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Nama: Ainun Salsabila

Kelas: XI MIPA 1

Do you think education is a right or a privilege? Support your opinion with

reasons and example


Education in my opinion is a 'right' of all people but for people unable to pursue

the level of education must have the will to fight for their rights in order to get

a decent and appropriate education for him ..

Example: a person who really wants to go to school or go to school but does not

have enough funds, so he should try at least to get a scholarship from the

government and sponsors. Provided there is a willingness to fight for it he can

certainly get a decent education as his right

Nama: Nur Afifah Mustafa

Kelas: XI MIPA 1

Time is more important than money? Support your opinion with reasons and



Time is the most precious thing of money we have also the only thing that can

never come back. We can lose money and we can also get it anytime. We can

also earn large sums of money by storing it, but time will never be repeated

again. we can earn money very easily, but we can not get time, even one second

For example: there are men who use the money to meet their needs. After that,

he realized he could earn money easly, for example he stole some money. But

he's sorry for his actions, because he has to use that time to do something good

for him, or everyone

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