Test Reading 11e Rand 1

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I. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense: 20 p

The weather (1)__________________ (look) very nice but when I was about to leave home, the rain (2)
__________________ (come) pouring down. That explains why I am stuck in my room now. I (3)
__________________ (eat) ice-cream while (4) __________________ (watch) the TV. The weather forecast just a
minute ago (5) __________________ (tell) me that the rain (6) __________________ (continue) till the evening, which
explains why I (7) __________________ (stare) at the screen now, watching but not really watching what I (8)
__________________ (watch). What should I do? Meanwhile, my brother (9) __________________ (make) lots of
noise in the living room. I (10) __________________ (think) he (11) __________________ (just/lose) a game against
the computer so he’s very cranky. Of course, the weather (12) __________________ (play/also) a hand in his
crankiness. He (13) __________________ (need) to go swimming this morning but now he is the same as me, stuck at
home. Who knows? Maybe the weather (14) __________________ (change) for the better in the afternoon. It’s only
10am. But I can see more dark clouds (15) __________________ 16. (gather). I (17) __________________ (pick) up
the phone. That’s right! I (18) __________________ (call) June and (19) __________________ (ask) her to come over
and watch a movie with me. At least I (20) __________________ (not/be) so bored!

II. Use the correct form of the words in capitals to fill in the blanks: 20 p

There is no doubt whatsoever that the invention of the microscope 1. (REVOLUTION)______________________

science in many ways. Once microscopes were available 2, (SCIENCE)______________________ could begin to
investigate the many things in the natural world that are 3(VISIBLE)____________________ without them. The
invention led to may important 4 (DISCOVER)__________________ including „germ theory”, the idea that bacteria
cause disease. This 5. (COMPLETE)_________________________ changed the way people thought about diseases like
tuberculosis. Strangely, people 6. (AGREE)_________________ about who the first microscope 7.(
DESIGN)_____________actually was but it seems that the 8.( ASTRONOMY)________________________ galileo
was using one as early as 1609. He wsa so impressed by his microscope that he sent his 9.( EMPLOY)______________,
the Duke of Tuscany, one as a gift and told him about all the 10. (WONDER)_______________ things he had been able
to see with it.

III. Rephrase the sentences. Use between 2 and 5 words: 20 p

1. lf you don't tell us what the problem is, then we can't help you. Unless
We can't help you…………………………………………………….what the problem is.
2. It was the first time she had given a speech in public. Never
She…………………………………………… a speech in public before.
3. “Get out of the car!”, the policeman shouted at them. Ordered
The policeman………………………………………………………………………………….of the car.
4. "I joined because I am aware of the children’s problems.” Sandra said.
Sandra said that she …………………………… aware of the children’s problems.
5. Our teachers never let us leave the school.(to)
We were not …………………………………………………………………………by our teachers.
6. I liked the film so much that I saw it twice. Such
It .................................................................that I saw it twice.
7. “We weren't anywhere near the house when it was burgled”(denied)
The accused man...................................................................when it was burgled.
8. “Why don't we have a picnic at the beach?” (that)
Eva................................................................ picnic at the beach.
9. „Will the teacher test our English?” we asked (tested)
We asked if …………………………………………by the teacher
10. Nobody has ever found the hidden treasure. (found)
The hidden treasure ………………………………………………………………..
IV. Write a report on your favourite restaurant in town, assessing the food and prices, serving and atmosphere
and suggesting any changes that you think need to be made. Address the report to Mr. Jenkins. 30 p

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