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Vol. 37 No.

3 March 2009 Schedule with Abstracts 485

Palliative Care Development in Africa at a relationships.)

Glance Objectives
Faith Mwangi-Powell, PhD, African Palliative 1. Give voice to the multidimensional experience
Care Association, Kampala, Uganda of cancer as portrayed in the comic strip, Lisa’s
(Mwangi-Powell has disclosed no relevant finan- Story: The Other Shoe.
cial relationships.)
2. Experience the unique insights afforded as
Objectives author and illustrator—and later, cancer
1. Gain understanding of the nature of palliative survivor—chronicles the struggle of cancer.
care development across Africa. 3. Describe the value of storytelling to communi-
2. Identify barriers and challenges that make pal- cate and share a message.
liative care delivery across Africa difficult. Tom Batiuk, who pens the continuing story of
3. Discuss innovative experiences in palliative Funky Winkerbean and his pals in a comic strip
care development. of the same name, was recognized as one of three
Globally, approximately 56 million people die finalists in the cartooning category of the 2008
each year. Moreover, 42 million currently live Pulitzer Prize awards competition for the series
with HIV/AIDS, and there are 15.3 million new of daily comic strips that chronicled the death
cancer cases per annum. An estimated 60% of of long-time character Lisa Moore. Moore suc-
such people would benefit from palliative care. cumbed to breast cancer on October 4, 2007, after
However, scaling up palliative care services to a second bout with the disease.
meet this need has numerous challenges that In January 1999, Mr. Batiuk introduced the
have worldwide applicability, including limited initial Lisa story arc—a 6-month story line on
workforce capacity; lack of policy integration; un- breast cancer, a subject never before broached
availability of effective pain-relieving medication; in the comics. The captivating story chronicled
lack of research evidence; low public awareness; the struggle faced by the strip’s main character
uncommitted governments; lack of funding; en- and those around her when she was diagnosed
trenched attitudes within the medical profession; with breast cancer—and in the end, beat it! The
cultural taboos surrounding death and the dis- comic-strip series garnered tremendous publicity
closure of diagnosis; and absence of a consensus as well as praise from breast cancer organizations,
that regards palliative care a basic human right. In healthcare providers, educators, the cartooning
Africa, these challenges are compounded by the community, and, overwhelmingly, from readers all
high disease burden and poverty. These challenges across the country.
are compounded by the diverse operational cir- But on May 9, 2007, Lisa’s life was turned upside
cumstances in which palliative care development down again as she found out that her cancer had
takes place across Africa. returned. The strip followed Lisa as she under-
It is against this backdrop that my presentation went chemotherapy again; learned from doctors
provides an overview of palliative care development that her prospects were not hopeful; decided to
across Africa. Following a description of the existing stop chemo; wrestled with how to tell her young
levels of palliative care need, it explores the different daughter about her cancer situation; decided
service models that have been developed to address to testify before Congress for more funding for
that need. It will be shown that service provision, cancer research; and then how those around her
whereby achievements and successes are replicated coped with her death.
and weaknesses identified, is essential to optimize “When I first started to weave reality-based
service delivery across the continent to those in story lines into the Funky Winkerbean comic strip,
need. I realized that the format is capable of supporting
Domains mature expression. My creative goal with the breast
Structure and Processes of Care; Cultural Aspects cancer story was to look beyond the statistics or
of Care specifics of treatment and show a more universal
experience among people who have cancer, as well
as their friends and loved ones,” said Mr. Batiuk.
Lisa’s Story: The Other Shoe “On a practical level, my continuing goal is to help
Tom Batiuk, Cartoonist, Medina, OH people understand the importance of regular
(Batiuk has disclosed no relevant financial checkups. Early detection is critically important.
486 Schedule with Abstracts Vol. 37 No.3 March 2009

I hoped that after reading the Funky Winkerbean the NCP Guidelines in ensuring the quality of
Lisa’s story arc, more people would be prompted care.
to get checked so that if cancer is discovered, it This session explores the changes incorporated
is done early enough to make a difference.” As a into the second edition of the National Consen-
result of Batiuk’s commitment to helping people sus Project’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality
facing their own real-life battles with cancer, Palliative Care as well as provides a more general
University Hospitals Ireland Cancer Center in discussion of progress in palliative care practice
Cleveland has unveiled a fund called Lisa’s Legacy from the perspective of the NCP. In 2004, The
Fund for Cancer Research and Education, named National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative
in honor of Batiuk’s character and her subsequent Care (NCP) released its Clinical Practice Guide-
story which resonated with hundreds of thousands lines, the first set of national clinical practice
of readers. care guidelines for palliative care in the United
Batiuk has sent the Funky characters through States. The document, marked by its interdisci-
two time warps, first aging the high school char- plinary approach, articulated eight domains es-
acters to their early twenties, then again sending sential to quality palliative care. The Guidelines
them into the future to their forties last fall. This saw wide distribution and adoption. In 2006,
second time jump put the characters 10 years after the National Quality Forum (NQF) released its
Lisa’s death. Preferred Practices for palliative care, a document
Tom Batiuk’s Funky Winkerbean and Crankshaft based on the NCP’s Guidelines, which offered 38
comic strips are carried in over 400 newspapers preferred practices for ensuring the successful
throughout the United States. Lisa’s Story: The Oth- administering of quality palliative care. In con-
er Shoe is a collection of the Funky Winkerbean strips junction with the AAHPM/HPNA 2009 meet-
that dealt with his character, Lisa Moore, as she ing, with renewed support from philanthropic
battled with cancer. In 2006, Batiuk, who himself organizations such as the California Healthcare
has battled cancer, was honored by the American Foundation, the Kornfeld Foundation, The May-
Cancer Society and presented its Cancer Care Hall day Fund, and Milbank Foundation, as well as
of Fame Award for his sympathetic work in high- from AAHPM, HPNA, and NHPCO, the NCP will
lighting the experiences of those with cancer. release an updated, expanded second edition of
Domains the Guidelines. The session discusses the updated
review of evidence, the inclusion of didactic real-
Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Care; So-
world sample scenarios of guideline application,
cial Aspects of Care
and describes future implications in the evolving
field of palliative care.
10:15–11:15 am
Concurrent Sessions Structure and Processes of Care

The 2009 National Consensus Project for How Sweet It Is! Management of Diabetes at
Quality Palliative Care (NCP) Guidelines End of Life (401)
(400) Daniel Cogan, NP, Visiting Nurse Service of
Constance Dahlin, APRN BC AHPCN, Massachu- New York Hospice Care, New York, NY; Margery
setts General Hospital Palliative Care Service, Kirsch, MS RN CDE, Visiting Nurse Service of
Boston, MA New York, New York, NY
(Dahlin has disclosed no relevant financial rela- (All speakers for this session have disclosed no
tionships.) relevant financial relationships.)
Objectives Objectives
1. Review the background of the National Con- 1. Discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology,
sensus Project for Quality Palliative Care and and standard assessment and treatment guide-
the clinical practice guidelines. lines for diabetes mellitus.
2. Review the 2009 revised version of the 2. Describe “loose control” goals of care appropri-
Guidelines. ate for maximizing quality of life and minimiz-
3. Discuss the future of palliative care and role of ing diabetes-related symptoms in terminally ill

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