course or books if you know. I
shall be forever grateful.

Regards, 41/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

(P.S.- I am
Free Courses on a working
IAS person
Preparation andinMock
a remote location,
Tests for hence
IAS! Get cannot

attend coaching)

Hemant - March 14, 2012


I have done M.Sc. Biotechnology from Mumbai University. I am
biased about optional subjects for mains. I nd science background
subjects appealing but at the same time while looking at the
syllabus, I myself have to collect the notes for these. where as
other subjects such as history, geography also , i nd interesting as
they are science oriented one. Talking abt my writing skills- I can
write on ultra structure of cell or harappan civilisation, etc kind
topics more better than someone’s philosophy or any general

kanika - March 16, 2012

Hello Sir,

I would be joining 2 year post graduate program in human

resource management (Masters in Human Resource and
Organisational Development). I compared the civil services’
MANAGEMENT optional syllabus with the course structure of the
program and found them to be pretty much on the same lines. Do
you suggest that I take up management as one of my optionals for
Mains? I’ve read things about how normalization is done to bring
aspirants from all background to level playing eld, and it is here 42/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

that people
Free Courses with
on IAS management
Preparation as optional
and Mock Tests for end
IAS! upGet
with not-so-good

scores to clear mains. Please help me in this regard.

Along with it, I plan to take up Political Science and International

Relations as another optional, as I am interested in IFS as my
service preference. So taking up political science as one optional
would help me have a broader perspective of the career that I want
to see myself in. Please throw light on this as well.
Thank you. Shares

IAS Kracker - March 25, 2012

Hi Kanika,

Realizing that normalization is valid for all subjects, you

shouldn’t worry unnecessarily about low scores in
Management. If you nd the subject interesting go for it. Yes
paper 2 of Pol science will help you in GS and interview as
well. So if you are interested in it take it up!

mdspulsar - June 1, 2012

i m preparing for civils with commerce and pub. ad as

optionals. if interested for strategy, books and notes, write
me at 43/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

vikram singh
Free Courses - March
on IAS 24, 2012 and Mock Tests for IAS!
Preparation Get Access

combination of geology and geography is allowed in upsc exam

IAS Kracker - March 25, 2012

No Vikram, it’s not 3


Srinidhi - March 28, 2012

Dear sir,
Hi! im doing my Btech …. what do u think will be a
good combo in mains for me?? ..i am interested in
psycology and literature in general…… i’ve also heard
that even sociology helps in the essay exam in the
CSE..I also like history and german…and i’ve already
studied sanskrit for the past 8 years…moreover my
main aim is to get into Indian Foreign Services!! Will
taking political science help me during the interview…
Could you please guide me for the same..I would love
to hear from you as soon as possible
Thanking you,

Ravi theja - April 3, 2012 44/102
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Sir, and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Thanks a lot for your valuable information and

guidance. Since vikram said that Geography and
Geology combination is allowed, I surfed for
con rmation. I found that it is allowed. Please look at
this link.

Regards 3
Ravi theja

Sandeep - April 7, 2012

Hello Sir…! Is Botany A Scoring subject in IAS Mains..???? it

was my graduation subject.
I am an IIT,Bombay Student and pursuing my master’s
degree with geology…Will it be favourable for me to choose
Botany and geology for IAS mains..exam..??
Plz reply ..

raj - January 9, 2014


i also wanted to know if you could advise me how to

prepare for civils with geology as an optional as i am
doing msc from iit kgp
kindly drop a mail on 45/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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mohit singh - April 12, 2012

I am thinking of taking public adminstration as my optional.

Though i have got interest for as these
two optional??and about maths ??its scoring and all??

Anuj - April 16, 2012 3


I have done my +2 in non med, and i want to ask that which

graduation is helpful for ias..?

Vipul - May 4, 2012


Thanks for the detailed post. I have just nished my MBA and want
to appear for the UPSC exam next year. I want to take
management as one of the subjects as I have studied it during the
two years of my MBA.
It is not very popular and hence I didn’t get too much info about it.
Can you tell me something about this subject in terms of di culty
considering the syllabus covers all aspects of management, overall
scoring potential and if any good coaching is required/available for

P.S. My other optional preference is sociology because I nd it

interesting and want to delve more into it.

Vipul 46/102
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shiva - May 7, 2012

Hi Guys,

I have taken Geology as one of my optional. I am preparing by

myself. I am facing in nding good institute which gives

coaching(both postal and class room). And on net there’s a little
information regarding this. Please could some one give link or

name of institutes giving good coaching in Delhi (postal is also ok)

ishita - May 10, 2012

hey sir, i am ishita , just 15 years old. but still i have a keen interest
in becoming an ias.its hard for me to chose my subjects as i really
don’t know which subjects i will be best at because i am able to
study all subjects nicely. on the other hand i love singing, playing
basketball very much but i feel sorry that ias does not have these
options. it would be my pleasure if you could suggest me
something about the subjects. i have a sharp mind ,but really want
to know what all can they ask for general knowledge?

akanksha - May 29, 2012

what can be the other subject while one being law? 47/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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IAS29, 2012
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what can be the other subject while one being law?

shyam kumar - May 30, 2012

can i take geological science and geography as my optional

Abilash kalra - June 7, 2012

cracking ias is not an easy task but choosing which course to be

done for preparation is more di cult becoz if you dont hav the aim
in mind then where will you go in future?
First you need to be sure
For this
this will really help you as they have many options
they have every possible technique by teaching you that how to
crack ias
Thank you
all the best

Sonia - June 7, 2012

Hello, 48/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Thanks on
Free Courses forIAS
providing a great
Preparation andarticle with for
Mock Tests all IAS!
the possible insights
Get Access

about the exam. I have a question, is it possible take up coaching

outside India online or do we “have” to be within the country to
prepare for the exam?

mannu - June 19, 2012

i Have choosen public administratiin as my 1st optional ,. how is

paly littrature as second optional please suggest

Guest - June 25, 2012

Dear Sir,
I am student of B.A. 2nd year with respective subjects-Psychology,
Funtional English, Hindi and English.Which two optional subjects
should I choose to clear the I.A.S. Exam?? I have also interest in
sociology…can i choose literature in phonetics instead of literature
in genral english.i m confused.Please guide me and suggest me

Guest - June 26, 2012

Please reply.

soni - June 26, 2012 49/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
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I have respective subject-Psychology,functional

english,hindi,english in B.A. I want to prepare for I.A.S exam.Please
suggest me the right optional subjects to clear this exam.I have
also interest in sociology.But I am confused to which subject
should i choose to clear this exam..i request u please suggest me
which two optional subjects should i take??? Please reply me soon


soni - June 26, 2012

I have respective subject-Psychology,functional
english,hindi,english in B.A. I want to prepare for I.A.S exam.Please
suggest me the right optional subjects to clear this exam.I have
also interest in sociology.But I am confused to which subject
should i choose to clear this exam..i request u please suggest me
which two optional subjects should i take??? Please reply me soon

seema - July 5, 2012

i am from commerce background, i have chosen pub ad as one of

my optionals but i am really confused about choosing second
optional, whether to take sociology or law with it? please anyone
suggest me. 50/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Coursesjeevan
on IAS- July 25, 2012 and Mock Tests for IAS!
Preparation Get Access

i think you should go for socio

jeevan - July 25, 2012

i think you should go for socio


sujal - July 5, 2012

Sir, I am really confused as to which coaching institute should i join

for geology ias preparation?? I am based in Delhi. Please help.

sujal - July 5, 2012

Sir, I am really confused as to which coaching institute should i join

for geology ias preparation?? I am based in Delhi. Please help.

Yatindra - July 20, 2012

Sir, I am nal year student of SCIENCE AND

ENGINEERING. Please help me to choose optional in IAS-
examination. 51/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Courses - July
2012 and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Sir, I am nal year student of SCIENCE AND

ENGINEERING. Please help me to choose optional in IAS-

SHASHANK - August 19, 2012

Sir. I want to choose Philosophy with Pub.Add in the IAS Mains
Exam. But some of my frnds told me that Philosophy is very low
scoring subject and scaling system may make it more di cult to
qualify and all.!!!
I found more interest in the subject PHILOSOPHY. and it was my
Gdtn. subjct too.
So please kindly guide me for this..shd I opt phil. or not as my 2nd
main option…specially on low scoring and all that issues…?? please
reply soon..

Lazylord - August 22, 2012

There is nothing called high and low scoring. If you nd

Philosophy interesting go right ahead and ignore your
friends advice.

SHASHANK - August 19, 2012

Sir. I want to choose Philosophy with Pub.Add in the IAS Mains

Exam. But some of my frnds told me that Philosophy is very low 52/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
scoring on
Free Courses subject and scaling
IAS Preparation system
and may make
Mock Tests for IAS!it more di cult to
Get Access

qualify and all.!!!

I found more interest in the subject PHILOSOPHY. and it was my
Gdtn. subjct too.
So please kindly guide me for this..shd I opt phil. or not as my 2nd
main option…specially on low scoring and all that issues…?? please
reply soon..


Lazylord - August 22, 2012

There is nothing called high and low scoring. If you nd

Philosophy interesting go right ahead and ignore your
friends advice.

Taba - October 10, 2012

Sir, I am doing M.Sc Geology and i want to do my optional paper in

Geology and Geography. Is this two combination is good for

Taba - October 10, 2012

Sir, I am doing M.Sc Geology and i want to do my optional paper in

Geology and Geography. Is this two combination is good for
optional? 53/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Courses on- October 18, 2012
IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Sir I am a MCA 2nd year Student, and i want to attempt for IAS…will
it be Good for me…
and what subject i shud choose for the Mains…..plz tell me

anshul - December 18, 2012

hello Sir
I am pursuing my B Tech ,I want to prepare for IAS exam
BUt confused with the optionals,it is also in news that optionals
may get removed from the mains
Also,i love mathematics,but haven’t touch maths after rst year,so
should i go for it?or geography ,pub ad etc?
Please guide me

Akash Bajaj - December 18, 2012

i am doing masters in English literature.I wanted to opt it as one of
my optional in mains.i know the syllabus and I can even very well
prepare for it.The only thing is I don’t know what UPSC demands in
the answer,because the demands of university level exams and
UPSC is quite di in university we have to complete a 80
marks exam in 3 hours,while in UPSC,the exam is of 300 marks for
3 hours.its becoming di cult for me to make a particular structure
of an answer for the UPSC.can you please help in this matter?or
you can suggest me an english literature coaching institute in Delhi. 54/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
I also have
Free Courses interest
on IAS in History,which
Preparation i amfor
and Mock Tests going
IAS! to Get
take as my

second may please suggest a good institute for

history also.i came to know about ALS(Alternative Learning
Systems) as a quite e cient institute for history and GS.please give
a good reference.i’ll be waiting for your reply.

Ankur Mishra - December 26, 2012 3


I myself Electronics and communication engineer, what is the best
optional choice for subject me so that i can score,

Eva Agrawal (@AgrawalEva) - January 1, 2013

I am a B.Tech, Biotechnology graduate. Please help me with

selecting the subjects for mains exam.

kiran - January 16, 2013

really helpful esp 4 beginners:)

Amrita - February 2, 2013

Sir,can i choose philosophy and sociology as my optionals? 55/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Balaji G A
Free Courses on- February 3, 2013
IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Hi Lazylord,

Thank you for taking the time to put up the blog. The information
provided in your various posts has ceraintly helped me get a better
understanding of what I am getting into.

What I’am puzzled about is, If you cleared the IAS exams, why did
you not decide to become an IAS o cer?


Balaji G A

ROSHAN - February 18, 2013



sadaf - March 2, 2013

I am in my 2nd year of computer science engineering..and after my
graduation i am planning to prepare for CSAT with pub ad and
history as a combination..which is probably very di erent from my
eld…please could u hint me with the time limit by which i would
be able to complete my preparation with these subjects? 56/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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IAS 3, 2013
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

i hav completed my mbbs. i like political science but when
contacted a few they dint seem to entertain my idea . they said its
too vast. please guide me. can i get good material and coaching tor
political science? pls help.

Deepika - April 24, 2016

Hi ,
I have only approx 3 months time left for ias prelims 2016
but I m really desperate to prepare for it,also this will be my
rst n last attempt as i m already 31 years old UR n i know
this is very less time period for prelims .Can u plz suggest if
there could be any way I can prepare n get through in
prelims as well as mains .I have gone through ur blog n
found it really helpful ,I think u could the best mentor for me
in this situation.plz suggest on urgent basis.

ADITYA - March 12, 2013



sudhir - March 18, 2013

kindly suggest me a good coaching for history optional? 57/102
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mudit sharma - March 27, 2013

Hi sir
I have done my mba from iim Lucknow with nance and economics
as my majors. I am confused between economics and
management. Economics interests me plus covers a part of gs
where as management seems more in lines with what my
quali cation is. Could you please help. Thanks a lot in advance

amit kumar - April 2, 2013

sir ,i appeared in ias mains last time with psychology and

anthropology.And psychology is so lenghty subjecct .i am an
aspirant with science background with physics ,chemistry and
mathematics.Now tell me that may i opt for zoology .bcz zoology is
a scoring subject in state psc exams.i studied zoology in 11th and
12th class .here is no coaching for physics ,chemistry and maths in
my state .i am very much confused .please guide me properly

Anshul gupta - April 3, 2013

hi sir,
I am confused which subject i choose as my optional. i am
confused with sociology and public admin.
Please suggest which is better. 58/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free CoursesIAS
IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS!
- April 12, 2013 Get Access

Go through the syllabus of both and pick the one you nd

more interesting/comfortable.

sphurthi - April 7, 2013

The blog is very helpful for selecting optional, Thank you very much

IAS Kracker - April 12, 2013


Thilak - June 25, 2013

sir… I am from A.P….& in Mains i would like to select

the common Indian language as English ….. is it
possible sir even in A.P their is no English as mother

IAS Kracker - July 4, 2013

English is compulsory. You cannot select it. You

will need to select some other language 59/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access
vinay kumar - April 14, 2013

i am perceiving 2nd year mechanical engineering,i am in dilemma

in choosing a right optional subject,please suggest, can i choose
mech engg as an optional subj or not

Pratyush Kumar bag - April 27, 2013 3


Dear Sir, i have chosen Chemistry & Sociology for optional

subjects..Is Chemistry a scoring one ????

Sammy - May 7, 2013

I’ve done my masters in Tourism Management.
I’m thinking of opting Telugu Lit. and History/ Geo. Both of these
subjects are interesting for me. What is my actually concern is
about syllabus? Which one subjects syllabus is little less compared
to other?
Any other suggestions are also much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

mayank kumar - May 9, 2013

sir, i want to be a ias. i am student of bsc 1th year. 60/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
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ujjwala upadhyay - June 29, 2013

Dear sir,

Iam duing correspondance BA from mumbai university.

i want to start with my prepration for UPSC please
guide me for the subject.

looking forward for ur help.

IAS Kracker - July 4, 2013

Have you searched this site for starting IAS prep?

shailesh - October 27, 2013

Thank you sir.

This is very helpful blog for a beginer.
I have done my in ECE and going to take CSAT 2014 and but
still I am confuse about right optional subject to mains.
I have gone through the syllabus and some last year papers then I
have come with three subjects Sociology, Public Adminstration and
Though I found philosaphy as good sub but the good study
material is not available and the last few year student got less
Sociology is also good but its syllabus is lengthy.
Public Adminstration is the popular sub and from the starting I was 61/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
con dant
Free Courses on to take
IAS it as a optional
Preparation and Mockbut when
Tests for IIAS!
have Get
gone through its

last year papers it was totaly di from my expectation.

So please sir help me to nd out suitable optional for main.

Thank you in advance.

saiayam - November 10, 2013


hello respected sir is it necessary to take any indian language for

mains exam and more over can i english as a mains language in IAS

tooba - November 23, 2013

I have just passed my 12th standard examination in arts, I am a

topper, and I am very passionate about what I do in arts, now that I
have passed 12th, I want to know what subjects should I opt for in
graduation which will be beni cial for me in civil service
examination, I would also like u to note the fact, that the subjects in
graduation should me such that will have a really good scope if I
dnt crack the civil service examination
I really really need help thankyou

ASWATHY - December 9, 2013

Dear Sir,
I scored rst position in university level,from mg university,Kerala
in degree(Tourism as main..,) only dream and aim from my 62/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
child hood
Free Courses onwards,is
on IAS to became
Preparation and Mockas an I.A.S
Tests o cer..but
for IAS! now ‘m bit
Get Access

confusing about optional subject…,pls help me to full ll my aim.


Mathematics and Statistics Jobs - December 27, 2013

It is great

stu indeed. I also wanted to there a way to subscribe to

your site via email?

kalyan - January 20, 2014

in the month of april i’ll get my gratduation in civil engg.
now i want to join civil services in this year so i want to take
geography as optional is it ok?
to which i have selected as optional and tell me the right institute
in delhi and hyderabad

Sooban Ahmad - February 2, 2014

Hi.. I’ve done my btech in 2012 and nw m preparing aptitude for

IAS.. I actly wanna know that wt subjects shud i choose as my
maths is nt so gud n i suck in history..
Plz help me guys.. 63/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Sooban Ahmad - February 2, 2014

Hi.. I’ve done my btech(cse) in 2012 and nw m preparing aptitude

for IAS.. I actly wanna know that wt subjects shud i choose as my
maths is nt so gud n i suck in history..
Plz help me guys..

BHAVNA - February 15, 2014


IAS Kracker - February 16, 2014


IAS Mains pattern changed last year. Now you need to select
just ONE subject for Mains, not 2.

gowtham - March 14, 2014

i have completed b.e. on working in qatar as electrical 64/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses onbut
IASi Preparation
would like to
IAS! Getand i am not

have any idea about papers selection could you help me

with regards

IAS Kracker - March 18, 2014 3


Hi gowtham,

This post was written years back for the old pattern. I will
update this post or write a new one with the changed
pattern in mind.

anitha - April 1, 2014

thank you for your guidance i saw it in a very correct time

Vivek - May 5, 2014

Kindly post Psychology Books for IAS Mains, Its missing in this

RESHMA - May 19, 2014

Sir, 65/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
i am a Accountant.i
Free Courses completed
on IAS Preparation M.Com.I
and Mock Tests wish to appear
for IAS! for ias.i stay
Get Access

in solapur (maharashtra).here no coaching classes are available for

UPSC.sir please guide me regarding prelims & Mains.

Anukriti Singh - May 31, 2014

hi sir,
i am a student and also a company secretary(professional

level) and want to prepare for IAS but i am very confused between
options management and commerce. i have considered the factors
above mentioned both these subjects excite me, and also i cant
nd coaching for management please suggest which option should
i choose?

priya - June 3, 2014

i m a beginner wd no experience in psycology but it interests me…

for taking it as an optional is there a risk?…wt r d pros n cons…

AVHINANDAN - June 13, 2014

sir i am a business administration graduate and i’m 20 yrs old

now….i want to start preperations now…..can you please make me
a few important suggestions about proceeding further my
preperations? 66/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Mahi - June
Free Courses on14,
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Hello sir,
Your e orts are really Appreciable. Also, your Wiz IQ tutorial is
quite nice.

I am a management student, hv just passed B.B.A.

MY QUERY- should i go for management optional as I have done

my graduation in it and also most of my syllabi of BBA is a part of
Paper- 1 n Paper- 2. Shares

I am worried and quite frightened before purely opting it because

no one in my contacts has gone for it and yet it is not a
CONVENTIONAL AND “FAVOURITE” optional of aspirants.

Kishan Kumar - June 16, 2014

Dear Sir,
I am pursuing MBA and has done B.Tech in Computer Science.
Please suggest optional for me.


Bijit Sharma - June 19, 2014

Thank you for the detailed analysis. I am completed BSc with

Physics (Hons) but can’t dare to go for Physics and have decided to 67/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
choose on
Free Courses Geography instead.
IAS Preparation andIsMock
a strategy
for IAS!to tackle
Get Access

Hindi(qualifying language subject) and can you suggest me some

good Hindi books to get me going as I have not written a word in
Hindi since my HSLC exams 8 years back.


mayank - June 25, 2014 Shares

sir your site really helped me alot thanx alot…. i’ll personally meet
you after achieving my goal….

IAS Kracker - June 29, 2014

Glad you liked it!

Praveen - July 5, 2014

While registering for prelims i chose electrical engg as optional sub

in mains but can i change it now or ever

Pratibha Kamble - July 10, 2014

HI i am student who just have given SSC Boards exams i just want
to know that to become an science will help me more or i should 68/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
go for arts
Free Courses . And
on IAS if i go forand
Preparation artsMock
so will history
Tests will be
for IAS! Getmore

psychology just be please help me through it

ashish ranjan - July 12, 2014

Hi.I am taking adm in bhu.what sub choose I am for my

graduation.I have no idea.I want to crack cse in rst
attempt.please, guide me for best sub for ias and graduation.

Thank you ,I love your website like big brother.

naina - July 15, 2014

hve passed bsc hons zoo,nd iam dng self study for ias.zoo as a
optional is gud for me as iam rm determined for upsc nd im nt
dng pg,is this imy right descision or nt

aparna - July 22, 2014

i m little bit confuse in mathematics and subject related to my

commerce eld. i really like maths but choosing rite one for self its
quite lill bit di cult . help me out

mani - July 23, 2014

dear sir
i am studing civil engineering 4th year i would like to appear for ias 69/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
plz suggest
Free Courses mePreparation
on IAS right optional subjects
and Mock tofor
Tests me IAS! Get Access

Divya teja - July 24, 2014

Thanku sir ,your site had hepled me a lot in choosing my optional

subject.All your information had abolished my confusions thanku
very much sir

ROJINA - August 17, 2014

i am BE graduate in tirunelveli government eengineering colleege

in civil department…which department is best to choose and study

Tulika Bhargava - August 18, 2014

Hello! I am from engg. background, but I really like the sub

psychology though not started yet but its syllabus appeals me… I
have heard that this sub is not scoring so can you pls hep me in
a) what if the sub is not scoring, n a person putting same e ort in
pub ad gets 70% n I get 50 only
b)being a pcm background student with little knowledge of bio can
I make it through.

Rishi - August 30, 2014 70/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

I am preparing for 2015, confused between geography and

philosophy, have interest in both. As I am preparing in hindi
medium found geography a little bit di cult in hindi. Should I go
with Philosophy? I do not have background in both. Kindly suggest.

Pallavi - September 3, 2014 3


HELLO,I m basically from commerce background,done with my CS

& MCOM IN ECONOMICS,now preparing for IAS ,can u tell me
please, m in a dilemman to opt for MANAGEMENT or
Economics,,,???? I have interest in both the subjects…

IAS Kracker - September 4, 2014

Try reading a bit of both strictly as per the syllabus. Maybe

you will like one more than the other!

prabhat - September 14, 2014

never go to SHEKHAR JHA for MAITHILI and to kailas bihari FOR


NITIN - September 21, 2014

3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

anita - September 29, 2014

I want to chosse botany as my optional subject. It is scoring or


sanjay - September 30, 2014


hi brother this is sanjay.i am interested in appearing for civils goal is to become an ias.I have chosen public
admnstration as my one of the optinal.which one should i prefer
for second optional?my father is advicing me to choose
anthropolgy.plz help me

Rajnish - December 17, 2014


By profession i am software developer and completed my

graduation in computer science.I have always a love for
Mathematics since my childhood.Long before i had decided that i
will take mathematics as my optional subject as i am able to deal
with it.But i am not able to decide which mathematics books to
read or which one is better(Author,publication etc) unlike other
popular optional subjects History,Public Administration etc.I am
not able to nd the set of books required to start with
Mathematics.Sometimes these thought makes me to switch to
another optional like Geography(Geography comes in to my mind 72/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
after reading
Free Courses on IASthis post).Can
Preparation andyou please
Mock Testsguide me with
for IAS! good books
Get Access

for Mathematics(Author,publication) or if any suggestion to choose

Geography.Thanks in advance.

IAS Kracker - December 25, 2014

If you’re interested in Mathematics, by all means, go with it.
Search for Mathematics books recommended by 2006 IAS

topper Muthyalu Raju who topped with Maths optional.

Ashish - January 12, 2015

Hi Sir,

I am going to start preparing for CSE. But i have confusion about

selecting the optional paper, i am from electrical engineering
background. But i am not con dent about choosing that as my
optional subject. If i start liking a subject i can succeed in that, i am
con dent. But looking at the syllabus for all the subjects it is hard
to make a decision. I have zero down my optional subjects to
Geography, Political Science & International Relations,Public
Administration and Sociology. Can you give a suggestion based on
your experience, which subject will suit me best. I would really
appreciate it.

Thanks and regards. 73/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Courses - July Preparation
on IAS 5, 2015 and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access
X sanyukta..just nished my gradution by taking Bcom.I was

really confused regarding the choice of subject for my pg as well as
my ias mains optional. I AM VERYYYY THANKFUL TO YOU FOR THE

keeni dakpe - July 6, 2015

Hello..i graduated bsc.nursing…can you tell me which optinal

subject to choose fr civil exam?

Amir Ali - July 28, 2015

sir can i choose urdu in IAS mains as my optional subject?

Abhinav Jain - September 5, 2015


I like sociology and history, but I feel socio is too abstract and
writing good answers might be a di cult task. History interests me
but I feel there is too much to read and I might get bored. I am not
able to decide.
Please Help. 74/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access
sadaf - September 8, 2015

Hiii sir i am a student and my basic suject earlier was medical now
further i want to continue with arts for IAS…it it a correct decision
or shiuld i continue with my own subjects for making my studies

Thanuj Kumar K - November 12, 2015

Sir, I am studying in 12th and interested in studying aeronautical or

aerospace engineering, and also aspiring to become an IAS o cer.
Could you please recommend me as to which optional I can take in
Mains. Or would you recommend any other engineering course
which might be useful for me in Mains. I need speci c answers sir,
please. It’s urgent.

Razia sulthana - November 27, 2015

Actually how many options to be chosen for ias mains here every
one in comments discussed about the second option I am
confused please give me clarity

anubhaw sinha - December 8, 2015

Sir I m a bsc physics honours pass 2013 but I can’t understand

hows the choose a pepper a mains which subject are better
scoreing 75/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

akshara - December 13, 2015

Hi sir, i am akshara. I am pursuing my bachelor degree in

animation. I am not getting which subject to choose as optional. I
am intrested in malayalam literature. Can i choose malayalam
literature as optional???

Dharmveer yadav - January 8, 2016

Hi sir I am dharmveer from Allahabad iam pursuing BSc agriculture

so I want which optional subject will be best for me
I want that my opional will public ad so I want your advise for
optional subject
Which subject will be best for me

Megha Gupta - January 29, 2016

sir,i am doing masters in i am quite confused

about choosing the subjects. so kindly help me !!

Aamir Bashir - February 2, 2016

respected sir,
sir presently i m nal yr. student having subjects pol. science,
sociology economics…please sir suggest me best and easy
combination to crack IAS…. 76/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Thank you
Free Courses sir Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS!
on IAS Get Access

Satya Prakash - February 5, 2016

sir,i pursuing in civil branch.which subject are select for



Abi - February 8, 2016

Thank you. I had initially chosen pub ad because i thought it had

the potential to be quite interesting but after a couple of classes I
became uncertain as classes were extremely boring. But this article
has refurbished my belief that pub ad could be an interesting
subject and all I have to do is read up. Thanks again

vanitha - February 27, 2016

Sir, my optional is management. Can you give me some


Prachi - February 29, 2016

I am BE graduate and done my mtech in energy technology, at
present I m working in Central Excise, now I have to prepare for
upsc CSE exam. I have shortlisted some subjects for mains, as 77/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses physics
on IAS and mathematics.
Preparation Asfor
and Mock Tests u IAS!
already mentioned
Get Access

about geography, please put some light on physics and

mathematics also. What is the level of these two subjects in exams?
Are these subjects scoring? Approx time to cover there syllabus??

Rajiv Kumar - March 10, 2016

Respected Mentor,

I am doing B.Sc in chemistry and aspiring to become an IAS o cer

but I am quite confused about chosing the right optional paper.
Please guide me with optionl which are considered good scoring.
Please sir suggest me the best combination to crack an IAS as i am
not so much aware of the syllabus of upsc and sir if possible please
guide me. It wil be favour to me..

Thankyou so much in advance

Your sincerely,

vikas sharma - March 19, 2016

hi sir I studies in class 10 right now . my aim in life is to become an

IAS o cer. plz suggest me for which stream I should go towards.
Arts or non – med
plz reply fast sir…. I don’t likes chemistry… 78/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

sukhpal on
Free Courses singh
IAS- Preparation
April 6, 2016 and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Dear sir. I complete my graduation in computer science. Now what

should I choose option subject for ias. Pls tell me.pls rpy in email.
I’m waiting

sid - April 10, 2016

sir , I am pursuing b.scShares
biotech as it is not the subject in cse so I am
confused between history and pub administration plz hlp which I
should select

Vikash kumar - April 20, 2016

I have completed my graduation with English.But I want to become
an IAS o cer.
So kindly tell me some valuable advice for this preparation

somendra - April 22, 2016

i am pursuing btech in computer science stream .. but my wish is to
appear for upsc as soon as i complete my grad . i have no
background of any optional subject .. pls help me to choose the
subject .
looking forward in favourable response
thanking you 79/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

karan - May 2, 2016

Sir plzz guide me that i m completing my 12th and also qualify in

jee mains but i want to become ias so which aubject is best for me
for preparation for ias plz sir guide me

siraj uddeen alvi - May 7, 2016

Me yeh maloom karna chahta ho ke jis subject se hum gradute

karte h
Unme se hum choose karte h kiya other koi bhi subject choose kar
sakte h

Ab - May 11, 2016

Sir i am student of science but i think that im choosing optional

subject in arts stream .is it possible.pls reply

Suraj Lodhi - May 11, 2016

hi i m suraj. i m quali ed B.A this year. which subject i should take

to crack ias exam 80/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

ranja - May
Free Courses on14,
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

i am b tech in civil.which optional will be better for me.plz suggest

Jitendra Sharma - May 14, 2016

I am a Computer Engineer and wat to appear for IAS, please

suggest me which optionals to be selected…??? please help

dhanya - May 14, 2016


I am a B.Tech graduate and keenly interested in IAS..I have started

reading NCERT books for basic knowledge.I want to take pol sci as
one of the subjects.Apart from that i want to take Dogri as one of
the languages.Kindly guide me the apt combination i must go for
as i am good at reading.Is there an option available for PA as
well.Also help me out with the combinations of subjects with pol sci
and dogri.



v subhasini - May 15, 2016

Hello! I am pursuing my M.Phil., Mathematics. Which optional

subject will suit for me.. plz answer me 81/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

RaviTeja - May 16, 2016

There is no Book Suggestion for Psychology what it means there is

no availability of psychology books for preparation or something
else and it so usefull

paramveer singh - May 17, 2016

Hi ….I did my graduation with economics…political science. ..and

history….I want to crack this exam….pls tell me which subject is
best as an optionAl ….pls tell me the complete procedure of this
exam ….I have few knowledge regarding this exam.

shyam - May 21, 2016

sir i’m bsc in biotechnology, zoology and chemistry. but I don’t have
enough knowledge of both subjects. what should I do for upsc
optional subjects??
plz sugges me sir.

ROHIT RAJ - May 24, 2016

hi …..i am 12 pass student ….

science is the subject that i like most….
which subject i have to choose for the preparation of IAS exam 82/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

p.vijaya rani - May 25, 2016

P.Vijaya rani

Sir i have complited BSC MPC.but how to choose subject to to choose rst languagge and second languagge. please
tell me your valuable suggestion.

Name* - May 25, 2016

actually i Completed BE CSE, which is best optional for scoring.i

dont having any knowldge plz help its urgent

Gaurav - May 26, 2016

I am a mechanical enginear..and i wana prepare for upsc….my

optional subject would be geography which else paper should i

ashwini - May 27, 2016

hi im BA student i appling to IAS exam which subject chose

optional for main exam paper 6th &7th,plse reply. 83/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Rishi - May
Free Courses on30,IAS
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Hii gyzzz please provide me some suggestion optional subject for

ias .i have complete mbbs degree next year..

missy - May 31, 2016

I am in 2 nd year of civil, what subjects can be preferable
for my stream. I Actually dont want a completely di erent subject
as I want to continue doing mtech and during tht I can prepare fr
the exam.

Mohit - June 11, 2016

I am 26 years old with only XII standard as quali cation. I wish to

appear in UPSC 2019, after my graduation, at age 29.

I want to start preparing from now and am also thinking about

joining coaching, but am worried that UPSC may reduce the upper
age limit till 2019 comes.

I read this concerned news article on May 23, 2016.

Please help. I would be greatly thankful.

Sorry to be so confusing. 84/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Mobile: on
Free Courses 7206
IAS278 293
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Varsha Rajput - June 11, 2016

Thank you very much! I was in a dilemma about two subjects

geography and eng. Litt.but till I nished the post I got my

answer..#engLitt. Thank you very much for addressing aspirants’
problem so nely! Shares

priyanka - June 27, 2016

sir my engineering in civil brance are running.. now i am in nal yr,

how i prepare for civil services(ISA).which subject i choose for
preliminary nd

vanshika - July 7, 2016

Heya!! Actually I want to pursue Zoology and psycho as my optional

subjects. Will it be di cult to prepare for ias with science stream or
I should opt for Humanities?

Aakanksha - July 8, 2016

What subjects should i choose with BA (english hons)??? 85/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Free Courses - July Preparation
on IAS 8, 2016 and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

What subjects should i choose with BA (english hons)???

Also English is compulsory subject and also given as optional
Indian language, what does that mean???

arnima - July 8, 2016

I don’t know what is I.a.s but I have interested in I.a.s please give
me a information .I am graduation appering .how to prepare I.a.s
.and subject information. Please help me .

Neha - July 20, 2016

Hi….I m commerce student and I have decided optional as

commerce n public administration…plz guide me whether i can go
for these optional…my id

Prabhakar rao - July 22, 2016

Sir, i’m student of textile engg. 2nd year student .i want for civil
service exam can i eligible for indian forest service

Renu - July 27, 2016

Hiii.. I am from management background so which optional subject

is good for me 86/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

sam - July 31, 2016

Sir I am med graduate I want to take med science as my optional

subjects can I go for

Bhanu - August 6, 2016


Hello sir…..I complete my 12th in maths last year….now I am doing and wants to preparation for IAS exam…so please help me to
choosing my optional subject
Thank you

Buddhima - August 11, 2016

Hello there i am very much confused in selecting my optional. My

core subjects are History,Public administration and geography.
Could you please suggest me an optional which doesnt make me

Apala - August 25, 2016

Hi. I am a BDS graduate and wanted to start preparing for IAS

examination but since there is no option to choose any dental
subject, can I get a little guidance on which subject to choose? 87/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses
sanjeev -on IAS29,
August Preparation
2016 and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

great thank u man take appreciate it

dr.aishwarya.nitnaware - August 30, 2016

Sir,please guide me regarding which optional subject to choose,sir i
am a dentist,completed by bachelor in dental surgery this year…i a
confused which subject to choose for civil service exam…pls guide
me sir

Devendra - September 6, 2016

I am graduated as mechanical engg. What should I choose optional
subject for upsc exam

madhavi reddy - September 19, 2016

hello , sir,i have completed bds nal year and now i would like to
prepare for cse and i have a doubt in selecting optional subject bcz
no subject is related to my graduation and sir u pls suggest me in
selecting optional subject

ashok yalla - October 16, 2016 88/102
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My name is Ashok.I am a semi quali ed CA I.e I completed

IPCC.Iam confused between the optionals which I should take
whether geography or commerce.
If I took commerce then I can attempt paper 1 with out any
coaching but I has take coaching for paper 2 which I don’t know
any thing about paper 2 .

Please suggest me which is the best optional and which the best
institute for that optional. Shares

One more thing I would like to tell u is my rst attempt is in 2018.

Rahul - October 23, 2016

Hi….m Rahul from Assam. Stdyng in JNV class 12 with bio sc. Can I
prepare for IAS? and how can I prepare?

Nikhil - December 29, 2017

Hi Rahul
I am nikhil
You start preparation from now so you must focus on the
subjects of civil but being your are from science stream you
may be interested or pressurised to do science degree but if
your lucky you can opt for any degree in humanities and
social sciences
After you enter into either streams you must prepare like for
competitive exam regularly that you done in pu
You should make time free to study in this order 89/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker
Free Courses1.History-bipin chandra
on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

3.constitution-dd basu
4.ethics-subba rao
5.geography-g c Leon and culture- nithin singhania
All these before you complete degree along with this daily

Hindu paper at least editorial section must be read and
monthly vision ias mazines available in vision ias app

For any query and doubt please refer toppers talk and get
their way of approach and startegy and be mentally
prepared learn any thing in free time

Completing degree you can join coaching or get your year

syllabus regularly see to know what to read and what not to

Have con dence in the you then you you succeed in rst
attempt like tina mam where mam have decided to prepare
for civil from 12 only like you

vikram yadav - November 16, 2016

Hello sir
Mai ye janna chahta hu ki kya ias ke mains me jo optional subject
hai woh jaroori hai ki bacheler degree se ho kya other nhi le sakte
Please fast Reply 90/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Sahil kumar
Free Courses - November
on IAS 16, 2016
Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Sir,I am a student of class 10th and want to crack UPSC by good

marks.So, please tell me that which stream I choose in classs 11th
for achieve my dream.

Aman Jha - November 27, 2016

I have done my 10th and 12th from ICSE board and scored high
marks .
Then I have done B.Tech Marine Engineering.
Please tell me which subject would be an optimum selection for
Is there any technical subject?

Satheesh - November 29, 2016

Sir I am a mechanical graduate ..completed in 2013 …still I am not

doing any job.. Will it create any problem…?? I have prepared for
group exam which were conducted by state public service
commission.. But I can’t crack it… But I have a goal that I have to
crack Civils…
Shall I choose mechanical as an optional subject..or else as u said
apart from my subject such as law…can u suggest the right path….
And one more thing is…language . I am from Telugu medium
background… Is Telugu better for me to write mains in Telugu….
Please suggest me right path..please give me reply 91/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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Athulya on IAS Preparation
S Rajan and Mock Tests for IAS!
- December 4, 2016
Get Access

I am a second year MBBS student.I would like to prepare for CS
exams.So am quite confused about the optionals.I am not too
much in love with the medical subjects so am pretty doubtful of the
subjects I should chose.Psyhology appears good for me and apart

from that I would like to take some eng/mal literature, but since I
haven’t graduated in any of those subjects am not sure about
it.Can you please help me sort this out Sir.

Srusty - December 10, 2016

Greetings Sir,

I am a MCA student and working in a IT rm. Which optional

subject will be good for me. I found sociology quite interesting. But
may be writing matters in case of Sociology. Which optional subject
will I prefer ? Could you please guide me ?

Viswjeet kumar - December 12, 2016

I wan to prepration for IAS EXAMINATION.
But my honers is physic .now i am in part -1.
Can i do .that is right choice.
Please suggest me sir.

I am in confuss. i am not very well in honers subject 92/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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Aasif Hamid - December 14, 2016

Sir I have done Bsc MLT on (lateral entry) basis am I eligible for CSE
and also plz suggests me how to opt subjects fr it bcz I don’t knw
any thing abt it

Raman Kumar - December 22, 2016

Sir I m MBBS with pg DIPLOMA in child health,what sub will be gd

for me other than medical science ?

prathiba - January 5, 2017

Sir, I nished B.E biomedical. I’m preparing for UPSC exam and I
don’t know to select my optional subject please help me. Thank u
in advance

Mamatha v - January 9, 2017

How to select optional as I nished my BE in electronics and


Ashok Singh - May 2, 2018 electronic 93/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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Mona - January 11, 2017

I had done my graduation in physics and maths.. But not so good

in any subject and have no link from arts subject

jiger - January 21, 2017


i have done btech in mechanical which subject would be best for

bhavya - February 11, 2017

which subject should i opt in 11th and 12th for ias

S.K.Hari vishnu - February 21, 2017

can you give me clear explanation to take physics as optional

paper. It has an interesting subject to me

Mangri bittu - February 24, 2017

With respect to the subject selection I would like to inform that I
am a undergraduate in civil engineering and in regard to UPSC 94/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

exams Ion
Free Courses feltIAS
like I could not
Preparation mae
and it through
Mock Tests for opting myAccess
IAS! Get subject
.so,could you please suggest me?

karan - February 26, 2017

hi, iam pursuing MCA, and i am preparing for IAS exam.

may i choose electronics as optional exam is it best option for me??

please help me…

devanshika singh - March 4, 2017

Which is better optional subject in social work and sociology? Plz

give me suggestion.

IAS Kracker - March 20, 2017

Social work is not an optional subject for IAS mains

Nishtha Singh - March 28, 2017

I have completed my B.Tech in mechanical engineering, I had also
prepared for IES earlier. Now after completing my M.Tech, I want to
prepare for IAS. Should I choose another subject, as mech.
engineering is time taking. I am confused. Please guide. 95/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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mark kruger - April 20, 2017

I hve graduate in science. & i hve interested in physics. But i heard

that physics is nt scorable subject. Then which subject is best for

vaibhav - May 20, 2017

Sir , I am in mechanical 2nd year . can i prepare for gate rst and
then give ias with mech engg and if i dont make it then give again
with psychology ? please help me regarding this .

sri harsha - June 14, 2017

hey guys i’m civil engineer by profession and i’m confused which
subject to choose as an optional, please help

ashraf - June 15, 2017

what subjects i have to select in the intermediate means in 11th

and12th standard.for up coming I.A.S.COURSE/EXAM. which
subjects are helpful for me for the above pattern.please advice me
i shall be thankful ever and ever.. 96/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

vidya - June
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Sir,I’ve just completed my +2.can i prepare parallely for civils along

with btech.
If so from where should i start,what optional subjects,I should
please guide me.

Sourabh - June 16, 2017

Thank you so much sir,for clearing all our doubts for selecting right
optional sub.from school days geography is one of my fav as I m
going to select that subject as my optional. Ty

prashant - June 18, 2017

hi guys
my question is can we take two di erent subject for optional 1 and
2 and is it compulsary to for the student to give paper 1 for the rst
subject means if he likes the syllabus of paper 2 and he want to
give it in paper one and same in the 2 second paper is it possible

Pooja - June 23, 2017

I have done my 12th in science subject nd tried gor neet tooo…

So which sub. I choose for optional subject??
Should i stick to medical science or chemistry or should go for
geography nd public administration?? 97/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

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Kripa - June 24, 2017

What can i choose as my optional subject after my ayurveda course

or BAMS COURSE? please help

Shruti - August 6, 2017


What about choosing philosophy?? Kindly Guide

Cristena - August 15, 2017

I found history so fascinating ,geography too while public

administration is so informative and constructive for future aspect .
what to do?

Vinay - August 25, 2017

If I take mathematics as optional subject so whether I can write all

other subjects in kannada language reply me sir

Mukesh - September 10, 2017

Good morning sir

Iam mukesh studiying physics 2nd year 98/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

The problems
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Mock hardfor
to IAS!
solve Get Access

So can it take other 2 optional sub like history and geography

Buvaneswari - September 21, 2017

Please refered scoring optional subjects


Shalini Gupta - November 7, 2017

I m Bsc nsg graduate. which subject I should choose for mains

Z.Abdul Hussain - February 11, 2018

I am studying b.e computer science which optional paper can I


NEELAM - February 12, 2018

I compelted my graduation B.COM(p). Can i also give exam IAS, and

which subject i have to choose

MOHD RAZA - February 12, 2018

hello sir myself is mohd raza

sir i wana tell you my some past events 99/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

sir whenoni was
Free Courses 10th my prepartion
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Testsadvanced for Access
for IAS! Get my age coz i
wana become a scientist my classmates called me albert instine
indeed i had enough understanding to explain things
i knew the cause of it
that was my Lowliness my poverty
it gave me crave to thing more and more about things about
universe about life etc
i was fond of books
but my condition was that i could not purchase my all books in 10

after completed it
i enter in bio stream because i loved sciense a ais
i determined that i will become sincere doctor and during it i will
start my search to be depend at goverment expendeture
i obtain rst position in my class in HEWETT MUSLIM INTER
COLLEGE MBD it was very honorable
in +2 my home condition was distressing me
i was only 17 year old that time my father had 8 lak ne due to my
big bro’s business loss
we had to sell our house
i left study and doing work in shope
but my i could not forget my beloved books and my desire to be a
inspite of my diverse circumstances i passed out +2 with 72 %
i had obligation to earn money for my home
i left my study
one day i was reading a news paper
the headline was, a pitable guy kraked ias who was a maid’s son
after it i left work and went home i appeared my wish in front of
my parents 100/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

that i wana
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on IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

they agreed and after 1 year gap

now i m studying in bsc part 1bio in mBD hindu college
sir i wana become an ias but my conditions are hostile
sir give me suggestion how i do preparation for ias

Rahul - March 9, 2018 3


sir this year i clear 12 exam with pcm and my dream is want to be
ias so please give me sugestion to which sub is best for graduation
and help to prepair ias exam…

Shubhangi - April 4, 2018

Hello.sir iam 12th passed out instersted in civill services

examination but dont know how graduation subjects i am
a science student with pcm and economics what best for

Sai vamsi krishna immadi - June 30, 2018

I am in dilemma to choose my optional.I am unable to choose one

from maths r political sci.can you please suggest something that
would help me to choose 101/102
3/27/2019 Selecting the Best Optional Subject for IAS the Right Way - IAS Kracker

Anju - Julyon
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IAS Preparation and Mock Tests for IAS! Get Access

Thank you iaskracker I opted physics as a optional

Karthikeyan s - July 6, 2018

Bsc Biotechnology is use for ias exam ?


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