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What is Java JDK, JRE and JVM – In-depth

By Lokesh Gupta | Filed Under: Java Basics

Learn the differences between JDK, JRE and JVM. How JVM works inside? What
are class loaders, interpreter and JIT compilers. Also checkout some interview

Table of Contents

1. Execution of a Java Program

2. What is JVM?
3. What is JRE?
4. What is JDK?
5. Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM
6. Interview questions related to JDK, JRE and JVM
7. JDK and JRE downloads

1. Execution of a Java Program

Before jumping into the internals of Java, let’s understand how a Java source file is

1. We write the Java source code in Simple.Java file using an editor or IDE
(integrated development environment) e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea.
2. Program has to be compiled into bytecode. Java compiler (javac) compiles the
sourcecode to Simple.class file.
3. This class file can be executed in any platform/OS by JVM (Java virtual machine).
4. JVM translates bytecode into native machine code which machines can execute.
Java Execution Flow

2. What is JVM?
Java Virtual machine (JVM) is the virtual machine that runs the Java bytecodes. You get
this bytecode by compiling the .java files into .class files. .class files contain the
bytecodes understood by the JVM.

In the real world, JVM is a specification that provides a runtime environment in which
Java bytecode can be executed. Different vendors provide different implementations of
this specification. For example, this wiki page lists down different JVM implementations.

Most popular implementation of JVM is Hotspot which is owned and provided by Oracle
Corporation. (Previously by Sun Microsystems, Inc.).

JVM delivers the optimal performance for Java applications using many advanced
techniques, incorporating a state-of-the-art memory model, garbage collector,
and adaptive optimizer.

JVM comes in two different flavors – client and server. Although the Server and the
Client VMs are similar, the Server VM has been specially tuned to maximize peak
operating speed. It is intended for executing long-running server applications, which
need the fastest possible operating speed more than a fast start-up time or smaller
runtime memory footprint. Developers can choose which system they want by
specifying -client or -server.

The JVM is called virtual because it provides a machine interface that does not depend
on the underlying operating system and machine hardware architecture. This
independence from hardware and the operating system is a cornerstone of the write-
once-run-anywhere value of Java programs.

2.1. JVM Architecture

JVM Architecture

2.1.1. Class Loader

The class loader is a subsystem used for loading class files. It performs three major
functions i.e. class loading, linking, and initialization.

1. Loading

 To load classes, JVM has 3 kind of class

loaders. Bootstrap, extension and application class loader.
 When loading a class file, JVM finds out a dependency for some arbitrary
class XYZ.class.
 First bootstrap class loader tries to find the class. It scans the rt.jar file in
JRE lib folder.
 If class is not found then extension class loader searches the class file in
inside jre\lib\ext folder.
 Again if class is not found then application classloader searches all the Jar
files and classes in CLASSPATH environment variable of system.
 If class is found by any loader then class is loaded by class loader;
else ClassNotFoundException is thrown.

2. Linking

After class is loaded by the classloader, linking is performed. A bytecode

verifier will verify whether the generated bytecode is proper or not if verification
fails we will get a verification error. It also performs the memory allocation to static
variables and methods found in the class.

3. Initialization

This is the final phase of class loading, here all static variable will be assigned with
the original values and the static blocks will be executed.

2.1.2. JVM Memory Areas

Memory area inside JVM is divided into multiple parts to store specific parts of
application data.

 Method Area stores class structures like metadata, the constant runtime pool, and
the code for methods.
 Heap stores all objects that are created during application execution.
 Stacks store local variables, and intermediate results. All such variables are local to
the thread by which they are created. Each thread has its own JVM stack, created
simultaneously as the thread is created. So all such local variable are
called thread-local variables.
 PC register store the physical memory address of the statements which is
currently executing. In Java, each thread has its separate PC register.
 Java supports and uses native code as well. Many low level code is written in
languages like C and C++. Native method stacks hold the instruction of native

2.2. JVM Execution Engine

All code assigned to JVM is executed by an execution engine. The execution engine
reads the byte code and executes one by one. It uses two inbuilt interpreter and JIT
compiler to convert the bytecode to machine code and execute it.

Platform Specific Interpreters

With JVM, both interpreter and compiler produce native code. The difference is in how
they generate the native code, how optimized it is as well how costly the optimization is.

2.2.1. Interpreter
A JVM interpreter pretty much converts each byte-code instruction to corresponding
native instruction by looking up a predefined JVM-instruction to machine instruction
mapping. It directly executes the bytecode and does not perform any optimization.

2.2.2. JIT Compiler

To improve performance, JIT compilers interact with the JVM at runtime and compile
appropriate bytecode sequences into native machine code. Typically, JIT compiler takes
a block of code (not one statement at a time as interpreter), optimize the code and then
translate it to optimized machine code.

The JIT compiler is enabled by default. You can disable the JIT compiler, in which case
the entire Java program will be interpreted. Disabling the JIT compiler is not
recommended except to diagnose or work around JIT compilation problems.

3. What is JRE?
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a software package which bundles the libraries
(jars) and the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applications written in
the Java. JVM is just a part of JRE distributions.

To execute any Java application, you need JRE installed in the machine. It’s minimum
requirement to execute Java applications on any machine.

JRE bundles the following components –

1. DLL files used by the Java HotSpot Client Virtual Machine.

2. DLL files used by the Java HotSpot Server Virtual Machine.
3. Code libraries, property settings, and resource files used by the Java runtime
environment. e.g. rt.jar and charsets.jar.
4. Java extension files such as localedata.jar.
5. Contains files used for security management. These include the security
policy(java.policy) and security properties ( files.
6. Jar files containing support classes for applets.
7. Contains TrueType font files for use by the platform.

JREs can be downloaded as part of JDKs or you can download them separately. JREs are
platform dependent. It means that based on the type of machine (OS and architecture),
you will have to select the JRE bundle to import and install.

For example, you cannot install a 64-bit JRE distribution on 32-bit machine. Similarly,
JRE distribution for Windows will not work in Linux; and vice-versa.

4. What is JDK?
JDK is a superset of JRE. JDK contains everything that JRE has along with development
tools for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. You need JDK when
you need to develop Java applications.

Few important components shipped with JDKs are as follows:

 appletviewer – this tool can be used to run and debug Java applets without a web
 apt – the annotation-processing tool
 extcheck – a utility that detects JAR file conflicts
 javadoc – the documentation generator, which automatically generates
documentation from source code comments
 jar – the archiver, which packages related class libraries into a single JAR file. This
tool also helps manage JAR files
 jarsigner – the jar signing and verification tool
 javap – the class file disassembler
 javaws – the Java Web Start launcher for JNLP applications
 JConsole – Java Monitoring and Management Console
 jhat – Java Heap Analysis Tool
 jrunscript – Java command-line script shell
 jstack – utility that prints Java stack traces of Java threads
 keytool – tool for manipulating the keystore
 policytool – the policy creation and management tool
 xjc – Part of the Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) API. It accepts an XML schema
and generates Java classes

Same as JREs, JDKs are also platform dependent. So take care when you download the
JDK package for your machine.

5. Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM

Based on the above discussions, we can draw a relationship between these three as
below –

JRE = JVM + libraries to run Java application.

JDK = JRE + tools to develop Java Application.

In short, if you are a Java application developer who writes code, you will need JDK
installed in your machine. But, if you only want to run applications built in Java, you only
need JRE installed into your machine.

6. Interview questions related to JDK, JRE and JVM

If you understood whatever we have discussed so far in this post, then facing any
interview question will not be difficult. Still, be prepared to answer questions like below:

1. What is JVM architecture?

It’s already explained in detail.

2. How many types of class loaders are in Java?

There are 3 class loaders. Bootstrap, extension and application class loaders.

3. How class loader works in Java?

Class loaders scan their pre-defined locations for jar files and classes. They scan all
those class files in the path and look for the required class. If found they load, link
and initialize the class file.

4. Difference between JRE and JVM?

JVM is the specification for runtime environment which executes the Java
applications. Hotspot JVM is such one implementation of the specification. It loads
the class files and uses interpreter and JIT compiler to convert bytecode into
machine code and execute it.

5. Difference between interpreter and JIT compiler?

The interpreter interprets the bytecode line by line and executes it sequentially. It
results in poor performance. JIT compiler add optimization to this process by
analyzing the code in blocks and then prepare more optimized machine code.

7. JDK and JRE downloads

You can find the platform-specific JDK and JRE software packages in Oracle’s Java
distribution pages.

For example, this page lists down all available JDK distributions for Java 8.
JDK 8 Distributions
Similarly, JRE 8 distributions are available in this page.

JRE 8 Distributions
Happy Learning !!
Further reading:

How the JIT compiler optimizes code

JIT compilation
Understanding JIT compiler
JDK and JRE File Structure

JVM, JDK, JRE: What's the difference?

Three indispensable Java platform components, and how they work together in your Java

By JavaWorld staff and Matthew Tyson
JavaWorld | MARCH 11, 2019 11:57 AM PT
IDG / Oracle / Vasabii / Getty Images

What is the JRE? Introduction to the Java Runtime Environment

Choosing your Java IDE

What is the JDK? Introduction to the Java Development Kit

Developers new to Java often wonder what differentiates the Java Virtual Machine, the Java
Development Kit, and the Java Runtime Environment. They're also curious how these three
Java platform components work together in Java applications. Finally, developers need to
know how they will interact with each component.


 The JVM is the Java platform component that executes your programs.
 The JRE creates the JVM and ensures dependencies are available to your programs.
 The JDK allows you to create Java programs that can be executed and run by the JVM and JRE.

As a developer, you'll work with the JDK to write your applications and with the JVM to debug
and optimize them, especially for performance. The JRE mostly runs in the background, but
you may use it for application monitoring and memory configuration.

That's the overview, but there's a lot more to know about each platform component. We've
pulled it all together in three quick tutorials.

Downloading and installing the JVM, JDK, and JRE

Anytime you download a JDK, it will include a version-compatible JRE, and that JRE will include
a default JVM. You also can download the JRE separately from the JDK, and you may choose
from a variety of JVMs.
Vasabii / Getty Images

What is the Java Virtual Machine?
Technically, the JVM is a specification, describing the requirements for building a piece of
software. From a developer's perspective, it's how we run our Java programs. You can choose
from a variety of JVM implementations, and it's important to know how to load and execute
class files using the JVM you choose. You also should know how to check and tune JVM
memory usage. Learn more ...

Vasabii / Getty Images

What is the Java Development Kit?
The JDK is the package of tools you need to develop Java-based software. There isn't just one
JDK, though, and it's important to know how to choose and download the correct JDK for the
type of application you want to create. Learn more ...
Vasabii / Getty Images

What is the Java Runtime Environment?
The JRE is the runtime environment for Java, which means it's a piece of software that is
designed to run Java code. While the JRE mostly runs in the background, it's important to
know how to use JRE flags and switches to configure application memory. Learn more ...

What is the JVM? Introducing the Java Virtual

The JVM manages system memory and provides a portable execution environment for Java-
based applications

By Matthew Tyson
JavaWorld | MAY 22, 2018 12:32 PM PT

IDG / Oracle / Vasabii / Getty Images


 JVM performance optimization, Part 1: A JVM technology primer

 Java 101: Trash talk, Part 1

Beyond Java: Programming languages on the JVM


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The Java Virtual Machine is a program whose purpose is to execute other programs. It's a
simple idea that also stands as one of our greatest examples of coding kung fu. The JVM upset
the status quo for its time, and continues to support programming innovation today.

Use and definitions for the JVM

The JVM has two primary functions: to allow Java programs to run on any device or operating
system (known as the "Write once, run anywhere" principle), and to manage and optimize
program memory. When Java was released in 1995, all computer programs were written to a
specific operating system, and program memory was managed by the software developer. So
the JVM was a revelation.

JavaWorld / IDG
Figure 1: High-level view of the JVM
Having a technical definition for the JVM is useful, and there's also an everyday way that
software developers think about it. Let's break those down:

 Technical definition: The JVM is the specification for a software program that executes code
and provides the runtime environment for that code.
 Everyday definition: The JVM is how we run our Java programs. We configure the JVM's
settings and then rely on it to manage program resources during execution.
When developers talk about the JVM, we usually mean the process running on a machine,
especially a server, that represents and controls resource usage for a Java app. Contrast this to
the JVM specification, which describes the requirements for building a program that performs
these tasks.

Who develops and and maintains the JVM?

The JVM is widely deployed, heavily used, and maintained by some very bright programmers,
both corporate and open source. The OpenJDK project is the offspring of the Sun
Microsystems decision to open-source Java. OpenJDK has continued through Oracle's
stewardship of Java, with much of the heavy lifting these days done by Oracle engineers.

Memory management in the JVM

The most common interaction with a running JVM is to check the memory usage in the heap
and stack. The most common adjustment is tuning the JVM's memory settings.

Garbage collection
Before Java, all program memory was managed by the programmer. In Java, program memory
is managed by the JVM. The JVM manages memory through a process called garbage
collection, which continuously identifies and eliminates unused memory in Java programs.
Garbage collection happens inside a running JVM.

In the early days, Java came under a lot of criticism for not being as "close to the metal" as C++,
and therefore not as fast. The garbage collection process was especially controversial. Since
then, a variety of algorithms and approaches have been proposed and used for garbage
collection. With consistent development and optimization, garbage collection has vastly

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What does 'close to the metal' mean?
When programmers say a programming language or platform is "close to the metal," we mean
the developer is able to programmatically (by writing code) manage an operating system's
memory. In theory, programmers can wring more performance out of our programs by
stipulating how much is used and when to discard it. In most cases, delegating memory
management to a highly refined process like the JVM yields better performance and fewer
errors than doing it yourself.

The JVM in three parts

It could be said there are three aspects to the JVM: specification, implementation and instance.
Let's consider each of these.
1. The JVM specification
First, the JVM is a software specification. In a somewhat circular fashion, the JVM spec
highlights that its implementation details are not defined within the spec, in order to allow for
maximum creativity in its realization:

"To implement the Java virtual machine correctly, you need only be able to read the class file
format and correctly perform the operations specified therein."

J.S. Bach once described creating music similarly:

"All you have to do is touch the right key at the right time."

So, all the JVM has to do is run Java programs correctly. Sounds simple, might even look
simple from outside, but it is a massive undertaking, especially given the power and flexibility
of the Java language.

The JVM as a virtual machine

The JVM is a virtual machine that runs Java class files in a portable way. Being a virtual machine
means the JVM is an abstraction of an underlying, actual machine--such as the server that your
program is running on. Regardless of what operating system or hardware is actually present,
the JVM creates a predictable environment for programs to run within. Unlike a true virtual
machine, however, the JVM doesn't create a virtual operating system. It would be more
accurate to describe the JVM as a managed runtime environment, or a process virtual machine.
2. JVM implementations
Implementing the JVM specification results in an actual software program, which is a JVM
implementation. In fact, there are many JVM implementations, both open source and
proprietary. OpenJDK's HotSpot JVM is the reference implementation, and remains one of the
most thoroughly tried-and-tested codebases in the world. HotSpot is also the most commonly
used JVM.

Almost all licensed JVM's are created as forks off the OpenJDK and the HotSpot JVM, including
Oracle's licensed JDK. Developers creating a licensed fork off the OpenJDK are often
motivated by the desire to add OS-specific performance improvements. Typically,
you download and install the JVM as a bundled part of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

3. A JVM instance
After the JVM spec has been implemented and released as a software product, you may
download and run it as a program. That downloaded program is an instance (or instantiated
version) of the JVM.

Most of the time, when developers talk about "the JVM," we are referring to a JVM instance
running in a software development or production environment. You might say, "Hey Anand,
how much memory is the JVM on that server using?" or, "I can't believe I created a circular call
and a stack overflow error crashed my JVM. What a newbie mistake!"
What is a software specification?
A software specification (or spec) is a human-readable design document that describes how a
software system should operate. The purpose of a specification is to create a clear description
and requirements for engineers to code to.

Loading and executing class files in the JVM

We've talked about the JVM's role in running Java applications, but how does it perform its
function? In order to run Java applications, the JVM depends on the Java class loader and a
Java execution engine.

The Java class loader in the JVM

Everything in Java is a class, and all Java applications are built from classes. An application
could consist of one class or thousands. In order to run a Java application, a JVM must load
compiled .class files into a context, such as a server, where they can be accessed. A JVM
depends on its class loader to perform this function.

The Java class loader is the part of the JVM that loads classes into memory and makes them
available for execution. Class loaders use techniques like lazy-loading and caching to make
class loading as efficient as it can be. That said, class loading isn't the epic brain-teaser that
(say) portable runtime memory management is, so the techniques are comparatively simple.

Every Java Virtual Machine includes a class loader. The JVM spec describes standard methods
for querying and manipulating the class loader at runtime, but JVM implementations are
responsible for fulfilling these capabilities. From the developer's perspective, the underlying
class loader mechanisms are typically a black box.

The execution engine in the JVM

Once the class loader has done its work of loading classes, the JVM begins executing the code
in each class. The execution engine is the JVM component that handles this function. The
execution engine is essential to the running JVM. In fact, for all practical purposes, it is the JVM

Executing code involves managing access to system resources. The JVM execution engine
stands between the running program--with its demands for file, network and memory
resources--and the operating system, which supplies those resources.

How the execution engine manages system resources

System resources can be divided into two broad categories: memory and everything else.

Recall that the JVM is responsible for disposing of unused memory, and that garbage collection
is the mechanism that does that disposal. The JVM is also responsible for allocating and
maintaining the referential structure that the developer takes for granted. As an example, the
JVM's execution engine is responsible for taking something like the new keyword in Java, and
turning it into an OS-specific request for memory allocation.

Beyond memory, the execution engine manages resources for file system access and network
I/O. Since the JVM is interoperable across operating systems, this is no mean task. In addition
to each application's resource needs, the execution engine must be responsive to each OS
environment. That is how the JVM is able to handle in-the-wild demands.

JVM evolution: Past, present, future

In 1995, the JVM introduced two revolutionary concepts that have since become standard fare
for modern software development: "Write once, run anywhere" and automatic memory
management. Software interoperability was a bold concept at the time, but few developers
today would think twice about it. Likewise, whereas our engineering forebears had to manage
program memory themselves, my generation grew up with garbage collection.

We could say that James Gosling and Brendan Eich invented modern programming, but
thousands of others have refined and built on their ideas over the following decades. Whereas
the Java Virtual Machine was originally just for Java, today it has evolved to support many
scripting and programming languages, including Scala, Groovy, and Kotlin. Looking forward,
it's hard to see a future where the JVM isn't a prominent part of the development landscape.

More JavaWorld tutorials about the JVM

 Trash talk, how Java recycles memory

 The lean, mean virtual machine
 Bytecode basics: A first look at bytecodes in the JVM
 JVM exceptions: How the JVM handles exceptions
 JVM performance optimization: A JVM technology primer

What is the JDK? Introduction to the Java

Development Kit
The JDK is a key platform component for building Java applications. At its heart is the Java

By Matthew Tyson
JavaWorld | AUGUST 09, 2018 01:20 PM PT

IDG / Oracle / Vasabii / Getty Images


Java 101: Learn Java from the ground up

What is the JRE? Introduction to the Java Runtime Environment

What is the JVM? Introducing the Java Virtual Machine


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CI/CD your way: 11 on-prem options for continuous...

Review: Google Cloud AutoML is truly automated machine...

See all Insider

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is one of three core technology packages used in Java
programming, along with the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and the JRE (Java Runtime
Environment). It's important to differentiate between these three technologies, as well as
understanding how they're connected:

 The JVM is the Java platform component that executes programs.

 The JRE is the on-disk part of Java that creates the JVM.
 The JDK allows developers to create Java programs that can be executed and run by the JVM
and JRE.

Developers new to Java often confuse the Java Development Kit and the Java Runtime
Environment. The distinction is that the JDK is a package of tools for developing Java-based
software, whereas the JRE is a package of tools for running Java code.

The JRE can be used as a standalone component to simply run Java programs, but it's also part
of the JDK. The JDK requires a JRE because running Java programs is part of developing them.

Figure 1 shows how the JDK fits into the Java application development lifecycle.
Matthew Tyson
Figure 1. High-level view of the JDK
Just as we did with my recent introduction to the Java Virtual Machine, let's consider the
technical and everyday definitions of the JDK:

 Technical definition: The JDK is an implementation of the Java platform specification, including
compiler and class libraries.
 Everyday definition: The JDK is a software package you download in order to create Java-based

The JDK & the Java compiler

In addition to the JRE, which is the environment used to run Java applications, every JDK
contains a Java compiler. The compiler is the software program capable of taking raw .java
files--which are plain text--and rendering them into executable .class files. We'll see the
compiler in action soon. First, I'll show you how to download and setup a JDK in your
development environment.

Get started with the JDK

Getting Java setup in your development environment is as easy as downloading a JDK and
adding it to your classpath. When you download your JDK, you will need to select the version
of Java you want to use. Java 8 is the version most commonly in use, but as of this writing Java
10 is the newest release. Java maintains backward compatibility, so we'll just download the
latest release.

JDK packages
In addition to choosing your Java version, you will also need to select a Java
package. Packages are Java Development Kits that are targeted for different types of
development. The available packages are Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), Java Standard
Edition (Java SE), and Java Mobile Edition (Java ME).

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Novice developers are sometimes unsure which package is correct for their project. Generally,
each JDK version contains Java SE. If you download Java EE or Java ME, you will get the
standard edition with it. For example, Jave EE is the standard platform with additional tools
useful for enterprise application development such as Enterprise JavaBeans or support for
Object Relational Mapping.
It's also not hard to switch to a different JDK in the future if you find you need to. Don't worry
too much about choosing the correct Java version and JDK package when you are just starting

JDK version compatibility

Since the JDK supplies the compiler for your Java programs, the JDK you use determines what
Java version you are able to code in. For example, if you want to use the newer functional
support found in Java 8, like the arrow Lambda operator, then you need at least the Java 8 JDK
for compiling. Otherwise, the javac command will reject the code with a syntax error.

Downloading the JDK

We'll stick with Java SE for this tutorial, so that we can focus on the core JDK classes and
technologies. To download the Java SE JDK, visit Oracle's official download page. You'll see
the various JDK packages available, as shown in Figure 2.

Matthew Tyson
Figure 2. Available JDK packages
Before you select the Java SE download, take a minute to look at the other options. There's a
lot cooking in the Java kitchen!

About Java EE
You would download a Java EE JDK if you were primarily interested in building Java-based web
applications. The Java EE JDK includes the Java Servlet specification, which supports HTTP
request handling. Every Java EE JDK implementation also requires a container, which is a server
that runs Java EE applications. Glassfish is the Java EE server reference implementation for
Oracle. Other popular implementations are Tomcat and Jetty.
Go ahead and download the Java Standard Edition JDK. Options for that are shown in Figure 3.

Matthew Tyson
Figure 3. Available JDKs for download

Installing the JDK

When you run the JDK installer, you are offered a selection of three
components: Development Tools, Source Code, and Public JRE. You may install one or all of
them. In this case, just select the default.

Installing the "Development Tools" option gives you the JDK proper. Installing "Source Code"
contains the sources for the public classes in the core Java API. Including this option allows you
to reference the source code when building apps. The third option, "Public JRE," drives home
that the JDK and JRE are separate entities: the public JRE can be used by other programs to
execute Java programs, and can be installed separately from the JDK.

Go ahead and install all three components and accept the defaults for each one. Doing this
means your JDK and JRE will be installed in the default locations for your operating system. On
Windows, that's C:\Program Files\Java, as seen in Figure 4.
Matthew Tyson
Figure 4. Java installed

The JDK on the command line

Installing the JDK and JRE adds the java command to your command line. You can verify this
by dropping into a command shell and typing java -version, which should return the Java
version you installed. (In some cases you'll have to restart your system for this change to your
system path to fully take.)

It's good to have java installed, but what about javac? You'll need this JDK element to
compile your Java files.

The javac command

The javac command lives inside the /jdk directory, but is not automatically added to the
system path during installation. We have the option to install javac ourselves, or we could
install an IDE that includes this command. We'll start by compiling and running a Java program
the old-fashioned way.

A simple Java program

Step 1. Write a simple Java program
Create a new text file, called and place it somewhere on your computer, like your
Documents folder.

Next, add the code from Listing 1, which is a very simple Java program.
Listing 1.

public class Intro {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Welcome to the JDK!");

Step 2. Compile with the JDK

Next, use the JDK compiler to turn your text file into an executable program. Compiled code in
Java is known as bytecode, and carries the .class extension.

You'll use the javac command, which stands for Java compiler. Type the full path to the
command into your command shell, and pass the file as a command. On my
system, that looks like Listing 2.

Listing 2. Compile with the JDK

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\bin\javac.exe"

That should result in a successful compile. The javac will not respond with a success message;
it will just output the new file. Any errors will result in console output.

Step 3. Run the .class file

You should now see the Intro.class file in the same directory as

You can run it by typing: java Intro, which will result in Listing 3. Note that you don't include
the .class when typing this command.

Listing 3. Running Intro.class

C:\Users\mtyson\Documents>java Intro
Welcome to the JDK!

The jar command

The javac is the star of the JDK, but the /bin directory contains other tools you will need.
Probably the most prominent after javac is the jar tool.
A .jar file is a packaged set of Java classes. Once the compiler has created the .class files, the
developer can put them together in a .jar, which compresses and structures them in a
predictable fashion.

Let's convert Intro.class to a jar file.

Navigate back to the directory where you placed your, and type the command you
see in Listing 4.

Listing 4. Create a JAR file

C:\Users\mtyson\Documents>"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1\bin\jar.exe" --
create --file intro.jar Intro.class

Executing the jar

Now you'll see an intro.jar file in the directory. You can make use of the .jar by adding it to
your classpath and executing the program inside, as shown here:

java -cp intro.jar Intro

The -cp switch tells Java to add the jar to the classpath. A .jar file is overkill for this tiny
program, but they're indispensable as programs grow in size and rely on third-party packages.

The JDK in your IDE

Looking back to the JDK download page, you may have noticed the option to download the
JDK with the Netbeans IDE. An IDE, or integrated development environment, is software that
provides a cohesive set of tools for developing applications. Think of an IDE as a visual
operating system with a set of tools, like a file browser and text editor, with additional
capabilities specific to development, like code completion and formatting.

In Java development, one of the key things the IDE does is manage compilation for you. That
is, the IDE automatically runs the compile process in the background so you don't have to
continually do it yourself. An IDE also provides play-by-play feedback as you go, catching
coding errors on the fly.

Several solid IDEs exist for Java. You've seen how the JDK works on the command-line, so now
Let's take a quick look at how it works in the Eclipse IDE.
Eclipse and the JDK
Installing Eclipse is outside the scope of this guide, but it's a simple process. Eclipse includes an
installer like any other program, and you can find the right installer for your operating
system here.

With Eclipse installed, open the Window menu item from the menu bar and
select preferences.

Inside the preferences window, you'll see the Java item. Open it, and inside you'll see
the Compiler item. Clicking that will reveal some options for the JDK.

Figure 5 shows a screenshot of the JDK options in Eclipse.

Matthew Tyson
Figure 5. Eclipse JDK options
As previously mentioned, you will need to select the correct JDK version for your project.
Under the hood, the IDE will run the JDK compiler, just as you ran it from the command line.
The Eclipse IDE also has its own JDK instance. The IDE manages the JDK and JRE for you,
which makes life much easier!
This article is the second in a short series introducing three core Java platform components:
the JVM, JDK, and JRE. Look for the next article in the series, where you'll learn all about the
Java Runtime Environment.

What is the JRE? Introduction to the Java

Runtime Environment
The JRE creates the JVM and ensures dependencies are available to your Java programs

By Matthew Tyson
JavaWorld | SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 01:08 PM PT
IDG / Oracle / Vasabii / Getty Images

What is the JDK? Introduction to the Java Development Kit

What is the JVM? Introducing the Java Virtual Machine

JVM, JDK, JRE: What's the difference?


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Together, the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and the Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) form a powerful trifecta of Java platform components for
developing and running Java applications. I've previously introduced the JDK and JVM. In this
quick tutorial, you'll learn about the JRE, which is the runtime environment for Java.

Practically speaking, a runtime environment is a piece of software that is designed to run other
software. As the runtime environment for Java, the JRE contains the Java class libraries, the
Java class loader, and the Java Virtual Machine. In this system:

 The class loader is responsible for correctly loading classes and connecting them with the core
Java class libraries.
 The JVM is responsible for ensuring Java applications have the resources they need to run and
perform well in your device or cloud environment.
 The JRE is mainly a container for those other components, and is responsible for orchestrating
their activities.

We'll dig a lot deeper into how these components work together in the sections that follow.

Installing the JDK, JRE, and JVM

From an installation perspective, anytime you download a JDK, it will include a version-
compatible JRE, and that JRE will include a default JVM. You also can download the JRE
separately from the JDK, and you may choose from a variety of JVMs. Defaults work well for
most implementations, especially when you're starting out with Java.

What is a runtime environment?

A software program needs to execute, and to do that it needs an environment to run in. The
runtime environment loads class files and ensures there is access to memory and other system
resources to run them. In the past, most software used the operating system (OS) as its
runtime environment. The program ran inside whatever computer it was on, but relied on
operating system settings for resource access. Resources in this case would be things like
memory and program files and dependencies. The Java Runtime Environment changed all
that, at least for Java programs.

WORA for Java

When it was first introduced, Java's "write once, run anywhere" principle was considered
revolutionary, but today it's been adopted as a norm for most software systems.

The Java Runtime Environment

We can look at software as a series of layers that sit on top of the system hardware. Each layer
provides services that will be used (and required) by the layers above it. The Java Runtime
Environment is a software layer that runs on top of a computer's operating system, providing
additional services specific to Java.
The JRE smoothes over the diversity of operating systems, ensuring that Java programs can
run on virtually any OS without modification. It also provides value-added services. Automatic
memory management is one of the JRE's most important services, ensuring that programmers
don't have to manually control the allocation and reallocation of memory.

In short, the JRE is a sort of meta-OS for Java programs. It's a classic example of abstraction,
abstracting the underlying operating system into a consistent platform for running Java

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How the JRE works with the JVM
A Java Virtual Machine is a running software system responsible for executing live Java
programs. The JRE is the on-disk system that takes your Java code, combines it with the
necessary libraries, and starts the JVM to execute it.

The JRE contains libraries and software that your Java programs need to run. As an example,
the Java class loader is part of the Java Runtime Environment. This important piece of software
loads compiled Java code into memory and connects the code to the appropriate Java class

In the layered view I just described, the JVM is created by the JRE. From a package perspective,
the JRE contains the JVM, as Figure 1 shows.

Matthew Tyson
Figure 1. The JRE contains the JVM

Installing and using the JRE

While there is a conceptual side to the JRE, in real-world practice it's just software installed on
a computer, whose purpose is to run your Java programs. As a developer, you'll mostly work
with the JDK and JVM, because those are the platform components you use to develop and run
your Java programs. As a Java application user, you would be more involved with the JRE,
which lets you run those programs.

In most cases, your computer will come with Java installed, and the JRE will be included with
that. If you do ever need to manually install or upgrade, you can download the current JRE
version from Oracle.

JRE versions
The Java Runtime Environment is updated for each new version of Java, and its version
numbers align with the Java platform versioning system, so for example JRE 1.8 runs Java 8.
While you have a variety of JDK packages to choose from (such as Enterprise Edition or
Standard Edition) that isn't the case with the JRE. Most computers run a JRE developed for
Java SE, which is able to run any Java application regardless of how it was developed. Most
mobile devices come with a JRE for Java ME, which is pre-installed on the mobile device and is
not available for download.
Once the JRE is installed, you can interact with it on the command-line by entering java -
version, which will tell you what version is installed. On POSIX systems, you can always check
the installed location with which java.

The JRE in devops

The JRE is not very noticeable in the development stage, where it mostly just runs your
programs in the OS or IDE of your choice. The JRE plays a slightly more prominent role devops
and systems administration because it's used for monitoring and configuration.

Basically, the JRE provides the "knobs" you would use to configure and control the
characteristics of a Java application. Memory usage is a prime example, the bread and butter
of systems administration. While memory usage is always important, it's vital in cloud
configurations, and devops is a cloud-based technology. If you're working in a devops
environment, or interested in branching out into devops, it's a good idea to understand how
Java memory works and how it's monitored in the JRE.

Devops or sysadmin?
Devops is a new term, but it describes something that's been true for decades, which is the
interoperability between development and operations. In this sense, devops is just a newer
term for what used to be called operations or systems administration. Like sysadmin, an
important aspect of devops is administering the systems necessary to execute software.
Managing the JRE is a part of managing systems that run Java applications.

Java memory and the JRE

Java memory consists of three components: the heap, stack and metaspace (which was
previously called permgen).
 Metaspace is where Java keeps your program's unchanging info like class definitions.
 Heap space is where Java keeps variable content.
 Stack space is where Java stores function execution and variable references.

Memory management in Java 8

Until Java 8, metaspace was known as permgen. Besides being a much cooler name,
metaspace is a significant change to how developers interact with Java's memory space.
Previously, you would use the command java -XX:MaxPermSize to monitor the size of
permgen space. From Java 8 forward, Java automatically increases the size of the metaspace
to accomodate your program's meta-needs. Java 8 also introduced a new
flag, MaxMetaspaceSize, which can be used to limit the metaspace size.

The other memory options, heap and stack, remain the same in Java 8.

Configuring heap space

Heap space is the most dynamic part of the Java memory system. You can use the -Xms and -
Xmx flags to tell Java how big to start the heap, and how big to allow it to become.
Understanding how to tune these flags for specific program needs is an important aspect of
memory management in Java. The ideal is to make the heap big enough to attain the most
efficient garbage collection. That is, you want to allow enough memory to let the program run,
but you do not want it to be any bigger than necessary.

Configuring stack space

Stack space is where function calls and variable references are queued. Stack space is the
source of the second-most-notorious error in Java programming: the stack overflow exception
(the first is the null pointer exception). The stack overflow exception indicates that you've run
out of stack space because too much of it has been reserved. Usually, you'll get a stack
overflow when a method or methods call each other in a circular fashion, thereby devoting an
ever-growing number of function calls into the stack.

You use the -Xss switch to configure the stack starting size. The stack then grows dynamically
according to the program's needs.

Java application monitoring

Although application monitoring is a function of the JVM, the JRE provides configuration
options, which are the necessary baseline for monitoring. A variety of tools are available for
monitoring Java applications, from the classics (like the Unix command top) to sophisticated
remote monitoring solutions like Oracle's infrastructure monitoring.

In between these options are visual profilers like VisualVM that allow for inspecting a running
JVM. These tools enable tracking down hotspots and memory leaks, as well as watching overall
memory consumption in your system.

The Java Runtime Environment is the on-disk program that loads Java applications for the JVM
to execute. A JRE is included by default when you download the Java Development Kit, and
each JRE includes the core Java class libraries, a Java class loader, and a Java Virtual Machine.
It's helpful to understand how the JVM, JDK and JRE interact, especially for working in cloud
and devops environments. In these environments, the JRE takes a stronger role in monitoring
and configuration than it would in traditional Java application development.

JVM Architecture: Overview of JVM and JVM

Posted by: Yatin Batra in Core Java April 6th, 2018 1 Comment 3152 Views

Hello readers! In this tutorial, we will understand and learn the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) and its architecture. This tutorial will help you to correctly answer the below
 What is JVM in Java?
 Different components of JVM
 Difference between JVM, JRE, and JDK

1. Introduction
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an abstract virtual machine that resides on your computer
and provides a runtime execution environment for the Java bytecode to get executed.
JVM is available for many hardware and software platforms but few Java developers
know that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is the enactment of the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM analyze the bytecode, interprets it, and execute the same
bytecode to display the output.
The basic function of JVM is to execute the compiled .class files (i.e. the bytecode) and
generate an output. Do note, each operating system has a different JVM, but the
generated bytecode output is same across all operating systems. This means that the
bytecode generated on Windows OS can also run on Linux OS and vice-versa, thus
making Java as a platform independent language.
Fig. 1: An overview of Java Virtual Machine

1.1 What JVM does?

Java Virtual machine performs the following operations:

 Loading of the required .class and jar files

 Assigning references and verification of the code
 Execution of the code
 Provides a runtime environment for the Java bytecode
 Garbage collection

Fig. 2: JVM components

1.2 Types of Java Virtual Machines

The Java edition has two different implementations of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
 Java Hotspot Client VM: This is the default virtual machine of the JDK 2.0 runtime
environment and is tuned for best performance while running the applications in a
client environment by reducing the application start-up time and memory footprints
 Java Hotspot Server VM: This virtual machine is designed for enhanced program
execution speed for running the applications in a server environment. This virtual
machine is invoked by using the server command line option

1.3 Internal architecture of JVM

The diagram shows the key internal components of Java Virtual Machine that conforms
to the JVM specification.

Fig. 3: Java Virtual Machine architecture

The components that are shown in Fig. 3 are explained below.

1.3.1 Class Loader

The class loader subsystem is used for loading/reading the .class files and saving the
bytecode in the JVM method area. This subsystem performs three major functions i.e.:
 Loading: This component handles the loading of the classes
 Linking: This component will verify the generated bytecode and assign references
 Initialization: This component will assign the static variables with their original
values and execute the static blocks

1.3.2 Runtime Data Areas

This subsystem is divided into five major components i.e.
 Method Area: This component holds the class level data of each .class file such as
metadata, constant runtime pool, static variables, the code for the methods etc.
There is only one method area per JVM and is shared among all the classes
 Heap Area: This component is a part of JVM memory where all the objects and its
corresponding instance variables and arrays are stored. There is only one heap area
and is shared across multiple threads as the data stored in this area is not thread-
 Stack Area: This component is again a part of JVM memory where all the
temporary variables are stored. This area has stack frames and allocates one frame
for each thread. As the execution of a thread is completed, the corresponding frame
also gets destroyed. The stack area is thread-safe as it is not a shared resource and
is divided into three sub-entities such as:
 Local variable array
 Operand Stack
 Frame data
This area plays an important role during the method invocation and returns.
 PC (Program Counter) Registers: This component holds the address of the JVM
instruction which is currently executing. Each thread in Java has its own PC register
to hold the address of the currently executing instruction
 Native Method Stacks: This component is written in a different language and
holds the native method information. Every thread in Java has a separate native
method stack

1.3.3 Execution Engine

This component executes the bytecode which is assigned to the runtime data areas and
has three major sub-components i.e.:
 Interpreter: This component reads the bytecode instructions and executes them in
a sequential manner
 JIT (Just-in-Time) Compiler: This component counterbalances the Interpreter’s
disadvantage of slow execution and improves the performance. JIT compiler
compiles the similar part of the bytecode at the same time and thus reduces the total
time needed for compilation. The compiler in this component refers to a translator
which converts the JVM instruction set to the OS-specific instruction set
 Garbage Collection: This component is a part of execution engine which frees up
the memory by collecting and removing the unreferenced objects
Fig. 4: Execution Engine in JVM

1.3.4 Native Method Interface (JNI)

This component is a programming framework that allows the Java code to call or be
called by the libraries and the native applications (i.e. the programs specific to the
hardware and the OS of a system).

1.3.5 Native Method Libraries

This component is a collection of native C, C++ libraries which are required by the
execution engine.

1.4 JVM vs. JRE vs. JDK

JDK, JRE, and JVM are the three important keywords of Java programming and many
developers’ fails to get the difference between them.
 Java Virtual Machine (JVM): JVM is a virtual machine which provides a runtime
environment for executing the Java bytecode
 Java Runtime Environment (JRE): JRE is an environment within which the JVM
runs and has class libraries and other files that Java Virtual Machine uses at the time
of execution. In other words, JRE = Java Virtual Machine (JVM) + Libraries to run
the application
 Java Development Kit (JDK): JDK is the parent set of the JRE and has everything
that JRE contains along with the development tools such as a compiler, debugger
etc. In other words, JDK = Java Runtime Environment (JRE) + Development tools
Here is the pictorial representation of JVM, JRE, and JDK.

Fig. 5: JVM vs. JRE vs. JDK Representation

1.5 How to Compile and Execute a Java class?

This section will demonstrate the compilation and execution of a Java class. Let’s
understand this process with the help of sample code snippet.

1.5.1 Creating a Java file

Open the operating system command prompt and we will use the ‘notepad’ to create a
simple Java class. The following Java command can be used.
1 > notepad _sample_file_name_with_extension_
The command gives the below output.

Fig. 6: Creating a Java file using Notepad

1.5.2 Writing the sample Java Code

As shown in Fig. 6, the command will open a notepad and developers can add the
sample code to the file that displays a dummy output. The sample code is
shown in Fig. 7 and will display a greetings message on successfulexecution.

Fig. 7: Adding the sample code

1.5.3 Compiling the Java class

After saving the code in file, developers will need to compile it. This
compilation will produce the Welcome.class file which in turn will generate a .class file.
To compile the file, the following Java command can be used.
1 > javac _Java_file_name_with_extension_
The command gives the below output.
Fig. 8: Compiling the file

1.5.4 Executing the Java class

Now, developers will need to execute the generated Welcome.class file to display the
output. To execute the file, the following Java command can be used.
1 > java _Compiled_file_name_with_extension_
The command gives the below output.

Fig. 9: Executing the file

That’s all for this post. Happy Learning!

2. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we had an overview of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and its core
components. This tutorial can be summarized as:
 JVM is the virtual machine that executes the Java code and produces output by
converting the Java bytecode into the machine language
 JIT compiler is a sub-component of the JVM and is used to speed up the
performance and the execution time
 Java is slow in execution due to:
 Dynamic linking
 Run-time conversion of the bytecode to the native machine code
However, these bottleneck performance issues are addressed to an extent in the new
Java Development Kit (JDK) versions. Developers can download the sample code
snippet in the Downloads section.
3. Download the Source Code
This was an overview tutorial of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and its core components.

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