Reflection Paper:: Smoking On Your Health and Society" Wherein There Are Two (2) Guest Speaker

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BSBA-OM 1- 1:00-4:00 PM

Reflection Paper:

Last January 9, 2019, the higher department of Saint Michael’s College

had a seminar entitled “Stop Smoking before Smoke Stops You: The Impact of
smoking on your Health and Society” wherein there are two (2) guest speaker.
The first speaker talks the different effects of smoking that a person can get
particularly to our health while the other one spoke about the penalty if
someone got caught smoking in a public place and how prohibited the

Smoking is a very dangerous addictive habit that can cause damage to

our body in many ways. One of the causes of smoking are having bad breath,
breathing problems, heart attacks, lung cancer, smelly clothes, yellow teeth,
erectile dysfunction for men, and menstruation problems such as abnormal
bleeding or amenorrhea (absence of periods) for women. The 3 reason why do
people smoke is because of the predisposing factors like low socioeconomic
status, adverse childhood experience, second is the influencing factors such as
friends and the presence of people surrounds them who smoke and last but
definitely not the least is because of the nicotine addiction.

According to the guest speaker number two the police officer being
caught smoking in public places shall be punished with six (6) months and one
(1) day to one (1) year imprisonment or a fine of ten thousand pesos (10,000).

Imagine not only the one who is using it can get a lung cancer because
the one who surrounds or present that time while someone is using can
actually get it too by just inhaling the smoke. So it’s really good if the smokers
will stop what they are doing even though I knew that it’s not easy but they
should force there selves to stop it if they want to live longer and have a strong
healthy lifestyle. Mind them, if they will not stop they will end to self-

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