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Chapter 1



Education is the most important factor and weapon which serve as stepping

stones for leading the children to an effective and efficient wherein; they can enjoy their

rights and eventually be trained to be productive and fruitful citizens. The schools play a

greater role to develop the children in gaining more knowledge, open the doors of

opportunities and to provide a broader education that will assist each individual in

society and help to achieve or attain their potential as a human being, and improve the

type and quality of the individual and the group.

In a learning style, there are some of the learners who learn more on the

traditional teaching style of the teacher through poems, parables, stories, history and

writings that usually taught with the use of books, blackboard, and charts accompanied

by a verbal explanation or lecture.

Furthermore, there are students who still work in silence with their textbooks,

lecture, and individual written. The traditional learning styles and strategies in teaching

stress the basic educational practices and presume the mastery of academic learning in

the core of subjects.

However, the modern way of learning style now in elementary levels is by the

listening the music. During the class hour while they are having an activity/seat

works/examination teacher use the songs to make the learners alive and help the

teacher to motivate his/her students.

Brainy songs, thus, is an important factor on supporting children in vital quest of

excellence. Students of today are exposed to more and more science-themed media

that could potentially be develop the knowledge of students. There are more examples

of brainy songs that bring the students more attentive and active like, “I`m a Star” song

by the popular MU, Sing a Song of Flowers by the Kiboomers and Constellation Song by

Cbeebies through these modern teaching and learning styles the teacher stimulates the

fact that they exert more efforts to enhance or impede the attainment of satisfaction and

productivity of every student of the learning style through the implementation of brainy


In line with this, brainy songs can help the students to have concentration and

motivation, no matter what they`re doing. There are social benefits in using brainy

songs as well. These songs are usually sung as an individual and group activity, so the

pupil begins to feel part of a social circle that enjoys singing or reciting the lesson


Furthermore, the songs help to develop learners with better self-control, higher

confidence and self-esteem such as, when they experimenting or learning the science

through activities and they easily remember the words since they sing the song and

these brainy songs help the learners to develop their affective, motor, and psychomotor


These songs help the students on how to be attentive on their activities. In the

nature of listening they will develop their understanding of their lessons. Learning to play

a musical instrument while studying will change the mood of the brain, and leads to a

high potential benefit, including improved learning and understanding.

Moreover, brainy songs will develop the psychological of the students even their

motor skills and their self-esteem. They can easily get motivated inside the classroom

and confidently share what they learn to their playmates.

This study will help the readers to find out the ability of each student by using the

brainy songs inside the classroom or even the outside while taking the activities. We all

know that music is just a sound and sound produced by vibration and these vibrations

can be caused by voices, musical instruments or by objects hitting each other. Sounds

are carried to the ear by changes in air pressure.

Since music is often a social activity it can help the students to have

concentration and motivation, no matter what they`re doing. A study of almost one

thousand Finnish pupils who took part in extended music classes, found they reported

higher satisfaction at school in almost every area, even those not related to the music

classes themselves focus.

Brainy songs are songs that help the students on how to be attentive on their

activities. In the nature of listening they will develop their understanding of their lessons.

Learning to play a musical instrument while studying will change the mood of brain, and

leads to a high potential benefit, including improved learning and understanding.

There were several Teachers` beliefs of using brainy songs in practices of

attitudes are important for understanding and improving educational processes.

Moreover, the brainy song is typically sung by the human voice with particular and fixed

pitches and patterns using the quite sound with different forms included the repetition of

sections that written in words and it is created in knowledgeable words that leads in


This study shows that the learners in elementary levels have learned a lot in the

subject of science through brainy songs. Since, the researcher is a Science Teacher,

she believes that the teachers and the school administrators, including the parents, have

different style to teach and support the children for their learning. This study will make

the researcher more effective in decision-making, particularly in using brainy songs in

science to intermediate learners in Looc Elementary School Division of Calamba City.

It`s focused to the effect of brainy songs to learners who got a low grade in their science

curriculum and help the teachers to have an additional strategy in teaching science.

Theoretical Framework

As cited in the work of Valerio (2013), Edwin Gordon the philosophical founder of

Music Learning Theory explains that human learns music through audiation. By

breathing, moving, rhythm chanting, singing, and playing instruments we develop

audiation skills that allow us to give meaning to the combinations of rhythm patterns and

tonal patterns that make music a unique form of human communication. In this theory,

he added that the audiation may be expressed in a variety of ways that may be

developed sequentially from before birth through adulthood. Through audiation, music

learning discovers as a never-ending, ever deepening process for music expression and


According to Gordon, both music aptitude and music achievement are dependent

on audiation. The music learning potentials and the music learning achievements are

based on music thinking. Most importantly, that music thinking goes beyond mere

simulated and leads to music comprehension

Moreover, this was also supported by Howard Garner`s theory of Multiple

Intelligence. Gardner`s theory of multiple intelligence proposes that the intelligence as

"the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more

cultural settings," and he further suggests that all human beings are capable of at least

seven "ways of knowing." According his theory, everyone is able to know the world and

to solve problems through: 1) language; 2) logical-mathematical analysis; 3) visual

spatial representations; 4) musical thinking; 5) the use of the body; 6) an interpersonal

understanding of others; and, 7) an intrapersonal understanding of self.' Individual

differences occur in the relative strengths of intelligence within a person and in the ways

the intelligences are activated and combined to carry out various tasks and solve

problems. Multiple Intelligence theory makes its greatest contribution to education by


encouraging teachers to expand their repertoire of techniques, tools, and strategies

beyond the typical linguistic and logical ones predominantly used in classrooms.

This study is also based on the theory of Mozart’s Effect suggesting that listening

to Mozart’s music temporarily boosted scores on one portion of the IQ test and produce

many other beneficial effects on mental function, it is showed that listening to music

somehow helps the students to focus on what they are doing. Listening to music can

also help the students learn more efficiently. Though it depends on the degree to which

they like the music.

In these, the theories had been considered as one of the foundations in the study

of the “The Use of Brainy Songs in Teaching Science to Selected Intermediate Learners:

Basis for Enhancement Program in Science” in Looc Elementary School Division of

Calamba City.


In this study, shows the process on how the research conducted in selected

intermediate learners in Looc Elementary School.

As shown in the figure on the succeeding page, this study aimed to assess the

status of implementation of brainy songs in teaching science in the selected intermediate

learners in Looc Elementary School Division of Calamba City of that style in teaching

Science because teachers is an appropriately to check the learners` understanding and

engagement in science curriculum. The researcher considered the important to hear the

teacher’s perceptions about the effectiveness of the brainy songs in teaching sciences.

Moreover, the teachers considered the psychological aspects that affect learning and

they are the one to help the learners to become competitive.



1. Profile of the
respondents in
terms of:  Enhancing the

1.1 Age performance of

1. Distributed the the learners with
1.2 Sex ny
Questionnaires the use of brainy
2. Effects of using
2. Research songs.
brainy songs to in
Instrument  Advancing
teaching Science to
3. Data Gathering activities involving
selected Intermediate
and Procedure technical
4. Data analysis knowledge among
3. The difference
and learners
between the profile
assessment  Suggested Work
variables of the
5. Interpretation of Plan about the
respondents and the
results Use of Brainy
use of brainy songs
in terms of pre-test songs in Teaching

and post-test. Science

4. Possible
program can be
formulated to
improve the teaching
of science.


Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study


Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is

consisting of the following: Profile of the respondents in terms of: Age, Sex, Effects of

using brainy songs to in teaching Science to selected Intermediate Learners, the

difference between the profile variables of the respondents and the use of brainy songs

in terms of pre-test and post-test, possible enhancement program can be formulated to

improve the teaching of science.

On the other side, the study had undergone the processes of distributing

questionnaires, research instrument, data Gathering and procedure, data analysis and

assessment and interpretation of results. The output is the enhancement program of

teaching science to selected intermediate learners.

The researchers want to find out the effects in using the brainy song in teaching

science to selected intermediate learners’ basis for enhancement program in teaching

science subject.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the use of brainy songs in teaching Science to the

selected learners from intermediate of Looc Elementary School Division of Calamba City

during the school year 2018 - 2019

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents? Age, Sex, Socio-Economic Class

2. What are the effects of using brainy songs to learners during pre-test and post-


3. Is there any significant difference between the profile variables of the

respondents and the use of brainy songs in terms of pre-test and post-test?

4. Base on the findings of the study, what possible enhancement program can be

formulated to improve the teaching of science?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study determined the effectiveness of using brainy songs in teaching

Science to selected intermediate learners in Looc Elementary School as perceived by

Science teachers and the grade IV, V and VI learners. The Study was limited only on

respondents` perception on using the brainy songs in teaching science.

The study focused on assessment of selected learners who have a low grade in

science to selected intermediate learners in Looc Elementary School in using pre-test

and post-test to determine effectiveness of using brainy songs for the selected

intermediate learners` academic year 2018 -2019.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research may serve as a background and additional

references on the teacher`s perception on effectiveness and their readiness on using

brainy songs in selected intermediate learners in teaching science. This study thus

creates its significance with the belief that it would benefit the following.

The Learners. They may be able to gain and broaden their knowledge and skills

by self- improvement and learning that occur at some certain good effects of brainy

songs that eventually help them enhance their performances and attitudes.

The Future Researchers. This study served in great part for the completion of

the researcher`s course requirement. This has given them a lot of challenge in meeting

new faces and being aware of what`s happening in the environment regarding their

study. This developed their self-esteem and leadership in interesting with others,

increased their vocabulary, and kept their determination to finish what they have already

started. This also led them to discover new knowledge and broaden their horizon. This

study will be an effective tool and reference for the researchers who would intend to

make any further relevant study particularly the standard of using brainy songs in

teaching science.

The Teacher. The study will benefit them in order to assess or evaluate the

students in terms of establishing the different learning styles under implementing brainy

songs in teaching science to intermediate learners. It is also help them in motivating the

learners to get the attention for the period of science subject.

School Head. The school head will be able to identify, assess, and monitor the

process of promoting brainy songs for the learners.

The School Administration. This may serve as guide to advance the quality of

education and learning techniques to intermediate learner. The study gives updates on

teaching and learning science with the use of brainy songs which will be useful if it`s

integrated in teaching science to nurture teamwork and interdependence among 21st

century learners.

Parents. They will be equipped with proper knowledge on the different activities

done in the school in using brainy songs and it will help the parents to develop a keen

understanding of what their children are engaging in and as well as for them to give their

full support to their children and school activities.

Definition of Terms

Activity. It is the condition in which things are happening or being done inside

the classroom with the use of brainy songs in teaching science to selected intermediate

learners, it can be done by group activity, individual activity or pre-test and post-test.

Audiation. It is the foundation of musicianship. It takes place when we hear and

comprehend music for which the sound is no longer or may never have been present.

One may audiate when listening to music, performing from notation, playing “by ear,”

improvising, composing, or notating music.

Behavior. It is the range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals, in

conjunction with themselves or their environment.

Brainy songs. These are songs that process memory, learning and emotions by

playing a song while the learners are studying. It can be played on an cassette or small


Constructivism. It is basically a theory-based on observation and scientific

study – about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding

and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those


Effective Teaching. It is the successful transference of knowledge and skill or

application around a particular topic. Effective teaching ensures that this surface

approach to learning is replaced by deeper, student driven approaches to learning that

analyze, develop, create and demonstrate understanding.

Emotion. It is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's

circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. It is soothing and relaxing can help

students to beat stress or anxiety while studying.

Music Learning Theory. It is a model for music education based on Edwin

Gordon's research on musical aptitude and achievement in the greater field of music

learning theory. The theory is an explanation of music learning, based on audiation (see

below) and students' individual musical differences. The theory uses the concepts of

discrimination and inference learning to explain tonal, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns

Perception. It is insight of teachers and students based on their observation of

the use of brainy songs in teaching Science basis for enhancement program.

Science. It is the learning area that is used in the study to determine the

effectiveness using brainy songs in teaching Science to selected intermediate learners.

It aims to help the learners to develop the basic scientific ideas and understanding on

biological and physical aspects of the world, and the processes through how to develop

the knowledge and understanding the said subject.

Traditional Education. Known as back-to-basics, conventional education or

customary education refers to long-established customs that society traditionally used in


Mozart Effect. It is inducing a short-term improvement on the performance of

certain kinds of mental tasks known as “spatial-temporal reasoning”. Popularized

versions of the hypothesis, which suggest that "listening to Mozart makes you smarter",

or that early childhood exposure to classical music has a beneficial effect on mental


Chapter 2


This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies from both local

and foreign that has been the sources of the researcher in the formulation of this study.

The presentation was delivered in thematic form whereas literature and studies reviewed

were consolidated according to the subject of discussions.

Foreign Literature

Cornier (2015), stressed that humans have been making musical instruments for

at least 40.000 years. He further opined that music has been used for mood regulation

purposes since at least the time of the ancient that many studies documented the

positive effect of music on mood and health.

According to Davies (2010), stated that listening to music in the classroom

engages both sides of the brain, facilitating learning. She points out that

electroencephalogram tests show that music alters brain waves which makes the brain

more receptive to learning. He exerts that the “Music in the classroom reduces stress,

increases productivity, regulates energy, and creates a relaxed, supportive learning

environment. Such an environment aids student in learning”. He also discussed the

using of various types of music in various ways and extensive.

In addition, Hars Herrmann, Gold, Rizzoi and Trombetti (2014), revealed that the

music alters brain waves to prepare the brain for learning. The application of music could

be useful in a variety of settings with learners of many ages. They also administered the

multitask exercises to 134 adults 65 years and up over a period of six months. These

exercises were conducted to the rhythm of piano music. They found that the participants

showed increased cognitive function and decreased anxiety when working to music.

These researchers introduced music into the existing environment and found that it was

not a distraction, but a complement to the seniors’ learning ability.

Meanwhile, Max Baker (2016), said that music is a very significant part of our

daily lives; the image of the quietly-focused student isolating themselves into a personal

study zone has led to interest into whether listening to music actually helps studies or

not. He also added that the research into the field has proven fairly ambiguous,

with many studies contradicting each other. However, this does provide useful insight for

students who maybe looking into ways to use music to enhance their exam


Cauchard, Cane, and Weger (2012), examined the effects on background

speech and music on the speed of the participants’ reading times via an eye tracking

methodology. Specifically, they were interested in whether music or background speech

would interrupt important comprehension processes while of reading as indicated by eye


Nicky Davies (2019), in her article, “Is it Good to Listen to Music While

Studying?” he said that music can have both positive and negative effects on studying,

depending on the student and the type of music. Read on to learn how academic

performance and cognition can be affected by music, and how to improve your own

study habits.

Nowadays, students are bringing headphones, ipod or cellphone with them to

libraries and study halls. Specifically, the it is actually help to listen to music when

studying, While the so-called 'Mozart effect', a term coined from a study that suggested

listening to music could actually develop the intelligence, she said that there are still

many benefits of listening to music while studying. In some cases, learners have found

out that music helps them with memorization, probably by creating a positive mood,

which indirectly lifts the memory formation.


In 2010, the Juilliard School Irene Diamond Building Main Office Combining

Literacy Instruction with Musical Beginnings (CLIMB), performed literacy and arts

program for the siblings, ages 4-10. Working in small teaching groups, CLIMB leaders

lead a two-hour session each Saturday with hands-on activities that stress phonics and

reading comprehension while providing a fun introduction to classical music and

performing arts. Children's intuitive responses to high-quality musical recordings are

universally positive from birth.

According to Brandon Steidley (2015), stated that listening to classical music

benefits the sleep patterns, the brain, immune system and stress levels- all. He

mentioned that the students who listened to classical music in the background of a

lecture scored significantly higher on quizzes and tests compared to a similar group of

students who heard the lecture with no background music. The classical music put

students into a piercing the emotional state, causing them to become more open to


For students wanting to take full advantage of their work potential, listening to

music is definitely not the best idea for executing excellent work and performances.

Although music can have a very positive effect on our overall mental health, in creates a

negative effect on our cognitive performances.

Elizabeth Hoyt (2018), in her article, “The Best Study Music: What to Listen to

While Studying”, she stated that listening to music can calm down and leading to more

conscientious studying, elevating your mood, motivating you to stay focused and

studying for longer periods of time. She also added that music is a perfect for those not

so interested. It’s known for increasing concentration levels and keeps the listener’s

mind connected at a more intuitive level. It also can be same calming, which is why

many use it to help with meditations and to fall asleep.


Foreign Studies

In the study of Jiyoon Yoon and Kyoung Jin Kim (2017), entitled “Science Song

Project: Integration of Science, Technology and Music to Learn Science and Process

Skills”. It investigated the Science song project with the integration of science,

technology and music to learn science and process. The research was carried out its

July 2017 to September 2017. The participants for the study were from the science

teacher candidates from the EC-6 (Early Childhood through Grade 6) at a racially

diverse Texas public research university. The subjects were given a pre- and a post-self-

efficacy test and final essay reflection were used to measure the effects of the science

song project on the teacher candidates’ attitudes toward science and their

understandings of process skills. All responses from the self-efficacy pre-test and post-

test were collected and reviewed. After the scores for each question that they calculated

by a matched sample t -test was used to determine if the teacher candidates had

significantly different scores on the pre-test than on the post-test. To analyze their final

reflection, they used the constant comparative method (Creswell, 2015) to get codes and

categories from the teacher. The data obtained in the study were analyzed by the test

was used to compare the pre- and the post-test results with subscales of PSTE and

STO. The arithmetic means and standard deviation were calculated for each group.

From the Descriptive Statistics of the Self-Efficacy Tests there is no difference between

the pretest and posttest and there was not a significant difference between the pre-test

and post-test means on the subscale because the value was not less than (.05). The

results of the research showed the significance of difference between the Personal

Science Teaching Efficacy and Science Teaching Outcomes Expectancy by using pre-

test and post-test.


Moreover, the learners can practice their vocabulary to review the content of that

subject. The result of their study showed a significance difference in studying their

lesson. Since, the learners participated in the process of song development. They are

actively participated in the learning process that learners are enabling to empower the

learning and the dynamic results of learners who contract their own ideas and


Another study conducted by Michael Widerman (2013), entitled “Study Habits

and Music: How They Affect Attention and Academic Performance”. The study examined

the study habit and music on how its affect the attention and academic performance of

students. The study was created at George Mason University year 2013. His study

examined how the application of different study modalities and stimuli (music) how it is

affect the performance of the student while the listening to music and how they perform

academically. There are twenty (20) participants studied both long reading

comprehension passages and vocabulary words/definitions before being tested on each

type of material. His study investigated whether the use of deep or surface-level study

techniques and listening to self-selected music while studying have an effect on

engagement level and academic performance in undergraduate students. The study

showed the orientation factor that was calculated by subtracting Surface-level scores

from Deep-level scores, indicating the relative utilization of Deep-level study over

surface levels study. The study used descriptive statistics; the mean number of total

correct Reading Comprehension responses was 16.70, while for Vocabulary responses

it was 29.5. The ERISH revealed that on average, participants used both deep-level

(25.0) and surface level study habits (23.9) to the same degree as part of their normal

study routines. The largest percentage of participants (25%) listened to their music at a

volume level of 6, out of a possible 16, with the average volume level being 5.3. More

participants chose to listen to an "other" genre of music (with specifications such as


"pop" and "instrumental") than any other genre listed. Classical, rock, and hip-hop music

were all tied for being the second most listened to genres. Interestingly, participants

specified "instrumental" music even though classical was a choice, suggesting that the

use of non-vocal music can be more diverse than conventional classical music. Only 3

participants indicated that they listened to more than one genre of music while studying.

Music with a medium tempo was listened to most often, followed by slow tempo music,

and then fast tempo music. There was a negative correlation between frequency of

listening to music while studying and sustained attention for the Reading

Comprehension section, r = -.41, p < .05 (one tailed). There were no differences in the

frequency with which participants listened to music while studying between the two

music conditions, t(18) = -.32, p > .05.

Moreover, the study of Arielle S. Dolegui (2013), entitled, “The Impact of

Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance” presented to University of Maryland,

Baltimore County in Catonsville. There are thirty-two undergraduate students (twenty-

five females, seven males), ranging in age from 20 to 41 years from the University of

Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) at Shady Grove who participated in this study. The

procedure that they prepared was the rooms assigned by the University of Maryland,

Baltimore County (UMBC) at Shady Grove. The researcher explained to participants that

music would be played while they solved the questions on the tests. His study was

showed in a repeated-measured design; on the other hand, a paired sample t-test was

used for the analysis. The alpha level of .05 was used for the analysis. The independent

variable was the type of music played at two different levels of intensity: high intensity

and low intensity.

The research study examined the dependent variable of performance score,

which was measured in terms of correct answers got in each of the tests. The tests were

not graded for completion but for accuracy only. However, there was also no significant

difference in test scores between participants in the soft music conditions

(M= 23.75) and performance in the loud music conditions (M= 24.22), t (31)= -

0.56, p= 0.582. Moreover, However, their study revealed that participants performed

significantly better while listening to sedative music than they did while listening to

stimulating music, whereas the current experiment found no significant difference in test

scores between the loud music and soft music conditions.

Furthermore, in the study of Janina A. M. Lehmann and Tina Seufert (2017),

revealed in their study entitled, “The Influence of Background Music on Learning in the

Light of Different Theoretical Perspectives and the Role of Working Memory Capacity”

investigates on how the background music influence the learning style with different

theoretical approaches. Both the Mozart effect as well as the arousal-mood-hypothesis

indicates that background music can potentially benefit learning outcomes. The

participant is randomly assigned to one experimental group (between-subject factor:

Background music – present or absent) and the working capacity was included in the

design of an organism variable, and also considered independent variable. In the study it

measured the mood and arousal as potential mediating variable. The data collected in

group sessions by giving questionnaires, two pre-test for arousal and mood and after

that the post-test took place. The result showed that there are differences whether the

prior knowledge, age and gender were equally distributed between the conditions.

Through the implication the capacity of background music is neither hindered or fostered

learning. However, the learners can have preferences as to choose to learn with

background music or without music. They said that the learners should be careful with

their decision as to which music they chose to listen to: Song with lyrics are potentially

more distracting than instrumental melodies and music with other modes or tempos

could possibly evoke obstructive emotions for learning. Luckily, there is enough music

readily available, so that each of us has the chance to listen to our preferred music,

which may even be conducive to learning.

Additionally, the study of Emily Szentgyorgyi (2015) entitles, “Impact of Music on

Student Achievement”. Her study compared the impact of classical and pop music as

background music on students` achievement in reading. The study took place in an

elementary school in a rural school district within Western New York. According to the

New York State Report Card for the 2013-2014 school year, there were 250 students

enrolled in this school district. The average class size during that time was 17 students.

This study observes and documents the effects of using different types of background

music in the classroom on student test scores in reading. According to the New York

State Report Card for the 2013-2014 school year, the ethnicities of the students within

the district include: 86% Caucasian, 10% Hispanic or Latino, 4% Multiracial, and 1%

American Indian or Alaska Native. Fifty-three percent (53%) of the students in the district

are eligible for free lunch, and 16% of the students are eligible for reduced lunch. The

participants in this study were selected by non- random convenience sampling. The

target population was 17 students in a general education 5 th grade classroom in the

elementary school. The study uses the correlational research and survey research

approaches. The primary methodology of the study is quantitative, and in addition one

qualitative tool was used. The study took place over a period of four weeks in one

classroom and was conducted in an A-B-A-B Single Subject Design. The research

looked at the effect of different types of background music in the classroom on the

subject quiz scores in reading. The independent variable in this study is the types of

background music playing during independent work and quiz taking. The two types of

music are classical and pop music with lyrics. The dependent variable in this study is the

student quiz scores in reading. Her data was collected from 17 students in a 5th grade

classroom over a period of four weeks. For the classical music post-test results, 56% of

the students improved from their pre-test scores. Out of those students that improved,

their scores had an average improvement of 22.6%. For the pop music post-test results,

64% of the students improved from their pre-test scores. Out of those students that

improved, their scores had an average improvement of 39.4%. Based on the data that

was collected, without considering outside factors, results show that playing pop music

in the background had the greatest impact on student achievement on their quizzes.

According to the data, 8% more of the students improved when pop music was played in

the background. In addition, the scores of the students who improved when pop music

played in the background had16.8% more improvement than when the students had

classical music playing in the background. There is a great significance to the study. If

there are more things that can be done in the classroom that are proven to help benefit

student learning, teachers should be actively trying to incorporate those things into their

teaching and classroom environment. The findings for the study showed that other types

of music besides classical could also be beneficial to student learning in the classroom.

Perhaps pop music is a helpful motivator because students can listen to the lyrics and

relate to the music. This study opens up the possibility to experimenting with more

genres of music.

According to the study of Donna Governor (2011), entitled, “Teaching and

Learning Science through Song: Exploring the Experiences of Students and Teachers.”

This qualitative, multi-case study explored the use of science-content music for teaching

and learning in six middle school science classrooms. The researcher sought to

understand how teachers made use of content-rich songs for teaching science, how they

impacted student engagement and learning, and what the experiences of these teachers

and students suggested about using songs for middle-school classroom science

instruction. Six teachers who volunteered to participate in this study and their students,

from three suburban middle schools in Georgia, were included in the study. Data

gathered included three teacher interviews, one classroom observation and a student

focus-group discussion from each case. The data from each unit of analysis were

examined independently then synthesized in a multi-case analysis, resulting in a number

of merged findings, or assertions, about the experience. The results of this study

indicated that teachers used content-rich music to enhance student understanding of

concepts in science by developing content-based vocabulary, providing students with

alternative examples and explanations of concepts, and as a sense-making experience

to help build conceptual understanding. These students overwhelmingly found that their

teachers’ use of science-content songs engaged them by providing both situational and

personal interest, and as a mnemonic device for remembering key concepts in science.

The use of songs has relevance from a constructivist approach as they were used to

help students build meaning; from a socio-cultural perspective in terms of student

engagement; and from a cognitive viewpoint in that in these cases they helped students

make connections in learning. Of interest is the difference in how teachers and students

saw the purposes for learning in science, based on how songs were used for teaching

and learning science in this study. The results of this research have implications for

science teachers and the science education community in developing new instructional

strategies for the middle school science classroom.

Local Literature

According to Vinz Eusala (2017), shared with the readers how music affects life

and the benefits of learning a musical instrument. He certainly discussed that when

listening to music that the people truly enjoy the music can assist the neurological

productivity. In addition, the study performed well if that person listening to Mozart

music. However, he mentioned that there’s not necessary that the music you listen to

has to be Mozart or even classical music in general. Rather, it is just being the music the

listener enjoys. He means that if the person greatly enjoys listening to any kind of music,

it could help the productivity while working. However, to gain the benefits, the person

must feel the music.

Moreover, another article by MAPÚA (2016), on how does listening to music

improve studies. It described that listening to music can improve the students`

concentration however, the other might find distracting and they asserted that it should

test how the music affects our productivity. If the result is good and it can motivate to

study more, then we should continue listening to music. The articles showed some of

things that should keep in mind when studying:

 Stay in a peaceful and organized environment when studying.

 Avoid playing music that does not particularly appeal to you.

 Think positively when studying and make sure that you are in the right mindset.

 Create an outline and rewrite your notes to retain information easily.

The effect of music may be influenced by one student to another. It is important to

observe how you react to music while studying before you start your study routine.

Kitty Elicay (2018) agreed that music can undoubtedly affect our moods. There

are other ways to boost the baby’s brain power. Reading to a baby while pregnant can

help them process and learn information from the outside world. And just by talking to

them you can already make them better learners. On the other hand, she added that

were shouldn’t become a measure of oir child’s intelligence. Instead, we should look at

music as a way to set up your child for success — learning music, and not just listening

to it, will teach our child significant traits like hard work, focus, and discipline. It will also

nurture his creativity and boost his/her confidence.

The International Journal of Music Education, cited by Dr. George Traitses,

(2015), Children love music; just do a keyword search of children and dancing on

YouTube and you’ll find a lot of smiling faces. But beyond enjoyment, music also

positively impacts learning and social behavior in children. It indicates that language

development, literacy, numeracy, creativity, fine motor coordination, concentration, self-

confidence, emotional sensitivity, social skills, teamwork, self-discipline, and relaxation

are all tied to playing and listening to music.

According to the article of The Manila Times (2016), Music is one of the few

constants left in today’s culturally shifting landscape. Its incredible ability to capture and

express deeply personal emotions- whether by mourning a loss with Adele, dancing with

Rihanna, chilling with Drake or working it like Beyonce – has brought people of diverse

races, cultures, and backgrounds together in a way that no other phenomenon has ever

been able to do. Music establishes personal identity. People strive to find their own

individuality. They construct an image of themselves based on their likes and dislikes.

Such preferences can best be expressed through music, as scrolling through an

individual’s personally curated playlist can give a clear idea of who he is based on the

songs he listens to and the artists he follows. Furthermore, music is permeable – it

allows an individual’s own life realities and context to seep into his interpretation of a

certain song. She also added that, music creates and maintains social interactions.

Music builds a sense of community. Through personal preferences, individuals join

subcultures with others who share similar tastes. The realization that other people also

have the same interpretations of a song gives the feeling of not being alone while going

through life’s difficulties. There is a sense of empowerment among music listeners to

have certain playlists be a representation of what they are feeling or experiencing.


Local Studies

The study of Reymarie Mabborang-Caban (2016) entitle, “The Effect of Songs on

Students’ Attitude and Achievement”, the study was presented in Apayao State College-

Laboratory High School of Apayao Province. The study was prepared as a Repeated

Measure Experimental Design. It was used because only one class was involved. The

single class was exposed to two different conditions. Moreover, the single class served

as the control group when taught without the use of songs and as an experimental group

when taught with the use of songs. In addition, the subjects of the study were measured

twice. The Experimental and control group were compared as well as the achievement

tests were given a multiple-choice questions. It consisted 80 items covering lessons in

the First Grading and Second Grading respectively. The mean and standard deviation

was used in determining and analyzing the achievement and attitude scores of the

subjects both in the control and experimental phases. The T-test was used to compute

the significant difference between the mean achievement scores and mean attitude

scores in the first (control phase) and second grading (experimental phase) periods

respectively. The weighted mean was used to control the significant difference between

the mean attitude scores in the control phase and experimental phase. The study

revealed that there is a significant difference between the achievements means scores

of the students in the control phase and in the experimental phase. This confirms that

students had higher achievement when they were taught with the use of songs than

when they were taught without the use of songs. In addition, teaching with the use of

songs has a positive effect on student’s achievement in Social Studies I. She proposed

that the use of songs in teaching improves academic achievement and develops the

positive attitude toward Social Studies.


Caban (2016) added, when the students exposed to songs, students learn better

and develop wholesome attitude toward a subject. The results showed a differing

perception on the effect of songs on students’ attitude and achievement as concluded


1. Songs that contain core and related values, should be used as relevant

resource materials in teaching Social Studies I.

2. There should be careful and wise use of songs to fit the sensitivities of the

students and the subject’s learning competencies.

3. An in-service training should be conducted to showcase the use of songs as

a teaching strategy for its adaptability.

4. Local songs (even in vernacular) can be used for reinforcing interests, values

and even the teaching of knowledge in Social Studies I.

5. The school’s library should have a collection of songs of different themes to

reinforce teaching.

6. Collection of thematic songs may form important part of every School’s

Learning Resource Center.

Furthermore, another related study was that Kimberlyn Tiu (2013), in her study

entitled, “The Effect of Background Music to College Students' Academic Performance”.

The study explained that there is a significance relationship between the background

music to academic performance of college students. The relationship was studied based

from thirty-five (35) respondents in the Philippines taken through a survey questionnaire.

The data analysis was done using the statistical software namely: Stata 12th and Gretl.

For the data gathering, the proponent used Google form and Google spreadsheet.

Initially, only two out of four variables were deemed to be significant which were hours

listening to music and pop music genre. However, sex and hours studying were not

significant. But after testing the model, the model was not suffering from any violations.

Moreover the study was design as a descriptive, the study was collected the data

without manipulation and it`s also called as co-relational or observational studies. It was

demonstrated by the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In

her study, it is cross-sectional in nature, which means relationships of the variables (e.g.

group of people) with or without the sense of time (U.S. Department of Health and

Human Service - Office of Research Integrity, 2013).

In the study of Jose Maria Pelayo III, Rodolfo Jao, and Jose Juancho S. Pelayo

(2014) entitled, “Reflections of College Students about the Use of Classical Relaxing

Harp Music in the Student Lounge”, the study infer that the type of music relaxes the

students and creates an environment that could be beneficial to college students while

they relax, review, read or research. The study involved sixty one (61) respondents (20

male and 41 females) Convenience sampling was used to select the respondents. All of

the respondents are students of Systems Plus College Foundation taking up the subject

General Psychology in which the researcher Prof. Pelayo was their instructor. Average

age of the respondents is 18 years old. A questionnaire was used to gather data from

the students while they were at the student lounge listening to the music. The music that

was used was Relaxing Harp Amazing Healing Christian Music Celtic HQ The music was particularly used in

reflections, hotels, restaurants, other Christian schools and even Christian ceremonies in

their mass. It was the ideal type of music that would soothe the mind and soul. This

music was searched by Prof. Pelayo as he is a member of the Music Therapy


Philippines under Ms. Celeste S. Samchez a Didactic Music Therapist for special

people. The gathered data was qualitatively analyzed and salient themes of all

participants. Moreover, the basis for the results and conclusions in the research study.

Descriptive method also used to utilize study. Based on the gathered data, all of the

respondents enjoyed the music. They all wanted the music to continue in the student

lounge and they all recommend it will be useful to other institutions as well. Although

more research should be done about this topic, the researcher may infer that this type of

music relaxes the students and creates an environment that could be beneficial to

college students while they relax, review, read or research.

Another study cited by, Jose Maria G. Pelayo III (2010), entitle “The Effect of

Mozart’s Music on Social Learning Behavior of High School Students”. The study

presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Philippine Women’s University Taft,

Manila. Pelayo III (2010) would like attempt to discover different methods in improving

the Social Learning Behavior of high school students, utilizing essential tools to further

develop academic performance. Taking into consideration the different possible factors

that may improve learning among high school students, not only in the classroom but

also outside the classroom setting. The study will use the Descriptive – Survey Method

because it deals with the current dynamics of high school students before the exposure

to Mozart’s music in Systems Plus College Foundation. The conditions, trends and

culture of the students were collected in the academic and social setting. Since the study

will involve observation over a period of time, specifically five (5) days before the

exposure to Mozart’s music and (20) twenty days while exposed to Mozart’s music, the

appropriate method that used is the longitudinal design or time series design under the

Descriptive – Survey Method during the exposure to Mozart’s music in both academic

and social settings. In academic setting (Classroom), here the percentage of students

that showed behavior leading to social interaction. The highest percentage of students

on days 13 and 14 with a value of sixty-two (62) percent and the lowest percentage on

days 1,2,4,5,16 and 18 with a value of twelve (12) percent. It shows a significant

increase in value from day 11 to day 14 and then a significant decrease in value from

day 15 to 20.

Roberto G. Sagge Jr. (2014, Music: Effects on Junior High School Students’

Performance in Mathematics”. Mathematics is taught in isolation from other subjects and

often lacks creative or artistic flair; hence, students often get bored and do not pay

attention in class. This study ascertained the effects of background music on students’

achievement, habits of mind, test anxiety, and disposition. The instrument used were the

researcher-made mathematics achievement test, test anxiety rating scale, and

disposition rating scale which underwent validation through a panel of experts. The

result showed that the pretest mean scores in mathematics achievement of all the three

groups were “low.” The pretest mean scores in habits of mind of the three groups were

“not developed.” The pretest mean scores in test anxiety of groups A and B were both

“moderate” while group c was “high.” The pretest mean scores in disposition to music of

groups A and c were both “partially liked” while group B was “liked.” As observed, all the

background music used had an impact on the improvement of the students’ scores in

mathematics. The results of the study served as bases for the development of music-

enhanced mathematics program.

According to the study of Desiree B. Castillo, Czarlene Kaye San Juan, Maria

Robelle Tajanlangit, Irish Pauline Ereño, Maria Julia Serino, Catherine Tayo and Allen A.

Espinosa (2014) entitled, “Effects of Music on the Spatial Reasoning Skills of Grade-One

Pupils”. Their study determined the significant effect of different types of music on the

spatial reasoning skills of children aging from 6-8 years old. Twenty-one (21) grade one

students (13 males, 8 females) of Colegio de San Juan de Letran were selected to

complete jigsaw puzzle to assess their spatial reasoning skills while exposed to two

different conditions: Instrumental Music (Binaural Beats) and Nursery Rhymes (Old

McDonald’s), respectively. The results were all calculated using Wilcoxon’s Matched-

Pairs Signed Rank Test. Findings imply that nursery rhymes stimulate the brain’s

processing of organizing images more effectively than that of instrumental music.

Children ranging from 6-8 years old are more likely to perform better on a spatial

reasoning task when they are listening to fast-beat nursery rhymes than that of

instrumental music; thereby enhancing their spatial reasoning skills. Limitations and

suggestions for further studies were discussed. The variables that are used in the

experiment are two kinds of music namely, the nursery rhyme (Old McDonald) and

instrumental music (binaural beats). The result of the experiment shows that p-value is

0.002, which is less than the given p-value at 0.5 level of significance of p-value (0.002).

This means that nursery rhyme is better than the binaural beats when grade one pupils

are performing spatial reasoning task. The Binaural Beats takes more time in solving the

given task as for the Old McDonald. This means that the grade 1 pupils take more time

in solving the puzzle with the Binaural beats as their background music, which is less

than the result of the nursery rhyme, Old McDonald’s. This implies that music with fast

beats lyrics like Old McDonald’s tends to help one to work faster than instrumental music

like Binaural beats. On the other hand, Binaural beats help increase one’s concentration

and attention on the task at hand.


Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies


Chapter 3


This chapter discussed the method of research used, the respondents of

the study, the instrument utilized in the investigation, the data – gathering

procedure adopted, and the statistical treatments applied to the data of the study.

Method of Research Used

The method of research used is descriptive through survey questionnaire

to be able to gather data and information on the use of brainy songs to selected

intermediate learners in teaching basis for the enhancement program in science

in Looc Elementary School.

The descriptive design is intended to give more information about particular

characteristics in a particular field of study. According to Calderon (2012), descriptive

research involves the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the present

nature, composition or processes of phenomena which focuses on prevailing

conditions, or how a person, group or thing behaves or functions in the present. It often

involves some type of comparison or contrast. In other words, descriptive research

maybe defined as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating

data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause effect

relationships and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data

with the aid of statistical methods.

The researcher will pulled out the low performers and have one common lesson

for all every day.


Population, Sample Size

The result of this study was generated from the total population of intermediate

learners of Looc Elementary School Division of Calamba City.

The respondents of the study were the selected intermediate learners from Looc

Elementary School. The total population of the respondents from each intermediate

grade level learners. The respondents of the study were twenty-two (22) learners in

grade IV, seventeen (17) learners in grade V and fourteen (14) learners in Grade VI who

currently enrolled academic year 2018 – 2019.

Table 1

Number of Respondents According to Intermediate/Grade Level

Intermediate/Grade No. of No. of low Sample

Level Learners performer (100%)
Grade IV 256 22 22

Grade V 313 17 17

Grade VI 338 14 14

Total 907 53 53

Table 1 presents the number of the respondents according to Grade Level where they

come from.

Sampling Technique

The data gathered from the respondents have been tabulated and interpreted.

The researchers used the marginal error of 5% as the basis and used the Slovin`s


n = ___N___
1 + N (e2)


n = number of samples

N = total population

E = margin of error

The researcher applied the Slovin`s formula that gives the data needed in finding

the sample with a 5% margin of error. Based from the formula the sample size was fifty-

three (53) intermediate learners out of the total of nine hundred seven (907).

Description of Respondents

The respondents of the study were the learners of Grade IV, Grade V, and Grade

VI/ intermediate learners who currently enrolled for the school year 2018-2019 of Looc

Elementary School Division of Calamba City which consist of seventy-seven (77) male

learners and fifty-two (52) female learners from intermediate learners.

On the other hand, eight (8) science teacher and one (1) school head also

participated in providing data on teacher`s utilization of using brainy songs to selected

intermediate learners in teaching science.

Research Instrument

In this study, the instrument used is the pre-test and post-test, which is necessity

for descriptive method. . The questionnaire was also used as a tool to collect data, which

used to determine the effectiveness of brainy song in teaching science to selected

intermediate learners. The questionnaire used for this study was developed by browsing

through several samples of questionnaire from related literature and studies.

The brainy Songs played during the remediation while the students were entering

the classroom, while the teachers discuss again the lesson that they drop down the

lesson. The researcher and classroom teacher recorded classroom observations

regarding the effects of the background music on the students. The study also included

informal interviews, which consisted of a series of questions regarding what the students

thought about the brainy songs and how it affected their learning, productivity, and

motivation. The interviews were held individually and in small groups. The interviews

lasted no more than five (5) minutes.

Furthermore, the researcher gave questionnaires to the science teacher at the

school who used music in his/her classroom. The questionnaires explored questions

regarding the productivity, motivation, and behavior of their students. At the end of the

study, another survey was administered to all subjects to monitor change of response

and the effectiveness of music in the classroom.

The pre-test is a multiple choice type and is composed of 10 items. The pre-test

includes questions on science lesson which helped identify what the students may know.

The post-test is also a multiple choice type of questionnaire composed of Thirty (10)

items. The post tests are questions on science subject that will help evaluate what they


A pre-test and a post-test that measure students’ performance towards music

were administered to the science subjects. The teacher kept observation notes

regarding the effects of the brainy songs in the separated classroom. The notes reflected

the students’ level of motivation, how they entered the classroom, their ability to stay on-

task, how they worked independently, and if they expressed positive behaviors. Other

materials used to gather and interpret data for this study included: informal interviews

with individual students and small groups, and questionnaires for other teachers that

used brainy songs in the classroom.


Data - Gathering Procedure

The collection of data is an extremely important part of all research endeavors for

the conclusion of a study which is based on what the data have revealed. As a result,

the kind of data to be collected, the method of collection to be used and the scoring of

the data need to be considered with care to obtain low variability (variance, standard

error/standard deviation).

Prior to the conduct of data gathering, the researcher secured permission from

the Schools Division Superintendent of Calamba City, Laguna, Public Schools Division

Supervisor, School Head/Principal, Science Teacher of intermediate grade level,

advisers and members of the panel before administering the questionnaire.

When the approval granted, arrangements were made as to whether the

researcher personally attended the administration of the questionnaire or entrust the

work to the principal who will be responsible for the administration and retrieval of the

accomplished questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment

The following is the statistical treatments applied in the study.

1. Slovin`s Formula. Used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size

(N) and a margin of error (e). The researcher uses Slovin`s formula. This formula

uses to determining the number of sample from this population. The sample of this

study is 53 learners, by using Slovin`s formula. Here is the slovin`s formula for

measuring the sample in this research:

n = N / ( 1 + . e2 )

2. Mean Percentage Score. This tool facility was used to measure the respondents’

answers. Convert the computed mean to Mean Percentage Score (MPS) using the


Mean (x) = Total Score of Pupils/Students

Total Number of Takers
(learners who took the test)

MPS = ___Computed Mean (x)____

Total Number of Test Items X 100

MPS = ____%

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data collected and consolidated for further use. The

data were analyzed and results were given interpretations. The discussions were

patterned accordingly to the sequence of the problems laid in Chapter 1.

1. Profile of the Studies

Table 2


Grade Level Population
Male Female Total

Grade IV 22 13 9 22

Grade V 17 9 8 17

Grade VI 14 9 5 14

Total 53 31 22 53

Table shows the distribution of 53 respondents according to their profile. As

gender and the grade level where they go. In grade IV learner, there are thirteen (13)

male learners and nine (9) female learners a total of twenty-two learners of grade IV.

While in Grade V grade level, there are nine (9) male learners and eight (8) female

learners that comprise a total of seventeen (17) grade V learners. Moreover, the Grade

VI learners have nine (9) male learners and five (5) learners that comprise of fourteen

(14) grade VI learners.


2. Effects of using brainy songs to learners during pre-test and post-test

Table 3


PRE-TEST 4.81 4.82% average

POST-TEST 8.68 8.68% Closely

Total Mean 6.75 6.75% Average

The table shows that the learners have an average mean score which is 4.81 in

the post-test but in the pre-test got a higher grade that closely to approximating mastery

which is 8.68. This means that learners when taught with brainy songs in teaching

science performed better than when taught without the use of brainy songs. The effect of

brainy songs in teaching science has a general mean of 5.97 which had been interpreted

as an “average” and it can be an effective. It means that teaching science to

intermediate learners can be learned through the use of brainy songs. Brainy songs can

increase the efficiency of the learners in their science curriculum.

The result is however supported by the studies of Jose Maria G. Pelayo III

Rodolfo V. Jao Jose Juancho S. Pelayo where in it had found out that the right kind of

music can help students to relax their mind which enables to concentrate better. Perfect

for studying, doing homework or reviewing for exams. It erases distractions and helps

the focus on learners` work.

Science Further so, being engaged in listening to brainy songs while teaching/

learning science will become helpful to the learners to relax their mind and they become

stress free.

3. The significant difference between the profile variables of the respondents and
the use of brainy songs in terms of pre-test and post-test

Table 4


Low Performer in
Post-Test Score
Student Science Subject Grade Pre-Test
Age Sex with the use of
Number 1st – 2nd Quarter Level Score
Brainy Songs
1 9 Male Yes Grade IV 3 9
2 9 Male Yes Grade IV 2 9
3 9 Male Yes Grade IV 2 9
4 9 Male Yes Grade IV 3 8
5 9 Male Yes Grade IV 2 9
6 9 Male Yes Grade IV 3 8
7 9 Male Yes Grade IV 3 8
8 9 Male Yes Grade IV 2 9
9 10 Male Yes Grade IV 3 10
10 10 Male Yes Grade IV 1 9
11 9 Male Yes Grade IV 2 8
12 9 Male Yes Grade IV 3 8
13 9 Male Yes Grade IV 1 9
14 9 Female Yes Grade IV 3 8
15 9 Female Yes Grade IV 4 10
16 9 Female Yes Grade IV 3 9
17 10 Female Yes Grade IV 2 8
18 10 Female Yes Grade IV 3 9
19 10 Female Yes Grade IV 4 8
20 9 Female Yes Grade IV 3 9
21 9 Female Yes Grade IV 2 8
22 9 Female Yes Grade IV 4 9
23 11 Male Yes Grade V 5 8
24 10 Male Yes Grade V 5 8
25 10 Male Yes Grade V 3 10
26 10 Male Yes Grade V 5 8
27 10 Male Yes Grade V 4 7
28 10 Male Yes Grade V 3 9
29 11 Male Yes Grade V 4 9
30 10 Male Yes Grade V 3 9
31 10 Male Yes Grade V 4 10

32 10 Female Yes Grade V 2 7

33 10 Female Yes Grade V 5 9
34 10 Female Yes Grade V 2 9
35 10 Female Yes Grade V 2 9
36 10 Female Yes Grade V 4 8
37 10 Female Yes Grade V 3 8
38 10 Female Yes Grade V 4 10
39 10 Female Yes Grade V 2 8
40 10 Male Yes Grade VI 5 10
41 10 Male Yes Grade VI 4 8
42 10 Male Yes Grade VI 3 8
43 10 Male Yes Grade VI 4 9
44 10 Male Yes Grade VI 3 7
45 10 Male Yes Grade VI 5 10
46 11 Male Yes Grade VI 5 8
47 11 Male Yes Grade VI 3 9
48 11 Male Yes Grade VI 4 8
49 12 Female Yes Grade VI 5 10
50 12 Female Yes Grade VI 4 8
51 11 Female Yes Grade VI 2 9
52 11 Female Yes Grade VI 5 10
53 11 Female Yes Grade VI 2 9
Total 172 460

The table four (4) shows significant difference between the profile variables of the

respondents and the use of brainy songs in terms of pre-test and post-test. The fifty-

three (53) total number of learners from selected intermediate grade level took the pre-

test and post-test through the use of brainy songs. Thirty-one (31) of the learners were

male and twenty-two (22) of the learners were females. The data showed that Thirty-one

(31) male and twenty-two (22) female learners are increased their percentages on the

Pre-test assessment after receiving the new strategy in learning science wherein the

brainy songs applied during the assessment.


4. Possible Enhancement Program to Improve the Teaching of Science

Table 5

Republic of The Philippines

Department of Education
Division of CALAMBA
EAST II District
Looc Elementary School



Conduct School
Learning Action
Make Cell (SLAC)
Speaker, Teachers ,
Teaching as session so that it Very
TV and School
facilitating can be evaluated Satisfactory
Year School Fund/ powerpoint Head,
and a by peers and rating in
Round MOOE Fund for Parents
learner- Head Teachers IPCRF and
presentatio and
centered to improve OPCRF
ns learners
institution teaching styles
and suggest new
Teachers ,
Organize the Shifting of Improved
time Schedule of pupils’
Year School Fund/ Head,
schedule classes of Grade Tarpaulin performance
Round MOOE Fund Parents
IV, V and Grade in Science
VI Curriculum
To enhance Provide a review Tarpaper All
the science appropriate using ,review Teachers ,
subject brainy songs to materials, School
the learning
through become more Year School Fund/ Head,
integration of effective of the Round MOOE Fund Parents
especially in
using brainy learners and
songs learners
Let the students All
explore the Teachers ,
Create a outside world. Cover School Increase the
flexible Allow the Year court, Head, Mean
environment learners develop Round Science Parents Percentage
for the effect their own Room and Score (MPS)
knowledge and learners
skills concerned

Engage Learners must be Teachers ,
learners in involved in School Increase the
higher-order exploring and Year Head, Mean
thinking solving authentic Round Parents Percentage
skills and situational and Score (MPS)
problems problems learners
Conduct an All
Enhance the academic contest Teachers ,
in different School Atleast 90%
ability and
learning areas Head, of the
skills of the
Year School Fund/ Learning learners
learners in  Quiz bee Parents
Round MOOE Fund Materials shall
different  Talentadong and
learners participated
learning Mag-aaral
in activities
areas  Investigatory concerned
Integrate All All learners
information Teachers , will
and School participate
communicati The learners will Year Head, actively in
Year Round television,
on use technology in Round Parents class
Technology studying and discussions
in their learners and
studies concerned activities

The table 5 contains the work plan to improve the teaching of science through

the use of brainy songs.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations in the light of the problems as regards to the use of brainy songs to

selected intermediate learners in teaching science in Looc Elementary School Division of

Calamba City.


The main purpose is to determine the effectiveness of brainy songs in Teaching

Science to Selected Intermediate Learners: Basis for enhancement Program in Science

in Looc Elementary School Division of Calamba City.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

a. Age,

b. Sex,

c. Socio-Economic Class

2. What are the effects of using brainy songs to learners during pre-test and post-


3. Is there any significant difference between the profile variables of the

respondents and the use of brainy songs in terms of pre-test and post-test?

4. Base on the findings of the study, what possible enhancement program can be

formulated to improve the teaching of science?

The researcher utilized the descriptive method to gather the data through pre-test

and post-test and survey questionnaire from science teacher on the use of brainy

song to selected intermediate learners in teaching science in Looc Elementary


School Division of Calamba was used as a main tool to gather necessary data in

order to test the hypothesis and answer the statement of the problems. The

respondents of the study were fifty-three intermediate learners who had a low grade

in Science subject. Statistical treatments applied to the data of the study includes

Slovin`s Formula.


1. Profile of the students

The distribution of 50 respondents according to their grade in science

curriculum as to gender and the grade level where they enrolled; there are

thirteen (13) male and nine (9) female a total of twenty-two learners of grade IV.

While in Grade V grade level, there are nine (9) male learners and eight (8)

female that comprise a total of seventeen (17) grade V learners. Moreover, the

Grade VI learners have nine (9) male and five (5) learners that comprise of

fourteen (14) grade VI learners.

2. The Use of Brainy Songs in Teaching Science to Intermediate Learners

through pre-test and post-test

The effect of brainy songs in teaching science to intermediate learners

when it comes to pre-test and post-test score has a general mean of 8.68 which

resulted to “high effective”.

3. The Effect of Brainy Songs in Teaching Science to Intermediate Learners

From the result presented on, the use of brainy songs in teaching science

to intermediate learners has a “positive effect” of the learners during their pre-

test and post-test.



The following are the conclusions drawn by the researcher based on the findings

of the study:

1. Pre- and post-test scores provide evidence that SCs and SC Supervisors

demonstrated increased knowledge when answering the post-test questions. We can

conclude that completing the course resulted in improved performance on the test,

and make the inference that completing the course resulted in the desired learning.

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