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International Design Standards Report

Submitted To: Dr. ZIA TAHIR
A Review of International Design Standards: History and Impact

The review of International Design Standards has been described along with their history and impact in the
field of science and technology. The impact of these standards was summarized. One of the major
organization working for standardization is International Organization of Standardization (ISO). Many
different organizations like BSI, ANSI, JIS, DIN, and PSQCA were also studied for the design standards
which have developed their own standards and codes. Some of the standards are used worldwide for quality
and cost purpose.
This report describes the history of the organizations and standards that how and when they were
established. The role of different member countries in organizations was also disclosed. The specific codes
used for representing the standards were illustrated. The standards concerned with almost all the fields of
life including science and technology were studied briefly. The role of these standards in improving the life
quality was described and how they enhance the communication between the customers and the companies.
The impact of design standards on production and manufacturing was described. The processes before and
after the introduction of design standards were also studied to some extent.
The standards related to Mechanical Engineering are described in the literature. Some of them are related
to bearings, shafts and gears etc. The impact of standards is immense as it improves the quality of products.
The coordination between the company and the customer is improved as standards provide a well-defined
and clear objective. A case study was studied was introduced in the report related to assembling to order
system to describe the impact of design standards on it. In the end, the importance of design standards was
described and what effect the impact on our lives and in the field of science. The advantages of standards
were described.

1. Introduction
The design standards are the specifications of any product or service that is used to by the industry,
customers, organizations and the users as the reference to improving the standard of a product or any
service. It is considered as a reference according to which the product is manufactured. There are many
organizations working worldwide for standardizing the design standards. They include many countries from
all over the world as their members. Some of the most common and largest organizations include
International Organization of Standardization (ISO), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), British
Standards Institute (BSI), and German Institute for standardization Standards (DIN), Japanese Industrial
Standard (JIS) and Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA).
The standards are developed in the meeting in which representatives from different member countries are
present. It is done after a specified procedure or rules. Each institute or organization has its own and unique
method for writing the codes for any standard. It can be alphabets, numbers or a combination of both. The
code represents certain things like the year in which it was developed or the symbols for different
components. The organizations have been working actively worldwide for the betterment of the quality
standards. The design standards are not related to any particular field, rather it is a very broad term related
to all the fields of science and technology.
The design standards can be used for any specific component, for a machine or maybe for an entire system.
The standards are related to all the fields but the standards related to mechanical engineering is the area of
concern. They are used for different mechanical components like shafts, gears, splines, couplings, bearings,
and sprockets etc. They are used to describe the specifications of the components or the machines. The
diameter of the shaft, the lubricant for the bearing or number of teeth on the gear can be specified by the
design standards.
These standards have a huge impact on our lives. They have played a vital role in improving the quality of
life in different ways. They have improved the communication between customers and the manufacturing
companies. The companies are well aware of the target or specifications they want to achieve better results.
This has reduced the cost of production and manufacturing by reducing the number of defective parts. The
quality of the product or service can be checked by comparing it with the standard. One of the biggest
advantages of using these design standards is that they are not for specific territory, rather they can be used
almost all over the world. Moreover, the standards are not limited to any particular field but it covers all
the departments and areas of life.
There are many case studies available which describe the effect of design standards in the industry. The
main purpose of any case study is to describe the influence of standards by comparing the performance of
the component or machine before the introduction of standards and after the introduction of standards. The
comparison shows the detailed effect of standards. For instance, the performance of the gear can be seen
before and after the use of the standards. The standards tend to make the performance consistent and better.
Furthermore, various standards related to various fields have made our life easy and comfortable. The use
of design standards is not limited to the manufacturing companies only, but it can be used by customers to
check the accuracy of product or service.

2. International Organization of Standardization

2.1 Introduction
International Organization of Standardization (ISO) is an independent and non-governmental organization
consisting of 162 countries as its members. The members from different countries share their experience to
set the various standards. The headquarter of this organization is located in Geneva, Switzerland.[1] Almost
more than twenty thousand standards have been set by the organization. These standards aid in
manufacturing of various mechanical or other components like shafts and keyways etc. The specifications
for the various products are selected and set as standards and then further manufacturing can take place
according to those standards.[2]

2.2 History
The old name of International Organization of Standardization is International Federation of National
Standardizing Associations (ISA). It was formed in 1926 to set specifications for the various mechanical
components but then it was suspended in 1942. It was again formed with a different name after a few years
with a different name.[3] It all started when delegates from 25 different countries met to solve the problems.
It properly started its function in 1947 and today 161 countries are working as its member and more than
22000 standards have been standardized which covers each and every field of science and technology.[1]

2.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the ISO standards related to Mechanical Engineering:

 ISO 8826-1:1989 : Rolling bearings [4]

 ISO 13715:2017: Edges of undefined shape[4]
 ISO 6410-1:1993 : Screw threads and threaded parts[4]
 ISO 6411:1982 : Central holes[4]
 ISO 6413:1988: Splines and their representation[4]
 ISO 18388:2016: Relief grooves[4]
 ISO 128-24:2014: Related to lines on the engineering drawing
 ISO 128-34:2001 : Describes various views on mechanical drawings.
 ISO 2162-1:1993 : Standards for design of springs
 ISO 2203:1973 : Standards for representing the gears [4]

3. American National Standards Institute

3.1 Introduction
American National Standards Institute is an organization that works for the standards of various products
and services related to all the fields of technology and science in United States of America. The organization
also work for the standards that can be used worldwide so that its use cannot be confine to one country
only. The Headquarter is located in Washington D.C.[5] ANSI works so that US can compete in the world
in terms of meeting the standards. It depicts the interest of more than one thousand organizations working
for its development.[6]

3.2 History
American National Standards Institute was established in 1918. The parent organization of ANSI is
International Organization of Standardization. Before ANSI, there were five various societies working in
United States for the standardization of specifications. ANSI was established by the effort of these societies
and other agencies. It was first merged into United Engineering Society (UES).[5] The ANSI was
established by the combined efforts of five former institutes when American Institute of Electrical
Engineering held a meeting to establish an organization that can be competitive in the world regarding the
standards. The core members invited various departments to join them.[6]

3.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the ANSI standards related to Mechanical Engineering:
 ANSI B4.1-1967,R1974 : For limits and fits[7]
 ANSI AGMA 6032 : For Marine gear units [8]
 AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2017 : Specifications for fusion welding[8]
 ANSI/HI 9.6.1-2017 : For roto-dynamic Pumps [8]
 ASTM F1476 - 07(2013) : For Mechanical gasket couplings [9]
 A232/A232M - 05(2011) : For chromium Vanadium steel valve[10]
 ANSI/ASA S2.75 : For Shaft alignment [11]

4. British Standards
4.1 Introduction
British Standards are formed by BSI group which works for the development of standards related to various
services and the products. There are almost 27000 standards that have been recognized in this system. It
allows to test the accuracy or specification of any product without comparing with other instruments. There
is a specific method to write these standards in which a number is followed by the year in which standard
was developed.[12] BSI works for the excellence in the various fields of technology and it involves 182
countries to which it is affecting. It set standards for worldwide use.[13]
4.2 History
British standards have become one of the leading standard in the world that have governed changes in the
modern world. The British Standards were formerly known as the British Mark Standards and they were
developed in 1903. Since then they have become one of the most important and universally recognized
quality marks for consumers.[14] BSI was started initially in 1901 with the name of Engineering Standards
Committee (ESC). The founder of ESC was James Mansergh. The main purpose of this organization was
to make the manufacturers of the mechanical components more efficient and accurate.[12]

4.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the standards related to Mechanical Engineering:

 BS ISO 19426-5:2018 : Structure for mine shafts[15]

 BS ISO 5597:2018 : Hydraulic Fluid Power[15]
 BS ISO 104:2015 : Rolling bearings and thrust bearings[16]
 BS EN 13001-1:2015 : Design for cranes[16]
 BS ISO 10816-7:2009: Mechanical vibrations[16]
 BS EN ISO 3964:2016 : Heavy Duty Couplings[17]
 BS EN 14535-3:2015 : Railway applications[17]
 BS EN 10305-1:2016 : For steel tubes[17]

5. German Institute for Standardization Standards

5.1 Introduction
DIN standards can be standardized at any level either national or international. The proposal can be
submitted by the individual or any organization and then this proposal is reviewed by the Committee to
check the accuracy of the standards and then the personal can also attend this review meeting. The standards
are developed when all the experts reach a common opinion.[18] DIN standards are not yet published or
due to divergence from the standard procedure for setting the standards. There are almost 1000 DIN
standards that have been identified but some of them have been withdrawn due to certain reasons.[19]

5.2 History
The German Institute for standardization standards was found in 1917 with the name “Standardization
Committee of German Industry” (NADI). Then the name was again changed in 1926 to show that this
organization works for various standard issue related to various products. The first DIN standard was
officially recognized in 1918. The Headquarter of DIN is situated in Berlin and there are almost more than
thirty thousand German Standards that have been recognized internationally.[20] If the standard does not
come to use for five or more years, it would be removed from the currently used standards or might be

5.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the standards related to Mechanical Engineering:

 DIN 103-9:1985 : Trapezoidal screw threads[21]

 DIN 15018-3:1984 : Design of cranes[21]
 DIN 5542:1975: Ends of laminated springs[22]
 DIN 37081:1982 : For spring plates[22]
 DIN 37082:1975 : For compression springs[22]
 DIN 5904: 1995: Steel sleepers[22]
 DIN 19752:1986: Hydroelectric power plant[23]
 DIN 1943:1975 : For steam turbines[23]

6. Japanese Industrial Standards

6.1 Introduction
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) is used for the describing the various standards used in industry in Japan.
The process of standardization is done with the help of Japanese Industrial Standard Committee (JISC).
These standards are then published by Japanese Standards Association (JSA). It consists of many different
countries representatives and plays a vital role in standardizing process.[24] The Japanese Industrial
Standard Committee works with the help of International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and
International Electrotechnical Commission (IES). It includes the standards related to almost all the fields
of Engineering and Technology.

6.2 History
During Meiji era, the standards were developed by some of the private organizations. Some the large
organizations were working as well for the certain articles and components. The Association of Japanese
Standards was established in 1946 after the Second World War in which Japan was defeated. The standards
are developed according to the Industrial Standardization Law which was enforced in 1949. This law was
revised again in 2004 and since then a JIS mark is used along with the code of the standard.[25] Since then
JISC has a major role in developing standards for the products and services in Japan.[26]

6.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the standards related to Mechanical Engineering:

 JIS B 0001: Technical drawings[27]

 JIS D 2001: 1959: Involute splines
 JIS B 0123: 1999: For screw threads [28]
 JIS A 5542: 2003: Bolts of turnbuckle[29]
 JIS A 5529: 1995: Pins and studs[28]
 JIS B 0201: 1973: Miniature screw threads[28]
 JIS B 0203: 1999: Taper pipe threads[30]
 JIS A 5508:2005: Nails[30]
 JIS B 2220: 2012: Steel flanges[30]

7. Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority

7.1 Introduction
The main purpose of Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) is to make sure that the
standard for quality are followed so that the specifications of products can be according to certain standard.
The PSQCA consists of different types of departments related to Quality control and technical services.[30]
PSQCA is the permanent member of various international organizations including the International
Organization of Standardization. It has developed many ISO standards as well as Pakistan standards. It
includes standards related to almost every field including 38 food standards. It works for the development
of standards in every field.[31]
7.2 History
The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority was established in 1996 and the Headquarter of
PSQCA is situated in Karachi. It was formed according to the law passed in 1996.[32] This authority started
its proper functioning in 2000.[31] Thus far PSQCA has developed many standards in all the fields and it
has also worked in banning the sub-standard goods that do not meet the required specifications. It has played
an important role in developing good standards of products by encouraging people to buy products that
meet specs. It has also improved the economy of Pakistan [33]

7.3 Standards related to Mechanical Engineering

Following are some of the standards related to Mechanical Engineering:

 PS 4860:2008 ICS No.97.100.20[34]

 PS:4639-2004

8. International Design Standards for Bearing

Following are the International Design Standards for bearings:

 F2511 - 05(2013) [35]

 F2488 - 05(2013) [35]
 F2430 - 04(2012)[35]
 F2163 - 01(2016)[35]
 BS ISO 104: 2015: Rolling bearings and thrust bearings[16]
 ISO 8826-1:1989 : Rolling bearings [4]
 ISO 355:2007 [2]
 ISO 10317:2008 [2]

9. International Design Standards for Gears

Following are the International Design Standards for gears:

 ISO gear standards

Following are some of the well-known standards:
ISO 53: 1974: Cylindrical gears [36]
ISO 677: 1978: Bevel gears [36]
ISO 1328: 1975: Parallel gears [36]
ISO 4468: 1982: Gear nobs [36]
ISO 8579-2:1993 :Acceptance codes [36]
 Australian gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
AS B 62 1965: Bevel gears [36]
AS B 66 1969: Worm gears [36]
AS B 214 1966: Geometric dimensions [36]
AS B 217 1966: Glossary [36]
AS 1637: Symbols and notations [36]
 French gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
NF E 23-001 1972: Glossary of gears [36]
NF E 23-002 1972: Worm gears [36]
NF E 23-005 1965: Symbols [36]
NF E 23-006 1967: Tolerance [36]
NF R 23-012 1972: Cylindrical gears [36]
 German gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
DIN 37: Representation of gears[36]
DIN 867: Rack tooth profile[36]
DIN 3964: Deviation of shaft centers [36]
DIN 3971: Bevel gears [36]
DIN 3975: Cylindrical worm gears [36]
 Italian gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
UNI 3521: Module series [36]
UNI 4430: Spur gears [36]
UNI 4760: Glossary [36]
UNI 6586: Straight bevel gears [36]
UNI 6773: Symbols of geometry [36]
 Japanese gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
B0003: Drawing of gears [36]
B1701: Involute of gear [36]
B4350: Tooth profile[36]
B4357: rotary cutters [36]
B4358: rack type cutters [36]
 British gear standards
Following are some of the well-known standards:
BS235: Gear electric traction [36]
BS 1807: Marine propulsion gears [36]
BS 2007: Shaving cutters [36]
BS 4517: Spur gears [36]
BS 6118: Non-metallic spur gears [36]

10. Impact of Design Standards on Quality of Product

The impact of design standards can be seen on assemble to order system. Some assembly operations are so
complex that they are very difficult to understand. For this purpose certain design standards have been
developed which have made the process quite easy and accurate. The analysis done on the system shows
that the cycle time and complexity ratio have quite a good correlation after considering the design standards.
Before the design standards the graphs shows a poor correlation between cycle time and the complexity
ratio. A better linear approximation is obtained due to design standards which shows that the process has
improved to a great extent.
The complexity variable for a theoretical and calculated observations also show that the much better results
were obtained when the design standards were considered. The testing pairwise comparison is also studied
to describe the process and effect of design standards on assemble to order system. It can be seen that the
design standards have helped in improving the system to a great deal as it increases the productivity by
clear understanding of relationship between different variables used in the system. The productivity is also
enhanced by a much better vision of the objective. The system or component is always compared with the
standard to check its accuracy and it leads to better satisfaction of the customer.[37]

11. Discussion
Design standards have helped a lot in improving the standards of life. The biggest advantage is the
improvement in economy sectors. The various case studies reveals that different organizations working in
10 different countries have helped them in increasing the economic benefits from 0.5% to 4% annually.
Moreover design standards help the new companies entering in market to meet the required specifications
of a product or a service. It also adds value by satisfying the customer as the customer can check the quality
of the product by comparing it with the standards. [38]
Moreover, the design standard helps in maintaining the safety level and quality of the products and services.
It also improves the quality of life by reducing cost and comparing the products with the standards. The
field of marketing is also improved considerably by it.[39] Standards enhances the interaction between
customers and companies. It has helped by improving the field of measurement, manufacturing,
communication and production through proper understanding between customers and producers.[40]
Supply chain cost is reduced due to the clear vision of the objective.


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