Mastering Reading Text Classroom Dynamics Group Form 56715

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Social Networks

Since the creation of social networks, people seem to spend much time
of their lives or ‘’ have a second life’’ on the internet, filling their social
networks profiles with many info about themselves: daily routines,likes
and dislikes, social activities, sharing point of view,varied
information,posting photos, etc. People also get online to check their
friends’ updates, talk to them, and follow or add artists/broadcast channels,,
get info about news, arts, religion, music, and so on.
And you? What do you do on social networks?

1- Do you have a profile on a social network? Which one?

2- Why do you use a social network for?
3- What are the topics you post on your profile about?
4- Do you like social networks? Why?
5- Do you use only one social network or more?
6- Do you have a favorite social network: Why?
7- What is one thing (or things) you like about your social network profile? Why?

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