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Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

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Applied Energy
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Sensitivity analysis for optimization of renewable-energy-based air- T

circulation-type temperature-control system

Haksung Leea, , Akihito Ozakib
Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Japan
Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Japan


• Hybrid passive system comprising air circulation system and PCM unit proposed.
• The proposed system controls thermal and peak loads utilizing renewable energy.
• Individual effects and correlations for various parameters confirmed.
• Simulation-based analysis results agreed well with experimental results.
• Temperature control optimization and the efficacy of the system assessed.


Keywords: A detailed investigation of thermal performance of an air-circulation-type temperature-control system to serve as

Renewable energy an alternative means of saving energy and heat storage is reported. The proposed system is of the hybrid type
Ventilated cavity combining a central air-conditioning system, system incorporating phase-change material (PCM), and a roof-
Air-circulation system ventilation layer. The said hybrid system was tested by means of an experiment performed in an actual house
located in Yufuin in the Oita prefecture in Japan. Numerical analysis was performed using Hygrabe—an un-
Sensible heat-load reduction
steady heat-transfer-analysis tool—for the building envelope. Results of the said experiment were observed to
accurately predict the effects of radiative cooling, exhaust cooling, cold storage and release in summer, solar-
heat collection, and heat storage and release in winter. The potential for improved operation of the proposed
system was demonstrated via parameter sensitivity analysis, which quantified the change in each effect along
with resulting correlations deduced based on changes brought about in individual factors, such as air velocity,
roof length, and PCM box. The proposed study, therefore, facilitates development of design guidelines for
temperature-control systems to be installed in high-performance passive homes.

1. Introduction 1.1. Utilization of building-envelope heat energy

Presently, high energy-conservation standards are being maintained 1.1.1. Radiative cooling
across the world. In Japan, however, approximately 30% of all re- The building envelope offers advantages, such as radiative cooling
sidential energy consumption accounts for home heating and cooling and solar-heat collection, and many researchers have developed tech-
[1]. Whereas energy consumption can be slightly reduced by nologies to save energy based on these properties. Radiative cooling
strengthening thermal insulation and airtight performance of houses, involves heat dissipation via radiations in the wavelength interval of
introduction of a new technology is indispensable for further econo- 8–14 μm from buildings to the Earth’s atmosphere facilitating its use as
mization of energy consumption with the ultimate aim being realization a passive cooling technique. Although night ventilation is a viable
of zero-energy buildings (ZEBs) and houses (ZEHs). Indeed, passive method for minimizing overheating during summer [3], the corre-
technology using renewable energy is expected to reduce heating and sponding cooling effect can be enhanced via use of a free cooling system
cooling loads. The Japanese Basic Energy Plan targets realization of based on nocturnal radiative cooling. Bokor et al. [4] investigated the
ZEHs in new homes by 2030 [2]. cooling potential of nocturnal radiative air cooling in four European

Corresponding author at: Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan.
E-mail address: h.lee.513@s.kyushu-u.ac.jp (H. Lee).

Received 12 May 2018; Received in revised form 30 July 2018; Accepted 18 August 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

capitals by using a corrugated, perforated metal plate that intakes corresponding variation depend on multiple factors. Subsequently,
ambient air and acts as a radiant surface. Considerable cooling potential using their proposed driving-force model based on experimental results,
was demonstrated in southern Europe, where the nocturnal cooling they performed calculations to predict the hygrothermal performance
effect was observed to be insufficient despite the high demand for of a rain-screen cladding.
adequate cooling. However, detailed research must be conducted con- Research has also been performed concerning utilization of solar
cerning combined use of a solar air heater and a nocturnal radiator. heat in winter via use of ventilated facades. López et al. [21] performed
Parker et al. [5] evaluated a nocturnal radiation-cooling system for use a simulation on variable weather conditions in Spain using a model
in North American climates. They studied air circulation in an indoor wherein air entered a ventilated façade, through a lower opening in the
room and the attic space covered by a metal roof equipped with an external wall, and was subsequently introduced into individual rooms,
integrated radiator. A comparison between the two test buildings re- through an upper opening in the insulation layer. They demonstrated
vealed that an average 15% of the cooling energy could be saved. the potential of use of this model under varying climatic conditions
Hollick [6] proposed that the air cooled by radiative cooling on roofs during winter, and confirmed that the energy saving effect is mostly
can be better utilized by connecting ventilation fans to provide heating influenced by the temperature and wind speed. Marinosci et al. [22]
as well as cooling effects in a building. Water can also be used as a heat performed field measurements during winter using test buildings and
carrier in cooling systems. Meanwhile, studies on passive cooling numerical simulations. Ma et al. [23] investigated utilization of solar-
techniques employing refrigerant circulation and radiant-cooling panels radiation heat stored within a Trombe wall inside a house installed with
have also been reported. Meir et al. [7] presented a radiative cooling central air-conditioning and air-circulation systems. Their findings
system comprising unglazed flat-plate radiators to be installed on roofs confirmed realization of heat-load reduction that results from supplying
of houses. Hydronic radiant-distribution systems with large surfaces, heat in the air channel of the Trombe wall to the air-conditioning room
such as ceilings or floors, have also been proposed. Farahani et al. [8] during the heating period. Furthermore, they noted aesthetic problems
proposed a cooling system using water cooled by nocturnal radiative and increased solar irradiation through use of additional windows.
cooling. Their system utilized chilled water pumped into the cooling They also stressed the need for further studies concerning optimization
coil unit to reduce the temperature of outdoor air. They observed that of thickness of various materials, air-channel ventilation, window area
their proposed two-stage system was capable of providing comfortable of storage wall, and installation of a temperature-controlled fan. Jones
conditions. Gentle et al. [9] analyzed the substantial heat-load-reduc- et al. [24] demonstrated the possibility of applying ventilated cavities
tion effect of cooled roofs by considering albedo, thermal emittance, to glass facades. They considered examples of passive design for in-
and R-value. Research has also been performed concerning the effect of stallation in a modern office building, thereby demonstrating the po-
temperature reduction using radiative cooling not only at night but also tential for reduced-energy demand through smart facade design along
during the day under presence direct sunlight [10]. Research con- with applicability of passive design in the design process through si-
cerning nighttime radiation cooling has mainly been focused on redu- mulations performed in Europe, the Middle East, and China. However,
cing cooling energy during summer. However, further research is re- it seems that further analysis of the specific acquired heat and partial
quired to be performed concerning hybrid systems that are equally effects by the facade is necessary with regards to their proposed case
potent at collecting solar heat during winter months. study and simulation. Building-integrated photovoltaic thermal solar-
collector systems also have attracted research attention owing to their
1.1.2. Solar collectors and ventilated cavity offered advantage of simultaneous useful electricity and heat genera-
The use of ventilated facades—an additional ventilation layer to tion along with aesthetic appeal [25]. These systems have, therefore,
facilitate airflow—has recently increased, because the ventilated cavity been examined as viable techniques to control heating loads of build-
in the envelope facilitates passive solar cooling and heating. Ibáñez-Puy ings [26]. However, although these systems have been under devel-
et al. [11] reviewed and arranged literature concerning opaque venti- opment since the early 1990 s, their widespread application is yet to be
lated facades in terms of their thermal performance and parameters realized owing to the higher costs involved [27]. Athienitis et al. [28]
under presence of natural wind and buoyancy-driven ventilation. They assessed passive and active effects of a system building integrated
pointed out that the effect of ventilated facades during winter is in- photovoltaic thermal solar collector with an air open-loop on the facade
sufficient, and that realizable benefits of solar heat during winter of high-rise buildings in European climatic zones. Their numerical as-
months are disputed. Gracia et al. [12] described various typologies for sessment confirmed realization of reduction in the final energy con-
numerical modeling when computing the thermal performance of sumption of the order of 56.8% to 104.4%.
ventilated (or double-skin) facades whilst also examining their benefits
and limitations. Sandberg et al. [13] experimentally determined para- 1.2. Phase-change material
meters for airflow and heat transfer with ventilated solar roofs from
solar-cell modules to air gaps. Hirunlabh et al. [14] numerically dis- Thermal-energy-derived passive cooling and heating of the building
cussed the ventilation-cooling effect using a roof equipped with a envelope offers the disadvantage of high time dependency. Adoption of
ventilated cavity. They concluded that long-term data analysis with a phase-change material (PCM) is regarded as one of the most efficient
full-scale testing is required, and that systems coupled with other pas- ways to store thermal energy made possible by the high latent-heat
sive cooling devices, such as a Trombe wall, would considerably im- storage capacity of such a material during active and passive cooling
prove this effect. Dimoudi et al. [15] implemented a comparative ex- and/or heating, thereby increasing the heat capacity of buildings. A
periment using a full-scale ventilated roof under real southern climates. PCM absorbs and releases a large amount of latent heat during its phase
Baloco [16] devised a simple tool by applying the steady-state energy change, and the corresponding latent heat consequently reduces tem-
balance principle using a finite-element code. He evaluated the cooling perature fluctuations, levels the thermal load, and improves resident
effect of ventilated facades in accordance with the channel widths. comfort. Laouadi et al. [29,30] developed governing heat-transfer
Moreover, non-dimensional analysis was proposed to evaluate me- equations for PCM and performed a theoretical study to assess the
chanically ventilated double-glazed facades [17]. Lee et al. [18] con- thermal performance of a ventilated panel-heating unit employing
ducted an experiment using a full-scale roof simulator to evaluate the PCM. Devaux et al. [31] demonstrated benefits of PCM when in-
cooling effect and influence of the roof slope, solar-radiation intensity, corporated in walls, ceilings, and in combination with a PCM subfloor
size and figure of cavities, and panel profiles. Falk et al. [19,20] per- heating system using two different types of PCMs. In their study, peak
formed experiments to measure air velocities and temperatures inside loads during morning and evening were observed to have shifted,
south-oriented wall cavities that possess vertical wooden or horizontal yielding energy and cost savings of up to 32% and 42%, respectively.
and vented metal battens, because the air-change rate per hour and its Pop et al. [32] suggested equations to evaluate the energy efficiency of

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

a fresh-air cooling system coupled with PCM. Saffari et al. [33] pre- temperature. Furthermore, 24-h renewable energy produced by the
sented a single-objective optimization method to determine the op- effects of radiative cooling, cooling via forced exhaust heat, cooling by
timum PCM melting temperature using Energy Plus. Their results de- PCM cold release under summer mode of operation, and heating via
monstrate the feasibility of saving energy in many regions when an solar-heat collection with PCM heat release under winter mode of op-
appropriate PCM is selected for use in an enhanced passive system. Xiao eration also facilitate realization of energy-saving effects [42]. In the
et al. [34] established a simplified theoretical model that optimizes an proposed system, PCM has been arranged in the form of a large capacity
interior PCM in a lightweight passive solar room. They evaluated the unit in the attic space between the roof-ventilation layer for utilizing
optimum phase-change temperature, which depends on the average renewable energy and indoor living space. Should PCM replacement be
indoor-air temperature and solar radiation absorbed by PCM panels. necessary owing to breakage or expiration of life span, it can be quickly
Kabeel et al. [35] performed an experiment to investigate the thermal and efficiently performed. Further, the PCM unit is located in the center
performance of a finned-plate solar heater utilizing PCM. By using PCM, of all air-circulation routes, and the air that passes through the PCM
the system demonstrated a daily improvement in efficiency of the order unit helps in the realization of a balanced thermal-storage effect
of 10.8–13.6%. Royon et al. [36] studied a hollow concrete floor panel throughout the building through the PCM unit → air-conditioning
filled with tailor-made shape-stabilized PCM. Biswas et al. [37] per- space → all interior space route. In a previous research, the authors
formed simulations using a 2D-wall model with a PCM layer with demonstrated the effects of peak- and thermal-load reduction during
evaluation of the impact of hysteresis. PCM could be damaged during system under summer and winter modes. To continue this line of re-
mixing with rough concrete components. The resulting PCM leakage search, this paper reports the authors' findings based on analytical
could lead to deterioration of concrete-mix properties and building optimization and detailed system improvement, insofar as the previous
durability. It also leads to increase in flammability of PCM leakage in study exclusively revealed the effects of the current structure and set-
buildings. In another extant study [38], a robust microencapsulated ting conditions.
PCM has been introduced, and the corresponding heat-storage effect Objectives of this study can be listed as under.
has been demonstrated via simulations performed in TRANSYS. The
importance of studying various methods for building and PCM in- (1) To confirm magnitudes of heat corresponding to each componen-
tegration can, therefore, be confirmed. PCM is also used in industry to t—radiative cooling, heat exhaust in the roof-ventilation layer, heat
increase energy efficiency and reduce installation costs. Zondag et al. stored within PCM during summer, solar-heat collected in the roof-
[39] performed an experiment concerning PCM storage designed based ventilation layer, and heat stored within PCM during winter—-
on a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, wherein the shell side was filled through actual measurements and simulations performed con-
with PCM. Comparing the stable reference and high temperature salt cerning the hybrid system employed in a real house in Japan and
hydrate PCMs, the one, which is more likely to find wide applications in subsequently identify relevant correlations.
the industry, was identified. Finally, Mavigiannaki et al. [40] system- (2) To examine the optimization and improved system operation by
atically reviewed numerous research papers to catalogue current re- analyzing each effect via parameter sensitivity analysis based on
searches being performed and identify corresponding trends. actual measurements performed within the house.
(3) To review energy-saving and storage effects of the system during
1.3. Aim of the study the hottest summer and coldest winter operating conditions.

As mentioned above, many studies have analyzed the ability of The proposed study provides a foundation for further investigation
circulation systems to optimize temperature control by utilizing the into methods that can be used to optimize and improve temperature-
heat energy of building envelopes or latent-heat storage material; control systems, thereby enabling the realization of high-performance
however, these studies mainly focus on short-term measurements and/ passive houses that not only save energy but also create a healthy in-
or numerical analysis models for particular systems. Moreover, research door environment. As a research methodology to achieve this objective,
on the use of solar heat in winter is insufficient, because realizable the thermal environment of a real house for demonstration was mea-
benefits of solar heat under these weather conditions are disputed [11]. sured during months of August 2016 (summer mode) and January 2017
Regarding radiative cooling, the ASHRAE Handbook (2001) [41] states (winter mode), and corresponding effects were examined.
that radiative building cooling has not been fully developed. Moreover, Subsequently, by comparing measured values against numerical-simu-
PCM studies performed to date have mainly integrated PCM into lation results, the observed high accuracy of numerical simulations was
structures, such as walls, floors, or ceilings, in an attempt to embed analyzed, and a parameter-sensitivity analysis was performed. Long-
them into building elements [40]; yet this strategy can only realize term measurements of the actual residential environment equipped
minor heat-storage capacities relative to the building volume. More- with the proposed system enabled verification of the practical applic-
over, when a PCM pack is damaged or leaks during the liquefaction ability of the system via examination and analysis of temperature
process inside walls or slabs, their replacement is rather difficult, and changes in indoor and building elements in accordance with weather
the failure to take appropriate action tends to increase the risk of a fire and variable changes. Moreover, the said parameter-sensitivity analysis
hazard in buildings, and the effect of PCM on heat storage would also be along with verification of simulation accuracy and optimization based
negatively affected. Investigations concerning development of new on measured values can be used to serve as design guidelines for de-
methods for integrating buildings and PCM is, therefore, necessary. velopment of future systems employing renewable energy and their
Thus, although passive methods, such as building envelope heat and air subsequent improvement, to be used by related field researchers,
circulation and PCM technologies, offer numerous advantages, studies system designers, and on-site construction professionals.
concerning these methods have often independently examined each
system and its corresponding effects. In order to overcome the short- 2. House used during experiment and overview of air-circulation-
comings of each system and optimize efficiency, development of an type room-temperature-control system
integrated system and subsequent comprehensive analysis of its effects
is needed. A two-story wooden house (Fig. 1) built in Yufuin in the Oita Pre-
In view of this requirement, the authors propose an air-circulation fecture, Japan was considered for performing experiments concerning
heat-storage system—a hybrid system that comprises (i) a central air- use of the proposed hybrid temperature-control system. The air-circu-
conditioning air-circulation system; (ii) the concept of air circulation lation route of the central air-conditioning system along with the
via a roof-ventilation layer; and (iii) a PCM unit. Using the proposed summer and winter modes are briefly described in this section. Fig. 2
hybrid system, all indoor spaces can be maintained at a constant depicts the central air-conditioning system route within the

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

Fig. 1. Experimental house—(a) house exterior; (b) interior of air-conditioned room.

experimental house. In the room equipped with the heat-pump air increases the following day (Fig. 3(b)). With increase in outside-air
conditioner, outside air was introduced through a total heat exchanger temperature, the temperature within the roof-ventilation layer in-
and subsequently circulated to each room via DC fans and ducts. The creases owing to solar radiation received during daytime. The forced
system, therefore, functioned as an air-conditioning system with in- fan operates to draw in outside air through the eaves and discharge it
tegrated ventilation and air conditioning operations, because the air in outside to the ridge side. Consequently, the heat stored within the roof-
each room was circulated—via ducts, corridors, etc.—to the air-condi- ventilation layer is exhausted (Fig. 3(c)). Conversely, when the system
tioner-equipped room. Fan A was installed on the eaves side to circulate operates in the winter mode (Fig. 4), air within the room flows into the
outside ambient air or air within the room into the roof-ventilation roof-ventilation layer, which during daytime, is heated by solar radia-
layer; similarly, Fan B was installed in the attic space to introduce air tion; subsequently, the heated air is circulated into the room equipped
directly into the PCM unit without circulating it into the roof-ventila- with the air conditioner—in conjunction with the heat stored within the
tion layer. When the system operates in the summer mode (Fig. 3), PCM unit—to reduce the overall heating load (Fig. 4(a)). The stored
during nighttime, the air within the room is circulated into the roof- heat is then recovered during nighttime (Fig. 4(b)). Analysis of mea-
ventilation layer during nighttime, whereas that cooled via radiative sured values during experiment revealed that the maximum amount of
cooling is circulated into the room equipped with the air con- heat or cold energy released in a single day approximately equaled 6
ditioner—in conjunction with the cold stored within the PCM unit—to kWh. Additionally, simulation results concerning proposed-system op-
reduce the overall cooling load (Fig. 3(a)). The cold energy is subse- eration in the summer and winter modes yielded approximately 28%
quently recovered and circulated when the outside-air temperature reduction in sensible heat when compared against conventional

Fig. 2. Central air-conditioning system.

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

influence of stress as the driving force (water potential) of water flow

[45]. The numerical heat-transfer model for the wall was based on the
Crank–Nicolson and implicit methods, and was capable of in-
dependently modeling convection- and radiating-heat-type heat trans-
fers. The convective heat-transfer rate was determined based on the
boundary-layer theory. The finite difference method was applied to the
one-dimensional transient thermal conduction model for multi-layered
walls. Heat-balance equations concerning conductive heat transfer
within all materials were obtained as follows.

• Heat balance
= ∇ λ ∇T
∂t (1)

where C and ρ denote the specific heat and specific weight of the
(a) Summer mode Route 1 material containing water, and λ denotes the corresponding thermal
Values of convective heat-transfer coefficients were recalculated at
each time step on all surfaces—exterior, interior, and those of building
cavities—using dimensionless equations listed in Table 1, which have
been deduced based on either the boundary-layer profile method (using
the energy conservation, momentum conservation, and fluid friction
equations) or experimental findings in accordance with the natural
and/or forced convection phenomena. It is possible to use functional
equations concerning wind direction and velocity for determination of
exterior convective heat-transfer coefficients as well as those con-
cerning the temperature difference between all surfaces and ambient
environment within the room for determination of interior convective
heat-transfer coefficients.
The Sherwood number can be calculated by replacing the Prandtl
number with Schmidt number, as listed in Table 1. Consequently,
boundary conditions for heat balance equations can be expressed as
(b) Summer mode Route 2 follow.

• Heat balance in the ventilation layer

Vvol, c ·cγ
= ∑ Sc, j·α c, j (Tj−Tc ) + Vven·cγ (To−Tc )
j=1 (2)

wherein cγ refers to the volumetric specific heat of air; Sc, j and Tj denote
surface area of the ventilation layer surface j and corresponding surface
temperature; Vvol, c denotes volume of the ventilation layer c ; Vven de-
notes the airflow rate; α c, j represents the convective heat-transfer
coefficient of the ventilation layer surface j .
Additionally, in case of natural ventilation, the airflow rate Vven
under buoyancy can be calculated using the network airflow model

(c) Summer mode Route 2-2 • Boundary conditions

Fig. 3. Air-circulation routes during system operation in summer mode. −λ = α c (Ta−Ts ) + qs + qs
∂n v (3)

systems, wherein each room is equipped with an air conditioner. where n v refers to the normal line vector directed inwards on a
boundary surface; qs denotes the quantity of long wave and short wave
radiant heat; and Ts denote the air and surface temperatures, respec-
3. Sensitivity analysis for optimization tively; and α c denotes the convective heat-transfer coefficient.
In the above table, Gr: Grashof number; Nu: Nusselt number; Pr:
3.1. Experimental setup and numerical validation Prandtl number; Ra: Rayleigh number; Re: Reynolds number; Tm: mean
surface temperature; Δ Ta: temperature difference between surface and
Numerical analysis was performed using Hygrabe—a simulation air; Δ Ts: temperature difference between two surfaces; g: gravitational
software that conducts hygrothermal analysis of building envelopes constant; l: length; β : expansion coefficient; υ: kinematic viscosity.
[43,44]. More specifically, Hygrabe is used as an unsteady heat- Table 2 lists relevant design parameter values concerning the house
transfer-analysis tool for building envelopes. Within Hygrabe exists the used in the experiments performed in this study. A parameter sensitivity
P-model, which is a non-equilibrium thermodynamic model based on analysis was performed using these values under conditions identical to
the law of energy conservation and moisture, which is characterized by those corresponding to the experimental house with the exception of
its use of thermodynamic energy with due consideration of the explanatory variables. Additionally, the range of variations in

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

(a) Winter mode Route 1

(b) Winter mode Route 2

Fig. 4. Air circulation routes during system operation in winter mode.

parameter values was determined based on reference values. The am- numerical model. The temperature at the inlet was determined in ac-
bient temperature and solar radiation, which were measured simulta- cordance with the route condition, whereas the roof temperature was
neously when measuring the thermal environment inside the demon- determined based on the temperature at the side of the ridge, which
stration house, were used for performing simulations. Wind direction, fluctuates with air circulation. Fig. 6 depicts the actual composition and
wind speed, and cloud volume constituted used data measured and calculation model of the PCM unit installed in the attic under the roof.
published by the Japan Meteorological Agency during the experimental The PCM unit comprised the mix and PCM boxes. The PCM box was
period. filled with paraffin PCM.
Fig. 5 depicts the numerical model of the roof of the experimental Heat conducted across the numerical model of PCM was minimized,
house considered in this study. Measured values for data concerning and the air inside the mix box was passed through the space between
external weather and room temperature were used to established the PCMs within the PCM box. The air inside the mix box was received from

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

Table 1
Expressions for dimensionless numbers used for estimating convective heat-
transfer coefficient.
Part of buildings Dimensionless number

Exterior Nu = 0.037Re0.8Pr1/3
Interior (Vertical Plane) Nu = 0.241(Gri·Pr)0.4
Gri = gβ ΔTa l3/ υ2
Interior (Horizontal Nu = C·Ram
Plane) Raf = Gri·Pr
f = (Ts + T∞)/2
Upward C = 0.58, m = 1/5
Downward C = 0.54, m = 1/4 (Raf: 2E4 to 8E6) C = 0.15,
m = 1/3 (Raf: 8E6 to 1E11)
Cavity (ventilated) Nu = 0.023Re0.8Pr 0.4
Cavity (closed) Nu = 0.035(Grc·Pr)0.38
Grc = g ΔTs l3/ Tm υ2

Table 2
Design parameters concerning experimental house.
System parameter Denoted by Experimental value Unit

Length of roof-ventilation x 6 m
Tilt angle α 22.4 °
Flow velocity within roof- V1 0.5 m/s
ventilation layer
Flow rate F 450 × 3 fans = 1350 m3
Flow velocity inside PCM box V2 1.78 m/s
PCM-box length y 1500 mm
Interval between PCMs z 57.5 mm
Average envelope heat- U 0.34 W/m2 K
transfer coefficient
Roof area A 62.215 m2

Fig. 6. PCM unit—(a) Actual unit composition; (b) Numerical model; (c) PCM
Fig. 5. Numerical model of roof. box dimensions; and (d) PCM unit installed in experimental house).

the roof-ventilation layer or attic space depending on the air-circulation Figs. 8 and 9 depict summer-mode operation results for the roof and
route condition. Fig. 7 depicts measurement results obtained con- PCM unit, respectively, calculated in August 2016. The high accuracy of
cerning the PCM unit installed in the house through use of the heat flux calculated results observed in both cases serves to validate the simu-
plate method. As the gradient of the curve representing change in the lation. Grey columns in Figs. 8 and 9 depict times at which radiative
amount of heat stored increases in connection with the temperature cooling during nighttime is performed via circulation through the roof-
interval, the occurrence of phase-change phenomena, such as solidifi- ventilation layer (Fig. 3(a)). Conversely, white background sections
cation and melting, can be confirmed. The specific heat was calculated represent times at which the roof-ventilation layer circulates the forced
based on the heat-flow rate observed during heating process of the heat exhaust air (Fig. 3(c)). As an experimental condition for the house
flux plate method. Correspondingly, in the numerical model, specific considered in this study, the air within the roof-ventilation layer was
heat of PCM was determined based on measured results. circulated at a flow velocity approximately equal to 0.5 m/s. It can be

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

cooling. The corresponding calculation procedure can be described as


(1) Exhaust cooling: This can be calculated based on the airflow rate
and temperature difference between the ventilation layer and attic
space when the roof-ventilation temperature exceeds 25 °C
(Fig. 3(c)).
(2) Amount of radiative cooling: This can be calculated based on the
airflow rate and temperature difference between the ventilation
layer and the attic space when the roof-ventilation temperature
measured below 25 °C (Fig. 3(a)).
(3) Amount of cold release: This can be calculated based on the airflow
rate and temperature difference between the PCM-unit outlet and
Ta Tb Tc
mix box (Fig. 3(b)). The mix-box temperature refers to the tem-
perature of air flowing from the roof-ventilation layer into the mix
Fig. 7. Thermal properties of PCM.
box or that of the attic space depending on route conditions. The
temperature on the ridge side of the roof-ventilation layer or that of
confirmed that the exhaust heat causes the roof temperature to decrease the attic space was predetermined during parameter sensitivity
by more than 10 °C during daytime when compared against the corre- analysis.
sponding simulation result wherein roof-ventilation mostly relies on
natural convection (i.e., no use of the fan). 3.3. Considerations for the optimization of solar-heat collection and heat
Figs. 10 and 11 depict winter-mode operation results corresponding storage
to the roof and PCM unit, respectively, calculated during January 2017.
As observed in the case of summer-mode results, high accuracy of the Fig. 13 illustrates necessary considerations to enhance effectiveness
calculated results observed in both cases served to validate the simu- of proposed system operation inside the experimental house in the
lation against experimental data. In Fig. 10, the roof temperature refers winter-mode. For more efficient heat collection and storage, three
to temperature recorded on the ridge side of the roof-ventilation layer. factors have been considered in this study. Because air heated by solar
Grey columns in both figures represent times during which indoor air is radiation in the roof-ventilation layer passes through the PCM unit to
injected into the roof-ventilation layer, which in turn, is heated via store heat, the amount of stored heat increases corresponding to an
solar radiation heat and circulated back into the indoor space. During increase in solar-heat collection. Therefore, if heat loss between the
this circulation, the temperature rise—relative to the actual tempera- roof-ventilation layer and PCM unit is high, the corresponding heat-
ture at the inlet—equals approximately 10 °C. This finding confirms the storage efficiency is reduced. Further, if the proposed system results in
ability of the proposed system to collect solar heat. heat loss, heat circulates throughout the indoor space, thereby reducing
the heat load due to solar heat. However, to enhance heat-storage ef-
3.2. Considerations for optimization of radiative cooling, PCM cold storage, ficiency, heat-loss reduction must be necessarily considered. As pre-
and exhaust cooling viously mentioned, length of the roof-ventilation layer and air-circu-
lation flow rate significantly influence temperature fluctuations inside
Fig. 12 depicts necessary considerations to effect an increase in ef- the house. In view of this fact, increasing system efficiency under
fectiveness of system operation inside the experimental house in the winter-mode of operation requires that the system flow velocity be used
summer-mode. That is, to enhance the effectiveness of summer-mode as an indicator of solar-heat collection. Moreover, to improve PCM
cooling, reduction in heat transmitted through the roof via increased thermal storage, length of the PCM box and width of the space through
forced exhaust heat, increased radiative cooling during nighttime, and which air passes between PCMs must be optimized. The corresponding
increased PCM cold storage and/or release must be considered. Because calculation procedure can be described as under.
the air cooled via radiative cooling effect of the roof-ventilation layer
passes through the PCM unit to store the cold, the amount of cold (1) Heat loss reduction: During solar-heat collection (Fig. 4(a)), input
storage also increases in accordance with an increase in radiative temperature of the mix box corresponds to the temperature

Radiation cooling circulation Solar radiation

Roof temperature (measured) Outdoor temperature
Roof temperature (calculated) Natural convection(calculated)
Attic space
70 2000

Solar radiation [W/m2]

Temperature [ºC]


40 1000


10 0

Time [day]

Fig. 8. Time history of variation in roof-ventilation-layer temperature (August 2016).

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

Radiation cooling circulation PCM unit outlet temperature(measured)

PCM unit outlet temperature(calculated) MIX BOX


Temperature [℃]





Time [day]

Fig. 9. Time history of variation in PCM-unit temperature (August 2016).

measured on the ridge side of the roof-ventilation layer; the pre- Solar heat collection circulation Mix box(measured)
dicted discrepancy between the temperature on the duct side of the PCM unit outlet(measured) PCM unit outlet(calculated)
mix box and that of the roof-ventilation layer yield the simulated 28

Temperature [℃]
amount of heat loss. 26
(2) Amount of solar heat collected: This can be calculated based on the 22
airflow rate and temperature difference between the ventilation 20
layer and air inside the room when the roof-ventilation temperature 18
exceeds 25 °C (Fig. 4(a)). 14
(3) Amount of released heat: This can be calculated based on the air- 12
flow rate and temperature difference between the PCM-unit outlet
and mix box (Fig. 4(b)). Time [day]

Fig. 11. Time history of variation in PCM-unit temperature (January 2017).

4. Simulation conditions and results

4.1. Summer mode of operation daytime exhaust cooling effect of the roof-ventilation layer via use of
the forced fan is represented by a decrease in the amount of heat
The simulation conditions are described in this section. The stan- transmitted through the roof. This amount of heat transmission was
dard value of flow velocity and dimensions of the roof and PCM unit derived based on the temperature difference between the roof-ventila-
used during simulation were identical to those corresponding to the tion layer and air inside the room, average heat-transmission coefficient
experimental house. For preliminary calculations, flow velocity within of the envelope, and roof area.
the roof-ventilation layer was increased from 0.4 to 0.7 m/s in steps of When airflow velocity within the roof-ventilation layer was in-
0.1 m/s, whereas the length of the roof-ventilation layer was increased creased by 0.1 m/s, no significant increase was observed in the amount
from 4 to 10 m in steps of 2 m corresponding to a flow rate of 0.5 m/s. of nighttime radiative cooling; however, the PCM-induced radiative
For secondary calculations, among varying temperatures of the roof- cooling demonstrated an increase of approximately 1.5 kWh/d. At an
ventilation layer, only temperatures measuring below 25 °C were con- airflow velocity was 0.7 m/s, the amount of cold released via PCM was
sidered as the mix-box temperature. When the roof temperature ex- observed to exceed that of heat transmitted through the roof, thereby
ceeded 25 °C, the mix-box temperature was set to be equal to the attic improving the daytime-cooling effect. Although the amount of heat
space temperature. Fig. 14 illustrates daily cooling efficiency results for transmitted through the roof increased in proportion to the roof length,
varying values of flow velocity and roof-ventilation-layer length. The the cooling effect could be enhanced by increasing radiative cooling

Solar radiation Solar heat collection circulation

Roof temperature(measured) Roof temperature(calculated)
Outdoor temperature Roof inlet temperature(measured)
Attic Space
40 2000
Solar radiation [W/m2]

Temperature [℃]


10 1000


-20 0

Time [day]

Fig. 10. Time history of variation in roof-ventilation-layer temperature (January 2017).

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

Fig. 12. Considerations for optimization of summer-mode operation.

and PCM cold release. airflow rate. When the air moved from the roof-ventilation layer to the
mix box; assuming the occurrence of zero heat loss (e.g., Days 1, 4, and
4.2. Winter mode of operation 28, as depicted in Fig. 16), the maximum amount of stored heat equals
approximately twice the standard amount.
Fig. 15 depicts simulation results concerning the PCM-box tem- Simulation conditions were maintained identical to those corre-
perature under the condition of variations in mix-box temperature to sponding to the experimental house, exceptions being explanatory
equal the temperature on the ridge side of the roof-ventilation layer variables observed in the summer mode. Fig. 17 depicts how solar-heat
when the roof temperature exceeds 25 °C (Winter route 1). Fig. 16 de- collection, heat storage, fan operating time for roof-ventilation, and
picts the amount of heat stored and released, as calculated based on the average value of the direct solar radiation that varies over several days.
temperature difference between the mix box and PCM-unit outlet and Note that the average value of the ambient temperature is only

Fig. 13. Considerations for optimization of winter-mode operation.

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

indicated when the temperature measures above zero. When the tem-
perature of the roof-ventilation layer exceeds 25 °C, the amount of solar
heat collected was calculated based on the temperature difference be-
tween the ventilation layer and ambient air in the attic space, and the
flow rate. Additionally, under this condition, the amount of heat stored
by the PCM box was obtained based on the airflow rate and tempera-
ture difference between inlet and outlet of the PCM box. On days when
sufficient solar heat (average direct solar radiation exceeding 3 kWh/
m2 d) was received, such as days 25, 26, and 28, the increase in flow
rate corresponded to a reduction in roof temperature along with cor-
responding increases in solar-heat collection and heat storage. Con-
(a) Observed trend in cooling efficacy versely, when only a small amount of solar radiation was received, or
corresponding to variations in flow velocity when the outside-air temperature measured very low, less time was
required to circulate air to the roof, thereby reducing solar-heat col-
lection. In view of this fact, although the three fans installed for air
circulation through the roof-ventilation layer of the experimental house
were designed to operate at high airflow rates (450 m3 per fan) under
winter-mode operation, their corresponding low-strength operation
could help increase heat collection on days with little solar irradiation.
Effects of the PCM-box length and space interval between PCMs
(i.e., the ventilation layer inside the PCM box) through which air flows
within the PCM box on the amount of heat stored can now be explained.
Once again, simulation conditions used were maintained identical to
experimental conditions with airflow velocity through the roof-venti-
lation layer measuring 0.5 m/s. Figs. 18 and 19 illustrate how the PCM-
box length and length of the ventilation layer affect their respective
(b) Observed trend in cooling efficacy
abilities to store and release heat over several days. The heat-storage
corresponding to variations in roof-ventilation-layer length capacity of the PCM box increases proportionally with increase in di-
Fig. 14. Cooling efficacy during summer mode of operation (as on August 23, mensions (length and width) of the PCM box. More specifically, when
2016). the length of the PCM box increases by 1 m, the amount of heat stored
increases to approximately 1.4 times. Additionally, when the space
Solar heat collection circulation Mix box temperature (measured)
interval between adjacent PCMs is increased by 2.5 times, the amount
of heat stored increases to approximately 1.5 times. Given a constant
PCM unit outlet(Calculated) Indoor temperatures
40 circulation airflow rate through the roof-ventilation layer, the ventila-
tion layer in the PCM box widens, thereby causing a decrease in cor-
Temperature [℃]

responding flow velocity. Consequently, the amount of heat stored in
30 the PCM box increases. However, a larger PCM space interval mandates
a PCM box design that enables uniform airflow through each of the
ventilation layers within the PCM box. These results provide evidence
20 that the area and scale of the attic and duct spaces for air circulation
15 must also be considered during utilization of the proposed system.

Time [Day]
5. Conclusion
Fig. 15. Time history of variation in PCM-unit temperature (January 2017).
This paper reports the design of a smart air-circulation-type room-
temperature control system with an integrated PCM unit along with
validation of its energy-saving and heat-storage effects, which could be

Fig. 16. Time history of variation in PCM-unit heat storage and release (January 2017).

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

0.5m/s 6
0.6m/s 0.6m/s 0.5m/s
0.7m/s 0.6m/s

0.6m/s 2
0.7m/s 1

Fig. 17. Solar-heat collection and heat-storage fluctuation in accordance with airflow velocity.

attributed to radiative cooling, exhaust-heat cooling, cold storage and respective correlations between heating and cooling capability and air
release during summer, solar-heat collection, and heat storage and re- velocity, roof length, and PCM box length. Consequently, the proposed
lease during winter. The indoor air, controlled by operation of the research can be utilized as a reference to establish design guidelines for
central air-conditioning system for 24 h, circulates through the roof- high-performance systems to be installed in passive houses.
ventilation layer in summer during nighttime to obtain air with reduced From the parameter sensitivity analysis performed in this study,
temperature through radiative cooling. Likewise, during winter months, following conclusions can be drawn.
heat can be absorbed during periods solar irradiation in daytime, and
the heated air can be sent to the indoor space. Thus, the sensible heat • Advantages associated with air circulation via utilization of roof
load can be reduced through use of the cooling and heating effect via ventilation to exploit renewable-energy techniques, such as radia-
utilization of renewable energy, and at the same time, the effect ob- tive cooling, exhaust cooling, and solar-heat collection, increase in
tained by the natural energy can be utilized efficiently for 24 h. proportion with the airflow rate and roof-ventilation layer length.
In addition, limitations of passive design and renewable-energy • Heat storage and release capabilities can be enhanced by increasing
utilization techniques, such as use of the building-envelope heat and the airflow rate and length of the PCM box as well as thickening of
PCM integration with the building, which have been pointed out in the ventilation layer within the PCM box.
extant studies, have been improved upon and overcome through use of • Under summer-mode operation, when airflow velocity within the
the proposed integrated system. roof-ventilation layer increases to 0.7 m/s, the cooling effect can be
Especially, among the many variables affecting the previously dis- increased during daytime by increasing the amount of PCM cold
cussed effects, the most realistic application possibility in architectural release such that it exceeds the amount of transmitted heat. Under
design and facility planning is suggested as a factor of improvement in winter-mode operation, the system efficiency can be optimized by
terms of length, width, and flow control for each ventilation layer. lowering the flow velocity when the average temperature of the
Results of numerical analyses performed using the Hygrabe simulation outside air measures below zero.
software were found to demonstrate good agreement with experimental • Increasing the length of the PCM box by 1 m results in an approxi-
results based on long-term measurements performed for an actual house mately 1.4 times increase (maximum) in heat-storage capacity; ad-
equipped with the proposed system. The results confirm high simula- ditionally, when the space interval between adjacent PCMs increases
tion accuracy. The superiority and potential for improvement of the by 2.5 times, the corresponding heat-storage capacity demonstrates
proposed system was confirmed via parameter sensitivity analysis, an approximately 1.5 times increase.
which quantified individual effects of various parameters along with

Fig. 18. Effects of PCM-box length on heat storage and release capabilities.

H. Lee, A. Ozaki Applied Energy 230 (2018) 317–329

Fig. 19. Effects of air-ventilation-layer length on PCM box heat storage and release capabilities.

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