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Based on the objectives and scope of the consultancy services, an appropriate methodology has been
developed in order to address the various requirements of the project. Since the scope of the services to be
provided covers both independent and inter-dependent activities, it has been proposed to adopt a Task
Approach to ensure that the entire scope of services is completed comprehensively and with reasonable
1.1.1 Investigations for Bridges and Structures Inventory and Condition Survey for Bridges and Culverts
Inventory and condition survey of culverts, bridges and other structures shall be done to ascertain the need
for reconstruction / widening and rehabilitation of these structures. The condition assessment of bridges will
be carried out by Senior Bridge/Structural Engineer in accordance with guidelines given in IRC-SP:35-1990.
The data shall include construction details, type of foundation, substructure and superstructure, details of
span, waterway, design loading and functioning of the structure in the past, both from hydraulic and
structural considerations. Hydraulic and Hydrological Investigations
These studies will be carried out in accordance with IRC Special Publication No.13 (Guidelines for the
design of small bridges and culverts) and IRC:5-1998 (Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for road,
bridge section 1 - General features of design). These investigations will be carried out for all existing
drainage structures along the road sections under the study. Its quality will be ensured by:
 Collection of data by an experienced engineer
 Its correct interpretation based on experience, site inspection and behaviour of other structures across
such streams in the near vicinity by such experienced engineers.
 For HFL, reliance will be placed on past records, local enquiries and flood marks on structures in the
 For road sections getting overtopped during heavy rains will be placed on local enquiries. Geo-Technical Investigations and Subsoil Exploration

Geo-technical investigations will be carried out for determining engineering characteristics of subgrade soil,
the sub-soil underlying the foundations of the proposed bridges and other structures, etc. as per IRC 78-2000
and underneath the road pavement.
Appropriate field tests will be conducted and boreholes drilled at selected locations as indicated in the TOR.
The minimum scope of geo-technical investigations for bridge structures is:
S. No Overall Length Location of Boring

1. Overall length = 6 – 30 m One abutment location

2. Overall length = 30 – 60 m One abutment location and at least one

intermediate location between abutments for
structures having more than one span.

3. Overall length more than 60 m Each abutment and each pier locations.

Rotary drilling for 150mm dia.boring in soil for carrying out Standard Penetration test, collection of
disturbed and un-disturbed soil sample and with Diamond bit rotary drillers for 100 mm dia bore shall be
used for collection of rock samples from these boreholes for further testing in the laboratory. The Criteria
for depth of Exploration for Foundations and Road pavement shall be adopted as :
 1.5 x width of foundation below expected depth of foundation
 1.0 x width of foundation into weathered rock
 3.0 m into sound rock
 1.5 x estimated length of pile or 15.0m beyond probable length of pile
 15 x dia. of pile in weak / Jointed rock
 For the road pavement boreholes at each major change in pavement condition or in deflection readings
or at 2 km intervals whichever is less. The depth of the borehole shall be at least 2m below
embankment base or to rock level.
Quality Assurance requires that activities at every stage of geo-technical and material investigations shall be
carried out strictly in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the relevant codes, so that the results of
these investigations reflect truly the sub-soil and material characteristics.
Every geo-technical and material investigation will be carried out and completed principally in four
sequential stages, namely:
a) Field Investigations
b) Sampling
c) Laboratory Testing
d) Report Preparation
While the investigations will be carried out by competent technical staff comprising trained technicians and
well qualified engineers, the Materials and Geo-technical Engineer will pay periodic visits to the boring
sites. An experience geo-technical Engineer will be posted at site for the entire duration of the boring work
to have constant check.
The results of the investigations as furnished by the sub-consultants shall be examined by the Materials and
Geo-technical Engineer for consistency and compatibility before acceptance.

Standards to be followed for testing

i) In Situ Testing
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)-IS:2131
Collection of Samples – IS:1892, IS:2132
ii) Laboratory Testing
Tests on Soil Samples
 Visual and Engineering Classification – IS 1498
 Sieve Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis-IS:2720, Part IV
 Liquid and Plastic Limits-IS: 2720, Part V
 Specific Gravity-IS: 2720, Part III
 Proctor Compaction Test-IS:2720, Parts VII and VIII
 Field Density-IS: 2720, Parts VII, VIII and IX
 Field Moisture Content-IS: 2720 Part II
 Unconfined Compression Test-IS: 2720, Part X
 Direct Shear Test-IS: 2720, Part XIII
 Triaxial Shear Tests:
 Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) Test-IS: 2720, Part XI
 Consolidated Undrained (CU) Test-IS: 2720, Part XII
 Consolidation Test-IS: 2720, Part XV
 Cholride and Sulphate test


1.2.1 Analysis Design of Bridges, Grade Separators, Interchanges and Other Structures
To carry out design of bridges, Grade Separators Interchanges and other structures as per TOR satisfying the
design requirements stipulated in relevant IRC Codes/MORTH Guidelines. For aspects not covered by
IRC/BIS Codes, International Codes such as British or American Codes/Standard will be adopted.
Quality Assurance Procedures
The Bridge Engineer will carry out the design using computer aided techniques. The Senior Bridge Engineer
will be responsible for observing checks on design to ensure that the design has been properly carried out in
accordance with the relevant codes/standards and design data.
At appropriate stage of design preparation, design verification will be performed by:
 Cross-checking the calculations; or
 Making alternative calculations
Codes and standards to be followed.
The following codes/standards will be followed in the design.
i) Foundation
IRC: 5-1998
IRC: 6-2010
IRC: 21-2000
IRC: 45-1972
IRC: 78-2000
ii) Substructure
IRC: 78-2000
IRC: 21-2000
IRC: 40–2002
iii) Superstructure
IRC: 22-2008
IRC: 24- 2010
IRC: 112-2011
iv) Bearings
IRC: 83-1999 Part II: Metallic Bearings
IRC: 83-1987 Part-II: Elastomeric Bearings
IRC: 83-2002 Part-III: POT/PTFE Bearings
v) Expansion joint
MORTH Modified Specifications contained in letter No.RW/NH/34059/1/96-S&R dated 30.11.2000
and 25.1.2001.
Protection works
IRC: 89-2010
Suitable repair / rehabilitation plans for the existing structures shall be formulated as per provisions of
IRC: SP: 35-1990 & IRC: SP: 40-1993, along with their specifications, drawings and cost estimate.

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