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Collective Programming of mind

system of rules – explicit & implicit – established by groups

Shared Value/Practice

Recognize the presence of

another group and acknowledge and value
the differences

Economic/Technology Development
Different view ⇨ More Knowledge ⇨ Innovative ⇨ Country Prosperity

Civil War
Differences in value and belief
What is culture
Conflict History
Inconsistent view, incompatible interest
e.g. Chinese are all good in math
What causes conflict Values
What a group is like Stereotype
e.g. I like him because he is a Chinese.
Social Friction
What we feel about that group, Threatened . Belief in this dislike Conflict
Malaysia Culture Assumption
Evaluate in group more favourable compared to out group
Prejudice (Intergroup bias)
Pre Judgement with little or none experience

Prejudice cannot exist without categorization (Stereotype)

Attitudes or mental representation

e.g. I don't hire the other person because he is non-Chinese

Unfair treatment against individual or group Behavioural manifestation

Or Prejudice in action
Unexamined I Don't know
E.g. Black are not allowed to work in this company

Prejudice + Discrimination in term of race

Believe their race is better than the other

Has right to rule other Racist

Intolerance of other race

Only by understanding why he think like that Search Which one I belong to ?
then only we are able to understand why
He think and belief in such a way Increase Accuracy

recognise and accommodate differences of other cultures when we analyse

Belonging to particular culture/ethnic group
problems and make decisions. Reality Check Culture
e.g. Malaysia Background
Develop due to membership within one's culture
Adapt to different context
Survival Skills Social
Gender/ Work/ Religion/ Region
As Globalization happened,
More interaction with e.g. Chinese will prefer Chinese
PPL from Different context Important ?
Unique Characteristic Personal Achievement
gained from a diversity of cultural perspectives Multiple Perspective identity or feeling of belonging to a group Personal
Achievement Ah ha, so I belong here Asian ? e.g. Cooking, Singing ,Dancing
Isolate SRC influence and evaluate it (What is the SRC influence?) after contrasting
the differences Self-Reference Criteria (SRC) for those taking IM
Chp 6Culture literacy CHP 2Culture
Formation of identity Who you/they are What other think of us as Culture vs Identity Identity Social Categorizing
avoid using our own values and assumptions to evaluate people from another Identity
Belief that own culture is superior than other
Accept the fact that different culture can be similar or different Common ground Ethnocentrism
E.g. American Applying own standard to other
Learn more about own culture through work together with others culture
Obtain more insight about own culture indirectly Learning Being educated about cultural differences helps improve intercultural
react to a new cultural situation and listen to the many different viewpoints, including our own. Awareness

language, history, education, politics, religion, , slang and ways of perceiving,

thinking and feeling, non-verbal communication and linguistic differences ORG Culture Shared value and belief in a company
associated with the culture. Knowledge and Understanding
Individual based on the culture background they are raised in
acquire/apply how to effectively and efficiently behave and relate with people from Learning Competency Model
another culture Exchange Business Card
Skills Application
E.g. Ability to build relationship and rapport across culture Between Different company Call if delayed

mutual acquaintance will help establish a business relationship

integrate unconsciously the newly acquired knowledge and skills in many different settings
To function effectively, obtain immediate feedback on their effectiveness
Mastery and Integration Malaysia Org Culture Malaysian admire good etiquette and do not appreciate bluntness
and to demonstrate them in work style
Listen carefully to Malaysian, as They avoid saying things directly
Btw People
Don't be too direct
more than two culture interact or interfere High-context Culture
In positive or negative way Happened when What they say may not be what they mean
Cultural Interaction
Interorganisational Within the Organization

Perception help to guide human behaviour in general Which may ended as Friendly Behaviour or Aggressive Behaviour
Why Important?
May change when we know more

Body Language, Tone of Voice, Color

A person wearing black and white to a Chinese Wedding can be deemed as

disrespectful or wishing them bad luck

In India-
India Nodding = No
India Shaking = Yes
Chp 3Perception
Non-verbal Communication Different Interpretation of Action or Gesture
Eating Noodle in Japan
Loud Slurping sound meant the noodles is delicious In fact - . Slurping allow the flavour to spread

Malay ( Yellow - Royalty - Sultan)

Chinese ( Yellow- Royalty - Emperor)

Green Malay ( Tradition color of Islam)

Different Country got Different Perception Malay ( Red - courage, bravery, heroism and loyalty)
Red Chinese ( Red - Good Luck, Fortune)

American (US) ( Red - Anger)

White Chinese - Mourning

Voice Pronunciation Differences

Verbal Communication
Written Language Differences

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