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Day 1 : Essentials

Day of first of days of many,

Days of dark and heavy rainy,

To do what I do when I need to,

To do what I must, when I have to

Day 2: F(x)
Functions held in succession,

A working formula in time,

Poetry shall be the fashion,

Will try and make it rhyme.

Day 3: Page-Turner
Manuscripts of old,

Clothed in dust and decay,

Stories untold,

A curious mind leads the way.

Day 4: Morning Slumber
What a waste, these sleepy days,

For a happy fool like me,

Its amazing that these days,

Are simply what I need.

Day 5: La Gardenie
Our world always changing,

Constantly rearranging

From ocean depths to mountain peaks,

Mother Nature moves and speaks.

Day 6: Coffee King
Pungent with earthy aroma

Stood the tall Coffee King with voice so mellow,

A robust italian roast with no drama,

An unleaded fellow.

Sets up the royal mood,

Rich in flavour,

Magnificently brewed,

A taste to savour.
Day 7: Ikea
I see ya Ikea,

Jam packed from its building to its plate

Items stacked from its awnings to its beds,

I see ya Ikea,

Sweden's pride and symbol,

You can build it yourself,

Its THAT simple.

Day 8: Off Grid
Fancy a hush,

Didn't ask for much,

Solitary time,

Tired of the old rhyme,

And in the darkness the bat squander,

Unpaid expectations left people to wonder.

Day 9: Saturday
Saturday, battered day,

Inside voices in my way,

In the fortress I pray,

In such distress I slay.

Day 10: Duet
2 lone melodies brought by fate,

Destinies intertwine on this date,

2 lone melodies met,

Upon akad, rhythm of the heart,

Now performs as a duet.

Day 11: Urban chaos
A broken trust is in tandem,

Tainted justice, a broken kingdom,

Selfish lust in the making,

Warring states, profit taking.

Day 12: A Day Late
Full of thyself,

It is not as great as I would assume,

It is day twelve,

I am a day late as time consume,

Tighten the knot before it loosens,

Punctual and steady no more excuses.

Day 13: Fairytale
Red, White, Black and Yellow,

A story of adventure, friendship and sorrow,

Continuous war peak to its brim,

Against the pure darkness of creatures Grimm,

Left the destruction of the Beacon Tower,

Who will gain the Maidens' power?

Day 14: Gold Dust
What marvel it is to ponder,

This golden mystical wonder,

Nobody should be in such a hurry,

For a spoonful of delectable curry.

Day 15: The Sad Man
A sad man walks to the clinic in town,

He asks the doctor what can cure his frown,

The doctor asks him to go to the circus and meet Ozyball the

The doctor says that "he" will turn his frown upside down,

The man broke down in tears,

For what the doctor said is what he fears,

The man replied that "he" cannot turn his frown upside down,

For he himself is Ozyball the Clown.

Day 16: Skittles
Don't you hear whispers,

Of a woman who deals in colours,

Out of her way out of your binds,

Spectrum of light in which she shines,

To vanquish your pain and sorrow,

Spreading sweet and sour for a better tomorrow.

Day 17: Love Hate
With regards to heartbreak,

You take the cake,

Things done for your sake,

I agree,

Such a headache.

They say you're fake,

Slithery as a snake

You're as cold as winter break,

I agree,

But you're my dear snowflake.

Your weaknesses I'm willing to shake,

You're a nightmare I don't want to be awake,

You're a mistake,

I agree,

But a mistake I'm willing to make.

Day 18: Tribute
Here here, is my decree,

A sight for sore eyes, a graceful melody,

On this starry night under the blue moon,

For this unsung saviour..a celebratory tune.

Spicier than pepper, sweeter than cream.

A handy helper, creativity supreme,

Whom without in life is simply duller,

Whom add this gray soul a little colour.

An appreciation rhyme is what Im going for,

To the kind and gentle soul I adore,

Here here, for what lies ahead,

Hope your tummy flutters..and your cheeks blushed red.

Day 19: Posterity
Chalk full of surprises,

A teacher whom never misses,

To inspire, educate and entices,

The mind of inquisitive masses.

Divergent in nature,

This most essential occupation,

Exists in every creature,

Until their expiration.

An illuminating circle,

Of educating and to be educated,

An endless cycle,

A hopeful destiny fated.

Day 20: OD
An unforgiving dump,

20 shots to numb,

1 for the aching chest,

2 for the back,

3 for the head to rest,

4 to hit the sack.

10 for the voices,

To drown them out,

Better than seeing faces,

Better than screams aloud.

Nothing left to say,

Closing eyes into bliss,

To finally get away,

To a better abyss.
Day 21: Battle Damage
Forgive me

For my broken sword,

And damaged shield,

Dangers can't simply be ignored,

This time I won't yield

Believe me,

I'm unlike your former,

Whom rides on a white horse with a golden saddle,

Because no knight is in a shining armor,

When he has gone to battle.

Day 22: Midnight Munchies
What can stop the Midnight Munchies,

From grumbling my tummy,

All I want is some crunchies,

Like a paperless Malaysian mummy,

Roaming the night,

Hunger consumes my inner,

Refrigerator light,

Leftovers from dinner,

Pre-heat fast,

Prepare a cuppa,

Is this an early breakfast,

Or a late supper?
Day 23: Tick-Tock
A form of binder,

A constant reminder,

Of an ever moving flow,

Regardless of any woe.

How precious is time,

To waste is a crime,

A powerful tool,

To misuse is to be a fool.
Day 24: Mistaken
A hummingbird flew close,

A vibrant sparkling ember,

Never caged and had chose,

To flutter near..I remember.

I called it mine,

My garden promenade,

My beautiful serenade,


It was not mine,

A pretense of possession

Indeed I was mistaken.

Spread your wings and fly free,

My vibrant sparkling ember,

Leave this unresolved uncertainty,

With only a feather to remember.

Day 25: Pretty Boy Fascist
An idealist reminiscient to Mussolini,

A role model for the masses,

They worshipped me,

But for the wrong reasons.

When I speak..this pretty boy fascist,

To deaf ears it fell,

When this thing start crashes,

There's nothing left to tell.

Many have my images,

But they don't get the picture,

Misunderstood messages,

It's not some holy scripture.

And I understood pains you never could,

Things you never would,

Try to figure out and penetrate,

I discriminate,

This world of hate,

And you wonder why I retaliate.

Day 26: V-Day
There's this time,

This day of Valentine,

For such consummation,

To procure both love and affection.

Homo Sapiens' desperations,

Makes them the meanest,

To find a mate before expirations,

Blood rushed from the brain to the p-

You don't need this time,

This day of Valentine,

For such consummation,

Everyday any time,

Can be your Valentine,

Would you take into consideration?

Day 27: Manners
People may orbit for your attention,

Please remember not to be rude,

While it's good to be important,

It's always important to be good.

Day 28: Puzzling
Countless flaws and broken thesis,

Our life's a broken puzzle certainly,

But with these broken puzzle pieces,

We matched each other's perfectly.

Day 29: Thundersteps
I promise to light up the storm,

To thunder the blizzards and tear down the ceiling,

To strive and march forward away I was from,

This will lead my path to a new beginning.

Day 30: Nyan Life
Caught in the act,

I try to scram but something's holding me back,

Now I'm stuck,

My belly's bigger than a mini truck,

In between the shelves,

Oh what a luck!

Caged my furry paw,

Capture me by the tail,

I try to use my bladed claw,

To scratch his face but fail.

It would've been a purrfect crime,

Should have stuff em’ in the lockers,

Proof of a dominant feline,

Presenting my golden whiskers.

Day 31: Torn
Every resources conjured,

The seam slowly rip,

This canvas punctured,

From a poisoned needle tip.

She tried to mend it,

by making more holes,

The needle bend it,

The tear grew out of control.

At the spinning wheel

her life quickly dwindle,

frantic attempts to reel,

were depleting the spindle.

What started as a puncture,

of seductive sedation,

fueled the juncture,

of machined perforation.

Her work in vain dismally,

Lying on her bed,

As she drew the needle tiredly,

Which held the last thread.

Day 32: Aged Beauty
Upon the tilting of her face so sublime,

It masks the wilting of her soul after a lifetime,

Her aged beauty grew subtle,

Over the years of losing petals,

But it doesn't make her

Any less beautiful of a flower.

Day 33: Bubbles
In moments of destruction,

There will be pieces of rubbles,

When facing overwhelming emotion,

Just remember,

To overcome your temper,

There's no angry way to say "bubbles".

Day 34: When I'm Gone
Close your eyes and see,

All the memories you have of me,

Sit down and find,

I'm still here in your mind.

Don't cry when I'm gone,

For I am in the land of song,

No more pain and no more fear,

Please dry away your silent tear.

Don't think of me in the dark and cold,

In here I am no longer old,

In a place full of love,

Your prayers take me up above.

Day 35: Boom
This booming thunder,

Cannot shook,

The weakest branch,

From a tree to shudder,


The slightest whisper,

From your voice,

And my composure,

Day 36: Greener Pastures
Out of the mansion's door,

Into a pool of golden honey,

Some people are so poor,

All they have is just money.

Control yourself you poor sod,

Keep your head at level,

If you treat money like a God,

It will plague you like the Devil,

This is a lesson they hardly teach,

No matter how hard you try,

Sometimes you are only rich,

When you have something money can't buy.

Day 37: Night Memoir
As I go to bed at night,

My face bathed in the palest of light,

A guardian angel stood above my room,

A shining protector known as the Moon,

When the Sun sets,

My dreams and I met,

My dreams my reality my way,

Till we meet again on a new day.

Day 38: Janus
I condemn the lies,

The tall tales they told.

To withdrew myself from people,

With deception their lives are mold,

To be mindful and to criticise,

Thus defeating the delusions they hold,

Throwing the wet towel,

Before this truth runs cold.

Day 39: The Time Traveller
In all my wrongs,

I wanted to sing you songs,

To a time when I can find you,

To a time when it is possible to do,

Before the screams that tore us,

When our history was before us.

Day 40: Thundersteps II
The Devil whispers to my ear,

"Cower in fear",

"You aren't strong enough to withstand the Storm",

At the end of the day,

In the Devil's ear I say,

"I am the Storm"

Day 41: Ohayo!
Life's too short to wake up one morning with regret,

So love the people who treats you right,

Before they went missing out of sight,

Seize today and earn what you get,

Your presence are everyone's light,

As long as your actions are right,

The future on a stone has not been set,

Take on life with all your might,

Never back down from a fight,

Nobody said life to be an easy feat,

They just promised it would be worth it.

Day 42: A Four Year-Old's Winter
I made myself a little snowball,

As round and perfect as can be,

I want to keep him as a pet,

And let him sleep with me,

I borrow him my pajamas,

And a pillow for his head,

But last night he ran away,

Left his clothes and wet the bed.

Day 43: Final Rhyme
There is a place where the road ends,

And before a new one begins,

Where the stone embedded stairs a flight,

The smile of loved ones pearly white,

The Sun burns not so bright,

Upon the freshness of peppermint wind.

There is a place where the rhyming ends,

And it shall end today,

Tis' a hopeful finale,

The fated day is coming true,

Soon the sadness will depart,

To a past well left behind,

Now...of to a new start,

With the best of mankind,

My prayers are ALWAYS with you.

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