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Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment

1. The School Learning Resources

List of Available Learning Resources in their Library and Computer

Available Learning Resources Characteristics and Teaching Approaches where

Capabilities the Resources is Most Useful
1.) Print Resources
- These resources are - Print resource
 Books helpful to the student’s approach are useful
studies, this can guide both to the student
 Encyclopedias them and gives idea and the teacher it can
about a certain topic. It be a source of lesson
 Magazines will give them latest for the teacher and
information in the students can develop
 Newspapers current news, educate their reading skills and
themselves by for some reason they
 Research Materials browsing some can be ended up liking
magazines and reading reading books. This
its articles provided. way they can discover
their personal
interests and styles
when it comes to

2.) Non-electronic Visual

Aids - These learning - Non-electronic Visuals
resources gives the Aids approach are
 Bulletin board student a visual useful for teachers
representation about a because in this way
 Whiteboard certain thing, this can they can made the
help them widen up lesson realistic, be
 Charts their imaginations more effective and
because you are giving easy to understand.
 Models them the reality. One This kind of approach
good example of this can catch the
 Mock Up are showing the human attention of the
body anatomy and students easily. In the
show some parts of the students side this
body to help them approach is also
picture out your topic in useful for them
their mind. because they we’re
able to experience the
reality of their lesson
and easy for them to
understand and
picture out.
 Impressions: The school has resources that are very important to the teaching – learning process.
Electronic resources were used as means of learning new concepts and new ideas to the learner. The
Learning Resource Center is sufficient enough to the needs of the students and it is a conducive
resource center. Resources will help a lot in the learning of the students and also motivates them.


1. Where are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and

- The resources or the materials were being arranged properly. They have a special room for
learning computer concepts and all the specimens, data, models and mock ups were put in their
science room for their science activities. The resources are displayed according to its function
and you can easily look it up.

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why? Why

- The resources can be easily access and you can easily find it, the resources are always
available for both teachers and students. When they want to access a resource you can always
ask for assistance in the person in-charge for example in the library you can ask the librarian
when you want to borrow books there are some rules to be followed so that the book will be in a
good hands, it is a proper discipline also for the students. Upon on using the internet, some sites
are not available.

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

- The strengths of this Learning Resource Center is that it can easily accessible by both students
and teachers. It has all variety of books that can help them and a source of knowledge.

4. What are its weaknesses?

- Its weaknesses are lacking of manpower to facilitate well the LRC keep it well organized.
5. What suggestions can you make?

- I suggest that the LRC should adopt new technologies and some of the books are old they need
to replace it with new revised book cause there might be some added knowledge to the book
that the old version didn’t have.


1. Which of the materials in the learning resources caught your interest the most? Why?

- It is the things and charts that are pasted on the wall of the classroom because every corner has
a charts or picture base on a subject matter it is well arranged properly.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?

- The books. Computer, projector and other multi-media functions were the gadgets and materials
that I am confident to use and operate well.

3. Which one do you feel you need to learn about?

- In video presentations and editing videos. I need to enhance my skills to that matter.

4. Read an article about your answer in number 3. Paste a copy of the article here.

- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Animoto is a cloud-based video creation service that
produces video from photos, video clips, and music into video slideshows. Animoto is based in
New York City with an office in San Francisco. Animoto can be used in education for countless
projects and presentations. Students can use the tool to present a concept. A teacher could use
the video as an introduction to a lesson. A teacher could also use the tool to teach a concept or
the tool itself to other educators.
II. Bulletin Board Displays

Topic of the Board Display: Important dates and Reminders (Classroom board display)
Grade 2 under Mrs. Estrella D. Mapansa
Location of the Board Display in the School: Left side of the classroom near student’s desk

Shade the column that indicated your rating. Write your comments to back up your ratings.

1-Needs Improvement 2-Satisfactory 3-Very Satisfactory 4-Outstanding

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
Effective Communication It disseminate information to the
Conveys the message quickly and clearly students and the teacher
Attractiveness It cannot attract the audience because
Colors and arrangements catches and the board display is too lame and not
holds interest that well presented.
Balance It is somehow balance but there are
Objects are arranged so stability is some parts that are not equal.
Unity The font are well observed but there
Repeated shapes or colors or use boarders are no boarders and displays.
that hold display together
Interactivity The display is somehow near the
The style and approach entice learners to students but there will be no
be involved. interaction.
Legibility The materials used are just
Letters and illustration can be seen from a chalkboard, but the font are big enough
good distance to see it from distance.
Correctness I did not see any errors and misspelled
Free from grammar errors, misspelled words.
words and ambiguity
Durability It was already there for the information
Well-constructed, items are securely will last longer on the display.
Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment


1. Did the board display design reflect the like/interest of its target audience? Why? Why not?

- It cannot somehow get the likes and interest of the audience because the board display is way
too simple but it disseminates information in the students and the teacher.

2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target to understand? Why? Why not?

- Yes, because the language being used are understandable by an individual and it’s can be
useful for reading comprehension because you are reading updates or some key points in the
bulletin board display. It presented the information well.

3. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why? Why not?

- In my own point of view the purpose of the board display are to get some key points, information
and updates about the school community in this area some reminders are posted and help
everybody to notify. The broadcasting of the information or some reminders can be spread out
easily. Board are effective to the student’s because they will be motivated to look through the
bulletin board for them to become updated.

4. What suggestion can you make?

- Bulletin board are the corner wherein the students can be notify and get some updates that’s
why the board must be catchy to the audience who are viewing it. Creativity and neat fullness
are the way to make it catchier. The information also posted must be clear and easy to
understand and can be readable by your audience
Bulletin Board Display

- Effects of Drugs
Board title:
- Symptoms of abuse
- The very purpose of this board display is to inform the students and the readers about
the effects of drugs and what are the symptoms that the drug are being abused.
- To provide additional information about the awareness of the drugs effect.
- To know the effects of drugs and the symptoms that it is being abused.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
- It will consist information and trivia for the audience about the drugs so that they will be
aware and their information about it will broad.
Content resources:
- Internet – sites with reliable information.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) – information about drugs
- Students output- can be displayed in the board (must be attractive, cogent and legible)
Materials for authentic enhancement:
 Cartolina
 Cut out papers
 Glue
 Pentelpen
 Papers and cutters
 Colored papers

Effects of Drugs

Other physical effects of drug addiction

 Contraction of HIV, hepatitis and

other illnesses.
 Heart rate irregularities, heart attack.
 Respiratory problems such as lung
cancer, emphysema and breathing
 Abdominal pain, vomiting,
constipation, diarrhea.
 Kidney and liver damage.
 Seizures, stroke, brain damage.


Signs and symptoms of use of club drugs can include:

 Hallucinations.
 Paranoia.
 Dilated pupils.
 Chills and sweating.
 Involuntary shaking (tremors)
 Behavior changes.
 Muscle cramping and teeth clenching.
 Reduced inhibitions.

1.) Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board display.
Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
- For a teacher be able to come up with an effective board display he/she should have the
following skills:
- Creative – to come up with an effective board display creativeness is a must, because the board
must be catchy to the eye of the audience.
- Artistic – this skill is also a need for being an artistic has to come up with the design of the board
display and it should be presentable and well organized.
- Resourceful – a teacher must be resourceful because a board display can cost a lot of money,
but being resourceful is just another way to lessen the expenses during designing it.
- Imaginative – a teacher must have a wide and broad imagination to come up with an effective
board display. The design and the output must be in his/her heard already even if he/she
doesn’t started it.

2.) Which skills do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board displays. How do you
practice these skills?
- I am a resourceful, artistic and imaginative person. It was high school days when we started
making board display because in our classroom we need to provide our own board display, also
in my college days I am still making board display especially in the office that I am assigned at (I
am a student assistant). We need to make a board display so that we can be informed about the
announcements. Thus my skills are still lacking I need to improve it more.

3.) Which skills do you still need to develop? Reflect on how you can improve on or acquire these skills.
- I still need to improve being artistic and imaginative because sometimes the design that what is
on my mind didn’t meet its expectation because I am just ruining the whole idea. In being an
artistic I need to know how to create beautiful cut out papers and making my presentation neat
and clean.
III – Utilization of Teaching Aids


Grade/Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 3 Morning Session of Jose P. Rizal Elementary School
Date of Observation: January 30, 2017
Subject Matter: English
Brief description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:
Integrated approach because the teacher connects her lesson in another lesson in the same lessons. She
uses another strategy which is connecting the lesson in English to Filipino because that subject matter are
just connected to each other.
Teaching Aids Used Strengths Weaknesses Components of the
Appropriateness of the
Teaching Aid Used
Personalized Visual Aids It is clearly written The size is so small, It helps the teacher in
people at the back can’t delivering the lesson well
see it properly and to make the
discussion more
understandable and well

Books The information are all in Not all the students has The teacher must have a
there and it is a reliable the book or the book is book also so that she will
source. too old and not in a good guide the students.
condition to use

Chalkboard It can summarize the Lacking of chalks The teacher writes on the
lesson and make the sometimes. board the suggestions
lesson clearly for the and answers of the
students students.


1.) What do you think prompted the teacher to choose materials/learning resources that he/she used?
- The teacher does not want only the children to give information to learn she also want that the
children need to read and be participative in the class.
2.) What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experienced? How can this be managed?
- The difficulties I’ve encountered during making materials is to come up with a clean visual and
my handwritings are not so good that’s why the visual looks messy not neat and clean, but I am
trying my very best to improve my handwriting skills. When presenting or reporting I will just print
my visuals and put some designs, that the way I am managing it.
3.) Over-all, were the learning resource/materials used effectively? Why/
- Yes, because the students can clearly understand the lesson and the materials used are
presented nicely that’s why the students are learning something.

Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently
if you will teach the same lesson to the same group of students. Why?

- If I were put on the place of the teacher, I will imitate what just the teacher did because honestly
her teaching style and techniques are effectively working. The things that will do differently are
grouping the children and then give some instruction and collaborate with each other and I will
also put a game that is also connected to the lesson so that the children will not get bored during
the discussion

IV – A Teaching Aid Bank

- Decide a specific content area

Topic: Sense Organs

Subject matter: Science and Health
Grade/Year Level: Grade 3

Eyes – sense of sight

Ears – sense of hearing SENSE ORGANS Skin – sense of touch.

Tongue – sense of taste Nose – sense of smelling


- Teaching aid is a tool used by teachers to help learners improve reading and other skills, it
shows illustration of the topic and presents the subject matter clearly and understandable for the
V – Slide Presentation


Title of my Presentation: The Solar System

- To located the different planets in the solar system
- To differentiate inner and outer planets
- To define what is the solar system
Subject Matter/Topic: Inner and outer planets (Science)
Enhancements (Check Appropriate box)
 Graphics  Music  Hyperlink
 Animations  Voice Narration  Others, please specify
 Sound Effects  Stylish fonts
Description of Appropriate use:
Presentation Story Board
Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3

The solar system

 The Solar System is the
gravitationally bound
system comprising the
Sun and the objects that
orbit it, either directly or

 Formed 4.6 billion years

The Solar “Picture of the solar system”
System  Its composition is the sun
contains 99.85% of all the
matter in the Solar
System. The planets,
which condensed out of
the same disk of material
that formed the Sun,
contain only 0.135% of the
mass of the solar system.

 The gravitationally bound

system comprising the
Sun and the objects that
orbit it, either directly or
Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6

The sun Inner Planets Mercury

 The star at the center of  Called terrestrial planets  The smallest and
the Solar System. It is a because their surfaces are innermost planet in the
nearly perfect sphere of solid. Solar System. Its orbital
hot plasma. period around the Sun of
 Are closer to the Sun and 88 days is the shortest of
 Its mass is about 330,000 are smaller and rockier. all the planets in the Solar
times that of Earth, System. It is named after
accounting for about  They’re made up mostly of the Roman deity Mercury
99.86% of the total mass heavy metals such as iron the messenger to the gods
of the Solar System. and nickel, and have  Radius: 1,516 mi
either no moons or few
 Consists of hydrogen moons  Distance from Sun: 35.98
(~73%); the rest is mostly million mi
helium (~25%).
 Length of day: 58d 15h
 roughly middle-aged; it 30m
has not changed
dramatically for more than  Orbital period: 88 days
four billion
 Mass: 3.285 10^23kg

 Gravity: 3.7 m/s²

Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9

Venus Earth Mars

 The second planet from  Otherwise known as the  Mars is the fourth planet
the Sun, orbiting it every world, is the third planet from the Sun and the
224.7 Earth days. It has from the Sun and the only second-smallest planet in
the longest rotation period object in the Universe the Solar System
of any planet in the Solar known to harbor life. It is
System and rotates in the the densest planet in the  Radius: 2,106 mi
opposite direction to most Solar System and the
other planets. It has no largest of the four  Length of day: 1d 0h 40m
natural satellite. terrestrial planets.
 Radius: 3,760 mi  Radius: 3,959 mi  Gravity: 3.711 m/s²

 Length of day: 116d 18h  Age: 4.543 billion years  Orbital period: 687 days
 Distance from Sun: 67.24  Mass: 5.972 × 10^24 kg  Distance from Sun: 141.6
million mi million mi
 Distance from Sun: 92.96
 Orbital period: 225 days million mi

 Surface area: 177.7 million  Population: 7.125 billion

mi² (2013) World Bank

 Mass: 4.867 × 10^24 kg

Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12

The outer planets Jupiter Saturn

 sometimes called Jovian  Jupiter is the fifth planet  Saturn is the sixth planet
planets or gas giants, are from the Sun and the from the Sun and the
huge planets swaddled in largest in the Solar second-largest in the
gas System. It is a giant planet Solar System, after
with a mass one- Jupiter. It is a gas giant
 The outer planets are thousandth that of the with an average radius
further away, larger and Sun, but two and a half about nine times that of
made up mostly of gas. times that of all the other Earth.
planets in the Solar
 They all have rings and all System combined.  Radius: 58,232 km
of plenty of moons each.
 Radius: 69,911 km  Orbital period: 29 years

 Mass: 1.898 × 10^27 kg  Mass: 5.683 × 10^26 kg

 Surface area: 42.7 billion

 Orbital period: 12 years km²

 Surface area: 61.42 billion  Length of day: 0d 10h 42m


 Gravity: 24.79 m/s²

Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15

Uranus Neptune Pluto

 Uranus is the seventh  Neptune is the eighth and  Pluto is a dwarf planet in
planet from the Sun. It has farthest known planet the Kuiper belt, a ring of
the third-largest planetary from the Sun in the Solar bodies beyond Neptune. It
radius and fourth-largest System. In the Solar was the first Kuiper belt
planetary mass in the System, it is the fourth- object to be discovered.
Solar System. largest planet by diameter, Pluto was discovered by
the third-most-massive Clyde Tombaugh in 1930
 Radius: 25,362 km planet, and the densest and was originally
giant planet. considered to be the ninth
 Orbital period: 84 years planet from the Sun.
 Radius: 24,622 km  Radius: 1,187 km
 Mass: 8.681 × 10^25 kg
 Orbital period: 165 years  Discovered: 18 February
 Surface area: 8.083 billion 1930
km²  Surface area: 7.618 billion
km²  Gravity: 0.62 m/s²
 Length of day: 0d 17h 14m
 Mass: 1.024 × 10^26 kg  Discoverer: Clyde
 Length of day: 0d 16h 6m
 Orbits: Sun

1.) What are the features of a good presentation?

- A good presentation must be catchy the captions must be not that long you must have 7 words
per slide and 4 – 5 paragraphs in a slide also. The presentation must not be boring at all times.
The key points must be emphasized and it must be readable by our naked eye.

2.) Which of these features are present in the slide presentation?

- Almost all of the features are in my slide it is clearly stated there.

3.) Which features are not present in the slide presented you made?

- I have long sentences in my presentation; I didn’t put some transitions and animations; the
colors that I use are just black and white so that it could match the background.


What difficulties, if any did you encounter in making the slide presentation you made?

- I did not encounter any difficulties in making my power point presentation I just have a hard time
in balancing the pictures and picking a good picture for the presentation.

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