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13 Nov. 2018 3:20 PL REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ON ELECTIONS CONT SS TO Nas Personnel Department MEMORANDUM FOR t ALL FIELD OFFICES riser sale SUBJECT Guidelines on the Use of the AA DATE : 12 November 2018 Per Minute Resolution No. 18-0849 dated 19 September 2018, the Commission En Banc resolved to approve the Guidelines on the Use of the Automated Attendance System (AAS) for Field Offices. Please download the application, and installation and operations manual from the Secure File Transfer Protocol Server. For offices without issued Voter Registration Machine (VRM) ~ Office of the Regional Election Directors and Office of the Provincial Elections Supervisors - fingerprint scanners shall be deployed to your offices for this purpose. Attached is a copy of said guidelines for your reference and Immediate implementation. Please submit a report to the undersigned on the date of enrollment of your respective personnel in the AAS. For strict compliance. MARGARET C. CHING DireCtONV 4 cc Office of the Chairman Information Technology Department (ITD) Administrative Services Department (ASD) 1U-2018.0053b0 Fron COMMICN ON ELECTIONS - PERSOAN FRX ND, :@25273139 13 Now. 2018 3:21PM PS GUIDELINES ON THE USE OF AUTOMATED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM IN FIELD OFFICES GENERAL POLICY Section 5, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Title I, Subtitle A, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 provides: "SEC. 5. Officers and employees of all departments and agencies except those covered by special laws shall render not less than eight hours of work a day for five days @ week or a total of forty hours a week, exclusive of time for Junch. As 2 general rule, such hours shall be from eight o'clock in the moming to twelve o'ock noon, and from one o'clock to five o'clock in the afternoon on all days except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.” To properly monitor the attendance of all offidals and employees the Automated Attendance System (AAS) shall be used. SCOPE General rule: All officials and employees assigned in the COMELEC fleld offices. Exeaptiont Directors IV and III are exempt from the use of the AAS taking Into consideration the nature of their tasks. GUIDELINES 1, Enroliment in AAS All offidals and employees, not otherwise exempted from using the AAS shall be enrolled by the CVL/CMT technician. Enrollment shall be made at: a. the Office of the Provincial Election Supervisor (OPES) ~ for the PES, OPES staff, and Election Officers and Election Assistants under the jurisdiction of the PES. Enrollment shall be made in the presence of the PES. b. the Office of the Regional Election Director (ORED) ~ for all personnel assigned in the ORED. Enrollment shall be made in the presence of the Regional Election Director (ORED) concerned. ‘The PES/RED concemed shall ensure that the sets of biometrics data corresponds to the number of personnel in sald office. uv after enrollment, @ certification shall be issued by the PES/RED concerned that the biometrics data corresponds to the official/employee enrolled, The database of biometrics data shall be ‘submitted to the Information Technology Department (ITD) for recording and validation. Random verification of bicenetries data shall be made using the Automated Fingerprint Identification ‘System (AFIS). 2. Prescribed Periods to be Registered ‘The officials and employees covered are required to register in the AAS the following prescribed periods: a. arrival in the moming (time in); 'b. during the 12:00-1:00 lunch break (break out-break in); and c. upon departure from the office. 3. Grace Period frcals/employees who arrived for work within thirty (30) minutes after 8:00 STi a not be considered tardy but they have to compensate for It on the are day, for the same number of minutes, after thelr fixed tne of dismissal, Employees who arived beyond thirty (30) minutes after their fixed time of cea snal be considered tardy. The actual number of hours incurred from ay tardiness shall accordingly be deducted from the concemed employees’ vacation leave credits; To ilustrate, in case an employee arrives for work at 8:20 a.m., he/she shall robe considered tardy for 20 minutes but he/she has to render service up tO 3220 pm. for that day to complete the eight hours of work required. In case ihe employee arrives at 8:35 am., he/she shall be considered tardy for 35 minutes and will not be allowed to compensate for the same. This grace period shall not apply for Jog out and In during lunch break. 4, Employees on Official Business Officials/employees going out during office hours on official or urgent business are required to secure from their immediate superior, an office order ‘or directive Indicating the purpose, the time ‘of departure and the estimated ‘time of return. “The office order/directive duly signed shall be submitted together with the Dally Time Record (OTR). 5, Employees on Official Travel

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